View Full Version : CAI VS SRI

08-12-2005, 10:54 AM
For the mazda 3 (taking in consideration of the space under the hood, etc) what is the best? A cold air intake or a short ram intake?

CAI is good for low rpm and start offs and SRI is basically opposit, but for overall performance what is better? :D maybe the Mazda 3 does not need better performance at low rpm and would benefit more from a SRI?? This is where we need people who seriously know the ins and outs of the mazda 3 :)

Lemmie know what you think :)


08-12-2005, 02:49 PM
Moved to Engine/Drivetrain section.


08-20-2005, 04:28 PM
the general \"theory\" is the same for every car on the market with this question. The only real question you have to ask yourself is based on either personal prefernce and/or type of engine.

CAI = average gains throughout the ENTIRE RPM range. Ideal for the \"every day driver\" that wants more performance out of his/her car. It simply \"enhances\" the characteristics of the engine.

SRI = superior high-end gains. not much low-end gains as compared to the CAI, but more high-end power. Would be more common for race/track purposes or for those who \"worry about puddles\" lol.

Haven\'t heard too many horror stories about the CAI thus far though. Just be careful not to submerge it too much or better yet, get a by-pass valve :)

Hope this helps a little....

08-20-2005, 08:26 PM
Link to Air bypass valve Click Me (http://www.vpower.net/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=80_33_40&products_id=177)

11-21-2005, 12:35 PM
Hopefully everyone with an aftermarket intake system reads this. I cleaned my MAF sensor yesterday, approx 24K on the car, no idea how many kms with the intake tho, but clean the sensors! Removing the sensor unit is simple enough, detach it from the wires. Hopefully before all of this tho you picked up some electrical contact/connector cleaner, and also disconnected the -ve on the battery.

I sprayed the IAT sensor as well as the MAF sensor wires (hidden upskirt on the unit). I gave both sensors a good five or six sprays. For the MAF, literally drowned the wires for a few seconds, then poured out the cleaner fluid. Wait for everything to dry after you\'re done and reconnect.

11-21-2005, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by wtom

Hopefully everyone with an aftermarket intake system reads this. I cleaned my MAF sensor yesterday, approx 24K on the car, no idea how many kms with the intake tho, but clean the sensors! Removing the sensor unit is simple enough, detach it from the wires. Hopefully before all of this tho you picked up some electrical contact/connector cleaner, and also disconnected the -ve on the battery.

I sprayed the IAT sensor as well as the MAF sensor wires (hidden upskirt on the unit). I gave both sensors a good five or six sprays. For the MAF, literally drowned the wires for a few seconds, then poured out the cleaner fluid. Wait for everything to dry after you\'re done and reconnect.

looks like all the talk about cleaning the MAF got you curious eh ;)

here\'s a write-up from mazda6tech about cleaning the MAF (http://www.mazda6tech.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=62&Itemi d=1)...the pictures go along with warren\'s excellent description :D

11-21-2005, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by MajesticBlueN

looks like all the talk about cleaning the MAF got you curious eh ;)

Always curious of what\'s \"up there\" ... LOL