View Full Version : Driver Door

03-03-2006, 08:53 AM
I have a rattle in my driver\'s door - does anyone know what could be causing it. Also the ring around me hot/cold temp gage and my lighter isn\'t as bright as the others - does anyone know what could be causing this.

03-03-2006, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by sueb

I have a rattle in my driver\'s door - does anyone know what could be causing it. Also the ring around me hot/cold temp gage and my lighter isn\'t as bright as the others - does anyone know what could be causing this.

There is a TSB fix for the rattle on the front doors. Take it into a Mazda dealership and they can help you. I had my passenger side door rattling fixed up a few months ago.

I haven\'t heard about the other problem you are describing.

03-03-2006, 10:39 AM
Is it possible one of the dash lights burnt out? I know back in the day cars used to use a series of incandescent bulbs behind the dash and if one burned out, half the dash would be lit up while the rest would be dark. Not sure if they\'re using any new kind of technology now like LED\'s, but it might be the cause.

MAZDA Kitten
03-03-2006, 08:43 PM
ooohh the notorious drivers door rattle.
I had to live with it for a year and yes there is a fix