View Full Version : creeking sound from chass

02-06-2006, 12:39 AM
I have a 3 week old 3 (1030km) I\'ve noticed that when going over speed bumps I hear a creaking sound from what I assume is the suspension (although it could be the chassis). Or when the car rocks I hear the same noise. Is this normal. I\'ll probably ask service to take a look since I\'m going in for the trip computer flash tomorrow.

The sound seems to emminate from about right under the Shifter.

02-06-2006, 02:18 AM
Mention it to the dealer... make sure they document it. That means put it on your service invoice, so there is record of your complaint. Just in case there are future problems.

Maybe your car just needs a little grease around the suspension...if there are grease points?

02-06-2006, 04:31 AM
LOL, sorry I didn\'t post this sooner but I too found that same annoying sound comming from the front passenger side of the car.

If you look under the seats you will find a plastic \"air duct\" underneath the carpeting (it should stick out a bit) Basically I noticed that this \"piece of plastic\' bounces up and down going over speed bumps and when recovering from cornering. Basically I just stuffed some newspaper in a plastic bag and snugged it under the air duct (make sure not to suffocate the air duct) so it keeps the duct raised, this prevents it from bouncing/squeeking

Now with that sound eliminated I found a rattling sound comming from the rear of the car. I\'m thinking it might be that removable base board (i dunno what to call it), Ill check it out later and confirm but I hope this helps.

(bah edited post (air duct)

02-06-2006, 04:00 PM
thanks I\'ll take a look at it sounds like it\'s in the same area. It distinctly sounds like it\'s comming form inside the car.

Today I checked my tire pressure, one was 3 psi off so I re-inflated it it seems to help a bit but It also seems to have moved more to the back of the car (still a creak not a rattle)..

but I\'ll check out your mod today and see if it does anything.

I mentioned it to the dealer he said if It\'s still around after the first oil change they\'ll take a look into it (my car is only 1030Km and i brought it in for the trip computer flash)

On the bright side my car now says 0Km remaining instead of ----Km remaining.

so at least all the electronics are working.

Oh I also got one of them cool touch-up pens I\'ll take a pic of it for you guys when I get home.

02-06-2006, 04:01 PM
(sorry four the double post)

Guess if your left tire is more inflated than your right your sway bar could be creaking due to extra stress.

02-07-2006, 02:11 PM
Are you sure it\'s the chassis creaking and not anything else? The reason I ask is because I had a creaking coming from inside the cabin and found out it was the drivers side seat belt buckle (the part that\'s bolted down near the centre armrest). It has since been fixed.

02-07-2006, 03:25 PM
I will check your suggestion when i get time as well. IMO brand new cars should\'nt creak it\'s bloody annoying and on top of that I like to drive without radio and enjoy the sound of the engine I haven\'t been doing that the last few days because the creaking is too annoying.

02-08-2006, 08:59 AM
I\'m starting to think it\'s comming from the chair. Although I can\'t simulate the sound from just bouncing up and down with the car off.

(could the mods please move this to the problems forum I think this is in the wrong place not being a chassis problem, more likely a cabin problem.)

Oh and I was listening today and the rear rightmost corner does seem to have a tap tap sound like the previous poster mentioned

02-09-2006, 03:37 AM
I thought the same thing, was thinking it could have been the seatbelt base squeeking cause it wasn\'t lubricated well enough (insert pun here). I also thought it could have been comming from the chairs itself and also attempted simulating the sound by trying to tear the seat out (heh), but it wasn\'t either. As I mentioned about the air vent, try pushing the plastic down and up and see if it\'s the same sound that you hear. Hope it helps.

Anyway keep us posted on what you find. If it is another issue, it will help others keep a nice quiet cabin.

09-06-2007, 08:33 AM

I just got my new 3 GT and with 500 KM on it I'm already experiencing this phenomenon. Basically, anytime I roll my passenger side tire over a speed bump or onto a drive first (as opposed to both wheels same time or driver side first) I hear a clunking (loud) noise from the suspension or wheel well on the passenger side area.

I thought the sound was the tire hitting the wheel well but my friend told me it would sound worse and unmistakable if that was the case. I am taking my car into the dealer on Friday morning to assess the problem. I'll keep you posted.

Hopefully I won't have to jimmy my parts with paper to make the car sound quite again.

09-15-2007, 03:52 PM
I've had this problem also, and I found out that the sound was coming from the seatbelt buckle on the center console. The other area where a creeking sound came from is where the center console and the center stack ( radio bezel ) meet up. The sound is made when the two rub against each other.
In my opinon the center console flex too much, this combined with the tight tolerances between the parts causes alot of issues. Mazda should have added more bracing and anchor points or at least place anti sweak tape on the inside of the mating parts. I work in the automotive industry, and I have looked at the design of the trim pieces in my MS3. Mazda could have done a better job for fittment/noise issues.

09-25-2007, 10:49 AM
I had my tie rod replaced which fixed the first round on creeks from the passenger side of the car. 1000km later Mazda just found a loose bolt on the chassis that was the source of the latest round of creeking.

with only 2000k this car sounds like shit... creek creek

great for Halloween sound effects next month Zoom zoom creek