02-09-2006, 10:10 AM
My friend yesterday was telling me that he bought a radar detector off this guy which he installed on his pimped out jeep cherokee a few times, although he said it is quite anoying at times, he did say it is helpfull others, as its saved him a few times. The radar supposedly talks to you and also beeps when a cop is nearby. Talks as in \"Letters\", it doesnt talk to him like the knight Rider!:Dlol The problems are justified though, the radar could be catching a cop on an opposite road, but its still quite helpful.
Anyways Ive been thinking about buying 1, as long as it doesnt interfer with the electrical part of my car so i dont ruin outr the waranty!... This will be pretty cool especailly on those long strips on airport road to wasga!:D

Does any1 have 1 of these?
Any other ideas?

02-09-2006, 10:15 AM
I suggest you stay away from them. First it\'s illegal and second, some cop cars (if i\'m wrong) do have something new that lets them read radar detectors. It recieves signal from detectors then tells the cops that you do have one.

Also another thing is you might think it\'s fun to drive fast on a straight away road thinking you know where the cops are, but there might be cases that suddenly a car cuts right in front of you unexpected. You might end up just hit someone or dodging it and hurt yourself.

I rather you drive with caution thinking there might be cops around you then you\'ll be safe for yourself and others on the road.

02-09-2006, 12:54 PM
I agree with Pearl_Hatch\'s advice. Just obey the speed limit and you have nothing to worry about.

Cardinal Fang
02-09-2006, 01:21 PM
The police (OPP) do have the means to catch you if you want to take a gamble.


The fine for possessing a Radar detector can vary from $100 to $1000 as well as the unit being confiscated. The use of radar detectors while driving in the City is not as accurate as on the highway. Because of the buildings the radar detector will pick up interference as well as give false positive readings from buildings with sophisticated alarm systems. The best place for them is out on the open road of a highway.

Seriously though, most of us do drive over the speed limit at times. :D It\'s only natural. When you\'re caught speeding you may have a valid excuse for speeding and the officer could take that into consideration. However, if you\'re caught with a radar detector you haven\'t got a hope in hell. A radar detector is about the clearest way to indicate what your intentions were while driving.

02-09-2006, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by Pearl_Hatch

I suggest you stay away from them. First it\'s illegal and second, some cop cars (if i\'m wrong) do have something new that lets them read radar detectors. It recieves signal from detectors then tells the cops that you do have one.

Also another thing is you might think it\'s fun to drive fast on a straight away road thinking you know where the cops are, but there might be cases that suddenly a car cuts right in front of you unexpected. You might end up just hit someone or dodging it and hurt yourself.

I rather you drive with caution thinking there might be cops around you then you\'ll be safe for yourself and others on the road.

LOL i cant believe im hearing this . AHAHAHAHAH :p :p :p :p :)

but ya, i agree with pearlH. The cops in york region have radar detector detectors (if that makes any sense).

my dad\'s friend put one in his vette and he got pulled over. They \"ripped\" it out of the dash and made him drive over it . NO JOKE. 400++ USD gone down the drain! I guess thats what cops do when immigrants drive nice american cars :sarc


02-09-2006, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by chinsterr
I guess thats what cops do when immigrants drive nice american cars :sarc

don\'t play the race card.. :zzz so overplayed.. it can happen to anyone, based on ethnicity, wrong car in the wrong neighbourhood or have you thought about this? breaking the law? :sarc

02-09-2006, 02:35 PM
Yeah man, its not about race... why the race card? The guy broke the law, and it cost him. I say Good. Not to be an ass, but when you do something that is clearly illegal, and get caught, dont pull the race card. I got attention from the cops when I owned a highly modded car.... must be because i am white :sarc

If you get a radar, not only is their a fine, it gives the cops a cause to rip the car apart. any damages that occur during that time, are up to you to pay for/fix.


02-10-2006, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by chinsterr
I guess thats what cops do when immigrants drive nice american cars :sarc

don\'t play the race card.. :zzz so overplayed.. it can happen to anyone, based on ethnicity, wrong car in the wrong neighbourhood or have you thought about this? breaking the law? :sarc

I can\'t believe this.....I agreee with Majic. :)

We have laws for a reason not because of your race. If you obey the speed limit or just drive within reason, (I know this is questionable) then there is no need to worry.

02-10-2006, 03:14 PM
race card ?!?!?!?

majic i know your white, john i know your white too, and i dont know about civic. I am not a racist by any means but i guess you have to be \"not white\" to understand this.

I hang out at woodbine and 16th alot, where alot of other people with modified cars hang out. Cops know that the Timmies there is a hot spot, so they send a lot of undercover cops there. There were two wrxs with both exhaust/HIDS/TINT/Springs/etc --- one was owned by a white guy and the other an asian guy (they were both friends). As soon as they headed out from the parking lot the chinese guy got pulled over, while the white guy drove away. The cop told the chinese guy to pop his hood and show him all the mods he has done.

Now why did the cop choose to pull over the chinese guy and not the white guy?

Story #2:

I was driving along finch + mccowan with my buddy. He was in a 2004 black honda civic and i was driving my mazda. He is of indian background. A cop car turns on his sirens and pulls him over. The cop thought he was driving a stolen car. WTF ? Common mistake? i think not.

I am sure cops will pull over ANYONE with a modded car despite race/gender/age. However, i do believe that cops tend to harrass immigrants alot more IMO. As for my dads friend, he had to pay over 400$$ in damage done to his car. The Cops literally ripped the detector out of the center console causing damage to the surounding pieces. I am pretty sure if my dads friend was a white guy in his 50s, the cops would have asked him politely to remove the detector.

Like i said early, this is something white guys just dont understand.

02-10-2006, 03:25 PM
I have to agree with chinster one this one. Its definately an issue white people dont understand.

This happened a while back. My dad owned a 6-seater oldsmobile and we were pulled over on warden and 7 for having a full house in the car. The cop said that front centre seat was not a \"legal seat\" and we were warned that we would be ticketed if he saw us again. The fact is the front middle seat was identical to the rear middle seat and had seat belts as well.

What do you guys think?

02-10-2006, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by chinsterr

race card ?!?!?!?

majic i know your white, john i know your white too, and i dont know about civic. I am not a racist by any means but i guess you have to be \"not white\" to understand this.

Like i said early, this is something white guys just dont understand.

ahahaha.. funny.. dude.. you go to waterpoo, i went to uoft.. you\'re in engineering.. i finished it.. i was DEFINATELY the visible (or maybe invisible) minority.. did i cry about it? no, i made friends (of various races) and went on with my business.. TAs were of ethnic backgrounds.. did they exhibit prefferential treatment for their own? i don\'t know, maybe they did maybe they didn\'t.. and before you say \"oh it\'s ok.. it was only for 5 yrs of your life\" i\'ll tell you they were the worst 5 yrs ever ;) and no not due to discrimination :p just that UT sux ;)

oh i went to yang\'s kitchen as per the \"asian only thread\" and well i felt like i wasn\'t getting the same service as \'their own\' but hell man.. food was good and the wifey and i had a good time.. if you got problems with racial profiling (and yeah.. it\'ll happen, but remember there ARE cops of colour too!!) bitch to Bill Blair..

FYI: i\'m an immigrant too ;) FOB of 12 years

02-10-2006, 04:02 PM
I agree with majic... YES, people do treat other minorities different. It happens. But to whine and say its based on race every time is BS. Seriously, I got profiled HUGE when I had my old car. I didnt bitch and moan, and say its because I am white.

I go to the pacific mall, and dont get the same prices that other people get. With as diverse a place as Canada is, everyone is the minority somehwere. Point is, the cops hassling your dad\'s buddy are probably not race related.

I can name off lots of examples like those above. But I dont need to justify bad things happening by saying its race. What happened to your dads friend is nothing. I worked with a guy who had a bad past. Very bad. for 4 years he was a model citizen, but the cops pulled him over looking for drugs, and with his background, ripped his car apart... seats out, headline pulled off etc etc... know what? he was white. were the cops? no. Do I think it was a race thing? NO.


02-10-2006, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by triplezoom

I have to agree with chinster one this one. Its definately an issue white people dont understand.

This happened a while back. My dad owned a 6-seater oldsmobile and we were pulled over on warden and 7 for having a full house in the car. The cop said that front centre seat was not a \"legal seat\" and we were warned that we would be ticketed if he saw us again. The fact is the front middle seat was identical to the rear middle seat and had seat belts as well.

What do you guys think?

I can\'t believe that racist bastard didn\'t know better! :sarc How is that race related to you? If anything bad happens, some people scream about race.... What if the cop said the same thing to a white guy? then what would be your excuse?


02-10-2006, 04:52 PM
I am 4th generation Canadian and have friends of all kinds of backgrounds and I know there are race problems in Canada.

That being said, saying that a cop pulled you over because of your race is bullshit. When I owned my Prelude, I got pulled over too many times to talk about. One week I got pulled over 3 times for no reason. The cops told me that I was driving a flashy car that had a high theft rate and they wanted to run my info, another time they told me I had accelerated excessively(not speeding, just getting up to speed quickly). And the 3rd time was I coming out of a bar parking lot. I never got a ticket as I was patient and polite to the officers. I guess I got pulled over because I was white.

I have received a a few speeding tickets in my day and have adjusted my driving as a result.

Like fang said “A radar detector is about the clearest way to indicate what your intentions were while driving.” Cops are here to protect us and if they see a radar detector they have the right to remove it, they are illegal. Would you want them to remove a gun if they saw one? These same cops are the people that show up to the scene where someone has been killed in an accident from speeding or DUI. They are the people who have to tell the families what happened when someone dies in an accident. Remember the cabbie that was killer by the street racers? They are trying to eliminate the drivers who are breaking the law. Speed limits are put in place for a reason. Think about guys.

It is like when people flash their lights to tell people there is a speed trap.
Who benefits from this? The person speeding will continue to speed, if this speed trap is in a school zone? I guess kids get hit by cars (just like yesterday).

02-10-2006, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by midnightfxgt

I can\'t believe that racist bastard didn\'t know better! :sarc How is that race related to you? If anything bad happens, some people scream about race.... What if the cop said the same thing to a white guy? then what would be your excuse?


When it all comes down, I guess a person\'s take on this subject really depends on the type of person you are, your past experiences, and what situation you are positioned in. In my scenario, I did not feel that the white cop had to give my family (who is of asian ethnicity) so much attitude and trouble when we were doing everything legal. It gave us a sense as if we were being wrongfully accused when we were not infracting the law. The experience was definately a very negative one. There may be chance of racial prejudice here or maybe the cop was just being a jackass. Who knows.. Im not the type of person that enjoys blaming these type of issues on racial profiling and such, but I do have to say that it does occurs ocassionally. This issue is inevitable and there will be no outcome going back and forth at it. Now can I get some mazda3 lovin around here, this gets depressing. :(

Cardinal Fang
02-10-2006, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by chinsterr

I am sure cops will pull over ANYONE with a modded car despite race/gender/age. However, i do believe that cops tend to harrass immigrants alot more IMO.

Don\'t confuse the right to have an opinion with the right to say something silly and not be criticized for it.

The problem with generalizations is that people generally lie. I understand what you are saying but you also have to understand that the evidence of what you are asserting is anecdotal at best. Are there racist cops? Yes. There are racists in every sector of the population and the Police would not be excluded from it. Society isn\'t perfect, as others have pointed out all races are capable of racism.

That being said, you make a sweeping statement; that \"cops tend to harass immigrants.\" Why? I\'m sure YOU believe that in many ways they have profiled or even stereotyped the immigrant population to the point where they need to stop immigrants over \"Canadians.\" But what you fail to see is that by your very statement that cops harass immigrants you are in fact engaging in the same sweeping generalization that you claim the police are guilty of.

I experienced racism in school when I arrived in this country so your comment about being white doesn\'t enable me to empathize with the plight of those affected by racism is silly and yet another generalization. What you have to remember is that we are ALL IMMIGRANTS in Canada. It is truly difficult to spot a “Canadian” amongst the immigrant population.

Now……back to the thread topic. I’m sorry that your Dad’s friend had the radar detector pulled out of his car in a violent manner that caused damage. If it were up to me they should all be handled in that way. Your dad’s friend broke the law and instead of acknowledging what his involvement was in the situation you choose to shift blame to how the police officer reacted. Was the reaction of the officer in proportion to what happened? Who knows? If there is one thing I’ve learned is that there are always three sides to every story. The cop’s side, your father’s friends side and……the truth.

Marcelino? Don\'t get the radar detector.

02-10-2006, 09:46 PM
Now!!! This may be funny!! But the only time I got pulled over was by a dude, probably because Im white, portuguese and was wearing sunglasses, in the end he gave me a ticket for not having insurance(which i did) but let him because he said i was lucky not to get wreckless driving, in the end i won the ticket in court...

...oh yah...and the wreckless part???... I went over the right lane like 2 inches to pass so i didnt have to stop, becuase a car coming down entered half of my lane to do a left... Curiously, the only reason the cop went over was because the guy that was on the right got pissed and told him to pull me over.


I hope nobodys racist?..but then again, im part of a race that hates its own self, if ur portuguese ud know that we hate the Azorians(Island folk) the Alantejos(southeners), blacks(in portugal,mocambique,angolan[basically our people]), Gypsies(there are alot in Portugal), the Portistas,Benfiquistas,Sportinguistas(Soccer, its like a religion there, so we hate every other fan) and finally where im from the Northern folk which are critizied for Badmouthing alot!:D

02-10-2006, 11:28 PM
I hope this doesnt happen to me...hahahahaha
Thats why I need a Radar Detector!:p

http://www.break.com/top_rated/policetazer.html (Put it in the middle)

02-10-2006, 11:40 PM
John: Pacific mall is pacific mall. Simply that. I am chinese but dont speak chinese , therefore, i DO NOT get deals either. So its not only white people that get ripped off at pmall :sarc

Majic: LoL man, i dont know what to say here. That place has always been good to EVERYONE. Service is only bad when you: 1) stay there too long 2) rude to the waitors/waitresses 3) eat too freakin much (which has happend to my friends and i)


02-12-2006, 12:01 PM
I think it would be great to start an official speedtrap location thread...

02-12-2006, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by chinsterr

John: Pacific mall is pacific mall. Simply that. I am chinese but dont speak chinese , therefore, i DO NOT get deals either. So its not only white people that get ripped off at pmall :sarc

Majic: LoL man, i dont know what to say here. That place has always been good to EVERYONE. Service is only bad when you: 1) stay there too long 2) rude to the waitors/waitresses 3) eat too freakin much (which has happend to my friends and i)

it doesnt really matter if you can speak cantonese or not, they rip you off anyway.
I was at pacific mall yesterday trying to find the I-Dog. They told me 75 bucks, where as Toys R\' us sells it for 25 dollars + tax, so lets say 30. Thats almost 3x the price.

There are bad apples in every occupation, fact. But then again, we have to keep in mind, the police deals with alot of things we don\'t experience. When people are getting killed (like that taxi driver), cause of street racing, can you really blame them for profiling us? Don\'t blame the police, blame the pricks that CAUSES US TO GET PROFILED.

Police saved my bestfriend\'s sister when her house got broken into. Their last name is \"Ng\", clealy chinese, but the police was there in less than 5 minutes, and the robber got owned like a little bitch. Another time, was when I was stopped by the ride program, the guy infront of me got arrested, he was already driving stupidly on the on-ramp. Glad he got thrown in the back-seat of the cruiser.

Just remember to hate the right people.

edit: http://videos.streetfire.net/video/wm/7253AC11-3EA9-4050-90F0-CA9266465B57.htm
its a video of undercover police at street races. This is the reason why we get profiled.
Sorry for going off topic.

02-12-2006, 10:21 PM
I have a Bel radar detector that the cops cannot pick up (VG-2) but these days you need lasar too as most cops have set up lasar guns on tripods, so don\'t bother

02-12-2006, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by redtoy

I have a Bel radar detector that the cops cannot pick up (VG-2)

False. Nothing has comeout yet to bet the latest rader detector detectors... read the article posted.


Whos ur dadd
02-13-2006, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by chinsterr

my dad\'s friend put one in his vette and he got pulled over. They \"ripped\" it out of the dash and made him drive over it . NO JOKE. 400++ USD gone down the drain! I guess thats what cops do when immigrants drive nice american cars :sarc

LOL!!! A classic, regardless of race.

I can see someone saying, \"Yah, that friggin officer took my gun. I paid over $1000 to smuggle that thing into Canada!\"

02-14-2006, 09:29 AM
How about for cruising purposes, if you could find a detector for $150 approx. would u take it, not for racing but anytime u feel like pushing the car a bit more than usual, nobody ever mentioned racing, at least not with a Mazda3:D , my friends detector is simply hooking it up to the cigarette lighter so even if the cops wanna rip the car, all it is, is a push of a wire. You can always counter the police though! as long as your not speeding what can they do to you?? You simply ask: \"Whats so bad of having a detector?\" \"people normally use it to race!\" \"Was I racing?I just like to know how well u guys r doing ur job!\" hehe:sarc

02-14-2006, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Marcelino

How about for cruising purposes

I think you mean speeding purposes as that is what having a radar detector implies.

It doesn\'t matter if you get pulled of for speeding or not. If a cop sees that in you car you are screwed. I imagine your insurance company wouldn\'t be to happy that cops found a radar dectector in you car.

02-14-2006, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Marcelino

How about for cruising purposes, if you could find a detector for $150 approx. would u take it, not for racing but anytime u feel like pushing the car a bit more than usual, nobody ever mentioned racing, at least not with a Mazda3:D , my friends detector is simply hooking it up to the cigarette lighter so even if the cops wanna rip the car, all it is, is a push of a wire. You can always counter the police though! as long as your not speeding what can they do to you?? You simply ask: \"Whats so bad of having a detector?\" \"people normally use it to race!\" \"Was I racing?I just like to know how well u guys r doing ur job!\" hehe:sarc


1. You need it for speeding. Which is breaking the law.
2. Yes, they wont rip your car apart looking for it, but they will for damn sure take it from you.
3. How can you \"counter\" a cop on it? It is illegal to have. Plain and simple, you broke the law, and have no leg to stand on. Doesnt matter what the perceived use is, you broke the law, and they can take it and fine you.

02-14-2006, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by midnightfxgt

Originally posted by Marcelino

How about for cruising purposes, if you could find a detector for $150 approx. would u take it, not for racing but anytime u feel like pushing the car a bit more than usual, nobody ever mentioned racing, at least not with a Mazda3:D , my friends detector is simply hooking it up to the cigarette lighter so even if the cops wanna rip the car, all it is, is a push of a wire. You can always counter the police though! as long as your not speeding what can they do to you?? You simply ask: \"Whats so bad of having a detector?\" \"people normally use it to race!\" \"Was I racing?I just like to know how well u guys r doing ur job!\" hehe:sarc


1. You need it for speeding. Which is breaking the law.
2. Yes, they wont rip your car apart looking for it, but they will for damn sure take it from you.
3. How can you \"counter\" a cop on it? It is illegal to have. Plain and simple, you broke the law, and have no leg to stand on. Doesnt matter what the perceived use is, you broke the law, and they can take it and fine you.

it\'s like having a gun \"oh officer but i\'m not gonna kill anyone\" so WTF do you have it.. :sarc

grow up man.. or someone less tolerant is gonna kick your ass (the comment in the \'car name\' thread)

02-14-2006, 01:44 PM
Let\'s not forget that it will only help you against cops who are setting up speed traps....if you end up flying by an undercover cop your radar detector may not be of any use.

02-14-2006, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Marcelino
Now!!! This may be funny!! But the only time I got pulled over was by a paki dude

Do you really think that\'s called for? You could\'ve called him an Indian dude you jackass :sarc

02-14-2006, 06:47 PM
Do you really think that\'s called for? You could\'ve called him an Indian dude you jackass :sarc

Indian??, but what gives you the right to say he\'s Indian, you probably meant Punjabi. And I dont feel anything wrong with calling a Pakistinian, paki, what is the big problem?

but it seems you were jking about that...:)

02-14-2006, 06:50 PM
it\'s like having a gun \"oh officer but i\'m not gonna kill anyone\" so WTF do you have it.. :sarc

grow up man.. or someone less tolerant is gonna kick your ass (the comment in the \'car name\' thread)

what if he has a licence for the gun, maybe he is a hunter, do you arrass him then??

Cardinal Fang
02-14-2006, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Marcelino

Indian??, but what gives you the right to say he\'s Indian, you probably meant Punjabi. And I dont feel anything wrong with calling a Pakistinian, paki, what is the big problem?

but it seems you were jking about that...:)

I\'m not sure if he was joking but his characterization, if wrong was not a racial slur. Calling someone a \"paki\" is a racial slur and in the same vein as calling an Italian a \"wop,\" someone of Latin origin a \"spic\" or someone who is black a......well I don\'t have to explain that to you now do I? And in case you want to fight me on this term maybe you should have a look at this first.


For what it\'s worth George Bush used the term last year when referring to something similar. He was taken to task over it and simply claimed he was shortening the word and meant no disrespect in the term. He later acknowledged it was inappropriate. Chalk this up as a learning experience Marcelino as I don\'t think you meant any harm in it but try not to use that term again.

Cardinal Fang
02-14-2006, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Marcelino

what if he has a licence for the gun, maybe he is a hunter, do you arrass him then??

1. Having a gun in Ontario is not illegal.
2. Having a radar detector in Ontario is.

You want to change the laws? Go right ahead. I guess you can call what you want to do a case of civil disobedience. Best of luck. The point of the matter is that YOU can speed without the use of a radar detector. It’s been done and we’ve all done it at one time or another. The point is to not be careless about it. But you want to go farther by paying over $100 on a piece of electronics to give you a false sense of security.

I’d keep my money and just drive with your head unless that is if you didn’t have any confidence in your own decision making process.

02-14-2006, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Cardinal Fang

Originally posted by Marcelino

Indian??, but what gives you the right to say he\'s Indian, you probably meant Punjabi. And I dont feel anything wrong with calling a Pakistinian, paki, what is the big problem?

but it seems you were jking about that...:)

I\'m not sure if he was joking but his characterization, if wrong was not a racial slur. Calling someone a \"paki\" is a racial slur and in the same vein as calling an Italian a \"wop,\" someone of Latin origin a \"spic\" or someone who is black a......well I don\'t have to explain that to you now do I? And in case you want to fight me on this term maybe you should have a look at this first.


For what it\'s worth George Bush used the term last year when referring to something similar. He was taken to task over it and simply claimed he was shortening the word and meant no disrespect in the term. He later acknowledged it was inappropriate. Chalk this up as a learning experience Marcelino as I don\'t think you meant any harm in it but try not to use that term again.

Thank you Fang, couldn\'t have said it better myself.

02-14-2006, 08:22 PM
This thread has gone from bad to worse.

I am not planning to get one of these bad boys, but do Cop radars have this radar detector detector on all units ? Even the hand ones ?


Cardinal Fang
02-14-2006, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by chinsterr

This thread has gone from bad to worse.

I am not planning to get one of these bad boys, but do Cop radars have this radar detector detector on all units ? Even the hand ones ?


According to the OPP they have them in the majority their cars. I can\'t be sure of Metro or the surrounding local Police forces. As many radar detector manufactures will tell you, the best use for them is on an open road like a highway where it is free from interference. This is why the OPP have them.

On another more interesting note. The companies that make these radar detectors will often turn around and make the radar detector detectors to sell to the police. Take about sucking and blowing at the same time.

02-14-2006, 09:03 PM
Sorry for any \"racial slurs\" or comments, even though I think it is unessecary, others might take offense, but I certainly would not.
Im portuguese, if i fail at school, ill probably end up working at construction and leave early to go to the bars to watch the soccer games, come home to a wife cooked meal of either sardines or Cod fish!End the day with a shot of whisky to watch the days news.:D and you can all call me a Chop if u want, i dont mind...:)

02-14-2006, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Cardinal Fang

Originally posted by Marcelino

what if he has a licence for the gun, maybe he is a hunter, do you arrass him then??

1. Having a gun in Ontario is not illegal.
2. Having a radar detector in Ontario is.

whoops.. what i meant in my earlier statement was more like this \'what would you be doing with a 9mm or a desert eagle b/c they are OBVIOUSLY not hunting devices (ie. hunting rifles)\'

anyway the point is moot since CF pretty much fanged ;) the nail on the head in the later post..


you may not mind being called a \'pork-chop\' or what not but OTHER people MAY take offense.. next time please think before you shoot your mouth off; here you\'re \'protected\' behind a computer terminal, in the real world only a few real gun shots separate you from someone you piss off.. keep that in mind (and no, that someone is not me)..


02-15-2006, 03:30 PM

you may not mind being called a \'pork-chop\' or what not but OTHER people MAY take offense.. next time please think before you shoot your mouth off; here you\'re \'protected\' behind a computer terminal, in the real world only a few real gun shots separate you from someone you piss off.. keep that in mind (and no, that someone is not me)..


As foolish as my remark was, it doesnt compare to what you wrote in your last post; not only is it arrogant, it is out of context, im not saying people dont get shot for \"Name-calling\", but if you do it is because the shooter is a complete idiot, who goes against virtue to make himself big/Not Scared... My last post wasnt written to you, it was written to Cardinal Fang & any1 else(nobody) who felt that my comment was unnessecary, I knew that you would write another counter argument because of the history of your typical posts:

\"theonly bush i will be majoogling is...
...BROLI\'S MOM\'S!!!:D\"

But dont worry, you may not take offence but OTHERS may. *50th post*

02-15-2006, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Marcelino
My last post wasnt written to you, it was written to Cardinal Fang & any1 else(nobody) who felt that my comment was unnessecary

So you feel that uttering a racial slur was necessary?

02-15-2006, 04:11 PM
Don\'t forget about the nickname of his car

02-15-2006, 04:32 PM
I ammended my post to take away any racial slur, but i left my own ethnic stereotypes because its all in good humour, i dont get offended by simple remarks:D

Cardinal Fang
02-15-2006, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Marcelino

I ammended my post to take away any racial slur, but i left my own ethnic stereotypes because its all in good humour, i dont get offended by simple remarks:D

Thanks for amending your post Marcelino.

Racial slurs are a sensitive topic anywhere. What some might find funny others would find offensive. There\'s a great way to avoid any misunderstandings when it comes to this.

Don\'t use them.


02-15-2006, 05:19 PM
Thank you for removing the racial slur.

02-16-2006, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by majic

whoops.. what i meant in my earlier statement was more like this \'what would you be doing with a 9mm or a desert eagle b/c they are OBVIOUSLY not hunting devices (ie. hunting rifles)\'


Competing - IPSC, IDPA, PPC, etc.

Now, \'what would you be doing with a 9mm or a Desert Eagle ON YOUR PERSON (in the car)\' would be a different story.

08-03-2006, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Marcelino

\"theonly bush i will be majoogling is...
...BROLI\'S MOM\'S!!!:D\"




i don\'t know how old this thread is but!

racial jokes are funny, it is not write to offend people with them, so know who ur saying them too, but comedians (professional joke tellers) use them all the time, and it is condoned, so as long as it is not meant with malicious intent, i am ok with it, but if you offend someone, you say sorry, and think to urself (what a farktard!)

racial profiling does happen, and it sux, but it is life, im not even that brown, and i get it, and you know when ur getting it, and you know when it is standard procedures, that everyone gets, it is easy to tell.

you don\'t think racial profiling occurs, be brown and go thru an american airport, a border crossing, go to a small town

hell even my sister, a girl, got hassled at an airport (she doesnt exactly meet the terrosit description), while my grandmother (white, from austria, step-grandma) was able to bring a knife on the plane.

but my sis, is tought and she put the bitch in her place,
she said
\"this is ridiciolous, why is it that the only people you are selecting \'at random\' to give extra searches to, are middle eastern?\"
the woman actually told her, just following orders mamn!