View Full Version : Krown Lakeshore Auto Glass

06-18-2006, 12:18 AM
I can tell you right now, this post (by the time you finish reading it) will fit in numerous categories. Trim/Interior, Electrical or even Review of Body Shops etc. This is going to be long, but I promise you, it will be very informative, so please bare with me. If you would just prefer a summary, please scroll to the end of this post

This all started when I decided to get my cracked windshield replaced. Due to their high ratings, their "extraordinary customer service" and boasts that krown was "the best in the business in quality", I decided to get my windshield done at Krown Lakeshore in Mississauga.

According to Krown, there are two options you can follow in order to get your windshield replaced.

The first is the less expensive option. Use aftermarket glass (apparently the same glass that Mazda uses, minus the Mazda stamp) and use your current rain sensor. The process includes detaching your current (broken) windshield, detach the rain sensor, install the new windshield, use your existing rain sensor and install it on the new windshield. This process costs approximately $600 after labour and taxes.

The second, more expensive option (again according to Krown) is to use OEM Mazda glass with a new rain sensor already installed. This implies that all they do is take off your old windshield AND sensor, and replace it with an entirely new windshield and rainsensor, BOTH direct from the Mazda factory. This process costs $699 (Krown's Cost) + new Windshield Moulding + labour + Tax.

I chose the first option, which is why I don't have an approximate total for the second option.

Here is where the review portion of this write up comes in. When I first approched Krown, I spoke to Igor, who is the same person whom advertises on our forum. Originally he told me, that there was NO MAJOR DIFFERENCE between the OEM option and the aftermarket glass option, with the exception of the aftermarket being cheaper and not having a Mazda logo on it. Obviously, I chose that option, because it would theoretically save me over $350 compared to bringing my windshield and having a dealer do the install.

His statement of having NO MAJOR DIFFERENCE in the glass was extrememly misleading. He failed to mention that the OEM option comes with a rain sensor pre-installed, by mazda, with the windshield. I was under the impression that BOTH options would come with a rain sensor (since the OEM one did, and there was NO MAJOR DIFFERENCE between the two options, I assumed the aftermarket one would too). Of course this was not the case, and unfortunately, ONLY when I arrived to get my windshield replaced did they tell me they would be prying my old sensor off and reusing it on my new windshield. I was obviously disappointed, but igor re-assured me that they have been doing glass for over 25 years, and that the sensor would be good as new. He also mentioned that he has worked on Audi's, BMW's and Mercedes'... even other Mazdas with the rain sensors and has never had problems. I allowed him to go through with what he told me, in hopes that I would be getting back a finished job that would be good as new.

When I first came to pick up my car after I have recieved a call that the car was finished, one of the first things I noticed was that the sensor appeared to be damaged. There were shards of glass inside the sensor, and the sensor, instead of being clear like when I first brought it to them was clouded and appeared to be damaged. I tested the sensor, both by touching it with the car ON, and dumping a bottle of water over it, and of course, it did not work.

I returned to Krown asking them why the sensor looked damaged and was non-functional. They claimed that the sensor wasn't damaged, but pieces of the old windshield were stuck inside the sensor. I demanded that they reapply the sensor, as I was expecting a perfect job. My car was returned to me, better but still not perfect. Only half of the sensor seemed to be attached (clear like the original windshield) and the other half looked to be cloudy, as with condensation. Of course I questioned them again, on why it is still not totally clear and the response I got back was "If we fully apply the sensor, on a fresh windshield, we risk pushing out the entire windshield and the job would have to be redone". However, the sensor worked, as did the Auto-light system that is built into the same unit. I accepted the car the way it is, since both systems were functioning.

The next day, I went to the Unofficial Flippy Friday meet, and was actually pleased to see that it began to rain. This would be a perfect test for my newly installed rain sensor. The sensor worked... sort of. My windshield, even with the setting on the most sensitive, would not wipe unless my windshield was absolutely soaked, to the point where I could not see traffic ahead of me. Coming home from the meet, I inspected my sensor more closely, finding that the sensor had gone from 1/2 condensation, 1/2 adhesive to 7/8 condensation, 1/8 adhesive. Yup. My sensor is about ready to fall off.

I\'m obviously VERY DISSAPOINTED in the workmanship at Krown. How they became "the best in the business" is a mystery to me. Although I would love to bring it back to them and get them to do it right, I feel that it would be a lost cause. They were dishonest with me when explaining the process of the install, and even after doing the sensor a second time, they still did not get it right. Bottom Line: Get your dealership to replace your windshield. Dealers charge approximately $800 to replace the windshield and the sensor. That cannot be far off from the "$699 (Krown's Cost) + new Windshield Moulding + labour + Tax" that Krown would charge. You know that it is all genuine mazda, and that the job will be done right.

The only good thing that I can say is the fact that my windshield (the actual glass) was installed well. Thusfar, even after a thurough washing, there are no leaks, and the glass seems to be seated and adhered well.

Krown Lakeshore (Mississauga) 1.5 out of 5

-Nice People
-Cheaper than Dealership

-Dishonest People
-Workmanship is subpar

Bottom Line: Krown is good for replacing windshields, just not with a rain sensor. Got a rain sensor? Take it to the dealer, they aren't that expensive for what you get.

06-18-2006, 09:15 AM
I\'m not a windshield expert but that rain sensor looks like it\'s coming off. They did a good job on the install of the windshield itself but when you showed me that sensor it turned me off.

Is there any kind of warranty from Krown?

06-18-2006, 09:49 AM
thanks Xenon, I was quoted by Stanley from MoT around the same $800+taxes, I deciede to make a call to Igor latere about the windshield and its detailing job. from Krown quotation list @ other topic was only $400 for aftermarket but no mention for other pieces need to be added. After reading your review, I think I\'ll go back to dealer.

06-18-2006, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Xenon
The first is the less expensive option. Use aftermarket glass (apparently the same glass that Mazda uses, minus the Mazda stamp) and use your current rain sensor. The process includes detaching your current (broken) windshield, detach the rain sensor, install the new windshield, use your existing rain sensor and install it on the new windshield. This process costs approximately $600 after labour and taxes.

from the way your story flows, you KNOW right away that the glass is \'the same\' and they reuse your current sensor.. how is that dishonest?

Originally posted by Xenon
Here is where the review portion of this write up comes in. When I first approched Krown, I spoke to Igor, who is the same person whom advertises on our forum. Originally he told me, that there was NO MAJOR DIFFERENCE between the OEM option and the aftermarket glass option, with the exception of the aftermarket being cheaper and not having a Mazda logo on it. Obviously, I chose that option, because it would theoretically save me over $350 compared to bringing my windshield and having a dealer do the install.

once again.. no major difference in the GLASS.. someone correct me if i\'m wrong but isn\'t the sensor a different part number and the glass another part number? if so then he didn\'t lie to you.. if they do in fact come together as ONE item.. then yah.. i can see your frustration.

Originally posted by Xenon
His statement of having NO MAJOR DIFFERENCE in the glass was extrememly misleading. He failed to mention that the OEM option comes with a rain sensor pre-installed, by mazda, with the windshield. I was under the impression that BOTH options would come with a rain sensor (since the OEM one did, and there was NO MAJOR DIFFERENCE between the two options, I assumed the aftermarket one would too). Of course this was not the case, and unfortunately, ONLY when I arrived to get my windshield replaced did they tell me they would be prying my old sensor off and reusing it on my new windshield.

\"assumption is a mother of all **** ups\"

unfortunately, if you don\'t ask and assume something, you can\'t blame the shop (or whever) .. i guess it was an expensive lesson but you\'ll know from now on to ask and maybe even get it in writing.

I would suggest to keep going back to Krown until you get fixed since there *should* be some sort of warranty and b/c they claim to be the best in the business.. get your money\'s worth!!

Originally posted by Xenon
-Nice People
-Cheaper than Dealership

-Dishonest People
-Workmanship is subpar

*IF* someone in fact WAS dishonest.. i wouldn\'t call him nice ;)

06-18-2006, 02:02 PM
In response to Majic\'s 3 quotes...

Quote 1: I didn\'t know that they resued the sensor until they started to work on it. Up until the point where I handed them the keys they put me under the impression that I was getting a new sensor either way. Over the phone he specifically told me that the sensor came with both the OEM and the aftermarket glass. I assumed the aftermarket package just came with a re-programmed sensor that adjusted for the different refraction of the glass. I put the whole complete story in the beginning (prior to my review) so that people would knw, right off the bat, what krown would do in both cases. If you had read the remainder of the post, you would have seen that I was un aware of the process until it was the last minute.

Quote 2 & 3:
Yes, the glass may be the same. but when I inquired about differences in general, I was told that OTHER THAN THE MAZDA STAMP ON THE GLASS there is no difference between the package with the OEM glass and the aftermarket glass. Over the phone, I was told that BOTH options would come with a rain sensor already installed on the glass. That was his reason for justifying why my Mazda\'s windshield cost $430 (remember the OEM one costs $699) and my Dad\'s Pacifica only costs $175, because mine had a rain sensor attached.

Quote 4: Why can\'t a person be friendly and dishonest? It\'s totally possible. He can treat you well, and talk to you in a kind manner while lying to your face. Many sales people do that all the time.

06-18-2006, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

I\'m not a windshield expert but that rain sensor looks like it\'s coming off. They did a good job on the install of the windshield itself but when you showed me that sensor it turned me off.

Is there any kind of warranty from Krown?

They claim to have a satisfaction guarantee, and I don\'t doubt that they do. But even after two attempts, if they can\'t get it right, there\'s no telling whether or not they can do it the third time.

At this point, I\'m willing to take it to the dealer and have it done right once and for all than to keep going back and forth from Krown ten times for them to do something that should have been done right the first time.

06-18-2006, 02:19 PM
It says HERE (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=3769) That there are 2 options
Aftermarket WITH Rain Sensor
OEM WITH Rain Sensor

Reading that I would think both came WITH Rain Sensors.

Why would they have to re-use your old one??? I bet they had the wrong glass...and installed it anyway.

So, they installed the glass WITHOUT a rain sensor...ask for the Difference back. It\'s only $290 for plain Glass.
Get Your $130 back.

06-18-2006, 11:14 PM
thanks for the review xenon. i\'ve been reading krown\'s posts since i have a windshield that needs replacing and am going to be way more careful about going to krown.

06-24-2006, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by SABIO

It says HERE (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=3769) That there are 2 options
Aftermarket WITH Rain Sensor
OEM WITH Rain Sensor

Reading that I would think both came WITH Rain Sensors.

Why would they have to re-use your old one??? I bet they had the wrong glass...and installed it anyway.

So, they installed the glass WITHOUT a rain sensor...ask for the Difference back. It\'s only $290 for plain Glass.
Get Your $130 back.

I am not trying to say some good things for Krown. Their wordings might be misleading. But when you look at the options, I think the rain sensor refer to whether your car equipped with it or not. If you don\'t have a rain senor, you pay $290. If you have rain sensor, you either pay $420 or $620. They do not clearly say for $420, it does not come with rain sensor. They have to remove it from the old windshield. So when Xenon was told there was no difference between two options, it\'s wrong and misleading.

I think Xenon is right not to go back again if he lost confidence on them. The money saved might not enough to cover the time and gas wasted on travelling to Mississauga.

06-25-2006, 10:22 PM
I got a similar story from Krown when I needed my windshield to be replaced. I almost went to them to have mine replace but I dissagree with the amount they wanted to charge my insurance. I went to the dealership instead. I am glad I did not fall for the so called \"great price\".

I got mine replaced at Mazda of Toronto - its the original Mazda glass with the rain sensor.

01-02-2007, 11:10 PM

I just realized that I never told you how the story ends. I returned to Krown one more time and told them to do the job right. They agreed to reattempt to adhere the rain sensor... HOWEVER, they wanted me to sign a waver saying that if they pryed the sensor off and broke it, they weren't liable. I told them to go &%#@ themselves, because if they did break it, that leaves me with a broken rain sensor with no way of fixing it. In addition to that, after I signed that waver, it would give them good reason to break it intentionally. Break it, and leave me with the problem, then they don't have to worry about me coming back to them demanding them to fix it.

So anyways, I decided to take Krown out of the picture. They obviously weren't going to do anything for me. I brought the windshield to Westowne Mazda and I had the windshield replaced in its entirety, rain sensor included.

01-03-2007, 12:56 AM

I just realized that I never told you how the story ends. I returned to Krown one more time and told them to do the job right. They agreed to reattempt to adhere the rain sensor... HOWEVER, they wanted me to sign a waver saying that if they pryed the sensor off and broke it, they weren't liable. I told them to go &%#@ themselves, because if they did break it, that leaves me with a broken rain sensor with no way of fixing it. In addition to that, after I signed that waver, it would give them good reason to break it intentionally. Break it, and leave me with the problem, then they don't have to worry about me coming back to them demanding them to fix it.

So anyways, I decided to take Krown out of the picture. They obviously weren't going to do anything for me. I brought the windshield to Westowne Mazda and I had the windshield replaced free of charge (why free? ask me).


02-22-2007, 12:05 AM
Back from the dead.
Please continue with how you got it free.

02-22-2007, 07:52 AM
Back from the dead.
Please continue with how you got it free.

IF I remember correctly, you will probably have to PM him (or he will PM you) for that, as it was hush hush, if ya know what I mean.
Reason: Lurkers may try the same technique and scam others.
For some proof, see FX Auto thread where, long story short, people falsely claimed they were part of the club to get a discount. (This was back in 04.)

Just know that Flipspeed at Mazda of Toronto is to thank! =) That's all I will say, if Xenon wants to say more, he can chime in.

I might have said too much already.