View Full Version : Monthly Meets

03-29-2006, 04:50 PM
Are we sticking with the last saturday of every month
or are we voting for the meets?

i say lets have it locked in stone now
last sat every month

easier to plan around!!

last sats would put the next few meets

Sat April 29th
Sat May 27th (is that the long weekend? we could change this one)
Sat June 24th
Sat July 29th (ottawa meet might need changing??)
Sat Aug 26th

03-29-2006, 05:29 PM
Excellent idea... plan your weekends around the meet! :D

03-29-2006, 05:33 PM
sounds good .....

03-29-2006, 05:53 PM
dude its beeen last sat of each month now for a few years, your kinda late on deciding that...

03-29-2006, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by bubba1983

dude its beeen last sat of each month now for a few years, your kinda late on deciding that...

ya man, we should have a poll on wether or not Broli should be allowed to make polls.

Broli\'s good at organizing meets, i give him that much!
I think he\'s got a meet for every night of the week and for
dozens of diff. reasons like leaf games, wings, poker etc.

Next thing you know he\'ll be making Broli\'s Moms Menstration meet!
(\'cause we\'ll ALL be free that week!)

03-29-2006, 07:44 PM

03-30-2006, 12:18 AM
Sounds like a good idea to me. Im excited to attend my first meet. Whats the usual time?

03-30-2006, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by bubba1983

dude its beeen last sat of each month now for a few years, your kinda late on deciding that...

hey *******
we voted on the one in march!
and it just happened that the last sat won!

i guess u must have forgotten
what, with the ethanol induced anterograde amnesia!

maybe if u read above a 3rd grade level you would note
that i said

\"are we sticking to the last sat of the month thing!!!\"


Ray, Ray, Ray

ur a brave little pilipino!
that was good!

and i will concede that i am unlikely to beat that joke right now!
however . . .

However, your mom is here right now, and she is not pleased with ur behaviour.
she asked me to tell you that you were brought up a good catholic boy and you should know better,
she also asked me to say that, that time she came into your room and you switched off the TV real fast, and covered up, she knew u were jerkin it!

she wants you to know that she had a discussion with ur priest and your teachers and some of your
friends, and they all said they did it, (except the priest said he did it with you (damn CARDI))

(meh, its late, i am tired, and ur joke was still better!!!!)

03-30-2006, 02:16 AM
Meets have been the last Saturday of every month (with the exception of winter, Nov-Feb) since May 2004; with the cycle going West, Central East.

This was voted on back in April 2004 and was chosen with overwhelming acceptance. I don\'t think the schedule should be changed.

03-30-2006, 04:05 PM
I totally agree!!

and thats why i said it should be kept!!
i was just saying that we did vote on this March\'s meet
and was wondering if that was supposed to be some new system!?!?!?!?

but, at the same time it can\'t hurt to hear what all the new people think
me included, cause as i understand it the club has changed since the days of
the original membership, and there are lots of new members who should have a say also!

03-30-2006, 04:26 PM
Stop causing trouble Broli :sarc


03-30-2006, 04:29 PM

03-30-2006, 04:49 PM
Never mind!

U guys don\'t seem to understand,

I guess me thinking that those who actually do come out to the meets
Would want a chance to have a say as well is crazy!
Whoops, what was I thinking . . ?

I said I like the sats too!
but that doesn\'t preclude the fact that alternatives could be good!
Someone could have had a suggestion that would be good
like, having a Sunday brunch meet or something
Sunday brunch followed by a cruise would be awesome!
I guess some of u guys aren\'t interested in hearing what some of the newer guys have to say!!!

I didn\'t see anyone say . . .

\"ahem why are we voting on the first meet, we know it will be in March and we know it will be on the last Sat!!!!!\"

that is when u shoulda brought it up geniuses!!
this is no different!


Cardinal Fang
03-30-2006, 04:59 PM
*Walks in and whacks Broli\'s spellchecker with a five iron*

03-30-2006, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Cardinal Fang

*Walks in and whacks Broli\'s spellchecker with a five iron*

