View Full Version : Not Happy - Mazda of Toronto 16K service

07-25-2005, 10:45 AM
Joe, no idea what\'s going on when you ain\'t at work!

Went in Saturday (23rd) for my 10am. Talked to Parts mgr Dave Smith first regarding getting the O-ring and filter with TM3 discount. He says the oil change is a package set by Mazda of Canada and thus we cannot discount the parts. WTF. Ok fine. I\'m only saving like $1.70 there.

I go back upstairs talk to Phil Perrotti, service advisor. Things go normal (i tell him no tire rotation) and I give him my keys and he notes my oil (mobil1) is in the backseat. Tells me 45 mins ... within the hour it\'ll be done. Cool, I\'ll stick around in the dealership. Ask him if I can watch the mechanic perform the oil change. Oh, no sorry we don\'t have the viewing area for that. Okay cool. I\'m feeling iffy on whether these guys are actually gonna use my oil or save it for themselves to resell out to make 100% profit. :p

Half an hour later I finally hear them taking my car into the service bays. 11:20am rolls around and I hear my car going back to service parking. I give them a few mins to get the invoice and keys back to service desk and I approach Phil. Immediately I notice a NOTE written on my invoice; something along the lines of \"wheel lock missing RF wheel\" ... W T F ! ? ! ?

They are charging me $5.64 for a regular wheel nut as well.

Not much point to argue so I just tell Phil, twice, that I am 100% certain my wheel lock was there when I parked in the service parking (walk around the car check). He calls the mechanic out and big surprise, \"i just found the tire was missing the wheel lock,\" when he was going to do the brake inspection. I call BS. I keep it in my head that the college-aged guy just lost the wheel lock in the crevaces or drain pipes on the service bay floor.

Anyways,in the end I pay as follows;

Rate is 94.00

Used 0.20 hours for 16,000km service

L321-14-302P Cartridge, Oil Filter

9956-41-400 Gasket

1Enviro/Chg M.O.E. Standard

B002-37-160A Nut,Hub

(there was a $3.xx charge for lubricants that Phil removed - smells fishy)

SubTotal $34.40
Tax $5.16

TOTAL $39.56

I walk out to check the car; NOT Washed (I thought this was a complimentary thing to do?), Rear tires have been swapped to front even tho I specifically said NO tire rotation, popped the hood to find fresh oil stains on the engine cover (about 30% covered). They only used 4L of oil total, I had bought five 1L bottles, one was unopened but at least still given back to me.

I\'m not going back to Mazda of Toronto for servicing anymore.

BTW, Avante verbally states oil change is $26.xx so why is MoT charging more ($29.xx)?

07-25-2005, 11:02 AM
i\'m telling you, when joe\'s not around the roof collapses..

*sigh* i guess if you go in when ppl you KNOW work then it might make it better.. dunno.. i\'m taking mine back in on thursday. we\'ll see..

i think they do a carwash with the PACKAGE not just oil (even though it seems like they did do the tires but you only paid for the oil change) I think whitby mazda (from their website) throws in the car wash for free with major service packages ($12 value or something like that)

he probably removed \'lubricants\' since they never greased up the hinges (as per 8000K service) since you asked for oil change ONLY :sarc

07-25-2005, 11:18 AM
wow, seems like u can\'t trust that other mgr.

07-25-2005, 11:33 AM
This is starting to worry be a bit, I have had pretty good service from them so far (two visits). Avante may end up getting my business anyways though since the wife and I are likely moving up to Richmond Hill next year.

07-25-2005, 11:37 AM
When I went to Avante RH for my oil change in March, I was charged for a car wash when I asked for one. I didn\'t mind because I needed to get one anyways but I don\'t think a free car wash is given out everywhere.

I was considering going to MoT for my 16K service next month but I\'m heading back to Avante.

07-25-2005, 12:13 PM
funny thing is the first time i ever took my first 3 in to Avante Toronto, it was just a visual inspection of why my car was hard starting. they didn\'t repair anything because they didn\'t have the parts in stock. it was just an inspection yet they still washed my car before bringing it back out.

then i took the car in for 8K service (also Avante Toronto at the time) but no wash. This time, no wash either. odd but probably cost-cutting?

07-25-2005, 12:53 PM
they owe u a car wash for dirtying ur engine cover

07-25-2005, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by RedRaptor

When I went to Avante RH for my oil change in March, I was charged for a car wash when I asked for one. I didn\'t mind because I needed to get one anyways but I don\'t think a free car wash is given out everywhere.

I was considering going to MoT for my 16K service next month but I\'m heading back to Avante.

Come see me when you come in. I can\'t believe they were going to charge you for the car wash.. Never has happened here before.

They always wash it if the car is staying here for a while. If you are waiting, they may just do the oil change.. Ask and you shall recieve.


07-25-2005, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by TheBiz

Originally posted by RedRaptor

When I went to Avante RH for my oil change in March, I was charged for a car wash when I asked for one. I didn\'t mind because I needed to get one anyways but I don\'t think a free car wash is given out everywhere.

I was considering going to MoT for my 16K service next month but I\'m heading back to Avante.

Come see me when you come in. I can\'t believe they were going to charge you for the car wash.. Never has happened here before.

They always wash it if the car is staying here for a while. If you are waiting, they may just do the oil change.. Ask and you shall recieve.


I asked for the car wash and they charged me for it. Total was $7.95 I think or something like that, I really didn\'t mind but I was just surprised since I thought it would come with service. I would have spent that money on an Esso car wash anyways. But good to know that the car wash is usually free.


07-26-2005, 07:54 AM
Hey War, sorry about your 16k man. First majic now you? I don\'t know what\'s going on with the wheel lock situation, but just shoot me a PM and maybe we can work something out. As for the 16km service, the TM3 discount doesn\'t apply because it\'s a set service.

Anyways, shoot me a PM.;)

Dr Butcher
07-26-2005, 12:34 PM
I just got back from my 16000 km service at Gyro. Although I only paid $40 for it, I felt kind of cheesed when I looked at the bill it states inspection of fluid levels, hoses, belts, and LUBRICATION OF ALL HINGES AND LOCKS. I got out of my car at home and nothing was lubricated, no fresh grease anywhere.... If I am paying and extra $14 for a glorified oil change, I\'d at least like to see that the stuff they charged for has been done.... :sarc

07-26-2005, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Dr Butcher

I just got back from my 16000 km service at Gyro. Although I only paid $40 for it, I felt kind of cheesed when I looked at the bill it states inspection of fluid levels, hoses, belts, and LUBRICATION OF ALL HINGES AND LOCKS. I got out of my car at home and nothing was lubricated, no fresh grease anywhere.... If I am paying and extra $14 for a glorified oil change, I\'d at least like to see that the stuff they charged for has been done.... :sarc

i honestly think that this \"lubing\" never happens (not only MoT, we had a pontiac before and same thing) unless you go to walmart get some anal lube and apply before handing your car over for service..

07-26-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Dr Butcher

I just got back from my 16000 km service at Gyro. Although I only paid $40 for it, I felt kind of cheesed when I looked at the bill it states inspection of fluid levels, hoses, belts, and LUBRICATION OF ALL HINGES AND LOCKS. I got out of my car at home and nothing was lubricated, no fresh grease anywhere.... If I am paying and extra $14 for a glorified oil change, I\'d at least like to see that the stuff they charged for has been done.... :sarc

I lubed all the hinges on my car with a tube of White Lithium Grease myself. $5 and 10 min later I was done and have plenty lube for future use. 1 month later, the white grease is still looking fresh. :)

07-28-2005, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by RedRaptor

I lubed all the hinges on my car with a tube of White Lithium Grease myself. $5 and 10 min later I was done and have plenty lube for future use. 1 month later, the white grease is still looking fresh.

Where did you pick up the greese from? Could I use it to greese my sunroof?

07-28-2005, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by mazda3ride

Originally posted by RedRaptor

I lubed all the hinges on my car with a tube of White Lithium Grease myself. $5 and 10 min later I was done and have plenty lube for future use. 1 month later, the white grease is still looking fresh.

Where did you pick up the greese from? Could I use it to greese my sunroof?

Canadian Tire, but it\'s are also available at any hardware store. You can use it on your sunroof, but it\'s white and may look a little unattractive when your sunroof is open, so use is sparingly in that area.

07-28-2005, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by bluntman

Originally posted by mazda3ride

Originally posted by RedRaptor

I lubed all the hinges on my car with a tube of White Lithium Grease myself. $5 and 10 min later I was done and have plenty lube for future use. 1 month later, the white grease is still looking fresh.

Where did you pick up the greese from? Could I use it to greese my sunroof?

Canadian Tire, but it\'s are also available at any hardware store. You can use it on your sunroof, but it\'s white and may look a little unattractive when your sunroof is open, so use is sparingly in that area.

Thats right, as Bluntman said I got my tube of white grease at Canadian tire. I haven\'t greased my sunroof yet, but as Arthur said, it is white and could look a little ghetto, but if you don\'t care, then its all good.

07-28-2005, 10:21 AM
I guess I\'m not the only one getting the squeaky, unsmooth opening of the sunroof? Had my car since Oct04.

07-28-2005, 02:56 PM
I totally agree. They\'re mean. I\'d much rather make a trip to Avante RH to get my oil changed.. even if MoT is a 1 minute drive from my house..

When I went in there, the guy was sooo rude to me.

07-28-2005, 03:35 PM
just go when joes there.