View Full Version : intake manifold replaced under warranty

12-30-2005, 09:55 AM
well.. i have 2004 mazda 3 sport with about 75 000 cliks on it...
at the end of november i\'ve noticed some strange \"clicking\" noise coming from the engine compartment... it wasn\'t ignition coin clicking, it wasn\'t valve clicking, it wasn\'t timing chain noise... it was really strange noise... in order to hear it you had to open up the hood and really listen...

i took it to st. cathariens mazda for a check up (i used to live in st. kits, now i\'m there only on ocasional weekends, but i still like st. kits mazda.. :) ) basically i told the lady on the phone that i hear some strange clicking noise and i don\'t know what it is, and i would like the tech to listen to it... i came over, droped my car and waited... i was expecting that the tech would say \"sorry, i don\'t hear anything\" and i would have to prove something to them, but after 15 min, the tech came out and told me that some kind of valve on intake manifold is making that nose (it wasn\'t the engine valve, it was some plastic valve on that plastic intake manifold)... he told me that it\'s nothing major, but they will replace intake manifold... i made an appointment (since the workd would take close to 4 hours) and in couple of weeks brought my car in and everything was done perfectly...

i know a while ago there was a therad about someone having problems with st. catharines mazda... as for me i serviced my car only at that location and no problems so far...

thank you st. kits mazda..

12-30-2005, 11:11 AM
Moved to Reviews of local (GTA) body shops / garages / dealers.

12-30-2005, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by yuro

well.. i have 2004 mazda 3 sport with about 75 000 cliks on it...
at the end of november i\'ve noticed some strange \"clicking\" noise coming from the engine compartment... it wasn\'t ignition coin clicking, it wasn\'t valve clicking, it wasn\'t timing chain noise... it was really strange noise... in order to hear it you had to open up the hood and really listen...

i took it to st. cathariens mazda for a check up (i used to live in st. kits, now i\'m there only on ocasional weekends, but i still like st. kits mazda.. :) ) basically i told the lady on the phone that i hear some strange clicking noise and i don\'t know what it is, and i would like the tech to listen to it... i came over, droped my car and waited... i was expecting that the tech would say \"sorry, i don\'t hear anything\" and i would have to prove something to them, but after 15 min, the tech came out and told me that some kind of valve on intake manifold is making that nose (it wasn\'t the engine valve, it was some plastic valve on that plastic intake manifold)... he told me that it\'s nothing major, but they will replace intake manifold... i made an appointment (since the workd would take close to 4 hours) and in couple of weeks brought my car in and everything was done perfectly...

i know a while ago there was a therad about someone having problems with st. catharines mazda... as for me i serviced my car only at that location and no problems so far...

thank you st. kits mazda..

i hope you dont work at st. kts mazda. more like of an advertising to promote that car dealer which is heavily criticized by one or some members here. :sarc

12-30-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by moonstruck

i hope you dont work at st. kts mazda. more like of an advertising to promote that car dealer which is heavily criticized by one or some members here. :sarc
This one sounds legit to me. Whatever happened to that person who kept praising Avante and suddenly doesn\'t post anymore?(no offense Jeff) Quick someone do a search!

Btw, Mazda of Toronto rules!:p

12-30-2005, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

Originally posted by moonstruck

i hope you dont work at st. kts mazda. more like of an advertising to promote that car dealer which is heavily criticized by one or some members here. :sarc
This one sounds legit to me. Whatever happened to that person who kept praising Avante and suddenly doesn\'t post anymore?(no offense Jeff) Quick someone do a search!

Btw, Mazda of Toronto rules!:p


Who was that... no I mean seriously...

Oh and not to thread jack, great to hear you were taken care of..

01-04-2006, 08:38 PM
that\'s way too funny... you realy think i work for St. Catharines mazda?

st. catharines mazda is the place where i bought my car, serviced it for a bit and don\'t service it anymore except for waranty stuff (yes, i do my own oil changes, tire rotation and so on)... and i still think that any deallership is a total rip off and one my waranty is over i will not even step into any mazda dealership (sorry if i offended anyone who works in dealership). i like \"personal\" approach that i get in a small shop, i like when i talk directly to a mechanic and not to a secretary, i like to be able to go under a lift in a shop with mechanic and show him stuff that i think needs to be fixed... and you just can\'t get such kind of attention in a deallership (unless your best friend works there)

i was just really impressed with them they way they handled my problem with strange \"clicking\" noise... that\'s all.... even i didn\'t expect suchs a service (especially after reading some messages on this board) and was surprises... that was the reason for my original posting...

i don\'t post too often here because i just don\'t read this board too much... if you still think that i work for st. kits mazda, i can meet with any of you for a lunch in downtown TO anyday.... i guess it would be hard for an employee of st. catharines mazda to go for lunch anytime in TO.... :D

01-04-2006, 11:11 PM
oh i must point Mike to this thread...
he\'ll have a FIELD day

ok ok..hahah Looking at this, reminds me of so much, i can\'t stop laughing now, hahah


01-05-2006, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by yuro
i like to be able to go under a lift in a shop with mechanic and show him stuff that i think needs to be fixed... and you just can\'t get such kind of attention in a deallership (unless your best friend works there)

I\'m pretty sure the reason dealerships tend not to let you under the car is because it\'s against their insurance policy and may cause a safety risk.

01-05-2006, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by PSIVIC

Originally posted by yuro
i like to be able to go under a lift in a shop with mechanic and show him stuff that i think needs to be fixed... and you just can\'t get such kind of attention in a deallership (unless your best friend works there)

I\'m pretty sure the reason dealerships tend not to let you under the car is because it\'s against their insurance policy and may cause a safety risk.

Absolutely correct.

01-05-2006, 10:00 AM
I\'m pretty sure the reason dealerships tend not to let you under the car is because it\'s against their insurance policy and may cause a safety risk.

i know that too... there are signs that say that all over the place in all the deallership and all the large shops..... but one of my friends works for saturn and another friend of his has a saturn, and he can do anything when he comes over to a deallership... he gets personal attention, he gets parts \"at coast\", he doesn\'t have to argue about something that was charged to his bill and and most important he doesn\'t have to worry that someone will screw up something in his car... i mean you get those perks when your good friend or relative work somewhere where you go for busisiness..

as an example, my bro is working as a head tech at the ski/snowboard shop... the deals that he can get for himself and to bunch of his close friends are unbeliavable... and when it comes to service or warranty work i don\'t have to pay for anything and i get extra stuff done at no cost..... thats how it works in every other industry....there are two groups of people - the relatives/friends and regular public.... and in most of the cases the busineses make all their proffit on regular public.

and that\'s why i don\'t like deallerships and preffere small shops... because in small shops you can make a connection with a mechanic right away, and usually the guys who work on your car are the ones that owne the shop and that makes them to do extra stuff for customers that no dealler would do...

and i know that it\'s hard to find a respectable small shop, but if you find one it would be 100 times better than any deallership.... or other way around would be to become a relative or a good friend of someone who owns or works at a deallership.... :D

just my 5 cents that are totaly unrelated to original topic... :)

01-07-2006, 01:56 PM
Well having worked for a dealership for over 10 years now...I can tell you that yes alot of techs do connect with the customers. I myself have a few customers that ask for me specifically. If you want to see under your car some places will take you out to look when were working on it. ALTHOUGH it is against insurance rules. The MAIN reason why people are told that is so you do not just \'walk in\'. Alot of times its dangerous for customers to be in the shop. We (techs) all know who should be in the shop and if we see all of ourselves we might not notice that YOU are crouching under the back of the car...and run you over. NOT to mention the frustration of having to deal with some of you. I have a common reply to customers who will not leave me alone or keep talking to me. \"Did you want me to teach, or do?\" because its your money who is paying me to stand there and talk to you.

As for the other part of your little story about getting free stuff from friends and family. Yes this is a very small section of the world. But don\'t forget this little thing. Profit is NOT a four letter word. Do you like to make money?? I know I do...I pay for lots of other services in the word....why can\'t you?


01-23-2006, 10:57 AM
i\'m a bit late with my reply... :)
was snowboarding in banff for a week... and i\'m still physically back here in TO, but mentally still riding the slopes of sunshine.... :D

Cosomo, i don\'t think you got my message right... in no way i was asking for free stuff from the dealer... the example of my brother or my friend was there to show the difference between different costumer groups... and i know that everyone gets some deals at the places where you have connections and paying full price at the places where you don\'t... as you said everyone likes to make money...

and i totaly understand the policies for disalowing people in the shop (hell, i wouldn\'t want to see my mom, or my sister or even my dad in the shop talking to mechanics because probably they would just make him frustrated). but there is a group of people that do know something about cars and how cars have to be fixed. and that group wants to know in more details about what\'s been done or will be done to their car, how it will be done and so on... and for this group of people the dealership usually is not the best place to work on their cars.

may be as you said it\'s possible to make connections at the deallership (i don\'t know how, because personally i never saw the person who was working on my car, i talked to the secretary or the dude who runs the deallership), but probalby it\'s 5% out of 100%, where probability that you\'ll make connections at the small shop is 50% out of 100%... and in no way i\'m saying that small shops are better... at least with dealler you can be sure that it will be there next day...