View Full Version : Why did you do that?!

07-23-2006, 11:50 AM
Hey, I\'ve had my 3 sport GT now for about 19 months. Still love it and plan to drive it til the wheels fall off. Few weeks ago I brought it in for it\'s 40,000km scheduled maintenance. Long story short I realized that they cut a hole in the plastic undercarriage guard that protects under the engine from dirt and debis...etc. Is this typical, don\'t they usually remove the entire pastic piece to get to the oil filter??

07-23-2006, 04:43 PM
nothing should be cut for an oil change. go back and raise hell.

refer to this thread (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=161)

07-23-2006, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Ron

Hey, I\'ve had my 3 sport GT now for about 19 months. Still love it and plan to drive it til the wheels fall off. Few weeks ago I brought it in for it\'s 40,000km scheduled maintenance. Long story short I realized that they cut a hole in the plastic undercarriage guard that protects under the engine from dirt and debis...etc. Is this typical, don\'t they usually remove the entire pastic piece to get to the oil filter??

Like Chuckie said, they shouldn\'t have to remove anything on the car to do an oil change except the oil filter itself. What dealership did this? I\'ll make sure to NEVER go there.

07-23-2006, 08:08 PM
Do you have any photos?

07-23-2006, 08:57 PM
Why would Mazda make it so difficult to change the oil.......I would\'ve raised hell as soon as I heard that they did that to your car!

07-23-2006, 09:48 PM
Could you be mistaking the \"hole\" that they cut with the existing hole that is already there (even though it doesn\'t even line up with the filter)? I don\'t see how it would be easier to cut a new hole, instead of removing the 6-7 bolts holding the plastic cover on. Seems like more work to drill a hole

07-24-2006, 07:56 AM
Some pictures would help.

07-25-2006, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

Some pictures would help.

Sorry guys, for some reason I\'m having a hard time uploading the pictures.

07-25-2006, 02:57 PM
Upload them to Imageshack (http://imageshack.us).

Just remember to copy/paste the image codes into notepad. ;)

07-25-2006, 04:28 PM
Same here! I am not sure who did it to mine, as I have tried out a lot of dealerships. I will be raising hell for sure.


07-25-2006, 04:31 PM
I hope MoT doesn\'t do this.

07-25-2006, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by justin

I hope MoT doesn\'t do this.
Trust me this kind of butchery does not happen at MOT.;)

07-25-2006, 06:05 PM
Good to know. ;)

07-25-2006, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

Some pictures would help.

Thanks Justin, I appreciate your help.

Everyone: I apologize for keeping you in suspense, i hope these pictures were worth the wait though.

this (http://img134.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cutout3ke1.jpg)
another (http://img93.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cutoutel6.jpg)
yet another (http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=topviewaq0.jpg)
one more (http://img67.imageshack.us/my.php?image=badcoutoutuy0.jpg)


You might have a better understanding of why I create this poll months ago!poll (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=5189)

07-25-2006, 09:26 PM

No problem, and holy fark. Not only was it unnecessary, it looks like they hired a butcher to do the work. They could have at least done a clean job if they REALLY need to get to the oil filter.

Have you spoken to the service manager about this yet? And which dealership did this?

07-25-2006, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by justin


No problem, and holy fark. Not only was it unnecessary, it looks like they hired a butcher to do the work. They could have at least done a clean job if they REALLY need to get to the oil filter.

Have you spoken to the service manager about this yet? And which dealership did this?

Maybe I pissed them off because I brought my own oil and filter.
I haven\'t spoken to the service manager yet, I want some feedback to see if this is a usual practice. I was hoping that maybe the designer got into too much wine or vodka the night before and miscalculated the hole for the oil filter and Mazda sent out a bulletin saying it was ok to cut the hole? :sarc
At the moment I\'d rather not mention the name of garage until I\'ve had a chance to talk to someone. If they push me around though all bets are off!!!
This isn\'t my first time at this garage so I was a little, actually really put off when I realized that I can see the ground from inside the engine compartment.

07-25-2006, 09:53 PM
Holy s*it!

If I were you I would rip into the service manager and the owner of the dealership. And then I would send a nicely written letter to Mazda Canada demanding something done about that. That is unacceptable!

07-25-2006, 09:58 PM
I\'m with Blunty on this one.....there is no excuse for what they did.

07-25-2006, 10:44 PM
Maybe I pissed them off because I brought my own oil and filter.

Ah no wonder! What were you thinking!?!?!! ;)

I haven\'t spoken to the service manager yet, I want some feedback to see if this is a usual practice.

I don\'t know if this is a usual practice among Mazda dealership and their service techs (first time Mazda owner), but in the 11+ years I\'ve had a car, not one tech has EVER done something like this on any of my cars. If they would have done something like this, they wouldn\'t be employed for long.

I was hoping that maybe the designer got into too much wine or vodka the night before and miscalculated the hole for the oil filter and Mazda sent out a bulletin saying it was ok to cut the hole? :sarc

I\'d say he was drinking during the oil change. LOL. Ask him what kind of beer it was. ;)

At the moment I\'d rather not mention the name of garage until I\'ve had a chance to talk to someone. If they push me around though all bets are off!!!
This isn\'t my first time at this garage so I was a little, actually really put off when I realized that I can see the ground from inside the engine compartment.

If they give you a hard time about this, I\'d be very surprised to hear that. After pulling a stunt like this, they better do alot of legwork to make this right!

Good luck, let us know how it pans out for you!

07-26-2006, 09:33 AM
not that it\'s an excuse, but i blame mazda for a retarded shield design.. from the rusting bots and it being a PITA to take off to the fact that the hole doesn\'t line up.. but DAMN that was so uncalled for!!

07-26-2006, 09:36 AM
There is no excuse!!!! They should replace the plastic cover with no charge and I would press them for something on the side to for your time!!! After that don\'t go back!!!!

07-26-2006, 10:32 AM
How can someone break/cut something from your car before asking you first????

07-26-2006, 01:19 PM

that is bs

well, they will replace it for you
they will have to!!

but wow, the stones on that serviceman!


07-26-2006, 04:16 PM
Looks the same as mine! hmmmm I have been to:

Morninigside Mazda (Now Agencourt)
Dave Wood Mazda
Ajax Mazda

I think thats all. Was it one of those?


07-26-2006, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by midnightfxgt

Ajax Mazda

looks like that\'s your culprit..

evidence (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=1061).. not the first time they efffed up (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=1061)

07-26-2006, 09:04 PM
Oh yeah, make them give you a free oil change or something too for damaging your car... it is damage after all..you never authorized that...

anyhow, if I remember right that \"misaligned hole\" is actually just to inspect for leaks easily, and was not intended to exist for the purpose of changing the oil...

back to the point! Go talk to the service manager over there and \"raise hell!\"

07-26-2006, 09:18 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone. I thought I was over-exaggerating a little bit when i freaked out when I noticed the bad hack job. Tomorrow when i go to get my cracked windshield (http://img223.imageshack.us/my.php?image=crackedglasstx7.jpg)inspected I\'m gonna march in there and see what I can\'t get them to do. :sarc

Thanks again!

07-27-2006, 03:35 AM
over reacted.. no way... that is just crazy... i can\'t believe a Mechanic would actually do that!! How lazy could they be.
They vandilized your car!!! Call the cops. Charge the mechanic, he had no right to do that!

Call MAzda head office as well... send them the pics.. better yet..drop by the head office with the pics.

Bring the pics to the service manger... drop them on the counter and watch his face. :)then ask him when the new cover will be in.

I bet Jeff and Joe are shaking their heads... I want to know what they think...

07-27-2006, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by SABIO

over reacted.. no way... that is just crazy... i can\'t believe a Mechanic would actually do that!! How lazy could they be.
They vandilized your car!!! Call the cops. Charge the mechanic, he had no right to do that!

Call MAzda head office as well... send them the pics.. better yet..drop by the head office with the pics.

Bring the pics to the service manger... drop them on the counter and watch his face. :)then ask him when the new cover will be in.

I bet Jeff and Joe are shaking their heads... I want to know what they think...

well My guess would be the same thing I\'m doing here, shaking my head with utter disbelief. I agree take em to the cleaners on this one. they so did not have the right to do that....follow Sabio\'s advice :) Hope everything gets resolve and you get your car back to normal sooner than later.

07-27-2006, 12:29 PM
Hope everything gets resolve and you get your car back to normal sooner than later.

Alright, so i brought the 3 over to the dealer, who shall remain nameless at the moment, and spoke to the service manager. It went something like this\' \"why would that be cut out? why would what be cut...oh, umm most quick lub places will cut a hole instead of taking off the cover. it\'s just easier.\" Then I told him that no other service shop has even put eyes on my 3. \"oh, aaaah i don\'t know, I\'ll have to talk to the tech that last serviced your car then, hang on.\" After couldn\'t finding the mechanic he came up with the story about the fact that the clips that holds the undercover on are plastic and that they get weak after being repeatedly taken off and put back on again. He said that maybe the mechanic realized that the clips were in bad condition and that he didn\'t want to damage them.:sarc Appearantly a rep from Mazda is going to be at the dealer tomorrow and he promised to talk to them about it and find out if there are any plans to release an undercover that does not need to be cut and he\'ll be calling me. He hinted at getting it replaced under warranty but said that more than likely it will be cut again some time or the other. He didn\'t think it was a big deal. He\'s suppose to call me when he has word from the Mazda rep so we will see how he\'ll wiggle himself out of this.

07-27-2006, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by SABIO

I bet Jeff and Joe are shaking their heads... I want to know what they think...

I can\'t believe they would do that!

Honestly, not a day goes by where I am not faced to fight against the stereotypes that are created by stupidity like this.

Granted the overall perception of this industry is that it is filled with crooks and theives.

Anyone that has dealt with joe or I, has never felt that way about us.

I hope that the dealership that did this to your car, takes ownership of their actions and compensates you accordingly.

Not all dealerships act this way.

* Biggest Pet Peeve... being called a liar before I begin to talk.

Sorry to rant..

07-27-2006, 02:00 PM
Heh, no need to be sorry. It needed to be said. I think it\'s pretty commendable that you would come out and say that. Just further proves that MoT is committed to its customers, which is more than I can say for some dealerships. :)

Edit: What I am interested in finding out is when the time comes to do the oil change, will the cover be removed, and put back on after, or is there going to be a recall of some sort?

07-27-2006, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Ron
Alright, so i brought the 3 over to the dealer, who shall remain nameless at the moment, and spoke to the service manager. It went something like this\' \"why would that be cut out? why would what be cut...oh, umm most quick lub places will cut a hole instead of taking off the cover. it\'s just easier.\" Then I told him that no other service shop has even put eyes on my 3. \"oh, aaaah i don\'t know, I\'ll have to talk to the tech that last serviced your car then, hang on.\" After couldn\'t finding the mechanic he came up with the story about the fact that the clips that holds the undercover on are plastic and that they get weak after being repeatedly taken off and put back on again. He said that maybe the mechanic realized that the clips were in bad condition and that he didn\'t want to damage them.:sarc Appearantly a rep from Mazda is going to be at the dealer tomorrow and he promised to talk to them about it and find out if there are any plans to release an undercover that does not need to be cut and he\'ll be calling me. He hinted at getting it replaced under warranty but said that more than likely it will be cut again some time or the other. He didn\'t think it was a big deal. He\'s suppose to call me when he has word from the Mazda rep so we will see how he\'ll wiggle himself out of this.

Don\'t even give him the opportunity to wriggle out of this one. He may \"forget\" about this incident and not even bring it up with the rep at tomorrow\'s meeting. Fire off a letter (with photos) to Mazda of Canada.

07-27-2006, 10:48 PM
Plastic clips on the under cover?? Where? i took my cover off a few times... I didn\'t see no stinkin\' plastic clips.

How about we all show up at this un-named dealer....and kick his arse

07-28-2006, 12:06 AM
TM3 unnamed dealer to kick some arse meet ? :p

07-28-2006, 09:27 AM
Well as i mentioned before, shouldn\'t the owner be notified before anythings other than specified be done to their car?

Just say that\'s was not what you asked for and for the part to be replaced. They can\'t deny any of that, even if clips were in bad condition, they should be telling you what they need to do and for you to give them the go ahead.

07-28-2006, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by KenYork

Well as i mentioned before, shouldn\'t the owner be notified before anythings other than specified be done to their car?

Just say that\'s was not what you asked for and for the part to be replaced. They can\'t deny any of that, even if clips were in bad condition, they should be telling you what they need to do and for you to give them the go ahead.
That\'s exactly what the service advisors/technicians are suppose to do. It looks like they couldn\'t remove the shield and decided to make their own opening.

07-28-2006, 09:47 AM
Wow, I can\'t believe they tried to feed you that BS? I would demand that the shield be replaced free of charge, and a refund for the money you spent on that oil and filter change. Once that\'s done, never, ever go back to whatever dealer it was.

07-28-2006, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by TheProfessor

Wow, I can\'t believe they tried to feed you that BS? I would demand that the shield be replaced free of charge, and a refund for the money you spent on that oil and filter change. Once that\'s done, never, ever go back to whatever dealer it was.

Well, he\'s the thing. I brought my own oil and filter for that particular day so maybe they just though \"screw it, let\'s not spend too much time on this one.... cut the facking thing, he won\'t notice anyway\" If I remember it cost me about $18.

07-28-2006, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Ron

Originally posted by TheProfessor

Wow, I can\'t believe they tried to feed you that BS? I would demand that the shield be replaced free of charge, and a refund for the money you spent on that oil and filter change. Once that\'s done, never, ever go back to whatever dealer it was.

Well, he\'s the thing. I brought my own oil and filter for that particular day so maybe they just though \"screw it, let\'s not spend too much time on this one.... cut the facking thing, he won\'t notice anyway\" If I remember it cost me about $18.

But still, the tech gets paid regardless of whether or not you bring your own oil in, so why would he do that out of spite?

07-28-2006, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by SABIO

I hope that the dealership that did this to your car, takes ownership of their actions and compensates you accordingly.

K, so here\'s the latest. The service manager called me today to tell me that he spoke to the Mazda rep that came by. He said that he put up any 3 that came in for service on the hoist and showed the rep the cut out. \"A matter of fact, the car that we put up was in worst condition than yours, the shield was held in place with ty-wraps because the plastic got weak since it was taken on and off repeatedly.\" He said the rep will contact someone on the Mazda corperate side and then get back to them to says if there will be a service bulletin advising service garages to cut the hole out or if they\'ll sent out replacement shields with an already cut hole. sigh :sarc

07-28-2006, 05:21 PM
Again, I think this guy is full of it. I would send Mazda Canada an e-mail or letter right away. Have you mentioned that you\'ve spoken to employee\'s at other dealerships and they have confirmed that this is not normal practice?

07-28-2006, 05:48 PM
My car is over 2 years old... I just took my cover off a little while ago. 6 little screws..bang done..
What is this guy talking about plastic clips...tie wraps...?? He thinks you are stupid.

Let me come over to your place and take your cover off...it won\'t be a prob. Then you can take it back to this ******* service guy and ask him \"Is this the cover your Professionally Trained Mazda Mechanic couldn\'t take off??\"

He is bull-shitting. The only reason the other 3 had a hole cut out was becuase they worked on it last week.!!!

Don\'t let this one go. They are ****ing you over.

I wouldn\'t mind seeing maybe some of the other dealers here helping you out on this one. There should be no middle ground on this. If a member gets screwed by a dealer, we have to stand up, including the sponsors.


07-28-2006, 08:27 PM
talk to Mazda of Canada directly
since this does not happen at other Mazda dealership
dont put up w/ that shyte with him.

07-28-2006, 09:18 PM
Just tell him regardless, about it being cut before they proceeded that you were not notified and should have been and want it replaced under warrantee. Stop taking BS from him.

Originally posted by TheBiz
I hope that the dealership that did this to your car, takes ownership of their actions and compensates you accordingly.

07-28-2006, 09:51 PM
This is how it will go.

He\'ll call you next week. Tell you He spoke with Mazda on your behalf...and because the hole had to be cut when *The Cover could not come off*....and your a good customer, Mazda is willing to replace the cover under warrenty.(He\'ll take one from a car in stock)

That way he won\'t have to admit to lying to you, showing their lack of customer service and vandalizing your car...and you get a new cover.

$2 I\'m right

I still say you call the cops. And call Mazda head office.

07-31-2006, 01:23 PM
Sabio\'s got the right idea. The best way is to always go above the guy that ****ed you over. So contact Mazda Canada, for yourself and everyone else that this dealer has or is planning to screw over. They\'re giving a bad name to other Mazda Dealers, and Mazda maintance. Hell the whole Mazda name, and that\'s not right.

07-31-2006, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by SABIO

This is how it will go.

He\'ll call you next week. Tell you He spoke with Mazda on your behalf...and because the hole had to be cut when *The Cover could not come off*....and your a good customer, Mazda is willing to replace the cover under warrenty.(He\'ll take one from a car in stock)

That way he won\'t have to admit to lying to you, showing their lack of customer service and vandalizing your car...and you get a new cover.

$2 I\'m right

I still say you call the cops. And call Mazda head office.

Agreed.....this seems exactly like the type of stuff this guy would do.

07-31-2006, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by TheProfessor

Originally posted by SABIO

This is how it will go.

He\'ll call you next week. Tell you He spoke with Mazda on your behalf...and because the hole had to be cut when *The Cover could not come off*....and your a good customer, Mazda is willing to replace the cover under warrenty.(He\'ll take one from a car in stock)

That way he won\'t have to admit to lying to you, showing their lack of customer service and vandalizing your car...and you get a new cover.

$2 I\'m right

I still say you call the cops. And call Mazda head office.

Agreed.....this seems exactly like the type of stuff this guy would do.

Just trying to help... (http://www.yellowpages.ca/searchBusiness.do?what=mazda+canada+inc&srchtype=c ategory&city=richmond+hill&sType=simpleSearch&acti on=homeSearch&step=getDirectory&Se=smp)

08-02-2006, 01:05 AM
Just trying to help... [/url]

LOL, thanks for the link Biz. I actually contacted Mazda Canada the other day and spoke to a CSR. I basically asked her if it\'s common practice for the dealers to cut the splash guard to have easy access to the filter. She wasn\'t sure :sarc but said she would ask the technical department and get back to me. She called me about 24 hours later to say that nothing should be cut unless it was absolutely neccessary. I mentioned that the GM said that he was waiting for the Mazda rep to get back to him so she suggested to give them until the end of the week to see what they say and then call her back. tick tock, tick tock!

08-02-2006, 07:45 AM
All my years working at dealerships I\'ve never seen this kind of thing happen. Everytime a car comes into our shop and needs a new lower shield the tech always prices it out.

Hope everything works out for you.

08-02-2006, 02:02 PM
OMG what utter BS. You are way too kind. I would have gone ballistic on that service manager. I\'m angry just reading this thread. WAAAAAAAAAY too kind...!

This is one of the reasons why I like doing work on my car myself...

08-02-2006, 04:18 PM
Why are you hiding the identity of the dealer? Post it to protect others from getting their cars butchered as well.

08-02-2006, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Skarbro

Why are you hiding the identity of the dealer? Post it to protect others from getting their cars butchered as well.
Wasn\'t us.:)

08-02-2006, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Skarbro

Why are you hiding the identity of the dealer? Post it to protect others from getting their cars butchered as well.

I agree. No sense in withholding this dealer\'s name.

We should start a pool. 5 bucks gets you in.

I bet it was Agincourt or Scarborough Mazda.

08-02-2006, 10:24 PM
I think he lives in Ajax or something
*reads majic\'s post on the second page*

if thats the case. you lose already justin. I\'ll take my money now.

08-03-2006, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Chuckie

I think he lives in Ajax or something
*reads majic\'s post on the second page*

if thats the case. you lose already justin. I\'ll take my money now.

sweet .. justin owes me 5 bux :D

08-03-2006, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by midnightfxgt

Ajax Mazda

looks like that\'s your culprit..

evidence (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=1061).. not the first time they efffed up (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=1061)

tick tock, tick tock

08-08-2006, 08:34 PM
man this is sad.
I can just imagin the tech saying \'stupid engineers can\'t design anything right\' then going at the shield with zip cut. (this sort of stuff happens to me alot at work)

08-09-2006, 11:52 AM
Goddamn barbarians!
I commend you on your patience but I have none - I would\'ve raised Hell by now.

P.S.> You should give us the name of that dealership ;)

08-14-2006, 04:23 PM
Update Please!

08-15-2006, 07:36 PM
I contacted Mazda Canada and spoke to a CSR... she suggested to give them until the end of the week to see what they say and then call her back.

Originally posted by SABIO

Update Please!

I took the CSR\'s advice and gave Ajax Mazda a week to get back to me. Actually... wait... it was more like two weeks. The Mazda Canada customer rep and I played phone tag for 4 days after the initial week. We finally spoke this morning and I told her that I had some pictures showing exactly what I was talking about. Approximately 6 minutes ago I sent the pictures alongside a lengthy letter to Mazda Canada. In 24-48 hours I should hear something back from their investigations group and we\'ll go from there. I appreciate everyone\'s help on this, I\'ll keep everyone in the loop as soon as I hear back from them.

08-15-2006, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Ron

I took the CSR\'s advice and gave Ajax Mazda a week to get back to me.

justin, pony up :D

08-15-2006, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by Ron

I took the CSR\'s advice and gave Ajax Mazda a week to get back to me.

justin, pony up :D

Shit! *runs and hides*

08-15-2006, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by justin

Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by Ron

I took the CSR\'s advice and gave Ajax Mazda a week to get back to me.

justin, pony up :D

Shit! *runs and hides*

tsk tsk tsk :(

08-15-2006, 10:03 PM
I took the CSR\'s advice and gave Ajax Mazda a week to get back to me.

I bought my car from there last month, but I\'m sure as hell not going to take it back for the 8000km service or any service after this display! Mazda of Toronto it will be even though its all way in North York!

Thanks for the heads up Ron, sorry you had to go through the pain though! Hope you get compensated adequately!

08-16-2006, 02:28 PM
I haven\'t heard any horror stories about Ajax Mazda until now....too bad it\'s a pretty bad mistake.

08-23-2006, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by SABIO

Update Please!

I phoned Mazda Canada today to find out if my e-mail and pictures were received. Appearantly it was and the case is \"under investigation\". Stay tuned for the latest.

08-23-2006, 02:45 PM
I FOUGHT with Jeff the service Manager there. My shield had been cut. It also appear broken from bottoming out. I told them it was a hack job, and that being cut (mine was worse than these pics) may have contibuted. He said his guys would never do it, and I should check with Agincourt, since they have done some service on it also. I told him that I was a MAZDA customer and that I service my car at MAZDA only for this reason. He said that all dealerships were owned individually and he can not warrenty their mistakes, to which I replyed \"If you performed the last oil change, and never noted this on the bill, therefore I must assume it was Ajax Mazda who did it\". He disputed, and we went back and forth.... even the tech was saying it wasnt their fault, and its not warrentied. :sarc .

It was a brutal experience, and in the end I came out ahead, as they replaced it. This took well over half an hour of my time and energy to argue about. I must also say they are by FAR the slowest dealership I have ever been to. I will not be back.


08-23-2006, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Ron

Originally posted by SABIO

Update Please!

I phoned Mazda Canada today to find out if my e-mail and pictures were received. Appearantly it was and the case is \"under investigation\". Stay tuned for the latest.

What does an investigation have to do with a new cover? They should be replacing your cover, and do the investigation on their own.

08-23-2006, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by KenYork

Originally posted by Ron

Originally posted by SABIO

Update Please!

I phoned Mazda Canada today to find out if my e-mail and pictures were received. Appearantly it was and the case is \"under investigation\". Stay tuned for the latest.

What does an investigation have to do with a new cover? They should be replacing your cover, and do the investigation on their own.

I\'m guessing Mazda Canada wants to make sure it was the techie who cut it and not the customer..

08-23-2006, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by ds2chan

Originally posted by KenYork

Originally posted by Ron

Originally posted by SABIO

Update Please!

I phoned Mazda Canada today to find out if my e-mail and pictures were received. Appearantly it was and the case is \"under investigation\". Stay tuned for the latest.

What does an investigation have to do with a new cover? They should be replacing your cover, and do the investigation on their own.

I\'m guessing Mazda Canada wants to make sure it was the techie who cut it and not the customer..

I cannot imagine that one could think that an owner would mutilate his/hers own car in such a way? Doesn\'t make sense to me.
It\'s just that the stupid joint (dealership) is trying to cover up its employees stupidity. And it looks like a common practice for that place since Ron is not the only one affected.

08-31-2006, 09:43 AM
Just wanted to add my 2 cents on Ajax Mazda. Back in my newbiness stage, I signed up with Carcostcanada to get \"dealer cost\" prices on Mazda 3s. Ajax Mazda is connected to them and immediately upon signing up I got a call from a sales rep at Ajax Mazda. I eventually went to the dealer to test drive some used Mazda 3s. The salesperson was pretty cocky and not in a good way. The 3s I tested were pretty bad, while the saleperson kept insisting that were in great condition. When I was leaving I thanked him for his time and he said don\'t worry, I know you\'ll be back and buy from me. I went out the door and never looked back. They day after I visited Jeff (at Avante) and it was like night and day.

09-01-2006, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by rsquared

Just wanted to add my 2 cents on Ajax Mazda. Back in my newbiness stage, I signed up with Carcostcanada to get \"dealer cost\" prices on Mazda 3s. Ajax Mazda is connected to them and immediately upon signing up I got a call from a sales rep at Ajax Mazda. I eventually went to the dealer to test drive some used Mazda 3s. The salesperson was pretty cocky and not in a good way. The 3s I tested were pretty bad, while the saleperson kept insisting that were in great condition. When I was leaving I thanked him for his time and he said don\'t worry, I know you\'ll be back and buy from me. I went out the door and never looked back. They day after I visited Jeff (at Avante) and it was like night and day.

Same here, only difference being that I struck a deal with him, :sarc if only I had known about Mazda of Toronto and Jeff at the the time! You\'re right though the salesperson seemed cocky, he even went as far as to say that I should give him a perfect score on the Mazda Survey, which is not going to happen and which I have yet to complete.............

09-01-2006, 05:42 AM
I\'ve already told my buddy NOT to go to Ajax Mazda (even though its the closest dealership to him) when he starts shopping for his new car.

Told him to go to Jeff @ MoT.

09-07-2006, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Ron

Originally posted by SABIO

Update Please!

I phoned Mazda Canada today to find out if my e-mail and pictures were received. Appearantly it was and the case is \"under investigation\". Stay tuned for the latest.

Last week, after playing phone tag with Mazda Canada, I spoke to someone from their \"investigations team\" who told me that the dealer had already called me and told me that they\'ve ordered a new shield and it would be replaced. :sarc NEVER HAPPENED!!

This morning, after about a week and a half, I got a voice mail from the dealer\'s service department saying that the shield has arrived and for me to call to set an appointment to have it replaced. :)
I\'ll update once I get my free shield.

09-07-2006, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Ron

Originally posted by Ron

Originally posted by SABIO

Update Please!

I phoned Mazda Canada today to find out if my e-mail and pictures were received. Appearantly it was and the case is \"under investigation\". Stay tuned for the latest.

Last week, after playing phone tag with Mazda Canada, I spoke to someone from their \"investigations team\" who told me that the dealer had already called me and told me that they\'ve ordered a new shield and it would be replaced. :sarc NEVER HAPPENED!!

This morning, after about a week and a half, I got a voice mail from the dealer\'s service department saying that the shield has arrived and for me to call to set an appointment to have it replaced. :)
I\'ll update once I get my free shield.

I think you deserve a hell of alot more than just to get the shield replaced! A) that dealership should be ashamed of themselves for doing that in the first place and B) they should be ashamed of themselves for putting you through all this shit. I give you props man, you sure have kept your cool about this and I\'m sure alot of us including me would certainly not. +1 for ron for his patience :d

09-07-2006, 11:14 PM
^^ What he said. I would have lost it if a tech would have pulled a stunt like that.

Whos ur dadd
09-08-2006, 03:08 AM
Wow, I just read this thread. I almost fell on the floor when I saw the first pic. I didn\'t have the stomach to open the others!


09-08-2006, 01:42 PM
Curious if any of you guys who get pwned at these craptastic dealership service departments have TorontoMazda3.com decals on your car? I\'m finding that those who do, more often than not, get a biased treatment (on the positive side of course). Seems they worry we will publicize their service if they treat us badly or \"as a regular customer.\"

Give it a try, just mention about being a regular on the public message forums ... they might think twice about trying to pull your leg.

EDIT: This goes for most dealerships. Markham Mazda just plainly don\'t give a fark. They get your money, and they\'re on their ten second high. :sarc

09-08-2006, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by wtom

Curious if any of you guys who get pwned at these craptastic dealership service departments have TorontoMazda3.com decals on your car? I\'m finding that those who do, more often than not, get a biased treatment (on the positive side of course). Seems they worry we will publicize their service if they treat us badly or \"as a regular customer.\"

I thought the same thing at one point.. so I\'m glad that I do have a sticker.. :D thanks for the sticker warren..

maybe Ron should send the link to this thread to the manager at the dealership.. see what happens..

09-08-2006, 05:20 PM
It can be an advantage or disadvantage. Some dealers will turn you away and others will do their best to look after your needs. We do this for all customers club or no club.

09-08-2006, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

It can be an advantage or disadvantage. Some dealers will turn you away and others will do their best to look after your needs. We do this for all customers club or no club.

it\'s good to know that there are some dealerships we can trust..

also, you should be in the \"Mazda Family\" commercial.. :D

09-12-2006, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by Ron

Originally posted by Ron

Originally posted by SABIO

Update Please!

I phoned Mazda Canada today to find out if my e-mail and pictures were received. Appearantly it was and the case is \"under investigation\". Stay tuned for the latest.

Last week, after playing phone tag with Mazda Canada, I spoke to someone from their \"investigations team\" who told me that the dealer had already called me and told me that they\'ve ordered a new shield and it would be replaced. :sarc NEVER HAPPENED!!

This morning, after about a week and a half, I got a voice mail from the dealer\'s service department saying that the shield has arrived and for me to call to set an appointment to have it replaced. :)
I\'ll update once I get my free shield.

Before: part 1 (http://img67.imageshack.us/my.php?image=badcoutoutuy0.jpg)

After: part 1 (http://img96.imageshack.us/my.php?image=newshieldsy7.jpg)

Before: part 2 (http://img207.imageshack.us/my.php?image=closeupplateseditedei7.jpg)

After: part 2 (http://img245.imageshack.us/my.php?image=frontvieweditedin3.jpg) It\'ll have to do until I can pick up a decent looking one.

\"We got it nice and clean for ya\" Not even a \"sorry for your trouble\"..blah, blah. \"We got it nice and clean for ya...I think we\'re all set...here are your keys\". I guess them washing the car is enough. Them loosing my business is enough for me.
Anyone hear anything about Whitby that I need to be careful of?
I want to thank everyone for their input and advice on this ordeal. :p

09-12-2006, 08:14 AM
Well I\'m glad that everything eventually got fixed :)

09-12-2006, 03:15 PM

Oh my God!

09-12-2006, 03:20 PM

09-12-2006, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by bluntman


hoooollly.... what a gaping hole.. wider than br....

09-12-2006, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by bluntman


hoooollly.... what a gaping hole.. wider than br....

...oli\'s Mom...

03-16-2007, 05:51 PM
This made me laugh today, I have never seen this thread (yea, i dont know how). My Winning Blue sedan I just traded in at MOT has this hole in the cover as well, Ajax Mazda does it, jackasses. Sorry Jeff.

03-16-2007, 08:38 PM
I just ran out and checked my car. No cutting has been done :)
Bought the car from Ajax Mazda and had 2 oil changes done there.

03-16-2007, 10:05 PM
I just ran out and checked my car. No cutting has been done :)
Bought the car from Ajax Mazda and had 2 oil changes done there.

Bought my car there as well, fortunately I came across TM3 and this thread long before my first service, my car hasn't been back since, neither is it going to go back there, well not until the lease is up!

The fact that they did it to Simkins old car as well makes me a little scared of going there even though its closer than MoT!

03-17-2007, 02:05 AM
Ajax butchered mine as well... I have a few bad stories from there, and refuse to go back.

03-18-2007, 03:02 PM
instead of not going back. all of you should ask for a new undercover back from them. then maybe they will start learning not to cut some one elses car. or else they will just keep doing it.

on a side note. I am 98% of those people that does service there would care anyways. lol

03-19-2007, 10:08 AM
Correction... I got a new cover after an hour long fight with the manager. AND will never go back :D


03-21-2007, 03:59 PM
WOW! that is a HUGE hole! stay the hell away from that dealer!

If they did that when you went in for an oil change, what would have done if you asked to get your tires rotated? lol

03-22-2007, 09:40 AM
I took mine off when working on it last summer.

I still have it (intact luckily) and I'll probably put it back on next time I'm under there.

Under where you ask?

You said underwear!

03-24-2007, 12:33 AM
mine was also butchered on my last oil change last Jan. Just discovered it last week and reported it right away. Dealer replace it today without much of a fight.

Also, while I was waiting for the car, I saw this new 3 grey in color nice and shiny including the tires (in the shop) waiting to be picked up (I guess) that comes with a hood deflector and the bump-ons were put the wrong way. Bump-ons were glued on the deflector and the round part hitting the hood. I told the Service Advisor though, even him, he was'nt sure which is the right way.

05-25-2007, 09:47 PM
My car just got butchered... WTF where do these people get off on doing this? I just got my oil changed yesterday and this evening i decided to look under my car cause i thought i hit something on the hwy... and what do i discover? A f-ing hole cut in the under shield.

I'm going to go back to the dealership tmrw... which shall remain nameless but i can say it begins with an A... and ends in T.

and here they sent me a letter saying they want my business again, and lured me with a free oil change... guess it wasn't free after all.

05-25-2007, 11:21 PM
oh damn...i think i'll change the oil myself....

05-26-2007, 09:17 AM
My car just got butchered... WTF where do these people get off on doing this? I just got my oil changed yesterday and this evening i decided to look under my car cause i thought i hit something on the hwy... and what do i discover? A f-ing hole cut in the under shield.

I'm going to go back to the dealership tmrw... which shall remain nameless but i can say it begins with an A... and ends in T.

and here they sent me a letter saying they want my business again, and lured me with a free oil change... guess it wasn't free after all.
Whoa that sucks man. You would think by now they would get the picture and not do the butchering.

05-26-2007, 06:18 PM
All I can say is ouch,

Ive gotten mine done at MoT and never really checked. Guess I should!

The hole they cut wasn't even clean. it looks like he hacked at it with a big knife.

06-27-2007, 01:30 PM
That is the most disgusting s**t I have ever seen.... !! I wouldn't be so angry if they had at least come out and asked before doing it.... as for bringing your own oil and filter... that doesn't mean anything... do it all the time at my mechanic.... because he doesn't carry the oil I like... and for him to order it, gets too costly. There is no excuse for such buchered work.... i think i could have done a cleaner job with a butter knife... and a pair of scissors. As for them not taking it off.... *cough* sounds like another lazy ass mechanic..... it may take some time to get off the cover.. but it does come off.... instead let's pull a hack job on it.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO is all I will say to that... as for not replacing it.. I'd take that one off and throw it through their front window with a couple of rocks tied to it..... I hope you pursued this further..... and went to Mazda Canada.... about it... cuz that issue needs to be resolved not only on your car... but on any other mazda thats been taken there...!!!!

08-15-2007, 11:05 PM
I can\'t believe they would do that!

Honestly, not a day goes by where I am not faced to fight against the stereotypes that are created by stupidity like this.

Granted the overall perception of this industry is that it is filled with crooks and theives.

Anyone that has dealt with joe or I, has never felt that way about us.

I hope that the dealership that did this to your car, takes ownership of their actions and compensates you accordingly.

Not all dealerships act this way.

* Biggest Pet Peeve... being called a liar before I begin to talk.

Sorry to rant..

OMG you took the words right out of my mouth. It is so good to know there a FEW of us out there who are trying to change things.... :) Kudos to us!!!

08-15-2007, 11:17 PM
FYI we dont do that crazy f-d up shit either.... totally wicked service department if you need one in the west end :)

08-15-2007, 11:36 PM
FYI we dont do that crazy f-d up shit either.... totally wicked service department if you need one in the west end :)

tell the UW/WLU students!! I got OWNED a parkway mazda (waterloo).

08-16-2007, 10:08 AM
Thanks, I posted there, even though its an old post! (mods hope this is ok)

I have heard horror stories about a few dealers in this area, and I have, surprisingly, a lot of clients from KW and Cambridge that had a fun and happy experience both in sales and service at our dealerhsip! If anyone needs anything, call me and I will point you in the right direction, or walk through the whol process with you if you want, until you are comfortable!

12-22-2008, 08:30 PM
You guys, the hole is not supposed to line up under the filter, it is there so during manufacturing the tech can see inside to do a quality check before it is shipped out.

12-22-2008, 09:36 PM
buddy look at the date before you post!! this thread was made last year

12-23-2008, 06:28 PM
buddy look at the date before you post!! this thread was made last year

:werd now :getout