View Full Version : Engine hard to start

07-16-2005, 11:08 PM
Hi, I just got my M3 2.3L just 3 months ago. Now recently my car is very hard to start. It feels like a 20yr old car starting in a winter storm. After the car sits for more than half an hour, I needed to crank 2 to 3 times before it can start. I just did my 1st service last week which is just standard oil change. I was in a rush that day so they did not have enough time to check the engine. I am bringing it back on Monday again. But now after the oil change, the hard start is not as frequent as before.

Does anyone of you have this problem or know the cause of it?

Also, my Auto down power window does not always go all the way down. This happens after I got it tinted (it was not done by the dealer). The dealer said that the tinting company did not do a good job that is why the window does not work properly. Is that true or is it even possible? Thanks for all your help.

07-17-2005, 08:57 AM
yeungj, check out the \"Problems with the 3\" section of the forum, both of these problems have been addressed already. Do it quick too otherwise you\'ll have Majic posting up a picture of a search button :p

07-17-2005, 01:52 PM
Moved to Problems With Mazda3 Section

Check out this thread...
