View Full Version : How To: iPod Audio Link
02-03-2006, 04:10 PM
Hi everyone,
Here it is, my first ever \"how to\" post. Before this, I\'d never ever done any electrical mods on a car in my life! I\'m so thankful for the useful info on this site and the Mazda3/Alexa site. I tried to take pics of the important steps throughout the installation, however, I ended up missing some due to my newbiness and having to adjust the steps according to what I wanted. Anyway, feedback is welcome! Feel free to correct me on any part terms I got wrong.
Without further delay, here\'s my \"how to\" for an Audio Link ipod install in the ash tray:
1. Open the glove box, place your fingers under the bottom right side of the carbon fiber strip (you should feel a gap) and pull with force.
2. Here\'s a pic of the carbon fiber piece completely removed.
3. Here\'s a pic of the cd cover removed as well (it came off when I pulled off the carbon fiber strip which is connected into it).
4. Remove the two screws which are holding the head unit in place (bottom, inside screws).
5. Once the screws are removed, grasp the head unit right under the lcd area and pull towards you with force.
6. Connect the Audio Link cable to the back of the head unit, as shown below.
7. A pic of the cable installed firmly into the back of the head unit.
8. Take the other end of the Audio Link cable, and feed it through the back hole (where you see the grey piece). After this, put the head unit back in place.
9. Open the compartment in the middle of the two front seats, lift the far end of the cup holder (closest to the back seats).
10. Continue pulling off the entire cup holder piece.
11. Pull off the piece covering the gear box.
12. Remove the ashtray by simply pulling it out and remove the screws for the ash tray compartment.
13. Open the ashtray compartment lid and remove the cigarette lighter.Place your thumb inside the cigarette lighter hole and grasp the inside of the ash tray compartment and pull away.
14. A picture of the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment removed.
15. Using a small screwdriver, remove the single screw on the grey piece (which houses the red ash tray light).
16. With the grey piece now detached, use a pair of pliers to remove the light bulb connection from the grey piece. Grasp it firmly with the pliers and pull away.
17. A picture of the light bulb connection after pulling it out of the grey piece.
18. Pull the light bulb out of the socket.
19. After this, put the light bulb connection back in place on the grey piece and screw the grey piece back onto the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment.
20. Look in the space where the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment and retrieve the Audio Link cable.
21. Unfortunately, the picture below is incorrect, but gives you a general idea. Connect the Audio Link cable to the Audio Link box. Place the box wherever you find room. I placed it on the upper insider part of where the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment would be. After take the cable from the Audio Link box which connects to your ipod and feed it through the hole at the top of the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment.
22. Put the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment back in place.
23. Put back the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment screws and install the gear box panel and the cup tray holder back in place.
24. Connect your ipod to the cable. Turn on the car, hit the \"CD\" button twice and voila. Success!
25. Put the head unit screws back. Put the cd cover piece back. Put the carbon fibre strip back.
26. A pic of the head unit with the ipod playing.
02-03-2006, 04:21 PM
nicely done......nice write up too :)
Great work!
I really need an iPod.:D
02-03-2006, 05:11 PM
Great walkthrough Ry, you just earned a \"Sticky\".;)
02-03-2006, 05:14 PM
nice install and write up..
just a subtle note about the first pic...
the way you\'re holding the CB trim indicates you can lift the right side up but you can\'t b/c it needs to slide out to the left and you can only do that once the rest of the clips holding the CB strip are \'unhooked\'...
I think that makes sense..
anyway just don\'t want anyone breaking their CB trim clip on the right-most side!!
02-03-2006, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Optimzer
nice install and write up..
just a subtle note about the first pic...
the way you\'re holding the CB trim indicates you can lift the right side up but you can\'t b/c it needs to slide out to the left and you can only do that once the rest of the clips holding the CB strip are \'unhooked\'...
I think that makes sense..
anyway just don\'t want anyone breaking their CB trim clip on the right-most side!!
lol. that plus the cd cover shouldn\'t come off unless it\'s got a diff design on the 06 models.. it\'s actually a biatch to pry off on 04/05s :)
otherwise.. excellent.. pix and all.. w000.. go n00bs :D
02-03-2006, 11:55 PM
Wow a sticky, I feel honoured :D
Thanks for the replies everyone.
Regarding the carbon fiber piece, all I remember was reaching underneath and pulling it out. I guess I\'m lucky it didn\'t break! I did notice that when I was putting it back on that I couldn\'t just pop the right side in. I had to kind of bend it in first and then slide it in.
About the cd cover, it just popped out when I was removing the carbon fiber strip. I removed the strip from right to left, and when I got to near the cd cover, it just popped off. Oh and my M3 is a 2004 Sport.
02-06-2006, 08:16 AM
Very nice write up indeed....congrats! So the iPod version of the Audio Link works perfectly for you (both head unit and steering wheel controls work, it charges the unit and stops charging once the key is removed, etc.)?
02-06-2006, 03:22 PM
PSIVIC, the only problem I have with is that it appears to charge the unit even with the car turned off (with the key out). After reading some comments on the Mazda/Alexa forums, it actually just shows the ipod as fully charged when the car is off and it\'s plugged into the audio link box. Anyhow, it\'s not a big deal for me as I take my ipod with me when I\'m not in the car.
02-09-2006, 10:46 PM
15. Using a small screwdriver, remove the single screw on the grey piece (which houses the red ash tray light).
16. With the grey piece now detached, use a pair of pliers to remove the light bulb connection from the grey piece. Grasp it firmly with the pliers and pull away.
17. A picture of the light bulb connection after pulling it out of the grey piece.
18. Pull the light bulb out of the socket.
19. After this, put the light bulb connection back in place on the grey piece and screw the grey piece back onto the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment.
sorry just a couple quick questions,
so from steps 15-19, you take apart the light then put it back together??
and the cable comes out of where the light is right?
and where can I get and how much are these audio links?
02-10-2006, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by firstmazda
sorry just a couple quick questions,
so from steps 15-19, you take apart the light then put it back together??
and the cable comes out of where the light is right?
and where can I get and how much are these audio links?
Hi Ray,
The ashy tray light bulb is screwed into the black light bulb housing. There are wires attached to the back of the housing which can\'t be removed. In step 16, I remove the bulb/housing from the grey piece because there\'s not enough room to unscrew the bulb when its in place in the grey piece.
When you pull the bulb/housing out of the grey piece, it\'s still one entire piece (bulb/housing/wires). Then you\'re free to unscrew the bulb very easily. After that I guess you could choose not to put the housing back in place, but I didn\'t want it to just be hanging there so I decided to put in back in place without the bulb.
As far as where you can purchase the audio link, I bought mine via a group buy (which is still active) on the Mazda3/Alexa Forums. Total price was $119.95 US with free shipping. It shipd from the US. Click here for the group buy:
There\'s also a seller on eBay named nabobery. He\'s currently selling them for about $110US but $40 shipping to Canada since he\'s based in Taiwan. Click here: F&fkr=1&from=R8&satitle=mazda3+ipod+link&category0 =
02-21-2006, 10:10 AM
Just ordered mine.....that site has a lot of stuff for the 3. Now for the I just know I\'m gonna break something. :(
I\'m going to try and fabricate some housing for my iPod 4G, as I don\'t want it to just lay around.
I\'ll keep ya\'ll up to date.
02-21-2006, 11:15 AM
SourcE, have faith man! Before I did this mod I was terrified. I\'d never done any mod to a car before. Now that I\'ve gone through it, it wasn\'t as bad as I thought.
04-09-2006, 08:56 PM
The baby was sleeping for 30minutes, the open house was over and I decided to try and do this thing.....with the kid in the back seat.
rquareds\' write up was impeccable, good job man.
Finished with 5 minutes to spare before the kid woke up. Works like a charm, steering wheel controls and everything.
The first song to be heard from the iPod?
......Chemical Brothers....?
......The Killers....?
......Snoop Dogg.....?
try Baby was the kid, honest..!
Thanks again rsquared :)
02-14-2007, 02:36 PM
I am aware this is an excellent write-up and definately has me wanting an Audio Link. Just wondering is this the same one that Mazda sent me a brochure for ($199 i believe)?? Because I was under the impression you can put it in the glove box as well and I would find that a little more convenient just from a "safe-storage" POV. Just curious as to the possibilities because atleast now I know i can install it myself with this write-up. Thanks rsquared :)
Audiolink is different than what's offered from the factory. They are essentially the same. The audiolink can be routed to the glove compartment. I have an USB MP3 audiolink and i love it.
Here's a link to the Audiolink IPod adapter:
Here's a link to the discussion thread on Audiolink:;topicseen
06-11-2007, 02:30 PM
seems I answered my own question today. I just received mine in the mail and i must say it is an EXCELLENT unit and cant beat the price. I had to take 2 seconds to make a playlist, but the functionality and "ease of use" make it very painless to enjoy.
I am not sure will i post pics for this, but i did easily find a way to "hide" everything in my glovebox.
follow steps 1-8 on rsquared's write-up...
9. unscrew the top 2 screws on the glovebox and carefully "drop" the glovebox down
10. at the back of the glovebox (from inside) you will see a small removable panel. Just use a small flathead screwdriver to pry this off.
11. feed the AudioLink Unit over the top of the glovebox and feed it through the "now removed" opening at the back of the glovebox
The cable from the unit allows it to sit near the back of the glovebox, but it does fit. I think i will find a store that sells velcro and put some on the back of the unit and possibly the iPod itself to keep them from moving.
This is a great guide, I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and get me one of these AudioLink's. I'd like to install it pretty much the same way as the OP, with the audiolink cable feeding through the ashtray compartment. I have a new 3g Nano and it fits perfectly inside the ashtray, even with a dock connector attached, so if I feel like it I can leave the ipod connected and hidden away in the ashtray. Although I probably won't for fear my car would get broken into and I'd be out an ipod! I do have a couple questions for the op:
Why do you need to remove the cup holders and the gear box? Is it to expose the screws for the ashtray?
I'm not sure I understand the steps following the ashtray removal. Why does the OP say to unscrew the "grey thing" and to remove the lightbulb in Step 18, if in Step 19 it says to put it back?
There is a flickr guide here ( where the user feeds the cable into the ashtray compartment with a string, without needing to remove the ashtray itself. Any thoughts from other people as to which method works better?
What are my options for where to put the actual audiolink adapter unit? The OP says he put it in the "upper insider part of where the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment would be". Does this mean he is taking up actual ashtray real estate, or is everything hidden behind the ashtray?
02-07-2008, 08:35 AM
:O it comes with SD card reader slot now?? Man, I feel gyped. I still have mine brand new in box, and I got it about 3 weeks ago... I wonder if he'll swap?
:O it comes with SD card reader slot now?? Man, I feel gyped. I still have mine brand new in box, and I got it about 3 weeks ago... I wonder if he'll swap?
The iPod adapter from RPMstore doesn't come with an SD card reader, I don't think. Where did you see one?
02-07-2008, 10:03 AM
This is a great guide, I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and get me one of these AudioLink's. I'd like to install it pretty much the same way as the OP, with the audiolink cable feeding through the ashtray compartment. I have a new 3g Nano and it fits perfectly inside the ashtray, even with a dock connector attached, so if I feel like it I can leave the ipod connected and hidden away in the ashtray. Although I probably won't for fear my car would get broken into and I'd be out an ipod! I do have a couple questions for the op:
Why do you need to remove the cup holders and the gear box? Is it to expose the screws for the ashtray?
I'm not sure I understand the steps following the ashtray removal. Why does the OP say to unscrew the "grey thing" and to remove the lightbulb in Step 18, if in Step 19 it says to put it back?
There is a flickr guide here ( where the user feeds the cable into the ashtray compartment with a string, without needing to remove the ashtray itself. Any thoughts from other people as to which method works better?
What are my options for where to put the actual audiolink adapter unit? The OP says he put it in the "upper insider part of where the ash tray/cigarette lighter compartment would be". Does this mean he is taking up actual ashtray real estate, or is everything hidden behind the ashtray?
Removing the cup holders is supposed to help you remove the plastic trim around the shifter. That makes it easier to remove the ashtray cause it needs to be unscrewed.
The bulb removal part is supposed to allow for a little hole where you can snake the audiolink cable through so that it doesn't pinch. There are other ways to get it down there but that's just the OP's suggestion.
The actual adapter unit is supposed to easily fit into an alcove underneath your stock deck. I have mine taped up there with double sided tape + electrical. In terms of the different connectors (ipod + 1/8 jack), the ipod one take up all the room pretty much in the ashtray slot and the other one is connected to my trunk audio source by running alongside the shifter.
The bulb removal part is supposed to allow for a little hole where you can snake the audiolink cable through so that it doesn't pinch. There are other ways to get it down there but that's just the OP's suggestion.
The actual adapter unit is supposed to easily fit into an alcove underneath your stock deck. I have mine taped up there with double sided tape + electrical. In terms of the different connectors (ipod + 1/8 jack), the ipod one take up all the room pretty much in the ashtray slot and the other one is connected to my trunk audio source by running alongside the shifter.
Thanks for the clarification Eric. Is the bulb removal part how you did your installation, i.e. do you recommend this step? Also when you say that the ipod cable takes up "all the room pretty much in the ashtray slot", I'm wondering if the cable has any give. I.e. can I pull on it so I get more cable and then push it back in so there is less cable exposed, or is it in pretty tight through the bulb hole?
02-07-2008, 10:34 AM
Thanks for the clarification Eric. Is the bulb removal part how you did your installation, i.e. do you recommend this step? Also when you say that the ipod cable takes up "all the room pretty much in the ashtray slot", I'm wondering if the cable has any give. I.e. can I pull on it so I get more cable and then push it back in so there is less cable exposed, or is it in pretty tight through the bulb hole?
I never took out my bulb. I have heard of other people who have. The audiolink cable is pretty thick and I'm hoping that this will protect it from pinching and chafeing.
I left alot of cable in the ashtray slot because the ipod may be resting in the cupholder. The thickness of the cable makes it so that it's more difficult to have the cable + ipod fit completely in the slot & close the door.
With regards to being able to push and pull cable, depends on how you get it through and how you do it. I would suggest you try it out and see what your comfortable with.
02-08-2008, 11:20 AM
The iPod adapter from RPMstore doesn't come with an SD card reader, I don't think. Where did you see one?
i'm talking about the USB audiolink btw
02-09-2008, 11:43 AM
WOW, received it yesterday. Installed it today in 20-30 min...very easy, great item...highly recommended...
06-13-2008, 06:49 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I had a big problem in step #8....
I have a 2005 GT sport, and for whatever reason, after I connected the audiolink jack to the stereo console, I couldn't fit the whole AudioLink cable down the hole in the center console, because that black 'Audiolink' box was too big to fit. I tried everything, but it wouldn't drop down, and it was stuck behind the head unit (this was strange, because I assume no one else has had this problem). This setup would have given me 0 cord to work with down below, because it would have all been stuck behind the radio.
As a result of the Audiolink box not fitting down the hole where the grey piece was, I had to jump to step #14 (where everything's taken out).
I used a bent metal clothes hanger to form a little hook, which I dropped down behind the top headunit through the hole 'where we see the grey piece'. I hooked the audiolink connection cable to the hook, and pulled it up through the hole in the grey piece, and connected it to the center console.
I don't know why, but this was the only way to have the little black 'Audiolink' box down near the shifter.
After this, I didn't put the iPod connection and cord through the ashtray, but instead routed it completely under the ashtray, beside the shifter, and under the cupholders, and I put the iPod attachment coming out of the back part of the emergency brake, where the plastic is floppy. I secured all loose wires so that nothing is blocked, and it looks great!
I personally like this setup because there's a ton of cord coming out of the brake, so the ipod has lots of slack, and can rest comfortably in the slot beside the shifter, or on someone's lap.
The cord stores easily when it's tucked in the centre console/armrest, and it's barely visible if you tuck it in tightly. You would only know it's there if you were to be looking for it; an unsuspecting bystander wouldn't notice it.
Anyway, that's my experience - Aside from my issue at step #8, installation is easier than you think!! And the Audiolink works great too.
If any of you ever have the same problem, you know how to get around it!
06-23-2008, 01:23 PM
I drilled a hole from underneath the cupholders, into the center armrest. I snaked the audiolink cable through the hole in the armrest, and back to the Audiolink box (which now sits taped in between the shifter and emergency brake, under the cupholders).
I find this is the perfect setup; I can take the cord and ipod out from the centre armrest with plenty of slack (the cord can stretch comfortably to beside the shifter, or over onto someone's lap), and the cord and ipod are completely hidden inside the armrest when I'm parked.
As a result, I never had to touch my ashtray; all I had to do was drill a hole in the centre armrest.
Hope that helps!
Wow great job, and THANKS for the pics :)
Does this audiolink box display the title song from the Ipod into the factory radio?
07-10-2008, 03:08 PM
No it doesn't have text display, but it does maintain steering wheel controls as well as iPod accessability (when not in playlist mode). Read up, there are a few comparisons/reviews around the board.
Thank you for this write up!
Install was like a breeze!
Just a quick question, but first the write up was amazing pictures very helpfull and usefull, as far as the audiolink being used for the ipod is there a version out that can be used with the iphone 3g. I have seen some for the non-3g version that will charge using the audiolink but nothing said about the 3g version. Any ideas?
12-06-2008, 02:34 PM
They are working on an update for the 3G phones
Yeah, I have been talking to a person over at GROM and they say they have a model that has been updated to work with the iphone 3g, I ordered it, should have it in a week or so lets hope it really works.
02-19-2009, 06:54 PM
finally got mine today... ordered it february 2nd... waiting for a semi-nice day out so i can install it.
wish me luck!
06-29-2009, 08:18 PM
Lookin' good.
08-15-2009, 12:22 PM
I just used this guide to install my ipod link and it works GREAT!!! I'm so excited... the only thing I don't understand was the step that requires taking the light bulb out of the ash tray... didn't really have a purpose... meh. Either way the steering controls work AND full ipod control + charging is wicked.
Thanks for the write up!!!! (and thanks jcutner for the audiolink! :))
09-18-2009, 01:34 AM
Hello, frankly I am very shocked.
I would like to ask you, I live in Saudi Arabia and I own a Mazda 3 2008, which is identical to the Gulf standards, you will be vindicated my car with the place to connect the iPod cable?
If the answer is yes, what is this wire that you used to connect to? What's his name?
please i want to get answer ASAP
09-18-2009, 01:40 AM
I would like to alert that there is no in the options menu AUX
Add to that I have a cassette
There is no any button indicating the presence of AUX
Is it possible to be available to connect the wire?
09-18-2009, 10:24 PM
answer pleaseeeeeeeeeee :(
09-21-2009, 12:20 AM
I would like to alert that there is no in the options menu AUX
Add to that I have a cassette
There is no any button indicating the presence of AUX
Is it possible to be available to connect the wire?
heyyyyyy, answer please, i am free this days and i would like to start work on it, so please reply me :rant
09-04-2011, 09:22 PM
Hey does this work for Iphone 4?
will it play?
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