View Full Version : Team Treasure Hunt Meet

07-07-2006, 11:53 AM
since the baseball/bbq didn\'t work . . .
lets try smtg different

So here is what i am thinking!

we want at least 5 teams of 2 or i am not doing this!

but, this is the premise!

each team is equipped with one car, one digital camera and a cell phone!

i will set up some riddles that lead u to various places around the city,
at these locations u will take a picture of the car, in the location as proof of being there!

the final location will be somewhere we can have dinner

that is the basic idea, it would be fine if ur team was u and a friend or u and a sig other, or two club members or whatever!

i think this would be a fun event!

if we get a few teams together i will set it up
(hopefully someone will be interested in helping me out??)

so please post up if u would like to go and what day u would like and if u have or need a partner


1. Broli - sat 15 - need partner

ok, this is something different, hopefully it brings out a few people!

and to make it fun, the team that wins gets free dinner, covered by the teams that dont win!

sound fair?

oh, winning is decided by time, and picture quality/uniqueness as decided by the judges (ME and whoever helps me set this up!!)

07-07-2006, 11:56 AM
Oh I like this idea! One thing though, there should be a limit to the value of the dinner, otherwise someone like me might go to the Keg Mansion with Broli\'s credit card.

Oh and count us (me, the wife and the baby) in tentatively for the 15th of July.

07-07-2006, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by justin

Oh I like this idea! One thing though, there should be a limit to the value of the dinner, otherwise someone like me might go to the Keg Mansion with Broli\'s credit card.

Oh and count us (me, the wife and the baby) in tentatively for the 15th of July.


yeah, i promise that the dinner will be something reasonable!
a resteraunt in the price range of montanas to milestones
smtg like that!


1. Justin - Sat 15 - Wife (tentative)

07-07-2006, 12:23 PM
1. Justin - Sat 15 - Wife (tentative)
2. S.F.w. - can\'t do the 15th, how about the 22nd? Need partner.

07-07-2006, 12:49 PM
while the idea is good.. the timing is bad (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=6638)

also a few things to note (IMO)

1) you would want a few of these places to be close together (gas is getting more expensive)
2) you shouldn\'t put emphasis on the time since that can get a few people in trouble with the police - yes you dn\'t need to babysit them but you should keep that in mind
3) the teams\' starting positions should be equidistant from the first target (in terms of kms as well as routes travelled (401 vs some small road)) so that everyone has a fair start and you don\'t get everyone following one another when you all start in one spot..

07-07-2006, 01:12 PM
my bad on timing!

i will see what i can to about makin it the next weekend or at least on the sunday!

yes, i will do my best to ensure minimal loss of gas, but it will be a few hours driving around, (with stops) so i would guess 1/4 tank or so??

time - thats why pictures will also be important! so as to encourage safe driving! maybe i will do it like this, after the first team gets back, all teams that get back with in 15 mins get the same points, then ever 15 mins minus points!

yes, i think that starting location should be different!
that shouldn\'t be a problem,

maybe if this goes thru, i will run the plans by ya!

wha ya say??

07-11-2006, 11:23 AM

if ur interested in the idea say so
timing, i may push to august?

this is a fun event, wife and kid friendly

so, it is one of those rare chances for everyone to want to come out!

now, don\'t all go signing up at once u hear!


Effin Itai
07-11-2006, 10:56 PM
Broli, I gotta hand it to you! You are coming up with some great ideas and it\'s keeping the spirit alive in the TM3 community. Keep it up! I personally would love to come and it\'s a great idea. Sorry, little to short a notice.

What really peaves me off, is when some people always try to put a downer or dis every thread they can possibly find. These people hardly show up to any meets yet have the time to comment on every thread they can find. Gentlemen/Ladies- you know who you are, if you don\'t have anything to say, or don\'t plan to attend that meet don\'t bother commenting on that thread cause your really wasting everyone\'s time! This is true for quite a few threads on this forum.

07-12-2006, 01:05 AM
thx Marco!

ur right the short notice is no good!

i am gonna push this back to august
i will pick a date
and set a deadline to sign up!

if we dont get at least 10 people
it is off!