View Full Version : MoT Service Depart. screwed me up

07-01-2006, 11:38 AM
I called MoT last Tuesday to make an appointment for oil change, some guy (or should I call him an idiot?) at the service department picked it up, asked me when do I want to come in, I said how about this Saturday? He paused for a bit, I guess he was checking his schedule, and said: \"okay when do you want to come in?\" How about 9? he said yeah okay, bring your car this Saturday morning..... ok, bye.

And guess what... yes you\'ve got it, there is a sign on the MoT door today that says, \"Dear VALUE customers, we are not open on Canada day, please come back on Monday, blah blah blah!\"

Thank you for wasting my time and gas to drive in and SCREWED ME UP!

There was also another fellow at the door who also had an appointment booked by MoT today, he was so furious with this BULLSHIT service, he told me he specifically asked the Tech if they will open on Saturday and the answer he got was \"YES\". You MoT people are lucky that you weren\'t there, I thought he was gonna smash the door open.

Now, does MoT want my business again? If this is the way you treat your VALUE customers, I guess I should bring my business elsewhere, I\'ve read a lot of good thing about MoT on this forum, and I\'m really surprise that I received this type of unprofessional service today. I really think MoT owes me an apology, you should offer everone you booked today a free oil change as a compensation.

07-01-2006, 12:03 PM
According to your story, it\'s an honest mistake.
You mean you\'ve never forgotten when a holiday is?

If you have actually remembered it was Canada Day today, you could of inquired at the time of the booking too. Specifically with the phrase \"Saturday is Canada Day, Are you sure you guys are open?\"
The guy who was with you probably only asked if they were open on \"saturday\" to which of course the service guy who forgets it\'s Canada Day would of replied yes.

Also, what were you thinking? You actually believe a dealership would be open on July 1st?

To that note, yes someone screwed up and you probably deserve an apology.


07-01-2006, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Chuckie

If you have actually remembered it was Canada Day today, you could of inquired at the time of the booking too. Specifically with the phrase \"Saturday is Canada Day, Are you sure you guys are open?\"


07-01-2006, 05:55 PM
While MofT did clearly make a mistake, you shouldn\'ve known better that they would\'ve been closed today. When you called and booked the appointment for today, did you question the fact that they were going to be open on a Holiday?

07-01-2006, 05:58 PM
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Exactly Prof.

Originally posted by sunset_orange
I said how about this Saturday?

You clearly forgot that it was Canada\'s Day.

Yes the service guy screwed up, an honest mistake. It was partially your fault for not remembering too.


P.S. hey prof, you hang out at clubsi Ontario too? I lurk there sometimes before I came here. either that\'s you or someone has the same handle.

07-01-2006, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by TheProfessor

did you question the fact that they were going to be open on a Holiday?

it is NOT sunset_orange\'s responsibility to verify with them if they were open on a holiday. The Service Desk is the point of contact between the business and the consumer, it is the Service Desk\'s responsibility to have the proper information to provide to customers.

because of this person\'s ****-up, there are people who now perceive that the service counter at MoT contains an/many idiot(s).

there is no partial fault on sunset_orange\'s part as there are quite a number of business still open today.

cliff\'s notes: it is the responsiblity of the representative of the business to relay, AND have knowledge of, the proper information (in this case, whether they were open today or not) and NOT the consumer.

07-01-2006, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by MajesticBlueN

it is NOT sunset_orange\'s responsibility to verify with them if they were open on a holiday. The Service Desk is the point of contact between the business and the consumer, it is the Service Desk\'s responsibility to have the proper information to provide to customers.

because of this person\'s ****-up, there are people who now perceive that the service counter at MoT contains an/many idiot(s).

there is no partial fault on sunset_orange\'s part as there are quite a number of business still open today.

cliff\'s notes: it is the responsiblity of the representative of the business to relay, AND have knowledge of, the proper information (in this case, whether they were open today or not) and NOT the consumer.

Thanks MajesticBlueN for stand up for me on this. No I didn\'t know July 1th was this Saturday when I called, not until Friday that I realized Canada Day is tomorrow, then I had some doubt about this appointment, but I heard on the news that some business will open anyway, and the fact that MoT did not call me back to inform me that they\'ve made a mistake. (After 3 business days: Wed. Thurs. Fri., and nobody at Service Desk realize they have booked people on Canada day? There gotta be more than one person going through the booking schedule right?)

I too feel that it is the business representative\'s responsibility to inform customers the right information, hello, do I need to do their job for them? :sarc

07-01-2006, 09:19 PM
Perhaps we differ in opinion about the subject.

For myself, I would feel partially at fault if I experienced something like that knowing that I could of avoided such a situation if I had known it was a holiday. Besides knowing that it\'s a holiday, perhaps I would have called to confirm my appointment with MoT before heading out.

That said, the person at the service counter should of atleast tried to contact you if and when s/he found out that it was a holiday. Or perhaps they didn\'t know all day and kept booking people for saturday?

As for the things being opened on holidays.
Personally, for myself, general rule - if the malls aren\'t open the dealerships shouldn\'t be open either.

I do sympathize with your situation as this can happen to anyone. I just thought if I was in your shoes, I would of felt that I am partially (well not at fault but... perhaps my liberal use of \"at fault\" was a bit harsh) contributed to the situation I was in because I didn\'t either know before hand it was a holiday, didn\'t mention it was a holiday to the service guy, or didn\'t call ahead knowning it\'s a holiday today before heading to MoT.

Yes, idiots are out there, people make mistakes, situations like this happen. You just have to take the precautions to prevent them from happening to you.

edit: When you go back to MoT.. be calm about it, don\'t start yelling at the person. explain your situation, express how that caused you inconvience and im sure you\'ll get an apology. That\'ll give the service counter person a good heads up so next time s/he doesn\'t make that same mistake.

edit x2: I didn\'t mean to come off as flaming sunset_orange, I apologize if I came off as sounding as such. I expressed my opinions based on what I felt I should of/would of done in a similar situation.
I came here to make friends that share the same interests, not enemies.
I wish you good luck to get a satifactory resolution to your situation.

07-02-2006, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by MajesticBlueN

Originally posted by TheProfessor

did you question the fact that they were going to be open on a Holiday?

it is NOT sunset_orange\'s responsibility to verify with them if they were open on a holiday.

While I agree that it is not his responsibility, that doesn\'t mean that you can\'t do your due diligence either. Again, I\'m not saying what they did was right, but just as sunset_orange forgot that Saturday was Canada day so too did whom ever he spoke to. People make mistakes, and in this instance they both did IMO.

07-02-2006, 11:12 AM
More than one person works at the M.o.T service desk. No one noticed bookings for Saturday?? For a few days??
They said they were open on Sat. but weren\'t...
Completley 100% their mistake. You Should not defend their error based on their support for this club.

It\'s not a hanging offense. No one is going to burn the place down. I hope they are at least apologetic to the customers that went there on Sat.

07-02-2006, 12:48 PM
I think what Prof and I are trying to say is that he could of done something before hand about the situation so he didn\'t have to stand outside MoT staring angrily at the \"Dear Valued Customers\" sign.

I think we are in no way trying to defend MoT. We agree that someone screwed up, and agree that an apology is warranted.


07-03-2006, 07:57 AM
I would like to know the name of the service advisor you spoke to.

They were specifically told to tell the customers that we were closed on Saturday.(Uh hello it\'s Canada Day!) I don\'t know about you but common sense should have told you that the only places open legally are Eaton Center, Vaughn Mills, and a few garden centres around the GTA.

If you did in fact book an appointment then PM me all your info so I can check it since all appointments are booked electronically.

That sign on the door has been up since last Monday.


07-03-2006, 08:14 AM
My money is on Ali. His customer service skills are nowhere to be found and he seems to talk to customer as if he were always in a hurry, especially if you are on the phone with him. It\'s as if customers were an annoyance!!!

07-03-2006, 09:41 AM
so if we get an appointment we should avoid this ali guy? last time I was there, there was this chinese guy. He any good?

07-03-2006, 10:40 AM
Vincent is their best guy.

07-03-2006, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Chuckie

so if we get an appointment we should avoid this ali guy? last time I was there, there was this chinese guy. He any good?

As Blunty stated Vincent is the best, but there is another \'chinese\' guy named Stanley that most people seem to dislike though he\'s been fine with me thus far.

07-03-2006, 11:40 AM
I hear that Jeff guy is pretty good too.

It\'s too bad he doesnt work in the Service Dept.

[/shameless plug]

editted for speling

07-03-2006, 11:59 AM
Flipspeed: PM sent

Chuckie: Dont worry about it, I understand what you were saying. I just got a bit annoyed at first, but right now I rather spend some quality time to finish off the long weekend. :hoho

Bluntman: The person I spoke to I didn\'t recognize his voice, usually if is Vincent I can tell, however this person I don\'t remember talking to before, he has an accent, I am not sure from where tho.

07-03-2006, 10:10 PM
awww... Friends! *HUG*