View Full Version : software fix hard1>2shift

11-11-2005, 12:05 PM
As of early Nov. there is new softwear in the States (see www.mazda3forums.com/index.php?topic=31143.0 ) to \"fix\" the Auto Tranny 1>2 shift shock on cold start.
Has anyone up here had this done. On Nov. 9 I was at the Dealer in ThunderBay, asked them if they could do it for me, and they of course knew nothing about it.
I am getting so tired of the Mazda dealers I go to saying they know nothing about any of these \"fixes\".

How about the DriveShaft Click Noise, you know, when you first shift your Cold ATX and it clings and clangs and tinkles. Has anyone had this \"fixed\" yet? The TSB from Mazda North American Operations is dated JULY 26, 2005 so the \"fix\" has been available in the States for almost 4 months now.

If I\'m sounding bitter...I am. I\'m really starting to feel like Mazda Canada and the MAJORITY of it\'s dealer network is treating us like 2nd class citizens. As I have an Oct03 built 3 bought in Dec03 I\'ve had a huge number of \"glitches\" with this car and have to fight tooth and nail to get anything fixed. They (Mazda) are so dumb...just \"fix\" my little problem and I\'ll get you new customers because I am very happy with the service. But oh no...they F--K me around and I am at the point that whenever anyone asks me about my 3 I simply say \"Don\'t buy a Mazda\".

I do like a lot of things about my 3 but unfortunately the poor service and gas mileage I\'ve gotten the last 2 years means I won\'t ever be buying another Mazda product no matter how sharp it looks and neither will my friends. That being said, from what I\'ve been reading the more recent 3\'s have most of the glitches and kinks worked out and if you are within a 1/2 hour or so of a dealer (I\'m 3+ hours one way which is a big problem) you should be fine. It IS a very sharp looking good handling car.

OK then, enough griping and moaning for now.

11-11-2005, 12:24 PM
It sounds like a software fix is a step in the right direction. This is the first I have heard of this, so thanks for the information. I am going to a different dealer next week for an oil change (Morningside Mazda is gone now), and I will ask (making it sound like everyone knows about it), if the harsh shift fix is available yet.

11-11-2005, 01:24 PM
thanks for the heads up

11-11-2005, 03:10 PM
Yesterday I was at Dave Wood Mazda in Newmarket to have my arms and wipers replaced under warranty. I also asked if there was a reflash for the tranny (I heard there was one) because I was getting a harsh shift and sometimes a vibration when shifting. The sevice guy said yes and they did it.
Phone Mazda Canada and bitch.

11-11-2005, 03:15 PM
I had my 24k service at Mazda of Toronto, about 3 weeks ago. I was having this same issue. They reset the system to learning mode(not sure what that means), and since then, it has been sifting smooth.

11-11-2005, 06:04 PM
Yep, I had mine upgraded about 6 weeks ago, so far the shifts are smooth.

11-15-2005, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by nifty6

Yesterday I was at Dave Wood Mazda in Newmarket to have my arms and wipers replaced under warranty. I also asked if there was a reflash for the tranny (I heard there was one) because I was getting a harsh shift and sometimes a vibration when shifting. The sevice guy said yes and they did it.
Phone Mazda Canada and bitch.

Thanks nifty6...did you happen to get any kind of job # or something on your invoice pertaining to the reflash? Maybe I could pass this # on to my dealer in Steinbach? Thanks if you can post.

11-15-2005, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by everfeb

Originally posted by nifty6

Yesterday I was at Dave Wood Mazda in Newmarket to have my arms and wipers replaced under warranty. I also asked if there was a reflash for the tranny (I heard there was one) because I was getting a harsh shift and sometimes a vibration when shifting. The sevice guy said yes and they did it.
Phone Mazda Canada and bitch.

Thanks nifty6...did you happen to get any kind of job # or something on your invoice pertaining to the reflash? Maybe I could pass this # on to my dealer in Steinbach? Thanks if you can post.

From my invoice... \"Performed re-flash for TCM as per bulletin F0010XFX 0.3\"
\"Re-Flash PCM\"
I still say contact Mazda Canada and have them contact the dealer and have them tell the dealer about the re-flash.

11-16-2005, 01:28 PM
No luck at Ajax Mazda, they said there was no update for the transmission, and they checked my car, and found no codes to indicate a problem. They did say it was a common complaint, and Mazda Canada is working on the problem.

11-16-2005, 02:42 PM
How is it that Dave Wood and MOT know about this problem...AND THE \"FIX\"-and Ajax Mazda doesn\'t?
When there is a problem and a \"fix\" does Mazda Canada not communicate this information to ALL Canadian dealers so that all their customers can be taken care of?
Is this a perfect example of dealer ineptitute and lack of interest and caring by Ajax Mazda.
Where would you buy...MOT/WOOD or AJAX. Are dealers like Ajax and the one in ThunderBay I just went to so DUMB they just don\'t realize THAT BECAUSE OF THE INTERNET WE KNOW WHAT MANY OF THE COMMON PROBLEMS WITH OUR CARS ARE, THAT WE REALLY DO HAVE A PROBLEM, WE KNOW THERE IS A FIX FOR THE PROBLEM and don\'t they realize that when they tell us that there is no problem or there is no fix yet...WE KNOW they are either lying to us or not doing their jobs properly.

Or...does Mazda Canada not communicate these problems and fixes to dealers on a regular basis leaving the dealer to try and come up with something on their own? And would Mazda Canada do something like this to not have to pay out $$$ for warrantee work charged them by dealers?

IDREAMOFMAZDA...how do you feel about AJAX mazda saying there is no update BUT Nifty6 (WOOD) and SFW (MOT) with the same problem got theirs fixed. I know when the Service Advisor in TB told me there was no updated software I was internally quite angry and decided on the spot I would not go back to them again, not for service or to buy anything. Now I have to take the time to go back to a dealaer AGAIN...and when I have to go back...it\'s a whole day on the road..at the dealer..and then 3-4 hours back home.

Or am I just missing something here altogether. You really would think that if there is a common problem with Mz3 and Mazda has taken the time to come up with a \"fix\" that Mazda would get this info to their dealers and the dealers would do their part to help their customers. That\'s just good business. I mean WE really shouldn\'t have to call Mazda Canada to get them to call our dealer and let them know their is a \"fix\" for this or that problem-should we? Do I live in a dream world?

sorry - I am really pissed by all this. F--K. There is a problem. There is a fix. Just fix the FN thing.

11-16-2005, 02:48 PM
Everfab, have you contact Mazda Canada yet? If they can confirm for you that the \'fix\' info has been sent to your dealer, then you should inform them of their response to you. As much as I feel for you and your situation, bitching about it here isn\'t going to magically fix the problem. You need to speak to someone with more authority and get this dealt with. Write a letter to MofC and copy your dealer on it. Have you told your dealer that other dealers in Ontario are performing this fix? Perhaps you can get them to call MofT or DWM?

11-16-2005, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by everfeb
I know when the Service Advisor in TB told me there was no updated software I was internally quite angry and decided on the spot I would not go back to them again, not for service or to buy anything. Now I have to take the time to go back to a dealaer AGAIN...and when I have to go back...it\'s a whole day on the road..at the dealer..and then 3-4 hours back home.

I think u should\'ve just told them on the spot that there is a fix and for them to call Mazda of Canada right there.. and be sure to have the info from nifty6\'s invoice with u so u can tell them what it is.. if they actually don\'t know about this then at least u can bring it to their attention.. this way u won\'t have to waste ur time going elsewhere..

and be sure to write or call Mazda of Canada and complain to them that the Mazda dealer u went to does not know about it and that u\'r upset about this.. maybe they\'ll give u something for ur troubles.. :)

11-16-2005, 07:13 PM
Of course I am not pleased, but I do get around the shifting problem by staring off in second gear until the transmission is warmed up. This is a temporary solution, and I still have lots of time left on my warranty. I will keep bringing it and keep the problem on record, and go to different dealers until the problem is fixed. I don’t see the point in fighting with someone who you are going to hand your keys to, only to him piss in your gas tank.

BTW. Of all the cars I looked at the test drove when I was looking for a new car, Mazda was on the bottom of the list, for the only reason of the poor service reputation. I needn’t to go to Mazda for service after the warranty is over, and there are plenty of other carmakers to turn to after my Mazda needs to be replaced.

11-16-2005, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Everfab, have you contact Mazda Canada yet? If they can confirm for you that the \'fix\' info has been sent to your dealer, then you should inform them of their response to you. As much as I feel for you and your situation, bitching about it here isn\'t going to magically fix the problem. You need to speak to someone with more authority and get this dealt with. Write a letter to MofC and copy your dealer on it. Have you told your dealer that other dealers in Ontario are performing this fix? Perhaps you can get them to call MofT or DWM?

PSIVIC...thanks...no, haven\'t contacted MofC yet but when I do I will employ your suggestions.
Sorry for all the bitching. I am getting very tired of it myself.
My dealer in Winnipeg went out of business. This was the first time I saw the dealer in ThunderBay.
When they TOLD me...they didn\'t know anything about the software for the harsh shift...and that there were no TSBs for the \'04 3...and that the only problem with the 3 that THEY KNEW OF was the airbag recall...I just didn\'t pursue the softwear thing any further with them as I felt it would be pointless. I thought their attitude was pretty much...get lost.
Thanks folks for putting up with my whining. I will stop. All I wish for, when I have a problem,
is to be able to take my 3 to a competent, knowledgeable dealer like you folks in Toronto have the
opportunity to do (MofT, DWM) but I\'m just not having much luck at this point.

11-16-2005, 08:41 PM
DS2CHAN..thanks, my post above to PSIVIC addresses a few of your thoughts also. I live 200 miles from ThunderBay. Just went in for that day and came right back out. When I was at the dealer I didn\'t yet have that info from nifty6 and wasn\'t in a position to present it to them. So I will need to do another road trip once I can track down a dealer who knows about the new software.
I\'d whip over to DWM or MofT tomorrow if they weren\'t 1200 miles from me.
Yes I will be writing/calling MofC very soon. Thanks for your ideas.

11-16-2005, 09:42 PM
Everfeb, you don\'t have to apologize for your bitching.....it is perfectly understandable IMO. I just think that more can be done to resolve this issue, and your dealer needs to be made aware so others don\'t go through this. Also, MofC needs to be aware that this dealer is run by a bunch of idiots.

Good luck and keep us posted.

11-16-2005, 10:24 PM
Might need to take a trip to get mine fixed. My dealership sat my car on the lot for 4 hours thinking that it will \'cool\' down to pre-driven temperatures.

MOT or Dave Woods, who will just fix the damn thing without testing the car first? :)

11-16-2005, 10:40 PM
Sorry to hear that you concerns had not been addressed... Mazda Canada does issue the bullitins on their dealer web site to all dealers.. Then they send a couple of papers copies out. Its up to the dealers to inform all tecs and service personal.. Its impossibe to remember all of them..
We file them under the release number and also under each model for reference.. If you already have the CDN bullitin number any dealer should be able to pull up the bullitin and repair as instructed.
Regarding the \"re learn\" of the 1-2 shift the transmission temperature has to be below a certain temp. If you are going to drive to the dealer and wait for the repair, be prepared to stay awhile before they can work on it... The short version of the repair is the trans temp has tobe cold. the tec the clears the shift logic and the goes out and drives the car at set speeds and throttle postion. The trans logic learns the new shift pattern as they drive..
The harsh shift you have now will not hurt the trans so you may want to wait till the next visit rather than drive all that one for the one thing.

11-16-2005, 11:35 PM
DWMmotorsport....THANK YOU!!!

I\'m quite relieved to hear this harsh 1 > 2 shift on cold start won\'t hurt the trans and that I don\'t have to make a special trip (SE Man. got a foot of snow today, we got 8\", winter has begun) to have this looked at.

If I could ask a question of you....would all Canadian Mazda dealers have access to the bulletins on M of C dealer web site at the same time? And would the paper copies be sent to dealers at the same time?

Again, THANK YOU!!!


11-17-2005, 02:09 AM
do the 06 have this prob?

11-17-2005, 09:38 AM
Yes,Yes And No.
The bullitins are posted on the dealer site and are available to all dealers to view.. I believe Mazda sends out the paper ones soon after(all at the same time) I can tell you from experience its hard to keep track of them all. and remember them.. If you have a problem that is covered by a bullitin mentioning that your friends have had the repair done under 09-03-01 For example should not get you in trouble with your dealer..... The problem I have is when someone comes in with a \"shopping list\" of bullitins they have pulled from the USA sites and state their car has everyone of these concerns. Out of say of 10 there may be 1 or 2 the person actually needs.
As for 2006 transmission there should be no problem... Most bullitins give a VIN range ,which means the factory has has changed the part of modified the ecu on the line.. If for any reason we find a vehicle \"outside\" of the Vin range that has the same problem as bullitin we have a reporting system in place to notify the factory. They investigate and sometimes up date bullitins based on this.
I hope this information helps.

11-17-2005, 11:45 AM
DWMmotorsport please check your PM

11-17-2005, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by DWMmotorsportThe harsh shift you have now will not hurt the trans so you may want to wait till the next visit rather than drive all that one for the one thing.

Thanks for the previous information, however, this part is hard to believe. Surely this is _not a good thing_ to be happening. I get around it by shifting either above 2700rpm from 1->2 in the morning, or at around 2000rpm. Of course both points seem to be in suboptimal levels (2700rpm seems kinda high on a cold winter day right after startup, 2000rpm is pretty low).

Why have some people said they have gotten this fixed by just a PCM update and not this \'lets cool the car down for ****ing hours\'.

11-17-2005, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by everfeb DWMmotorsport....THANK YOU!!! I\'m quite relieved to hear this harsh 1 > 2 shift on cold start won\'t hurt the trans and that I don\'t have to make a special trip (SE Man. got a foot of snow today, we got 8\", winter has begun) to have this looked at. If I could ask a question of you....would all Canadian Mazda dealers have access to the bulletins on M of C dealer web site at the same time? And would the paper copies be sent to dealers at the same time? Again, THANK YOU!!! everfeb

I know this might be unrelated, but there does not appear to be a technical service bulletin for this 1->2 shift. It\'s not listed on any sites and my dealership was totally baffled at the idea that my transmission would have a harsh shift from 1->2 when it\'s cold. Mention anything else that they have a TSB on and they are more than willing to comply.

Sad state when certain dealerships have no clue about non-TSB related items such as this.

11-17-2005, 02:29 PM
I called Mazda of Toronto to schedule and oil change and asked them about this.. they said all they do is use a device to check what version is on the computer in my car and if it needs an update they\'ll flash it for me.. :) I\'m so glad they know what to do..

fyi, an oil change is $32.. I swore I was told $28.. oh well..

11-17-2005, 10:25 PM
I haven\'t felt the harsh shift in an automatic 3, but quick shifts that you can feel are actually better for the clutch bands in an automatic. shifting at full line pressure reduces wear on the bands.

that \"luxury\" shift is actually slipping of the bands to ease the shift, which results in the transmission heating up; and heat is bad for an automatic.

just some food for thought.

11-17-2005, 10:27 PM
I haven\'t felt the harsh shift in an automatic 3, but quick shifts that you can feel are actually better for the clutch bands in an automatic. shifting at full line pressure reduces wear on the bands.

the harsh shift that we feel are definitely not normal heh
its pretty bad :p

11-18-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by idreamofmazda

No luck at Ajax Mazda, they said there was no update for the transmission, and they checked my car, and found no codes to indicate a problem. They did say it was a common complaint, and Mazda Canada is working on the problem.

Since Wednesday, my transmission has been as smooth a butter, Thursday morning, I let is shift normally, as well as Thursday night, and today. It has been colder, so the problem should be getting worse, what gives? Ajax said they only read the codes, so maybe they reset the computer and it is back to default?

11-18-2005, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by idreamofmazda

Originally posted by idreamofmazda

No luck at Ajax Mazda, they said there was no update for the transmission, and they checked my car, and found no codes to indicate a problem. They did say it was a common complaint, and Mazda Canada is working on the problem.

Since Wednesday, my transmission has been as smooth a butter, Thursday morning, I let is shift normally, as well as Thursday night, and today. It has been colder, so the problem should be getting worse, what gives? Ajax said they only read the codes, so maybe they reset the computer and it is back to default?

so what do you mean \"the problem should be getting worse\"?? do you mean the problem did get worse??

they probably just saw that you had the lated version of their software so there was no need to upgrade the software in ur car.. now ur car is back to normal..

how about trying to manually shift gears in the morning then?? I don\'t seem to have a problem when I do that.. just shift before it hits 20km/h (like at 18km/h) and it\'s fine..

11-18-2005, 12:27 PM
No, I mean the colder it gets, the worse the shifting get, or at least takes longer to warm up.

Shifting manually does help, like starting off in second gear.

11-18-2005, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by DWMmotorsport

Yes,Yes And No.
The bullitins are posted on the dealer site and are available to all dealers to view.. I believe Mazda sends out the paper ones soon after(all at the same time) I can tell you from experience its hard to keep track of them all.

DWMmotorsport...THANKS again...To paraphrase this and your previous post....EVERY dealer in CANADA finds out about MZ3 problems and \"fixes\" pretty much at the same time once M of C has determined the \"fix\". This information is first available to dealer\'s on the MofC dealer site and then followed up by a hard paper copy sent to the dealer It is then up to each individual dealer what they do with this information.....The \"good\" dealers likely familiarize themselves as much as humanly possible with this information so as to better serve their current customers which leads to happy current customers which leads to word of mouth sales and repeat customers and more service work etc. for the \"good\" dealers.
The other 90% of dealers, the \"not so good ones, really don\'t pay much attention to these \"updates\"
say they don\'t know about this, haven\'t heard about that, and then wonder why their service and vehicle sales are down.

I think the lesson to be learned here, especially in an area like Toronto where there is a choice of dealers, is to shop the car AND THE DEALERS. Many of you in GTA already deal with the \"good\" MZ ones and I\'m sure many of you who currently don\'t-soon will be. I\'m jealous you T.O. folks have the opportunity to deal with the \"good\" ones. But don\'t worry about me. I am moving back to the Toronto area just so I can live right next door to one of the \"good\" ones. LOL Seriously...it\'s very frustrating having to deal with what I consider to be incompetent dealers who never know anything about what\'s going on...and I do envy the fact you in T.O. CAN get a \"good\" dealer to take care of both you and your car.


11-18-2005, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Everfeb, you don\'t have to apologize for your bitching.....it is perfectly understandable IMO. I just think that more can be done to resolve this issue, and your dealer needs to be made aware so others don\'t go through this. Also, MofC needs to be aware that this dealer is run by a bunch of idiots.

Good luck and keep us posted.

I have been in touch with M of C. I\'m not going to go into great detail here. Basically, I was told that yes there is a \"fix\" although not officially released in TSB form (yet?). Something to that effect.
All the dealer in ThunderBay had to do was simply call the MofC Tech Department to get details.
The dealer in ThunderBay couldn\'t be bothered doing this. Just said there was no \"fix\" and pretty much sent me a packing on my 330km trip home. I wonder how much $$$ I will be spending at that dealership in the future? I wonder how many of my friends, relatives and neighbours I will be sending to them in the future?
Anyway, I\'m going to relax. Call all 3 of the Winnipeg area dealers. Explain my problem to them and see if any of them are familiar with the problem/fix. The one who does gets my business. Hopefully Steinbach. Only 3 hours one way. As \"idreamofmazda\" said...plenty of warrantee left so just keep trying to get the problem fixed. Thanks to DWMmotorsport I am now, at the least, not worried that this harsh shift is wrecking my tranny.
Thanks for listening folks...appreciate it.

11-18-2005, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by david3

Originally posted by DWMmotorsportThe harsh shift you have now will not hurt the trans so you may want to wait till the next visit rather than drive all that one for the one thing.

Thanks for the previous information, however, this part is hard to believe. Surely this is _not a good thing_ to be happening. I get around it by shifting either above 2700rpm from 1->2 in the morning, or at around 2000rpm. Of course both points seem to be in suboptimal levels (2700rpm seems kinda high on a cold winter day right after startup, 2000rpm is pretty low).

Why have some people said they have gotten this fixed by just a PCM update and not this \'lets cool the car down for ****ing hours\'.

Phuc Dat Bich, I agree with david3 on this one. I emailed Joe at MoT today about coming in for my glove box rattle (which is very very bad right now) and the harsh 1-2 shift. Joe told me to talk to service and Stanley from MoT acknowledged both of my problems are common. Regarding the software fix, its a PCM update he said that takes 1 hour, not the WHOLE day eventhough I am going to leave my car there for the whole day anyways.

I\'ll report back when my car gets looked at next week. This is my first experience at MoT for servicing so I hope it all goes well since its a lot closer to my home.

11-18-2005, 10:35 PM
REDRAPTOR...Don\'t know if you read the whole thread but the quote you posted by DWMmotorsport was DIRECTED TO ME. As I live 3 Hours ONE WAY from the Mazda dealer closest to me and as a service trip ties me up for an entire day plus gas, meals, etc. he was simply suggesting I not go rushing off to a dealer over this one thing but rather to wait awhile and batch a bunch of things such as an oil change, 2 year inspection and getting the harsh shift \"fix\" done, ALL at the same time. I\'ve been waiting 2 years to get this harsh 1>2shift when cold thing fixed. Another month or 2 isn\'t going to hurt, especially as the tranny is not being harmed and taking into consideration, as I posted earlier, I don\'t drive the 3 much in the winter anyway. So I very much appreciate his advice to me.

Just wanted to CLARIFY what DWMmotorsport was talking to ME about in the mentioned quote.

11-20-2005, 07:33 PM

When I had my tranny reflashed only had to wait about 10 minutes, not sure whats involved.

11-20-2005, 08:07 PM
My dad had this fixed on Saturday at MoT. Before Saturday, these shifts were literally neck snapping and very disconcerting, especially in the morning when they occurred. Thankfully, all is well after the procedure.

11-20-2005, 08:11 PM
Did you get this fixed as well Arthur? Thanks for the info nifty. The car is going in on Tuesday and hopefully I will enjoy my car without the \"neck twisting jolt\" from now on. haha. ;)

11-20-2005, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by RedRaptor
The car is going in on Tuesday and hopefully I will enjoy my car without the \"neck twisting jolt\" from now on. haha. ;)

I wonder if I\'m even experiencing the same jerkiness as you all are.. I mean, my car isn\'t like jerking me around.. it\'s more of a minor annoying shock.. well, I guess I\'ll see on tuesday.. I\'ll let you all know how it goes after I pick up my car..

11-22-2005, 08:33 PM
Alright, I got my car back from MoT tonight after dropping it off for the following issues:

1) 1-2 Harsh Shift
2) Glovebox Rattle
3) Front Passenger Side Door Rattle

I am happy to report that the 1-2 Harsh shift has been fixed. :) Of course you still feel the shift from 1 to 2, but it is no where as harsh as it was before even on a cold start. For the first time since getting my car I was able to push her a little harder on a cold start. The tranny is A LOT smoother now after the PCM update.

The front passenger side door rattle was resolved by replacing the lower plastic trim piece. Hopefully this does the trick as the rattles in my car lately have been pretty bad.

They have to order a glovebox for me and will call me when it comes in.

Props to MoT for fixing my issues and giving the car a much needed complimentary wash. :)

11-22-2005, 10:53 PM
hey red, I knew that was ur car that I saw at the dealership.. it was there when I dropped off my car and was still there when I picked it up..

I got my car flashed also.. it\'s pretty smooth like red raptor says but the real test will be the next week.. ie, see if it stays that way..

hey, they didn\'t wash my car.. :( unless they washed it with dust.. :p eh, it\'s all good.. no biggie..

11-23-2005, 02:39 AM
hey Dave,

I picked up late at night since MoT couldn\'t arrange for a shuttle ride for me in the afternoon at 3:00PM (the only thing that I wasn\'t impressed with today), so I had to ask a friend to drive me there at night. As you said, the 1-2 shift fix is working right now and I hope it stays this way as well.

11-23-2005, 08:41 AM
Which service manager did you guys deal with, I\'d like to call the same one so I don\'t have to explain the situation to someone who has zero clue. :)


11-23-2005, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by david3

Which service manager did you guys deal with, I\'d like to call the same one so I don\'t have to explain the situation to someone who has zero clue. :)


I talked to Vincent.. you should speak to him..

also, when I asked him over the phone about an oil change he said it was $32.. when I got there I talked to some other asian guy (Danny, I think).. he wrote up my bill and wrote down $34.99.. I was like why is it $34.99 cuz I was told the amount should be $32.. he said it\'s a $2.50 manual charge.. I was like wtf but thought ok, I\'ll leave it be.. so I wait around and then decide to talk to vincent.. I asked him about the oil change and he says it is $32.. I told him Danny charge me $34.99 and he says no and showed me another guy\'s bill.. it was indeed $32..

so after talking to Danny for awhile I got him to talk to Vincent and Danny changed the price to $32.45 (the real price).. apparently, the $34.99 price is a \"recommended\" service of Mazda.. they check ur engine or some bs like that.. I had to specifically ask what the difference was and Vincent told me the difference is that if something goes wrong with the car and Mazda finds out I didn\'t do all that I could do to maintain the car they may not fix it.. I was like forget that.. if something goes wrong it\'s covered under warranty.. so I just went with the $32.45 oil change..

I also asked about the $0.45 (just wondering why I was told $32 and not $32.45) and Vincent was like it\'s the same.. then I thought that if I saved 50 cents here and go on with the bit from Peter Russell.. :p

in the end I know MoT is super nice but I didn\'t like how the new guy (I think he\'s new) tried to charge me extra when I specifically told him I was told it was $32..

ps. I did not know MoT picks you up and drives you back to the dealership to pick up ur car!!

edit: I also saw that the Mazda 3 door sills are $140 at the dealership!!

11-23-2005, 10:09 AM
I dealt with Stanley at MoT(its not actually Danny although it sounds like that). He knows exactly what I\'m talking about when I mentioned the PCM update.

11-23-2005, 11:06 AM
Has anyone gone into Markham Mazda with this problem? Did they fix the problem? I bought my 3 from Markham Mazda and have heard some negative things about the service there.

11-23-2005, 12:14 PM
Had the fix done as well last week. At MOT of course!:D

11-23-2005, 02:11 PM
hey Joe, any idea on when my new glovebox will come in? :D

11-23-2005, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by RedRaptor

hey Joe, any idea on when my new glovebox will come in? :D
I should get it on Friday. I\'ll let you know as soon as it arrives Rob.

11-26-2005, 12:45 AM
just to let everybody know, I didn\'t have any jerkiness when I first started driving tonite.. I haven\'t driven it since tuesday.. I started the engine to warm it up first while I cleared away the snow, which took about 5 mins, then I drove off.. no hard shift from 1st to 2nd.. I hope this is a good sign.. :)

11-26-2005, 10:14 AM
After all that driving i never noticed or did care about it. I thought its normal. Until this morning i drove out to get some breakfast for parents then i finally know what you guys are talking about. I think i should tell that to the service dudes when i get my trip computer fixed.

11-26-2005, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by ds2chan

I started the engine to warm it up first while I cleared away the snow, which took about 5 mins, then I drove off..

That\'s why you don\'t have the 1->2 hard shift problem.

11-26-2005, 11:11 AM
Yea it says COLD engine. And 5 mins of idling with cold engine is bad for your car and the environment if you did care. :)

11-26-2005, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

Originally posted by ds2chan

I started the engine to warm it up first while I cleared away the snow, which took about 5 mins, then I drove off..

That\'s why you don\'t have the 1->2 hard shift problem.

yeah, I was hoping it wasn\'t cuz of that.. I\'ll try it out tomorrow morning and report back..

darn snow.. took so long to clear off..

edit: just in case anybody is wondering about this, I did drive my car cold this morning and it was all good.. there was no rough jerkiness..

12-06-2005, 11:18 AM
As i said on the other thread that i brought my car to avante to get my trip computer fix but i also ask them to fix the hard shift problem. The thing is they couldn\'t fix it because the 06 already have the latest software on the car and there is no other new ones. But I\'m still having the hardshift this morning.

12-06-2005, 06:49 PM
i had the harsh shifting since feb this year when i got my car and again when cold season came in.

What I did 3 weeks ago I switched to manual (never used it eversince i got the car) for a week since ive been driving to downtown recently. after a week ,unconciously i switched back to auto driving and guess what? the harsh shifting was gone...shift to 1-2 is now smooth even if i dont warm up the engine and while using auto shifting....

i dont knw what happen, maybe the tranny got break-in/whatever....so for now im not having the neck jerking problem....:)

12-10-2005, 03:02 AM
After reading everyone\'s post here, I took my car in for an oil change at Downtown Mazda and mentioned the hard shift from 1st to 2nd when the engine is cold. My invoice says \"updated PCM to latest calibrations.\" Whatever that means, it worked and now there\'s no more jerk from 1st to 2nd so I\'m a happy camper. :D :D Now if only they could fix those embarrassing squeaky brakes in the morning...:sarc

12-10-2005, 09:54 AM
Also the tech is required to put a yellow sticker on the drivers door pillar beside the vehicle I.D. label. It says that the update has been done.

12-10-2005, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by m3zoom

After reading everyone\'s post here, I took my car in for an oil change at Downtown Mazda and mentioned the hard shift from 1st to 2nd when the engine is cold. My invoice says \"updated PCM to latest calibrations.\" Whatever that means, it worked and now there\'s no more jerk from 1st to 2nd so I\'m a happy camper. :D :D Now if only they could fix those embarrassing squeaky brakes in the morning...:sarc

I went to avante to have them fix it as well but as i said they can\'t fix it because i already have the latest software on my car. Mine is an 06 but even tho they said I have the lastest software the next day the hard 1 2 shift is still there.

Flipspeed can you help me check if 06 can\'t fix the hard shift? Thank you.:)