View Full Version : Meet #12 aftermath...
08-06-2005, 04:49 PM
lets hear the rjr report, and the wtom picture gallery!
08-06-2005, 08:33 PM
wtom didn\'t show.
08-07-2005, 08:43 AM
It was dry at first but it started to become funny as hell!
I didnt count how many 3\'s where there but it was a good turnout. Clement showed off his new HKS exhaust which sounded f\'ing amazing.
Wejidas showed off his ride. Clement let him record the sound on his digi, until methodyst was making spit sounds... Funny as hell. Wej, and Auto burned out and showe what their cars can do. It was recorded, and I hope they can post the shots soon.
We all got bored after a while and went to IKEA for some food and drinks. cant go wrong for under 2 bucks.
I forgot who this guy was but he was in a matrix and his system rocked the parking lot setting off various alarms in the lot. He had 4 12\' Pioneer subs that seemed to produce 140+ decibals.
Andrew got the guy to help him figure out his sub problem, and realized his setup can be bridged.
A couple of new mods where shown at the show....sway bars, engine customization (paint) CAI.
Pretty good for nice weather.
done approx. 6pm
08-07-2005, 11:23 AM
there\'re around 15 cars at the meet, still far less than the meet last yr at KC, which was over 50:(
08-07-2005, 12:14 PM
Some came ealry.. and left a little earlier... some came late and stayed late..
altogether I think 18 came out.. I feel dumb for not even taken one pic :(
08-07-2005, 01:10 PM
it was the meet of white HBs and black sedans. 5 black sedans and 4 white HBs
08-07-2005, 01:46 PM
Sorry guys for leaving early... Optimizer counting me there should\'ve been 5 white hatches...
Here are some phone cam pics of the Eastside Pre-Meet: ( ( (
EDIT: Next to whodilly\'s car mine looks like a friggin minivan... Order from left to right: me, whodilly, and skunk3
08-07-2005, 02:50 PM
Got my days mixed up - thought it was tonight (Sunday)...
08-07-2005, 03:22 PM
Yeah, total of 3 at the east premeet. nice minivan soopa! Good to see the old faces along with some new. Not a bad turnout, but my orange hatch was lonely:(
Some nice new toys... damn you autoexe now I want an exhaust too! It sounds pretty sweet BTW. Domokun get those vids up! Next time we should have an Ikea meet, gotta love those $.50 hotdogs!
08-07-2005, 04:43 PM
it\'s skunk2 =)
ikea rules!!
08-07-2005, 06:19 PM
Vids and pics are already up as of 07-08-05 08:10:02 :P
Originally posted by -RJ3-
I forgot who this guy was but he was in a matrix and his system rocked the parking lot setting off various alarms in the lot. He had 4 12\' Pioneer subs that seemed to produce 140+ decibals.
The guy\'s name was Nick... a buddy of mine who is helping me out with my system.
Hopefully I\'ll be able to push out as much power as him when we\'re all done.
-Already have the amplifier (Soundstream 1700w Tarantula).
-Installed some lights in the grill but they\'re not hooked up with a switch yet.
-Blacklights go in via Jeff at Lockdown on Wednesday.
-Liquid Neon\'s are still on order and will probably be built into the sub box.
-Still deciding on the wheelwell lighting system (which will also be done at Lockdown)
-Windows tinted about 3 hours before the meet (15% rear and 35% front)
If I\'m lucky, all will be done in time for me to compete in Import Fest (crossing my fingers) but infortunately won\'t be ready for M.O.M. Wish me luck!
Sorry everyone ... not that a meet would be any different if I was there or not. :p
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