View Full Version : Graduate rebate question

12-12-2005, 05:55 AM
Before I start let me first say that I\'ve already searched for this but I didnt find any relevant results.

The dealership had called me over the weekend to ask me for my transcript as proof of graduation. My question is, does this need to be an official transcript that? Can I use my degree / student ID / session ID / online transcript which all include my graduation date and academic info? The reason I ask is because York University had fined me previously for some parking tickets which I paid for in FULL (in order to graduate and attend convocation you have to pay off all outstanding fines). Now that I have graduated they keep sending me mail with new fines from random dates every month appending more fines for parking which is crazy and I know for sure that there are some very bogus fines because I have not been back to York since my convocation date in June and yet there are NEW parking fines dated in July, August and November (no one else in my household attends York). Because of these bogus fines I will not be able to order a copy of my transcript unless I pay them off...which I do not wish to do.

Am I out of luck for the rebate?

Any info would be appreciated.

Cardinal Fang
12-12-2005, 09:01 AM
While at Avante Mazda Jeff had informed me that they would accept a written letter from the School registrar or official transcripts. Apparently, it\'s really easy to go online and make up a degree. I would call up the dealership and ask them what they will accept as proof of graduation.

12-12-2005, 01:32 PM
When I went to the dealership to buy my 3, they asked that I send them the official transcript. Not a photocopy.

Don\'t worry about it, they will return it to you in about a month to 2 months time. I got mine about the same time I got my grad rebate. As for the grad rebate, I can\'t seem to find where all that cash went to after I deposited it into my account :sarc. Wonder if you can ask for another one???;)

12-12-2005, 02:36 PM
do you know if this hasa to be done prior to delivery?
obviously i dont expect the rebate until i send in the document but can i apply for the rebate AFTER picking up the car? The reason is that if I do have to get this official school transcript it will take me much longer because I have to deal with the school. In other words, pick up the car WITHOUT rebate at the start then when I\'ve finished dealing with the school and obtain valid proof of graduation THEN submit my proof of graduation for the rebate. My M3 is due to arrive any day and will be impossible for me to obtain it anytime soon on such short notice :(
In a perfect world York website says 10 business days to process followed by courier time >.<

12-13-2005, 10:48 AM
i think it doesnt matter if your car is in your hands already or not. but just ask them to make sure.

that\'s schools for yah:sarc