View Full Version : 2006 Mazda Graduate Program
03-21-2006, 06:46 PM
Graduate Eligibility:
Canadian Residents who have graduated between January 1st, 2002 and December 31st, 2006 from an accredited Canadian university or college. The eligibility period is determined from the date shown on the graduate\'s official transcript.
Eligible Models:
All new and unused vehicles including Mazda Canada company vehicles, and Dealer demonstrators, sold and delivered as retail during the program period.
Vehicles must be registered in the name of the applicant/student.
Only one graduate claim per customer.
An applicant\'s degree cannot be used more than once.
A,Z,X plan cusotmers are EXCLUDED from the Mazda Graduate Program.
The Mazda cash award (Mazda 3 is $500) is in addition to any consumer retail incentives that may be available from Mazda Canada at the time of deilvery.
1. Graduates from foreign schools may qualify; however, the applicant may be required to provide proof that the school is accredited through the proper governing body.
2. Certificates/Diplomas are not eligible
3. Eligilbility is limited to 90 days from the new vehcile delivery.
Proof of Eligibility - a photocopy of an original official final transcript from the college or university showing the graduate date or letter from the Registrar\'s office stating the name and length of the program and the Graduation date.
If the customer has not graduated yet; a letter confirming graduation withing the program period from Registrars\'s office. The letter has to state the name and length of the program
I hope you find this informative!!
Call me if you have any questions at 905-780-9999
aka CAR4U
03-21-2006, 07:19 PM
08-02-2006, 04:13 PM
Graduate Eligibility:
2. Certificates/Diplomas are not eligible
Proof of Eligibility - a photocopy of an original official final transcript from the college or university
Just a quick question here. Isn\'t it that when you graduate from college, you only get a diploma? These 2 here is against each other. Just want to clarify this for current/future graduates who might pass by the forum. ;)
08-02-2006, 06:08 PM
Years ago, when the first Grad Program was introduced, there were a lot of fraudulant claims using diplomas \'editted\' by computer means, so rather than scrap the whole Rebate program they put in stricter requirements.
A diploma is not enough, only a letter from the Registars indicating eligibility to graduate with the program length and date OR a copy of an official Transcript from the University indicating completion of all requirements and a graduation date.
So, you pay $10-$20 for the transcript, and you get $500 off your purchase.
08-03-2006, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by TheBiz
So, you pay $10-$20 for the transcript, and you get $500 off your purchase.
you do get the transcript back with the cheque.. or maybe sometime later.. if you do need it for something else :)
08-03-2006, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by majic
Originally posted by TheBiz
So, you pay $10-$20 for the transcript, and you get $500 off your purchase.
you do get the transcript back with the cheque.. or maybe sometime later.. if you do need it for something else :)
The whole thing has always bothered me really.
Pay +$30,000 for you education..
Congradulations, you\'ve Graduated....
What\'s that?
You want your marks?
That\'ll be $15 please.
08-03-2006, 01:28 PM
sorry my mistake. when he meant certificates/diplomas he meant the actual paper. I was thinking of more of the graduation type. like graduating with a certificate for a program and such. my bad.
well, once you graduate, don\'t they send you a copy of the transcript? I got one copy w/o having to give out even a penny.
08-03-2006, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by vanpatrick81
well, once you graduate, don\'t they send you a copy of the transcript? I got one copy w/o having to give out even a penny.
not at UofT.. you get the diploma and then they call you to give to GRADitutde.. EFF THAT.. anyway.. back to the regular programming.. ;)
09-01-2006, 01:52 AM
What happens in 2007? Will the program be discontinued, or will the eligible graduation dates just change accordingly?
09-01-2006, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by thematrix49
What happens in 2007? Will the program be discontinued, or will the eligible graduation dates just change accordingly? > promotions > graduate
09-01-2006, 06:53 PM
Hehe thanks, go figure I\'d ask the question the day before they finally update their site :)
01-05-2007, 01:55 PM
What happens in 2007? Will the program be discontinued, or will the eligible graduation dates just change accordingly?
This just in, for 2007 the program has changed slightly.
eligibilty is now for graduates who graduated between January 1st 2003 and December 31st 2007.
The biggest change is that now the rebate will no longer be sent out to the client after the fact. It can only be applied to the deal and all documents must be submitted before the pickup of the new vehicle.
Which means, if you want the rebate, order your official transcripts well in advance from when you intend to pick up.
01-05-2007, 02:02 PM
that's a MUCH better deal (instant rebate vs a MIR) ;)
01-05-2007, 02:05 PM
The biggest change is that now the rebate will no longer be sent out to the client after the fact. It can only be applied to the deal and all documents must be submitted before the pickup of the new vehicle.
Which means, if you want the rebate, order your official transcripts well in advance from when you intend to pick up.
This is not new.
When I got my car from Mazda of Brampton back in 2004, they already gave me a choice of applying the rebate right away or getting a cheque in the mail. I had to bring my official UofT transcripts for them to photocopy since I opted to apply the rebate right away.
01-05-2007, 02:09 PM
i guess before it was an option that not all dealers exercised.. now there's no option which is nice.. why would anyone want to wait for a cheque?
01-05-2007, 02:33 PM
i guess before it was an option that not all dealers exercised.. now there's no option which is nice.. why would anyone want to wait for a cheque?
Yeah, both Mazda of Brampton (my car) and Prima Mazda (sister's car) had the option when we purchased.
01-05-2007, 03:02 PM
Yeah, when I purchased my Mazda6 just over three years ago the dealer (Avante) offered to apply the rebate directly to the car which I did. The salesman did tell me however that standard practice was to have the rebate go direct to the customer in the form of a cheque but if I signed something it could be applied directly instead.
When I graduate can I just come get 500$?
01-05-2007, 06:48 PM
When I graduate can I just come get 500$?
umm no.. you have to have graduated within the specified time frame at the time of purchase.. you can buy another one and qualify ;)
01-06-2007, 01:12 PM
This is not new.
When I got my car from Mazda of Brampton back in 2004, they already gave me a choice of applying the rebate right away or getting a cheque in the mail. I had to bring my official UofT transcripts for them to photocopy since I opted to apply the rebate right away.
The new part is that Mazda is no longer sending cheques out to the client, It has always been an option to have it applied immediately to the deal if the supporting documents were available or to have Mazda Canada send out a cheque 4-6 weeks after the documents were recieved.
Actually after speaking directly to a rep, the memo is kinda vague and can easily be misunderstood...
The change for 2007 is that you can either use the rebate towards the deal (if you have transcripts ahead of time.) or you can bring them in later (after pickup), wait for them to send a cheque to the dealership and the dealership cuts a cheque back to you after they recieve the payment. (adds a week)
umm no.. you have to have graduated within the specified time frame at the time of purchase.. you can buy another one and qualify ;)
Duh, I was just trying to make a funny :p
01-06-2007, 02:26 PM
my bad.. :P
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