View Full Version : WesTowne Mazda Parts Dept....Screw this place

07-04-2006, 05:39 PM
Damn it juss came back from the parts depart of Westowne...

I dont know if its me or did I do something wrong...

but I came back a VERY pissed off dude...

so basically I bought the flip key from MOT and that wonderful groupbuy..

well I got the key but did not get it cut or repogrammed, that I was going to do when my car came in..

so the car comes in, and I got the two keys I needed and optioned out the third key cause I was going to get the flip one...

fastword to today, so I finally got some time to JUSS GET THE KEY CUT...

which I thought was a simple procedure....

when I got to the Westowne parts department, ask for the key to get cut...so I this fat brother greats me with his presents..

To draw things, out I am in a golf shirt and dress pants..no THUG Gear present

this is how it goes:

Fat lazy bastard: \"Can I help you?\"
(keep in mind sittin down and does not bother to get up or show any care in the F***IN world I am here to spend some money)

Me: \"Yes could I get my key cut please, its for a 06 Mazda3 sport\" but with this key
so I pull out the key section of the flip key..



Fat Lazy Bastard: NO...I will not...you cant, you have too schedule an appointment with the service department

*mind you still sittin in his chair not even showing me interest or willingness to help\"

Me: Uh but I juss want the key cut please and I can personally program it myself?

Fat Lazy Bastard: NO, you cant do it and I will not for you...

So that point pissed off...juss grab my keys and storm out.....

mind you, Fat lazy bastard still sittin in his chair, and not give two shits who I am and guess what I bought the car there...some people at service remember me and juss looked and was shocked....

so Mazda folks, ie flipspeed or the biz, did I do something wrong here?

if I am wrong then I retract this ish....but hey great customer service pal

but for cutting a key, I have never felt so judged in such a long time, I felt like this mofo was seeing me as a high end car theif..

I mean he could have got up and asked more questions, heck I have my ownership, drivers license and receipt of car all INSIDE My 06 Hatch....and what never even asked...

treated like I am some dumb ass kid who dont know shit....

thats my story of today

Makes me think twice about servicing my car...

have a nice day...mind you buyin a car and serviciing is alright at Westowne...

07-04-2006, 06:07 PM
I didn\'t know cutting a key takes enough time to warrant a appointment

That persons customer service skill is extremely lacking. Go take it up with his manager. =)

07-04-2006, 06:48 PM
It doesn\'t matter where you go, there\'s always 1 or 2 jerks in each dealership.

07-05-2006, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by azn_outlaw

so Mazda folks, ie flipspeed or the biz, did I do something wrong here?

You sure did something wrong!

You didn\'t let me cut it!:p

No seriously they must have a special policy at their dealership. Who knows maybe the guy was having a bad day? Remember that you could always come back here to cut the key.

07-06-2006, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

Originally posted by azn_outlaw

so Mazda folks, ie flipspeed or the biz, did I do something wrong here?

You sure did something wrong!

Yeah, and you didn\'t buy the car from me..


I am sure Flip will get the cut done for you and you can do the rest.

enjoy your car.

07-06-2006, 04:30 PM
Key has now been cut by yours truly!

Btw, if you run into this similar situation just bring the key blank to me and I\'ll trace it.

07-06-2006, 09:11 PM
Thanks again Flipspeed...

you and your associate...never could remember his name

again thanks for all your help..

funny how you too know exactly who I was dealing wtih, scary but meh....who cares this dude is going to get owned...

I got the receipt and all...

and the programming was done by me... yay

I owe you guys like a hug or coffee or something, I mean I can do both...hope yall married folk dont mind me huggin yall...

07-06-2006, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by azn_outlaw

Thanks again Flipspeed...

you and your associate...never could remember his name

again thanks for all your help..

funny how you too know exactly who I was dealing wtih, scary but meh....who cares this dude is going to get owned...

I got the receipt and all...

and the programming was done by me... yay

I owe you guys like a hug or coffee or something, I mean I can do both...hope yall married folk dont mind me huggin yall...

You guys are so lucky.:hoho

Edit: I\'d cross the world and back to get one from him right now.

07-07-2006, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by mit-gee-mui

Originally posted by azn_outlaw

Thanks again Flipspeed...

you and your associate...never could remember his name

again thanks for all your help..

funny how you too know exactly who I was dealing wtih, scary but meh....who cares this dude is going to get owned...

I got the receipt and all...

and the programming was done by me... yay

I owe you guys like a hug or coffee or something, I mean I can do both...hope yall married folk dont mind me huggin yall...

You guys are so lucky.:hoho

Edit: I\'d cross the world and back to get one from him right now.


MGM the master of hard to get . . .


good stuff that u got ur stuff settled azn_outlaw
i have noticed that westowne is starting to get stupid when it comes to mazda3 club stuff!


07-07-2006, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Broli


MGM the master of hard to get . . .



You got that right!;)

07-07-2006, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Broli

MGM the master of hard to get . . .

hope she becomes unobtainable soon!!! (at someone else\'s expense)

07-07-2006, 04:03 PM
Uhhh okay hommie...

dont know what was that about.....got some type of problem with nice girls? I dont think what you said was called for....

keep too PM or juss keep it too yourself hommie...and please play nice....

anyways yeah Westowne has been sorta on a downhill decline, if parts is like this..

damn do I fear for the cars I get serviced there...

well let let the adventures continue at Westowne...gettin this flipkey in working order is a sure big pimp slap to the face

07-07-2006, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by azn_outlaw

Uhhh okay hommie...

dont know what was that about.....got some type of problem with nice girls? I dont think what you said was called for....

keep too PM or juss keep it too yourself hommie...and please play nice....

anyways yeah Westowne has been sorta on a downhill decline, if parts is like this..

damn do I fear for the cars I get serviced there...

well let let the adventures continue at Westowne...gettin this flipkey in working order is a sure big pimp slap to the face

1) i ain\'t yo\' homie, homie
2) i dunno what that was about either.. weird
2) this ain\'t no lavalife - you wanna get in her pants or vice versa, do it offline..

and back on topic.. wrt westowne, like blunty said.. every place can be good 99% of the time and then the one time they screw up and you just take your business elsewhere.. if it\'s gonna happen again, maybe it\'s worth to drive to the other reputable dealers - BUT do not forget they *MAY* have a bad day when you go see them - except for MoT\'s parts dept b/c JOE ROCKS!!! :D

07-07-2006, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by majic

- except for MoT\'s parts dept


07-07-2006, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by TheBiz

Originally posted by majic

- except for MoT\'s parts dept


ahahahahahahahahahahahaha .. ok JEFF
in his pants


07-07-2006, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by majic

ahahahahahahahahahahahaha .. ok JEFF
in his pants

Thanks for the props!

You bad majic.:p

01-31-2007, 10:28 AM
If ever at Westowne, deal with and onlywith Heath in service. Everyon else, incl the mechanics have this idea that customer service is and option, that only comes with a cx-7 LOADED, or rx-8 LOADED. But Heath is by far the best service guy Ive dealt with. I dont talk to anyone else, including Jabba the hut hangin out in the parts corner.