View Full Version : Squeaky Chair

11-12-2005, 09:39 PM
Has anyone had this problem where their driver\\\'s seat squeaks...it sounds like an old rocking chair. Anytime I go over bumps of take corners or anything rather the chair will creek.


11-12-2005, 09:49 PM
you might want to PM AFbunnie(although she hasn\'t been on in a while) .. i know the other day she had the same problem and the jackasses at a <insert name that i forgot now> dealer told her \"maybe you\'re just sitting funny or don\'t know how to sit right\" WTF?!?!?! :sarc

11-12-2005, 10:32 PM
Talk to MajesticBlueN, he had the same problem last year around this time and Avante Mazda fixed it for him.

11-12-2005, 11:24 PM
my chairs been squeeky and the headrest has been cratzy lose since my little accident. during the process of accessing what to change and fix when i told them they are like \"its normal, what are you talking about? rock solid <easily moves headrest>, didnt move at all.\"

lol mofo\'s oh well, also doesnt help how a friend of mine doesnt like her seatbelt and would rather hold my chair/sometimes steal my headrest and beat me with it XD

11-13-2005, 01:55 AM
I\'ve have the same problem with my 06 leather seats. Brought it back to Avante in 3 occasions...

first time, they couldn\'t replicate the squeaking, thus couldn\'t fix it.

second time, I replicated the problem to the mechanic, they greased the track and temporarily fixed the problem. Seat squeaking again within a week, tho I have to say, it wasn\'t as bad as before.

third time (Just Friday actually when I took my car in for the trip computer fix), they couldn\'t replicated the squeaking, nothing they can do.

Therefore, unless your near a Mazda dealership when you\'re seat is squeaking and that you can show it to them, there isn\'t a lot that they can do. They can\'t fix what they can\'t replicate.

11-13-2005, 09:26 AM
I have brought my car back to the Avante to have it fixed...they took a look at it and was able to replicate the problem. They just WD-40\'ed the crap out of my chair and it seemed to fix it for about a minute...hahaha
So they just said that they have to find out what Mazda Canada wants to do with it. They are either going to replace all the parts of the chair (which doesn\'t make much sense to me...I figure the chair is all one piece), or they are going to give me a new chair.

But regardless I just wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem...


11-13-2005, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by asianmickey

I have brought my car back to the Avante to have it fixed...they took a look at it and was able to replicate the problem. They just WD-40\'ed the crap out of my chair and it seemed to fix it for about a minute...hahaha
So they just said that they have to find out what Mazda Canada wants to do with it. They are either going to replace all the parts of the chair (which doesn\'t make much sense to me...I figure the chair is all one piece), or they are going to give me a new chair.

But regardless I just wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem...


the seat/chair isn\'t one piece, it\'s the seat back, the seat bottom, and the seat frame (the thing that the seat bottom mounts on and slides back and forth).

mine wasn\'t only squeaking but was rocking back and forth (the frame/mount was loose). wasn\'t like that when i got the car but it happened over time.

the Toronto Avante location (now Mazda of Toronto) replaced my seat frame and seat back, no questions asked. all has been well, 40,000kms later (knock on wood).

11-13-2005, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by MajesticBlueN

mine wasn\'t only squeaking but was rocking back and forth (the frame/mount was loose). wasn\'t like that when i got the car but it happened over time.


11-13-2005, 08:00 PM
Did you buy those plastic blowups from ebay ???

11-14-2005, 01:07 PM

You shouldn\'t lend your car to you brother anymore!!!:p :D

11-14-2005, 01:20 PM
I have a similar problem, though I\'d call it more of a creak than a squeak. I have figured out that it is the arm that the seatbelt buckles into.....if I put tension on my seatbelt the sounds is gone, but as soon as I let go it returns. While slightly annoying, I\'ll just have them take a look at it during my next service.

11-20-2005, 06:16 PM
You know.... I had that EXACT same problem!!!!
I went to go get it fixed, they told me they supposedly fixed it. What they initially told me is that the screws were loose so they tightened them. When I was driving back home, it started squeaking again! I went back the following week for them to check it out again. They told me that had a similar problem with another 3 so they\'d try it on mine, otherwise they\'d have to change the seat. They greased up the frame real good.. That over 3 weeks ago. Now?? no squeaks!!!!!!

11-21-2005, 01:40 AM
i have the same problem but its on the passenger side...all good with the drivers

11-21-2005, 04:15 AM
my 2 cents.

The foam used in seating has a anti-squeak spray (serious) or cloth blanket applied to it where it contacts the metal frame. It is possible that the spray or blanket has not been properly applied in some areas and raw foam is rubbing against metal somewhere in the seat. (usually happens in the front back bolster area) Try grabbing the sides and move them around.

Greasing the track should not have anything to do with squeaks. If your track is stiff and hard to function, then maybe it will help that problem. If your track is loose it is problably missing a bearing or retainer (bad), if your actual seat is loose (cushion or front back) could be a bushing or bad bolt (Really bad)

A loose feeling seat...a seat that moves... a seat that needed screws tightened??? Are all considered big NO-NO\'s in the seat building world. Anything that has a manufacturer violating goverment saftey regulations has them jumping!! (i.e Lets replace his seat Qik)

Imagine someone getting hurt in an accident and it was found out that their seat was missing a bolt. It would cost Mazda or any manufacturer Millions!!!

11-22-2005, 01:31 PM
i had the squeaking chair problem for awhile

and it was gettin really annoying

but it has stopped for some reason?

it lasted like 2-3 weeks and then resolved itself

i will give it a good listen today when i drive home!

12-07-2005, 12:07 AM
Avante recently called me back to let me know that they are ordering me a new seat rail and will replace my original one when it comes in...In anyone\'s opinion...does that sound right? Has anyone had there \"SEAT RAIL\" replaced???


Mr. Quant
09-04-2006, 02:59 PM
Hi guys,

I have been experiencing the exact same squeaky seatbelt problem since a couple of weeks ago. It is getting quite annoying and is taking away of the fun factor of driving my 3.

I brought the car to MoT for a checkup. Since I initially though the squeak came from the dash area, MoT wasn\'t able to duplicate the problem (Stanley was quite nice to me throughout the service). But after a weekend of investigation, I am certain the noise is indeed from the seatbelt/buckle area. Since as soon as I unbuckle myself, all noise are gone.

I know quite a few people have experienced this similar problem. Could someone share how he/she solved this problem? In particular, if anyone successfully had the dealer fixed the issue, what the tech did?

Thanks in advance.

Mr. Quant.

P.S. Broli, i saw a post you had earlier about your squeaky chair... how is that going? has it gone permanently? I found that when the weather is warm, the noise hides away.. but when the temp drops below 20..it comes back... anyway.

09-05-2006, 12:48 AM
The results of my problem was that I just brought it back to Avante Mazda and they just changed the entire seat rail. It took about an hour or so for them to do it...but after that...no noise...
No noise = happy driving...

Asianmickey :D