View Full Version : HID FAQ

07-19-2005, 03:51 AM
HID FAQ (http://www.intellexual.net/hid.html)

10-24-2005, 09:23 PM
Is a HID kit required to have xenons or can xenon bulbs just be plugged in to the stock sockets? Also, if a kit is required, then has anyone tried out the cheaper option of using bright white halogens, such as GE Nighthawks or Sylvania Silver Stars? Not quite as good looking as xenons, but almost.

10-24-2005, 09:55 PM

Okay...you\'re about to be Majoogled on your first two posts on this forum...:sarc

10-24-2005, 10:03 PM
seriously.. juvenile police dept, i don\'t feel like holding your hand today.. so just search.. mmmkaaay?? (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/search.php)

10-24-2005, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by JVPD
Is a HID kit required to have xenons or can xenon bulbs just be plugged in to the stock sockets? Also, if a kit is required, then has anyone tried out the cheaper option of using bright white halogens, such as GE Nighthawks or Sylvania Silver Stars? Not quite as good looking as xenons, but almost.

A few threads down, there\'s a sticky HID kits vs HID bulbs (http://www.torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=2985) thread.

GE Nighthawk or Sylvania Silver don\'t look white, but a bit brighter than stock bulbs.

HID-like bulbs never match the brightness of real HID kits. Period.

07-05-2007, 05:55 PM
get my facts right....if get HID lowbeams....need do disable DRL? and if so I can still have my fog lights on during the day right? or is der more wiring and stuff to do for that too =/

07-05-2007, 06:15 PM
No you don't have to disable DRLs...its optional with the relay. If you disable the drls you can do a independant fog mod = more wiring. Its an easy mod too.

07-05-2007, 06:34 PM
But from what i have read....if i don't disable the DRL then it harms the HIDs? becuase of something about flashing the lights quickly and HIDs don't do that?

07-05-2007, 07:04 PM
You have a 2007. The DRLs run off of the highbeam so there is no need to disable anything. If you want you can just pull the DRL fuse (#22) and lose the DRLs all together, but it won't affect your HIDs like the 04-06s.

07-05-2007, 08:58 PM
oh! thanks alot cwp! so no work needed to be done...wow easier than i thought =D

07-05-2007, 09:51 PM
I didn't even use the wiring harness. Infact when we installed my HIDs, we were able to remove the stock connector that attaches the power/negative wires to the bulb. This gave me 2 male connectors which matched right up with the female connectors on the HID harness. Best connection if you ask me.

07-27-2007, 11:42 PM
Noob alert!! What is the temperature of the OEM HID's on the 2007 Mazda 3? 4100K? I swear I've searched everywhere.

07-28-2007, 12:24 AM

12-09-2007, 08:56 AM
Hey there people...

IM an old member returning finally now that life has stopped being insane...sheesh

anywho i think i found a good deal with a etailer for HID lamps...but im in the dark on this one and he has all these questions so im hoping you guys can point me in the rigt direction...

im goign to post his last email to me here so if someone is so kind to help me answer his questions id buy the next round at starbucks!

Thank you for purchase HID Kit from us.
But you forget to leave the BULB TYPE, COLOR and TELEPHONE No. in the payment note. So there is a delay of the shipping. Please tell us these information ASAP. then we can ship the product immediately.

Please check your currect bulb type.
When you order, please put what bulb type and color you want in payment note, and your Telephone No. used for delivery!
In a word, you shuold buy the HID KIT which match your current bulb type. So it can be installed easily.

This is our available color below. You can choose the color you like.

4300K Extreme White 3100 lumens
6000K Diamond White 2900 lumens
8000K Iceberg Blue 2500 lumens
10000K Brilliant Blue 2300 lumens
12000K Purple 2100 lumens
We also have 3000k which is yellow, and 15000k which it pink. But you should add $30 for the color. If you want to choose this color, please make your payment at http://www.vvme.com/payment.jsp by paypal or credit card. both of them will be done through paypal's website. Leave your message in payment notes for us. Once we got your payment, we will ship the product immediately.
Thank you for purchasing from us.


can anyone help me complete this by making sure i get the right thing here?



12-09-2007, 09:02 AM
this is the ebay auction i bought it from - http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=290185849404&_trksid=p3984.cWON.m313.lVI

12-09-2007, 09:11 AM
Hello kristian,

I will try to help you out. In your email, it says that you forgot to include the

I see that this was stated in the webpage for the auction as well.

1. Bulb type - Now that you want to purchase an HID kit, the seller needs to know which type you want. Different cars use different kits. Do you want low and/or high beams or fog lights? The mazda3 uses H7 for low beams and H11 for fogs.
You need to choose one and include H7 or H11 in the bill. If you do not include this, the seller will not know which kit to send you, or he may send the wrong kit. If you get the wrong kit, it will not fit into your car, and then it will not work.

2. Colour - Now that you have decided whether you want low beams or fogs, you need to choose what colour you want them to be. He gave you a list of colour options:

4300K Extreme White 3100 lumens
6000K Diamond White 2900 lumens
8000K Iceberg Blue 2500 lumens
10000K Brilliant Blue 2300 lumens
12000K Purple 2100 lumens
We also have 3000k which is yellow, and 15000k which it pink.

Once again, choose what colour you want and include the option in the bill. For example, if you want the white with a hint of blue/purple, you would put down "6000K Diamond White 2900 lumens".

If you are still unsure about what temperature equals what colour, the link on the line above gives you an idea.
I also see that the seller included his own pictures on the webpage.

3. Telephone number - That should be self explanatory. I am guessing a cell or home phone number will suffice.

So email him back, and include these three things.
1. H7 or H11
2. Temperature
3. Contact number

12-09-2007, 10:52 AM
To be honest I would cancel the order. I don't trust these kits and I wouldn't expect this kit to be of good quality. Plus I don't see anything about a warrantee on the page.

Many of our sponsors are selling high quality kits with at least a years warrantee for anywhere from $130 - $250 Cdn. Try looking at any one of these on the forum as quality can be assured. Many of us (including myself) use a kit for either of our sponsors and have had good results and dependable quality and service. Re-evaluate your decision for the price. Keep in mind you get what you pay for.

If you decide to follow through with the purchase I'd get the H7 (low beams) and 6000k.

12-09-2007, 10:02 PM
Thanks Guys for your help...

I'm not going to cancel the order but try it out and see...

He was referred to me by a contact i have in China that to do alot of dealings with. So we will see...

my cousin is going to install them and ill make sure to post pics...

thanks guys i appreciate it very much for your help - Starbucks on me next round.


04-19-2008, 03:47 PM
You have a 2007. The DRLs run off of the highbeam so there is no need to disable anything. If you want you can just pull the DRL fuse (#22) and lose the DRLs all together, but it won't affect your HIDs like the 04-06s.

I have a 2006 M3 GT...does that mean that I have to disable my DRLs? Can I switch the DRLs to the high beams? If I can then what are the cons of doing that on a 2006....Also, If I were to purchase a prolumen kit either 5000K or 6000K (havent decided yet) would i be able to still run the DRLs on the low beam by means of a relay or I have no choice but to disable them or switch to the high beams....

I thinks Devin was mentioning about a prolumen kit with Canadian install kit a on some of the older posts that takes care of the DRLs but I did not understand his messages...I have tried to contact him but no reply so far...coulld you shade some light on this?

04-19-2008, 04:13 PM
I have a 2006 M3 GT...does that mean that I have to disable my DRLs? Can I switch the DRLs to the high beams? If I can then what are the cons of doing that on a 2006....Also, If I were to purchase a prolumen kit either 5000K or 6000K (havent decided yet) would i be able to still run the DRLs on the low beam by means of a relay or I have no choice but to disable them or switch to the high beams....

I thinks Devin was mentioning about a prolumen kit with Canadian install kit a on some of the older posts that takes care of the DRLs but I did not understand his messages...I have tried to contact him but no reply so far...coulld you shade some light on this?
on a 2006 GT (what I have)
With HIDs and the re-lay; you keep the auto light function but lose DRLs.
You can modify your car to run DRLs as Fogs (you have to turn them on manually) or as highbeams.

I personally don't have DRLs anymore.

and 5000K FTW

04-19-2008, 06:50 PM
on a 2006 GT (what I have)
With HIDs and the re-lay; you keep the auto light function but lose DRLs.
You can modify your car to run DRLs as Fogs (you have to turn them on manually) or as highbeams.

I personally don't have DRLs anymore.

and 5000K FTW

Is it not necessary to have DRLs when the car is running? or it doesnt matter....not sure if cops care about that....

04-20-2008, 01:23 AM
Is it not necessary to have DRLs when the car is running? or it doesnt matter....not sure if cops care about that....
i've went two years without problems from cops.
I do turn on my night time lights earlier. (I don't use the auto function anymore, even though it works. Don't like having my HIDs turn on for 2 seconds under a tunnel).

The HTA also says lights are required 30 min before sunset to 30 min after sunrise.

04-20-2008, 12:14 PM
i've went two years without problems from cops.
I do turn on my night time lights earlier. (I don't use the auto function anymore, even though it works. Don't like having my HIDs turn on for 2 seconds under a tunnel).

The HTA also says lights are required 30 min before sunset to 30 min after sunrise.

ok...i think alot of people are not using their auto function to protect their HIDs......

04-20-2008, 12:19 PM
ok...i think alot of people are not using their auto function to protect their HIDs......

this makes me wonder how are the 07s and the 08s not getting affected as their also have the same functions.....they have stock HIDs on the low beams, DRLs on high beams...not sure how its so different...

04-20-2008, 12:24 PM
this makes me wonder how are the 07s and the 08s not getting affected as their also have the same functions.....they have stock HIDs on the low beams, DRLs on high beams...not sure how its so different...
I'm sure the HIDs turns on the same as if we used the auto function.
Maybe they have a slightly longer delay.

04-20-2008, 12:45 PM
I'm sure the HIDs turns on the same as if we used the auto function.
Maybe they have a slightly longer delay.

Probably....it'd be nice if we could program that somehow and keep all the functions as stock 07s+

04-20-2008, 12:53 PM
Probably....it'd be nice if we could program that somehow and keep all the functions as stock 07s+
Either way, turning them on manually will protect them more.
Also, I park in garage, so it'll turn on when I start the car, and off when I go to the street.

04-20-2008, 02:08 PM
Either way, turning them on manually will protect them more.
Also, I park in garage, so it'll turn on when I start the car, and off when I go to the street.


The after market kits that i have come across so far are all plug and play....the thing that would worry me is that the stock harness that has all the switching functions in the 2006 M3 has sufficient current and power ratings to handle the HID without causing burnouts and any other possible electrical hazards.....I know there is the relay method to bypass this and other mods to run the DRLs but I'd like to keep my car as stock as possible for warranty issues....the last thing I want is the dealer to tell me is that Its my fault :)

Do you know if the 06's and the 07's stock harnesses are very different in terms of electrical ratings?

I really like the HIDs but I want to investigate every avenues...

04-20-2008, 02:36 PM

The after market kits that i have come across so far are all plug and play....the thing that would worry me is that the stock harness that has all the switching functions in the 2006 M3 has sufficient current and power ratings to handle the HID without causing burnouts and any other possible electrical hazards.....I know there is the relay method to bypass this and other mods to run the DRLs but I'd like to keep my car as stock as possible for warranty issues....the last thing I want is the dealer to tell me is that Its my fault :)

Do you know if the 06's and the 07's stock harnesses are very different in terms of electrical ratings?

I really like the HIDs but I want to investigate every avenues...

I haven't had trouble cause of power or wires. That being said, just make sure everything is as water proof as you can.

04-20-2008, 05:36 PM
I haven't had trouble cause of power or wires. That being said, just make sure everything is as water proof as you can.


This site gives the explanation of the problems that can be caused to the HIDs in cars that have the DRLs and the Auto Light function. Read the Trouble shooting section on this page....I just wanted to share this with people new to HID and want to know more....This site may have been refered to before on this forum....


04-21-2008, 01:01 AM
If you have hids as your DRLs dont think there is a problem as they always stay on, even in tunnels with Auto feature being on. Only thing is they wear out quicker, but hey they last life time of the car anyways.

04-21-2008, 01:13 PM
If you have hids as your DRLs dont think there is a problem as they always stay on, even in tunnels with Auto feature being on. Only thing is they wear out quicker, but hey they last life time of the car anyways.

The only problem that i have been hearing on the forum for HIDs as DRLs is the flash to pass problem if I correctly understand what Devin is saying on one of the threads....

04-21-2008, 01:17 PM
If you have hids as your DRLs dont think there is a problem as they always stay on, even in tunnels with Auto feature being on. Only thing is they wear out quicker, but hey they last life time of the car anyways.

As long as the lights are running at full power. They CAN'T run at a reduced voltage, otherwise you will damage the HIDs.

The only problem that i have been hearing on the forum for HIDs as DRLs is the flash to pass problem if I correctly understand what Devin is saying on one of the threads....

That has been resolved with a simple mod so I wouldn't think that is really a problem anymore.

04-21-2008, 01:25 PM
Yeah, run at full power, lights will blink at cold start up, but nothing serious. Not sure if thats what you mean

04-21-2008, 01:28 PM
Yeah, run at full power, lights will blink at cold start up, but nothing serious. Not sure if thats what you mean

Lights shouldn't blink...

04-21-2008, 01:39 PM
Lights shouldn't blink...

What do you mean? Mine's are bypassed through heater fuse i think, so its always stays on at full power when car starts, it would blink.

04-21-2008, 04:40 PM
What do you mean? Mine's are bypassed through heater fuse i think, so its always stays on at full power when car starts, it would blink.
Although, I'm unsure what you mean by heater fuse, it shouldn't blink.
I used Devin's relay, if that helps.

04-21-2008, 05:35 PM
Its like that I guess so that when you start your car, the fuse would provide full power, but not 7v.. anyways as long as it works and there is no harm.

04-21-2008, 06:41 PM
HID lights would flicker (blink if you rather call it as) if the voltage from the battery at start up has not stabilized yet...the ballast provides the bulbs with the required voltage to light it (no flicker)...but at start up the ballast does not detect a stable voltage at its inputs from the battery and therefore is not able to provide the bulbs with the required voltage and hence flicker...it could reduce the life span of the HID bulbs as they are sensitive to voltage....in some cases the ballast electronics upon detecting unstabillized voltage at the inputs would cause it to shut down and therefore no lights.....

05-23-2008, 09:05 AM
In the Prolumen Instructions it says to replace a fuse when installing HIDs. What is the purpose of this? And is it necessary in a 2007 model?

05-26-2008, 05:23 PM
HID lights would flicker (blink if you rather call it as) if the voltage from the battery at start up has not stabilized yet...the ballast provides the bulbs with the required voltage to light it (no flicker)...but at start up the ballast does not detect a stable voltage at its inputs from the battery and therefore is not able to provide the bulbs with the required voltage and hence flicker...it could reduce the life span of the HID bulbs as they are sensitive to voltage....in some cases the ballast electronics upon detecting unstabillized voltage at the inputs would cause it to shut down and therefore no lights.....

Nicely said, although I been told that It doesnt really effect life span of the bulbs. Maybe a tiny bit, but if all wired up properly, ballasts should not shut down ever. I had couple of experiences where I had to turn on and off the car every minute or so, and it would still hold strong. It also depends on the quality of the kit.

05-31-2008, 09:46 AM
Saw some old posts about the shadow patterns with prolumen 6000k hids. Had a few questions..
Do all prolumen kits with 6000 k bulbs come with the shadows now?

Is it just 6000k or do other temps like 4300k also come with the shadow??

05-31-2008, 10:03 AM
Saw some old posts about the shadow patterns with prolumen 6000k hids. Had a few questions..
Do all prolumen kits with 6000 k bulbs come with the shadows now?

Is it just 6000k or do other temps like 4300k also come with the shadow??

It's the orientation of the bulb, not the colour output. I've gotten used to it even though it could look better.

05-31-2008, 10:12 PM
It's the orientation of the bulb, not the colour output. I've gotten used to it even though it could look better.


its probably due to the way the bulb sits in the projector housing

09-03-2008, 02:08 PM
Anyone know where I can get the relays? I have 6000K for my lows and fogs for my 04 hatch.

Are there instructions to installing the relays?

09-03-2008, 05:23 PM
Anyone know where I can get the relays? I have 6000K for my lows and fogs for my 04 hatch.

Are there instructions to installing the relays?

contact SSG at NextMod he may have some else go to this site:


its USD 25.00

09-03-2008, 09:48 PM

Is this what most members went with or something similar? Anyone sell it locally for a little less? I know it was spoken about already, but will this help or is this what I need for my 04 Hatch?

I assume I wouldnt need this for my fogs as I will be putting HID's on them too.

Thanks again.

contact SSG at NextMod he may have some else go to this site:


its USD 25.00

09-04-2008, 12:00 AM

Is this what most members went with or something similar? Anyone sell it locally for a little less? I know it was spoken about already, but will this help or is this what I need for my 04 Hatch?

I assume I wouldnt need this for my fogs as I will be putting HID's on them too.

Thanks again.

Lot of members on this forum who own 04s-06s mazda's are using this harness and its been working fine for them. Some make one of their own. I dont know anyone else who sells it for a little less. Since you have an 04, you'll have to disable your drls or relocate them to high beams or fogs. This harness will enable you to bypass your drls and supply power to your low beam HIDs directly from the battery. You'll not need a harness for the fogs.

The install instructions of this harness can be found here:

do a little search on the how to section of this forum there is a lot of information there.

I also found out that if you want to keep your drls as low beams (for 04s-06s) and also have HIDs on your low beams then you can also use something called the antiflicker cable. Its already discussed here (read the whole thread as it has useful links):


hope that helps.

09-08-2008, 01:05 PM
Quick question, temperature outputs are based on the bulb itself and not the ballast & the bulb, correct? Question I am asking is if I want to change the temperature colours, can I just replace the bulbs and keep my ballasts? (I know its about the same price or a little bit more to get a whole kit, I'm planning on just picking up some used bulbs for significantly cheaper.) Thanks in advance!

09-08-2008, 01:13 PM
Thats correct..

You only need to replace the bulbs to get the colour temperature you want. No need to replace the ballast or to buy the entire new kit!

09-08-2008, 03:00 PM
just replaced 4300 with 5000 like 2 weeks ago

05-04-2009, 12:13 PM
I am looking to put HIDs on my 09 sport. I am just a little confused as to what i need to get. Do i need two seperate kits (one for high and one for low) as the car has two different lights for each. sorry for my lack of knowledge on this. anyones help would be appreciated.


05-04-2009, 12:17 PM
No, unless you really want HID high beams, but that'd be a waste of money since the only time you use them is when you're flashing your headlights, which will kill your HIDs or using them in rural roads, but since cars would be coming, you'd be turning them off often.

Most of not ALL of us do only low beams. Since you use them more often than you do high beams and you keep those on constantly at night.

You just need the H7 kit. You don't need a DRL relay if anyone asks you.

06-12-2010, 05:49 PM
I just installed HIDs in my 06 mazda3 GT.

I read something about "flash to pass" issues. that being, flashing the highbeams on and off to signal people. some said that I cannot do that anymore because I have HIDs...

Im kind of confused about this issue....i have my HIDs as DRLs, and when i flash my high beams, its not like my HIDs turn off or anything...the highbeams just flash independantly.

do i still need to worry about this highbeam flashing issue? or does this not apply to me?

if somone could shed some light tha'd be awesome

06-12-2010, 06:12 PM
I just installed HIDs in my 06 mazda3 GT.

I read something about "flash to pass" issues. that being, flashing the highbeams on and off to signal people. some said that I cannot do that anymore because I have HIDs...

Im kind of confused about this issue....i have my HIDs as DRLs, and when i flash my high beams, its not like my HIDs turn off or anything...the highbeams just flash independantly.

do i still need to worry about this highbeam flashing issue? or does this not apply to me?

if somone could shed some light tha'd be awesome

2006 runs HIDs on low beams and are independent from high beams, so no need to worry here.

06-14-2010, 03:56 PM
2006 runs HIDs on low beams and are independent from high beams, so no need to worry here.

niiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeee thansk

12-18-2010, 04:00 PM
Hey peeps.

I want to upgrade the lighting on my 2004 Mazda3 GT, im planning on getting 9000k low beams and 3000k fogs. Just wondering if its worth to the fogs as I seen many people that just put on the yellow eurolite bulbs. What do you guys think? Also is the install a do it yourself or should I get it professionally done? Appreciate the help guys

12-18-2010, 04:51 PM
HID all the way, check out our local sponsors they got good prices. Its an easy install, but if you're not sure, get someone to install it for ya, again check out the sponsor section.

11-23-2011, 02:25 PM
Hey I'm new to this forum, a buddy of mine has a 12000k kit.. is that too high for my 07 mazda 3? what should I get, 5000k, 6000k, or these 12000k?


11-23-2011, 02:27 PM
Hey I'm new to this forum, a buddy of mine has a 12000k kit.. is that too high for my 07 mazda 3? what should I get, 5000k, 6000k, or these 12000k?

I got 6000k and I'm very happy with them

The Wolf
11-23-2011, 02:34 PM
12,000k is good if your goal is to rub* into things and get tickets.
I also have 6000k and it's great

Edit: *bump lol

11-23-2011, 03:26 PM
12,000k is good if your goal is to rub into things and get tickets.
I also have 6000k and it's great


+1 on the 6000k. Perfect balance between colour and performance.

11-23-2011, 08:07 PM
ahaha what do you guys mean by rub into things? Only negative i've heard is that they aren't as bright (generally) as like a 5000-8000k range... 40 bucks can't really go wrong either, so you guys are thinkin' I should just say forget it?

11-23-2011, 11:57 PM
ahaha what do you guys mean by rub into things? Only negative i've heard is that they aren't as bright (generally) as like a 5000-8000k range... 40 bucks can't really go wrong either, so you guys are thinkin' I should just say forget it?

They're going to be a super bright blue and reflect very little onto the actual road...but hey, to each their own.

I went with 8ks in both my headlights and fogs and I think they're suitable, but I would probably try 6k or even if you're brave enough 3k provided the 8k does not do it for you.

The Wolf
11-24-2011, 12:08 AM
ahaha what do you guys mean by rub into things? Only negative i've heard is that they aren't as bright (generally) as like a 5000-8000k range... 40 bucks can't really go wrong either, so you guys are thinkin' I should just say forget it?

sorry man, I was replying on my ipod and it was a typo. I meant bump into things (which essentially means the same as rub into things I guess). 12k is just gonna throw very little usable light on the road. Best performance is at 4300k (which is pure white), and it gets worse as you go up or down from there.

HIDs will always put out more lumens than halogens though:

3000k = 3x halogens (yellow)
4300k = 3.5x halogens (pure white)
6000k = 3+x halogens (hint of blue)
8000k = 3x halogens (blue)
10,000k = 2+x halogens (bluish purple)
12,000k = 2x halogens (purple)

So even with 12,000k you're twice as good as stock halogens. I definitely recommend 5 or 6k though. G16 (sponsor here) is selling HID kits for $65 brand new with warranty if that makes your decision any more complicated haha

11-24-2011, 11:00 AM
sorry man, I was replying on my ipod and it was a typo. I meant bump into things (which essentially means the same as rub into things I guess). 12k is just gonna throw very little usable light on the road. Best performance is at 4300k (which is pure white), and it gets worse as you go up or down from there.

HIDs will always put out more lumens than halogens though:

3000k = 3x halogens (yellow)
4300k = 3.5x halogens (pure white)
6000k = 3+x halogens (hint of blue)
8000k = 3x halogens (blue)
10,000k = 2+x halogens (bluish purple)
12,000k = 2x halogens (purple)

So even with 12,000k you're twice as good as stock halogens. I definitely recommend 5 or 6k though. G16 (sponsor here) is selling HID kits for $65 brand new with warranty if that makes your decision any more complicated haha

Thanks tons for the help man.. yeah i'm thinking 6000k... also considering 8000k but I saw some plug cruisin' in a civic last night with 12000k.. looked like a toy. I'm noob as shit.. so g16s kits are a reliable place to get a kit from? Any chance you can toss me a website link I can buy from? Thanks cheif

11-24-2011, 11:07 AM
Thanks tons for the help man.. yeah i'm thinking 6000k... also considering 8000k but I saw some plug cruisin' in a civic last night with 12000k.. looked like a toy. I'm noob as shit.. so g16s kits are a reliable place to get a kit from? Any chance you can toss me a website link I can buy from? Thanks cheif

I bought mine from import tunning Awseome guy to deal with and gives 18 month warranty


The Wolf
11-24-2011, 12:35 PM
+1 for Imports Tuning! Kelvin is the best to deal with. I think his kits are $85, but that's still a great price and the service is unbelievable.

11-24-2011, 12:56 PM
I bought mine from import tunning Awseome guy to deal with and gives 18 month warranty


One last question.. I just checked out that thread and it says slim kits.. whats the difference between slim kits and normal kit? I'm pushin an 07 3, will that make a difference?

11-24-2011, 01:30 PM
One last question.. I just checked out that thread and it says slim kits.. whats the difference between slim kits and normal kit? I'm pushin an 07 3, will that make a difference?

As far as understand its the same as any other but more compact...

Your best to PM him.... He always answers quickly.

I've asked him a million questions before buying and he always answered every question... Just send him a PM he can tell you the difference:)

11-24-2011, 01:41 PM
thanks homie!

03-19-2012, 01:42 PM
hey guys, one of my HIDs keeps turning off (right side) if i toggle with the wiring it will go back on, but its getting kinda annoying. The other side works fine. Some days both will work for weeks, some days it will keep just turning off. Is this possibly cause its a defective ballast, wiring? I dont have a relay harness, is that part of it ?

03-19-2012, 02:53 PM
check your grounds. I had that problem too because the ground was loose...thought my HID blew but it was as simple as securing the ground again.

03-19-2012, 03:26 PM
check your grounds. I had that problem too because the ground was loose...thought my HID blew but it was as simple as securing the ground again.

That the black cable right? I mean its loose, but i toggle wit it and it works again, but i guess from my vibrations in the car it gets loose again, is there a good way of securing it ?

03-19-2012, 09:10 PM
yep turns out thats your problem i guess...on the driver side there is a bolt that goes right into the body....its basically where the hood meets with the body. you can put it there.

if the end is not a ring, you can go to cdn tire or any electronics place and splice some sort of connector to the end and secure it...i wish i had pictures but as long as its secure you're okay.

i put mine into that bolt that goes into the body.

it has to be secure to complete the connection which will keep your hids on. make sure everything is tight, sometimes even your connections on your battery may get loose. I check mine all the time because my sub just makes everything vibrate

03-19-2012, 10:55 PM
yep turns out thats your problem i guess...on the driver side there is a bolt that goes right into the body....its basically where the hood meets with the body. you can put it there.

if the end is not a ring, you can go to cdn tire or any electronics place and splice some sort of connector to the end and secure it...i wish i had pictures but as long as its secure you're okay.

i put mine into that bolt that goes into the body.

it has to be secure to complete the connection which will keep your hids on. make sure everything is tight, sometimes even your connections on your battery may get loose. I check mine all the time because my sub just makes everything vibrate


See where the 2 wires that go to the orginal wiring of the car, i think those are faulty, and from your description, what am i suppose to ground, if there is a ground wire that goes into a insert thing that the original wiring provides. What wire am i using to ground to the body ?

03-20-2012, 12:03 AM
Hmm..its definitely different from mine because I use a relay harness. Where did you get your kit? if you wiggle the wires for it to work I would bet its your ground.

In that case, I would cut/extend the black wire and find a grounding point in the engine bay that is secure

03-20-2012, 12:16 AM
i got them from kelvin, i think stay put for now, and buy a relay harness, dont think i wanna be cutting the wiring, and screw it up more.

03-21-2012, 05:59 PM
I did my first hid install on my 2011 gx and couldnt find a place to put the brakets in so i just used double sided tape on the ballast but one of them keep falling, any suggestion on where/how to put them?


Default User
03-21-2012, 06:13 PM
I would use velcro tape just for ease of removal and reattach later.

I also just zip tied them to battery box and just inside the PS fender

03-21-2012, 06:47 PM
i think relay harness would be your best bet, thats what i have.

i needed to extend connectors for the angel eyes but i do certainly agree with you on not cutting wires up

03-27-2012, 02:48 AM
i think relay harness would be your best bet, thats what i have.

i needed to extend connectors for the angel eyes but i do certainly agree with you on not cutting wires up

Do you have a picture of your Angel Eyes on with your 6000k HIDs? My 4300Ks recently went and I'm looking at picking up a 6000k set but I'd love to see a picture of them with AEs first so I have an idea of what to expect from my car.

05-28-2012, 09:05 PM
I have a 2005 Mazda 3 and am about to install hidH i got a capacitor/anti flicker device off ebay does it plug into the factory harness then into the relay? like where do the red and black wires from the bulbs go if anti flicker is plugged into factory light harness? and on a mazda 3 will i still have my daytime running lights ?


06-05-2012, 10:40 PM
Can anyone recommend a decent HID kit that I could buy in London? thanks in advance.

06-06-2012, 02:08 PM
anyone....anyone....bueller......bueller.... : )

06-06-2012, 05:17 PM
anyone....anyone....bueller......bueller.... : )

kelvin (sp3gt) at import tunning

06-06-2012, 05:24 PM
thanks, I will check em out.
I am wondering about the following brands
A. litech from Performance Unlimited
B. Kelvin as suggested..
C. absolute hid as found on a link in here

Any comments appreciated. I can't find much or much bad about litech and the same with absolute although absolute seems be on the low end of cost ...about 60 bucks or so while litech runs about twice that...
Not sure about Kelvin but will investigate. I have a 2006 mazda 3 as listed in my title which has some extra issues that I may have to address....not quite sure...

06-06-2012, 05:40 PM
haha..I see Kelvin is the contact name...my bad.

06-07-2012, 10:41 AM
thanks, I will check em out.
I am wondering about the following brands
A. litech from Performance Unlimited
B. Kelvin as suggested..
C. absolute hid as found on a link in here

Any comments appreciated. I can't find much or much bad about litech and the same with absolute although absolute seems be on the low end of cost ...about 60 bucks or so while litech runs about twice that...
Not sure about Kelvin but will investigate. I have a 2006 mazda 3 as listed in my title which has some extra issues that I may have to address....not quite sure...

I got my kits from Kelvin, went for a Local pickup in Markham though. So far the kit is working great, no hiccups, did the install my self which is easy until it came ot the part where I had to mount the ballast, that took some time finding a spot I was comfortable with.

Only extra part(s) you would/may need with the kit from Kelvin (atleast in my kit, for 2011, but think the parts are the same). is:

Relay: Only if the bulbs you are replacing are used as DRL, voltage issues etc etc *insert techincal junk here*
Connectors: The kit WORKS out of the box, however they are just wires you plug in. with the connectors the connection is a little firmer and imo easier to deal with.

IF you do decide to get connectors, make 100% sure you get them in the right spot and ALL the way in. I had issues where my connector went in sideways a bit and didnt completly sit flush with the connector causing my connection to be loose/faulty. I also suggest you tape all the connectors before install (wires to connector parts). I had some wires come loose from the stock connectors and give me a friendly jolt as I was looking around for the problem while the lights were on. (Jiggling them and stuff).

Thats just my 2 cents about the kit from Import Tuning / Kelvin. Only issue I had was he didnt have the 4300/4100 color but now I like mine so I wont swap ;)

06-07-2012, 10:44 AM

See where the 2 wires that go to the orginal wiring of the car, i think those are faulty, and from your description, what am i suppose to ground, if there is a ground wire that goes into a insert thing that the original wiring provides. What wire am i using to ground to the body ?

Post is a bit old, not sure if you solved the problem or not. Are you using a H11/H7 or w/e connector from the ballast wires to the stock connector? I had issues where the wire wasnt far enough into the connectors so it wasnt making a clear connect with the stock connection. Get a Live Wire Checker thingy from Home Depot its like 7 bucks, and see if you're even getting power to the connections.

06-12-2012, 09:35 PM
Anyone have an information of these two contenders?
I found a website that loves retro over kb but still on the fence.


Metal Wing
05-31-2013, 02:08 PM
*Brings thread back from the dead*

Thinking of getting a 6000k HID kit for my 2013 Mazda 3 GS-SKY because I find the stock halogens fairly dim :/

3 questions:

1) Do I need the kit? H7 I believe for the low beams...

2) No relays or fuses needed?

3) Any legal problems? (halogen housing isn't meant for hid, stock hid are 4300k rather than 6000k, after market hid considered mod that could interfere with insurance claim? other stuff?)

Any help is appreciated, cause I was actually hoping to pick up a kit tomorrow, since I'll probably doing a fair amount of night driving this month.

Thank You!

05-31-2013, 02:21 PM
*Brings thread back from the dead*

Thinking of getting a 6000k HID kit for my 2013 Mazda 3 GS-SKY because I find the stock halogens fairly dim :/

3 questions:

1) Do I need the kit? H7 I believe for the low beams...

Should be H11

2) No relays or fuses needed?

I didn't use one.

3) Any legal problems? (halogen housing isn't meant for hid, stock hid are 4300k rather than 6000k, after market hid considered mod that could interfere with insurance claim? other stuff?)

Any help is appreciated, cause I was actually hoping to pick up a kit tomorrow, since I'll probably doing a fair amount of night driving this month.

Thank You!

You'll realize how easy it is to remove and install low beam bulbs. It's illegal to have HID in terms of HTA but you won't get nailed as we have decent projector lens. I think I'm running 10,000k or 12,000k. As for insurance it's not really a performance mod.

05-31-2013, 02:24 PM
Just have a quick question, I have a 2007 Mazda3 Hatch, do I need a relay and capacitor? or just the relay (I have auto headlights)?

05-31-2013, 02:27 PM
Just have a quick question, I have a 2007 Mazda3 Hatch, do I need a relay and capacitor? or just the relay (I have auto headlights)?

You need a relay, some extender thing and spacers.

05-31-2013, 02:30 PM
You need a relay, some extender thing and spacers.

Thanks so I wont need a compactor? What exactly is the "extender thingy"? Can i use the grommet thats on the light bulb as my spacer?

05-31-2013, 02:35 PM
Yes for the grommet, I was given a plastic spacer to install for my friend.


The extender is actually the capacitor my bad, it's a DRL fix made for the 04-06 so this wouldn't apply to you

Metal Wing
06-01-2013, 12:40 PM
Hey guys,

Picked up an HID kit today for my lowbeams and was wondering if I in fact installed it correctly. I tried to follow YouTube videos and some schematics here on the forums/interwebs; however, none are for 2013 Mazda (most are like 06-09) so I am not sure of the differences. They seem to work though. Please check this and let me know if I messed up:

The ballast is connected to all the wires from the HID bulb, and the two prongy little wire thingies from the bulb go into the original wiring from vehicle? I did it that way, and it seemed to have worked.


If that is in fact the correct way to do it, I have only one other question - those two wires that are plugged into the original wiring, seem like they'll explode if they come in contact with water. Should I (would it be advisable) to use electrical tape to wrap around the connection?

Thank You!

06-01-2013, 01:19 PM
^That looks correct, plug the two wires into the OEM headlight socket and wrap in electrical tape tightly. You should be good!

Metal Wing
06-01-2013, 01:23 PM
^That looks correct, plug the two wires into the OEM headlight socket and wrap in electrical tape tightly. You should be good!

Yup! I also just ordered H11 male connector:


I think that will work, right? Electrical tape for now though.

06-01-2013, 01:30 PM
Yea, electrical tape will be fine.

03-14-2014, 11:18 PM
Alright…. I've been going thru this and other threads to make sure i end up getting the best and proper HID kit for my 2014 mazda 3 but I'm getting a little confused:bang about something.

1. do i need to buy the relay? (i keep seeing it being tossed around when talking about DRLs)

2. what is the brightest rating for the bulbs? i.e.. 5000k or 12000k… and so on.

03-15-2014, 08:37 AM
Lower numbers are brighter

07-04-2014, 05:06 PM
I also want to install HIDs on my 2014 Mazda3. Is it the same as 2013 model, i.e. we don't need to disable DRL?

07-04-2014, 07:21 PM
Lower numbers are brighter
4300K had the most usable output.
The farther away from 4300K you get in either direction, the less output and different color.

07-04-2014, 07:53 PM
I have 6k.lumens.on my bike amd they are wicked bright. If you want a set let me know the bulb number and I can see whats available and get you a price

04-10-2015, 03:21 AM
Any recommendations on good/reliable HID kits for both Low Beams and Fogs? Probably 4300k or 5000k range.

04-10-2015, 08:30 AM
Any recommendations on good/reliable HID kits for both Low Beams and Fogs? Probably 4300k or 5000k range.

Hit up sp3GT and he can take care of you. I'm fairly sure he offers both those temps/colors.

04-10-2015, 08:48 AM
Hey guys,

Picked up an HID kit today for my lowbeams and was wondering if I in fact installed it correctly. I tried to follow YouTube videos and some schematics here on the forums/interwebs; however, none are for 2013 Mazda (most are like 06-09) so I am not sure of the differences. They seem to work though. Please check this and let me know if I messed up:

The ballast is connected to all the wires from the HID bulb, and the two prongy little wire thingies from the bulb go into the original wiring from vehicle? I did it that way, and it seemed to have worked.


If that is in fact the correct way to do it, I have only one other question - those two wires that are plugged into the original wiring, seem like they'll explode if they come in contact with water. Should I (would it be advisable) to use electrical tape to wrap around the connection?

Thank You!

The set i bought looks exactly like this. Not bad for $40 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EHIOOBW/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

My question is since you no longer have the bulb in the black bulb socket being clipped into the headlight assembly what did you use for a spacer to keep the HID bulb clipped in? I don't have the parts with me so i can't take my own picture, but hopefully that makes sense.

12-04-2015, 10:23 AM
Hi everyone!
I'm looking for a HID ballast for a 2011 Mazda 3 GT Sport. I am having the biggest nightmare with my HIDs and DRLs but I think this is the last piece of the puzzle. I'm not looking for anything fancy, everything is OEM, just something that works, or if you can show me something that will fit.
Thank you very very much!

01-10-2016, 04:35 PM
Hey guys I am looking at getting 5k HID's for my 2012 Mazda 3 and I wanna get a proper housing to avoid blinding others and to get the most out of the HID's. How would I know if oem headlights are for HID's. Here's a picture of a pair headlights I found on kiijiji

01-10-2016, 04:59 PM
Those are OEM HID yes.
You need a D2S bulb.
Best bulbs you can buy, are here. https://www.theretrofitsource.com/components/bulbs.html
XB35 is best aftermarket, the others are oem replacement and are generally better than xb35 give or take a few lumens.
#1 is xb35
#4 is equivalent to what your car comes with
#5 same as above just different temp
#2,3,6 are regarded as the brightest bulbs available...anywhere. If you have a hole burning in your wallet, get these.

These are plug and play with your current ballast, no need to purchase another as the oem ballast is quite good. Only upgrade would be a Denso or Matsushita.

01-10-2016, 05:41 PM
Those are OEM HID yes.
You need a D2S bulb.
Best bulbs you can buy, are here. https://www.theretrofitsource.com/components/bulbs.html
XB35 is best aftermarket, the others are oem replacement and are generally better than xb35 give or take a few lumens.
#1 is xb35
#4 is equivalent to what your car comes with
#5 same as above just different temp
#2,3,6 are regarded as the brightest bulbs available...anywhere. If you have a hole burning in your wallet, get these.

These are plug and play with your current ballast, no need to purchase another as the oem ballast is quite good. Only upgrade would be a Denso or Matsushita.

I have a base model 2.0 and dont have hid's yet still need to get a kit just wanted to have the proper housing.

01-10-2016, 05:54 PM
I have a base model 2.0 and dont have hid's yet still need to get a kit just wanted to have the proper housing.

You technically don't have a proper hid housing, as the 2.0 is halogen projectors. That being said many members on here run hid's. With proper aiming there are no real issues.

You're going to want this kit https://www.theretrofitsource.com/hid-systems/morimoto-elite-hid-system-h11.html
Regarded as the brightest aftermarket kit available. Pricey, but comes with 5 year warranty. Also comes with relay to ensure proper voltage is always applied to the ballast.

01-10-2016, 06:08 PM
You technically don't have a proper hid housing, as the 2.0 is halogen projectors. That being said many members on here run hid's. With proper aiming there are no real issues.

You're going to want this kit https://www.theretrofitsource.com/hid-systems/morimoto-elite-hid-system-h11.html
Regarded as the brightest aftermarket kit available. Pricey, but comes with 5 year warranty. Also comes with relay to ensure proper voltage is always applied to the ballast.

yes i am aware i dont currently have the proper housing that is why i am gonna buy the headlights i posted the picture of