View Full Version : Remedys?

05-09-2006, 03:02 PM
I was just wondering...When my tranny (5-speed standard) is cold I find the shifting quite notchy for the first little while, once warm its pretty silky except for 4th to 5th which is still rough but not always. My Question; Has anyone experienced the same and also anyone try remedies such as maybe an additive like slick 50 or changing the oil or maybe synthetic to resolve this.

Any input would be appreciated,



05-09-2006, 05:21 PM
Mine is exactly the same... More so during the winter months. I used to worry about this. Now I don\'t even notice it.

05-09-2006, 09:38 PM
I\'ve been noticing this \"notchiness\" on 1-to-2 and 2-to-3 shifts, oddly enough 4-to-3 and 3-to-2 seem to be a lot better. However mine doesn’t seem to be temperature dependent - seems to have more to do with which position I find the synchros in. Some times it’s all smooth as silk, others it’s so notchy I end up putting it back into Neutral and re-shifting. It\'s not bad enough to worry me, but I\'ll point it out to the dealer on my next service ... after all the car only has 2000km on it

05-12-2006, 02:54 PM
Well since I did\'nt get much feedback on my topic I\'ve decided to experiment on my own...I just purchased 3 pints of Royal Purple gear oil SAE 75w90 GL-4 &5 compliant at Performance Improvements for $11.00 ea....cheapest I could find and will be putting it in my tranny soon. I\'ll keep you guys or whomever might be interested informed on how well it does and if it helps with the notchiness.



05-12-2006, 05:55 PM
I didn’t realize you could fill the tranny oil yourself – I was under the impression that it’s a sealed unit.

Please post any of your findings – if no one else, I’d be very interested. :D


05-27-2006, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by TheLouch

I didn’t realize you could fill the tranny oil yourself – I was under the impression that it’s a sealed unit.

Please post any of your findings – if no one else, I’d be very interested. :D


Update. Well just finally got the engine and tranny fluid done yesterday as mentioned in my earlier post I switched to Mobil1 for the engine and Royal purple for the tranny.Started it up this morning and noticed right away the engine ran smoother as for the tranny notchiness, well its still there but it dosn\'t seem as bad. Maybe just the placebo effect.
Once the vehicle is warmed up thought the tranny shifts very smooth, better than before.Engine wise it seems to be a little peppier when its hot compared to before, where it used to sort of bog a little sometimes.I really did\'nt expect to see any improvements immediately so, to my suprise there has been, but I will see after a couple 1000k maybe it will improve a bit more.



05-29-2006, 11:07 AM
I had a short shifter in my old P5 and experienced this notchiness.....I was advised by Gilman Auto to try switching to Mobil 1 synthetic, which I did, and didn\'t notice any significant difference. I think all manual tranny cars have a certain level of notchiness when cold.

05-29-2006, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by TheProfessor

I had a short shifter in my old P5 and experienced this notchiness.....I was advised by Gilman Auto to try switching to Mobil 1 synthetic, which I did, and didn\'t notice any significant difference. I think all manual tranny cars have a certain level of notchiness when cold.

This is my first Mazda so I\'ll take your word for it, but in the past when I had my Honda CRXsi 5sp, I had the same problem and when I switched to synthetic it solved the problem.Mind you the Honda tranny was using 10w30 oil and not gear oil.So as much as I believe you are right, I\'ll hope that your not and after a couple 1000k\'s it gets better.




05-29-2006, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Flagrum_3

Originally posted by TheProfessor

I had a short shifter in my old P5 and experienced this notchiness.....I was advised by Gilman Auto to try switching to Mobil 1 synthetic, which I did, and didn\'t notice any significant difference. I think all manual tranny cars have a certain level of notchiness when cold.

This is my first Mazda so I\'ll take your word for it, but in the past when I had my Honda CRXsi 5sp, I had the same problem and when I switched to synthetic it solved the problem.Mind you the Honda tranny was using 10w30 oil and not gear oil.So as much as I believe you are right, I\'ll hope that your not and after a couple 1000k\'s it gets better.




Well like I said, it was for the P5 which is quite different than the 3, so cross your fingers and hope for the best ;)

06-02-2006, 09:00 PM
I was looking into changing the manual transmission oil, but can\'t seem to find a how-to-guide on changing the manual transmission. How do you change it? I\'ve read some threads where people say it is really easy, but nothing about how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.

06-02-2006, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by queens49

I was looking into changing the manual transmission oil, but can\'t seem to find a how-to-guide on changing the manual transmission. How do you change it? I\'ve read some threads where people say it is really easy, but nothing about how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.

start at step 3 (http://www.mazda6tech.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=45&Itemi d=49), it is the exact same way with the 5 speed in the 3.