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09-01-2006, 03:01 PM
I just updated some info regarding the TM3 discount in the affiliate section.

Please read and tell me what you think.

09-01-2006, 03:08 PM
Good idea.

09-01-2006, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

Good idea.

Which part?

09-01-2006, 03:09 PM
umm where?

09-01-2006, 03:09 PM
is this going to turn into a mod whor-a-thon? :D

09-01-2006, 03:10 PM
keep that delete button handy..

no seriously.. what part did you update?

09-01-2006, 03:10 PM
You started it maj.:p

09-01-2006, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

You started it maj.:p


09-01-2006, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

Originally posted by bluntman

Good idea.

Which part?

The laminated card. There\'s another part?

09-01-2006, 03:25 PM
i am so confused..

09-01-2006, 03:33 PM
Here you go your majesty!:sarc:)

I was thinking of the laminated cards b/c people would just come by the dealership and say I saw your stuff on the forum but I\'m not a member yada, yada, yada. Being the nice guy I am I often extend the discount to your average Joe(besides me).

Well that stops today. So I propose the cards in order to give those who are active participants in this club a privelage.

So in the next week or so I\'m going to compile a list of \"active\" members and start to make discount cards. Hopefully it won\'t cost that much since I already have a laminate machine here.

09-01-2006, 03:38 PM
lol.. thx.. i was just trying to find where teh freaking affiliate section was :D

09-01-2006, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by majic

lol.. thx.. i was just trying to find where teh freaking affiliate section was :D
I was gonna flipoogle ya!:)

09-01-2006, 03:42 PM
How do you determine who is \"active\"?

09-01-2006, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by SoopaBanana

How do you determine who is \"active\"?

like seriously.. get your own peasant thread :sarc


09-01-2006, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by majic
Originally posted by SoopaBanana How do you determine who is \"active\"? like seriously.. get your own peasant thread :sarc :D

Should\'ve rephrased... but since Majic is so damn fast to reply...

What I meant was, do we still have the same forum rules (30+ posts and attend at least 2 official meets) to become an \"active\" member, or do we need to achieve the pure post whoring skills of Broli in order to be considered active?

09-01-2006, 03:58 PM
I think it\'s a great idea......I feel like there are too many people who join up just for the discount and contribute nothing to the forums.

09-01-2006, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by TheProfessor

I think it\'s a great idea......I feel like there are too many people who join up just for the discount and contribute nothing to the forums.


09-01-2006, 04:47 PM
What do you guys think of a card something similar to my sig with the TM3 logo as well as MOT? With the forum handle on it of course.

09-01-2006, 05:44 PM
Why not just keep a list there? It\'s cheaper. And then maintain a list in the Affiliates section of the forum adding (and removing) people as you see fit.

FLIPSPEED, keeper of the list! And dealer of the (crack) parts.

09-01-2006, 06:27 PM
People pretend to be someone they are not.
remember a while back when some guy claimed to be someone on the list for a stubby?

maybe you can develop some sort of secret hand shake

09-01-2006, 06:45 PM
I like it.

Originally posted by FLIPSPEED

What do you guys think of a card something similar to my sig with the TM3 logo as well as MOT? With the forum handle on it of course.

09-01-2006, 07:11 PM
list never works for long!

membership cards would be cheap, even if we didn\'t have a donation
club money should be able to handle it!
when we have club money that is!

09-01-2006, 07:57 PM
I think we should involve other sponsors/affiliates to this idea. Might as well make the card usable for those places. This wil also decrease the cost of the card, if they are upto it.

09-01-2006, 08:04 PM
i don\'t think the other affliates and/or sponsors would go for this idea.
Joe wants to implement this for MoT because he wants to weed out the non-contributors because they don\'t deserve the discount if they aren\'t contributing anything to the club.

The other affliates are here because they want our business.. they don\'t care if it\'s someone with 5k posts/comes out to meets/donates to the club or someone who has 0 posts and doesn\'t come out. As long as they have money.

09-01-2006, 08:07 PM
all answers willl come with time!

if MOT wants a specific requirement for a discount
they should tell us exactly what they want
in regards to number of posts or what not
and we can update a list monthly

09-01-2006, 08:12 PM
lol.. specifically number of posts eh..

I think meet/event attendance should be considered too.

09-01-2006, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Chuckie

lol.. specifically number of posts eh..

I think meet/event attendance should be considered too.

fine by me
but some people contribute without coming to meets and are club members
and deserve the discount!

we can come up with some sort of algorithm for determining active members and take it from there

chuckie you have a job b4 school starts!

09-01-2006, 08:39 PM
Let see.. how about this


1.) You must be local, within reasonable distance of Toronto (incl. KW and Hamilton)

2.) You must have 100 posts minimum and minimum 30 posts/month (a post a day, just to be sure they are still active)
If you are contributing to the club, you atleast should have to be active on the forum.


donate a one time fee of $15 dollars (you will save in the long run)
this way the club will have some extre revenue

In addition to the manditory requirements, you must meet atleast one of the following.

1.) attend two meets a month

2.) have bought club merchandise (some stickers/plate frame/hat/polo)

3.) be a sponsor or an affliate of the club

4.) new members must introduce themselves through the buying a mazda3 section
(they won\'t be eligible for the discount until they reach the above mentioned 100 post minimum and 30posts/month quota - consider this a probabtion period)


some exceptions will of course be made, there should be a thread for people who do not meet the requirements for them to explain why they should deserve the discount and we can deal with each case individually.

09-01-2006, 09:17 PM
In addition to getting a card, there will also be a list at MoT that will be updated monthly to weed out the people who have gone inactive.

If you lost your eligibility due to inactiveness, you may contact flippy to explain your situation and to get your discount back.

hows that?

if flippy and you people are okay with this, I can go ahead and compile a list of who is eligible if you want..

09-02-2006, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Chuckie

Let see.. how about this


1.) You must be local, within reasonable distance of Toronto (incl. KW and Hamilton)

2.) You must have 100 posts minimum and minimum 30 posts/month (a post a day, just to be sure they are still active)
If you are contributing to the club, you atleast should have to be active on the forum.


donate a one time fee of $15 dollars (you will save in the long run)
this way the club will have some extre revenue

In addition to the manditory requirements, you must meet atleast one of the following.

1.) attend two meets a month

2.) have bought club merchandise (some stickers/plate frame/hat/polo)

3.) be a sponsor or an affliate of the club

4.) new members must introduce themselves through the buying a mazda3 section
(they won\'t be eligible for the discount until they reach the above mentioned 100 post minimum and 30posts/month quota - consider this a probabtion period)


some exceptions will of course be made, there should be a thread for people who do not meet the requirements for them to explain why they should deserve the discount and we can deal with each case individually.

I like your mandatory requirements, but you lost me on the additional ones. I\'ve been a member of this board for about two years and can tell you I have NOT attended two meets per month, nor do I ever see myself doing so. Does that mean I shouldn\'t be entitled to a MofT discount?

I honestly think this is being over-complicated.

09-02-2006, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by TheProfessor

Originally posted by Chuckie

Let see.. how about this


1.) You must be local, within reasonable distance of Toronto (incl. KW and Hamilton)

2.) You must have 100 posts minimum and minimum 30 posts/month (a post a day, just to be sure they are still active)
If you are contributing to the club, you atleast should have to be active on the forum.


donate a one time fee of $15 dollars (you will save in the long run)
this way the club will have some extre revenue

In addition to the manditory requirements, you must meet atleast one of the following.

1.) attend two meets a month

2.) have bought club merchandise (some stickers/plate frame/hat/polo)

3.) be a sponsor or an affliate of the club

4.) new members must introduce themselves through the buying a mazda3 section
(they won\'t be eligible for the discount until they reach the above mentioned 100 post minimum and 30posts/month quota - consider this a probabtion period)


some exceptions will of course be made, there should be a thread for people who do not meet the requirements for them to explain why they should deserve the discount and we can deal with each case individually.

I like your mandatory requirements, but you lost me on the additional ones. I\'ve been a member of this board for about two years and can tell you I have NOT attended two meets per month, nor do I ever see myself doing so. Does that mean I shouldn\'t be entitled to a MofT discount?

I honestly think this is being over-complicated.

i kinda agree ^^ with him, i think the 2nd set of rules is a bit over board.....who will keep count of who attends what meets...etc? its gonna get too complicated and too much work i think...the first set of rules are reasonable....

09-02-2006, 09:58 AM
the Mandatory req\'s are fine and I think those are in place right now.

As for the Additional req\'s, I said this back in 04 when this same discussion came up, and i\'ll say it again... taking attendance at meets?! what is this...highschool?

09-02-2006, 10:32 AM
.) You must be local, within reasonable distance of Toronto (incl. KW and Hamilton)

^^ lucky u specified that one!

im still stuck with the same form as vitalmotion uses...
member fee...and ONLY members who pay the annual fee are eligable for the club discounts...they recieve a card in the process!!!

but hey..what do i know!

09-02-2006, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by bubba1983
member fee...and ONLY members who pay the annual fee are eligable for the club discounts...they recieve a card in the process!!!

I would gladly do that so long as the fee was not something crazy.

09-02-2006, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by MajesticBlueN

the Mandatory req\'s are fine and I think those are in place right now.

As for the Additional req\'s, I said this back in 04 when this same discussion came up, and i\'ll say it again... taking attendance at meets?! what is this...highschool?

LOL.. I just came from high school.. thats all i ever knew. :p

09-02-2006, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by TheProfessor

Originally posted by bubba1983
member fee...and ONLY members who pay the annual fee are eligable for the club discounts...they recieve a card in the process!!!

I would gladly do that so long as the fee was not something crazy.

what they do over there....they have regular users...and Official Members.

I jus recently became an official member...
the way it works, $25 initial fee, and $10 each year after that...
if the fee\'s aren\'t paid...your not elegable for the discounts..and your official members title is taken away from you (which gives you special discounts....and other stuff)

09-02-2006, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Chuckie

Let see.. how about this


1.) You must be local, within reasonable distance of Toronto (incl. KW and Hamilton)

2.) You must have 100 posts minimum and minimum 30 posts/month (a post a day, just to be sure they are still active)
If you are contributing to the club, you atleast should have to be active on the forum.


donate a one time fee of $15 dollars (you will save in the long run)
this way the club will have some extre revenue

In addition to the manditory requirements, you must meet atleast one of the following.

1.) attend two meets a month

2.) have bought club merchandise (some stickers/plate frame/hat/polo)

3.) be a sponsor or an affliate of the club

4.) new members must introduce themselves through the buying a mazda3 section
(they won\'t be eligible for the discount until they reach the above mentioned 100 post minimum and 30posts/month quota - consider this a probabtion period)


some exceptions will of course be made, there should be a thread for people who do not meet the requirements for them to explain why they should deserve the discount and we can deal with each case individually.

just my thoughts...

in relation to you point about 2 meets a month...what\'s suppose to happen to the people like me for instance who are working swing shifts and do 2 weeks 7-3\'s and 2 weeks 3-12\'s and usually end up doing things at nights when i work 7-3\'s because everyone is at school or work while i wait to go to work for 3...

I don\'t even have 100 posts yet but i check the board at least twice a day if not more...I consider myself active its just I don\'t necessarily relate to that topic. so what are we just suppose to all become post whores(no offense Broli:p) now to meet a quota?

to me donating a one time fee or an annual fee is a better way to go. I say let Flip set the amount since he knows best. That way posting doesn\'t get out of control and well some people I\'m sure don\'t check the board everyday and as well what happens if I loose my net.... there are many things that could happen. but if you charge a one time or annual fee...then at least your getting money out of it for Joe to cover costs and the club to expand and offer more tm3 apparel…

09-03-2006, 03:59 AM

there are bigger issues than nuber of posts and membership fees and cards

who is gonna keep track?


i don\'t think so,

and there is no officer who would be incharge of keeping track of posting per month and etc

it will be difficult to keep track of with this current software
without keeping a list
and checking it twice

and i don\'t much feel like santa claus!

i like the ideas chuckie,
but 30 posts in a month is a lot for some members

members like camps and hypo, rarely post, but are very active in the club

membership fees are good, cause u can show ur activity, by paying a small fee

but i don\' think there is any way the club with its current set up
would have the resources to deal with money coming in
and keeping track of it
and keeping a list updated and what not

it is a lot of work
and at few people would be required to do it, or at least do it well!

that aside,

if we need to show that members are active, and if we had the facility to keep track of it
a fair way would be difficult to come up with

lets say we said

either post 30 posts/month
attend meets regularly (not attendence, but a rep from all the regions, would comment on attendence on a monthly, or every two month basis)
donate XX dollars to the club

seems fair, but may scare of new comers
they would maybe feel like they were being squeezed for cash
they could wait one to 2 months to reach the proper posting rate

or attend a few meets

but, it is hard to say what is fair

another option would be

keep an active members list (by exec discretion)
and a few execs would be responsible for updating it
and if you fall off the list you have to contact one of the execs to plead your case

again we do not have the ability to do this at this time

how many people could there really be saying they are in the club and getting the discount!
i mean they would have to know about it!

flippy, when they tell you their handle
cant you just decide if they are active or not, i mean you are on the board, if you do not recognize their handle, chances are they are not active!


09-03-2006, 10:44 AM
I\'m with you Broli. Untl TM3 or Xenon come clean wih regula accounting, I don\'t think membership fee\'s should be paid.

09-03-2006, 11:07 AM
Well done Broli!

09-04-2006, 01:24 AM
In the end it\'s up to Joe if he gives a discount or not. Or even what kind.
If he wants to give a discount to someone from NFLD or B.C it is his choice.

09-04-2006, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by Broli

Originally posted by Chuckie

lol.. specifically number of posts eh..

I think meet/event attendance should be considered too.

fine by me
but some people contribute without coming to meets and are club members
and deserve the discount!

LOL could this include me? unfortunately all the meet days fall on days that I work, hopefully when i get a shift change I\'ll be able to attend a meet or two. =P

number of posts could be a problem IMO. Last month or so when \"trolling\" the new topics list there wasn\'t much to contribute. Topics consisted of random nothingness. Nothing much about the club itself or the car itself. (other than this thread) or at least what has interested me. =P

donation or membership fee for the discounts could be a good idea, depending on price

09-04-2006, 12:41 PM
don\'t worry we\'ll find a way to include you somehow.:)
I think it\'ll all come down to flippy\'s discretion anyway.

09-04-2006, 03:53 PM
Chuckie, i personally think you did go overboard with the requirements. :D but its all good.

I think a simple membership fee would be the best way to go. Its something that everyone can do (i hope that people can afford giving $10 a year or something). The problem is that we need to figure out what we\'ll do with the money, possibly make a list of ways the club can use it, even if we get too much money we can just give out free stickers or have special events that will be paid for by the clubs money (depends on how much we get).

I suggest we make a poll on this and other regulations and see what people think.

09-05-2006, 02:23 AM
b4 going to far with future money
we should figure out where we are with current revenues

Xenon has posted up, we need to hear from TM3 and then we will be better suited to move forward!

certainly it is up to flippy to decide who gets a discount and who doesn\'t

but i though he was asking for a list or smtg?

its not only MOT, westowne asked me for a card a bunch of times

09-05-2006, 08:51 AM
can someone summarize all the babble into a concise list? :zzz

09-05-2006, 09:12 AM
I agree, so Joe if you actually going to read this thread again :) (since you didnt post for past 2 pages) please tell us what you\'re actually thinking of doing.

09-05-2006, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by majic

can someone summarize all the babble into a concise list? :zzz

concise list
- joe wants list of active members
- we have no criteria
- we have no one to make said list

09-05-2006, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Broli

Originally posted by majic

can someone summarize all the babble into a concise list? :zzz

concise list
- joe wants list of active members
- we have no criteria
- we have no one to make said list

a list of requirements you asshat.. not the known facts :sarc

09-05-2006, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by Broli

Originally posted by majic

can someone summarize all the babble into a concise list? :zzz

concise list
- joe wants list of active members
- we have no criteria
- we have no one to make said list

a list of requirements you asshat.. not the known facts :sarc

i know . . .

but it was funnier this way!

requirements are tricky

Concise list of possibly requirments

1. X number of posts
2. X number or posts/month
3. X number of meets/month
4. live in a certain location
5. active member list - exec discretion

i think thats pretty much it!
it there a way that we can delete an account if they don\'t log on for a year?

none are really fair, maybe we com up with a list of criteria
and say people need to have 2/5 or 3/7 or what not

09-05-2006, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Broli

flippy, when they tell you their handle
cant you just decide if they are active or not, i mean you are on the board, if you do not recognize their handle, chances are they are not active!

i still think a card would be better.

that way, Flipspeed don\'t have to be the bad guy

09-05-2006, 12:17 PM
i am very in favour of a card!
and i totally agree with ya

i dont want to make flippy the bad guy

hey flippy, if u want me to tell someone they are not eligible, let me know!
and i will tell em to fark off!

about cards


who is gonna decide who gets one
who is gonna design it
who is gonna pay for it
who is gonna distribute it

we don\'t have club members to do that stuff

09-05-2006, 12:28 PM
we do need to work something out for the affiliates that offer discounts as for the other affiliates they love having more people in on GB\'s etc. Maybe its a dealership thing only?

09-05-2006, 12:30 PM
i think to answer those questions we need to know what is happening with the administrative part of this club (i.e. money and who actually DOES run the club).

but to pay for the cards we can have those who are elligeable for the discount to pay X amount to receive the card (as one of the requirements) this will solve the price of the card. Maybe have a meet to collect the money and invite those who are elligeable to it. then maybe next week or whenever have a rep from each region to pick up the cards and give them out during one of the mini meets.

09-05-2006, 12:33 PM
that has been brought up before...it seems people are wanting to know more of what happens with donations and affiliate costs.

09-05-2006, 12:40 PM
personally i stried to look into it, but can\'t find it anywhere. maybe if the execs can make a thread with the accouting stuff or some sort of explanation on the club and update that thread weekly or monthly, and have a thread with q&a which they will answer them selves on regular basis. what i see now is Broli answering everything and it doesn\'t seam like Broli know details about the clubs to answer questions in this thread. (no offence Broli)

i understand that i\'m new in this club but from what i see its very unorganized and maybe if it was then people would actually donate and be willing to give back more to the club (not just donations). if someone could explain some of the stuff to me that would be great.

09-05-2006, 12:48 PM

u r starting to see the light . . .

i am trying to make a point that the club is unorganized,
i hope that is clear from my posts
and my questioning of TM3 and his finances

there is no point in moving forward with organization
until we know what is going on with the funds
and we don\'t know the story just now

if we are to grow as a club we need to have control over our own board
and that means we need to adminster it!

not someone who is not involved in the club,
TM3 put a bandaid on last time i started bitching
(stas, do a search on restructuring and you will see i have posted about it b4)
but, the bandaid is off now,

it is time for a permenant fix!

to make it very clear
stas - there is no executive in this club, and that is the problem, there should be!

09-05-2006, 12:55 PM
i remember you posted ALOT and i do mean ALOT about restructuring. and Broli we are on same page. i think we should start acting on it now or we will have same results as before. So Broli if you start on this again i will support you, because from what i see we can\'t even do simple things to help the members and the affiliates/sponsors.

To be honest i will not donate any money to this club UNTIL someone shows me where it will go or atleast what we use money for.

09-05-2006, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by stas

i remember you posted ALOT and i do mean ALOT about restructuring. and Broli we are on same page. i think we should start acting on it now or we will have same results as before. So Broli if you start on this again i will support you, because from what i see we can\'t even do simple things to help the members and the affiliates/sponsors.

To be honest i will not donate any money to this club UNTIL someone shows me where it will go or atleast what we use money for.

good man!

i agree with that, and that is why i have stopped the requests for donations!
it is not time for that
until we get things sorted out here!

but, we can\'t move on until we here from TM3

Xenon, can you contact him?

09-05-2006, 01:58 PM
Give me ideas and I\'ll make up a card. I was thinking of suppliyng the cards at no cost to you guys/gals. TM3 logo on the top forum handle in the middle and a small MOT logo since I will be makin\' them.

Let me know your thoughts on this.

09-05-2006, 02:48 PM

bored at work.....couldn\'t get the logo and font in....

back would need a map and contact stuff.

09-05-2006, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by SourcE


bored at work.....couldn\'t get the logo and font in....

back would need a map and contact stuff.

looks nice but i don\'t like the word \'privilege\' :p

membership implies privileges so yah..

09-05-2006, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Chuckie

Let see.. how about this


1.) You must be local, within reasonable distance of Toronto (incl. KW and Hamilton)

2.) You must have 100 posts minimum and minimum 30 posts/month (a post a day, just to be sure they are still active)
If you are contributing to the club, you atleast should have to be active on the forum.


donate a one time fee of $15 dollars (you will save in the long run)
this way the club will have some extre revenue

In addition to the manditory requirements, you must meet atleast one of the following.

1.) attend two meets a month

2.) have bought club merchandise (some stickers/plate frame/hat/polo)

3.) be a sponsor or an affliate of the club

4.) new members must introduce themselves through the buying a mazda3 section
(they won\'t be eligible for the discount until they reach the above mentioned 100 post minimum and 30posts/month quota - consider this a probabtion period)


some exceptions will of course be made, there should be a thread for people who do not meet the requirements for them to explain why they should deserve the discount and we can deal with each case individually.

MANITORY REQUIREMENTS to start receiving discounts

1. doesn\'t matter where you are.

2. Been to one main meet/event, or two different mini meets
(for those that are not local, skip #2)

3. 100 posts (for those that are not local 200 posts + shipping of discounted item)
averaging 150 posts/year (total posts/years part of club), (not including flaming and such, which
would put broli at about 600 actual posts)
1 post/month (like an \"i was here\" thread in the test forum) so we know even if they don\'t post
they are still visiting the forum.

\"donate a one time fee of $15 dollars (you will save in the long run)
this way the club will have some extre revenue\"

I dunno, spend $15 and then get a 20% discount on a new flywheel (approx $800+taxes)? doesn\'t sound right.

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS to maintain discounts

averaging 150 posts/year (total posts/years part of club), (not including flaming and such, which
would put broli at about 600 actual posts)

1 post/month (like an \"i was here\" thread in the test forum) so we know even if they don\'t post
they are still visiting the forum.

6 meet each year; must include 1 main meet (includes MOM, and other club promoting functions), meets must be pre-posted.

laminated ID card: TM3, MoT, screen name, five digit ID number. 00001,00002,00003...99999
(i don\'t see more than 99999 members)

fees and donations: Maybe only for ID cards, price of card + $5 to club. Should be reasonable for discounts. (One time only unless lost card, then price of new card + $20 to club, new ID number and cancellation of old ID number; damaged card, pirce of card + returm of damaged card)

I mean, this is exclusive to us, nobody else needs to know our ID#.

09-05-2006, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by KenYork
laminated ID card: TM3, MoT, screen name, five digit ID number. 00001,00002,00003...99999
(i don\'t see more than 99999 members)

fees and donations: Maybe only for ID cards, price of card + $5 to club. Should be reasonable for discounts. (One time only unless lost card, then price of new card + $20 to club, new ID number and cancellation of old ID number; damaged card, pirce of card + returm of damaged card)

I mean, this is exclusive to us, nobody else needs to know our ID#.
I was thinking of a design like this with the forum handle in the center. At the back and ID# and your real name.


09-05-2006, 04:30 PM
if you need someone to print them out (in color!)i can do it for ya joe...

09-05-2006, 06:21 PM
are KenYork\'s requirements the ones we are going to use? or will you (Joe) make them?

09-05-2006, 07:05 PM
The original requirements (I think) were, two meets and 100 posts.
(Can one of the more senior members confirm this)

Anyhow, I havn\'t gone too far from that.

100 posts should not be too hard being new and have questions to ask. I know some will learn to fear the majoogle, but he\'s becoming tame with his \"search\" feature.

This shouldn\'t hold any of you back from group buys as it helps us all since we require numbers to make the purchase in the first place.

As for averaging 150 posts a year should not be too hard, it\'s about 3 posts a week.

There are exceptions once we get the zone reps in place. I mean if you\'re regularly attending on average 1-2 meets a month(12-24/yr) and only have 50 posts with meeting the one post a month to be forum active. I would still consider that regular attendance. It takes more to go out to meets than to sit in front of your computer which you\'ll do anyways.

BTW. we\'ll probably just use them as guidelines anyways. We just don\'t want hit and runs.

Most of us have lives outside of TM3.

09-05-2006, 08:04 PM
how is this one + \"Mazda of Toronto\" on the bottom left side under name box.
i couldn\'t find a MoT logo.


09-05-2006, 08:45 PM

09-05-2006, 10:44 PM
I like KenYork and SourcE\'s cards. 1 for the front and 1 for the back.
Would look good. Even better would be the picture of the actual car you drive. (guess it\'d be too much work though) =P

09-05-2006, 11:28 PM
I like the more colourful ones =).. would those turn out dark? would they be expensive to produce because of all the colour?

If it is. the flippy one is fine.. I just want to have one. :p

09-06-2006, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by KenYork

how is this one + \"Mazda of Toronto\" on the bottom left side under name box.
i couldn\'t find a MoT logo.


it looks good but, maybe you should put a bigger MoT logo on the back at the least, after all it is going to be made for MoT.

p.s. Joe, have you\'re MoT guys make a logo specially for it so that it would look better

09-06-2006, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by SourcE


i like this one better.. plain.. simple.. and to the point..

09-06-2006, 02:31 AM
take it easy

this is jumping the gun, there is no rush!!

if this card will only be good at MOT then the designs are fine,
but the more colourful the design, the more expensive to make

if this is the card we are supposed to show everywhere, and it will be payed for with club money, then
sorry no MOT logo, i can just imagine myself walking into westowne and getting bitchslapped!

however, if MOT pays for the cards, or subsidizes them, it is a different story!!

kenny y,

are you gonna check to see how many posts a person makes that are flames?
cause by all means, go for it . . .
your gonna be busy for the next, um . . . i don\'t know forever!
we need new software b4 we can do that

so posts in the lounge don\'t count?
thats fine by me, but, lets be clear,
thats how a noob is gonna get his posts up in the beginning

again, mandatory meet requirements are not fair, unless the affilates and dealerships, decide they only want to give discounts to people who come out,
but i say this should not be their decision, we as a club can define an active member,
and they will have to take our word for it that we enforce our active members list

the only fair way is this . . .

must meet one of the following requirements

1. 100 posts followed by at least 5 posts a quarter

2. attendance at 2 meets a quarter

that is minimal and fair to noobs

when they first start they can have free info, and if they really want a discount, well, attend 2 meets, then PM an exec (if we ever have them) and then poof ur on the list, and hopefully that can hold them over until they get their posts up. besides, by then, they may enjoy the meets and decide to come out occasonally.

no reason to scare off noobs with tough requirments, when these minor requirements will weed out 90% or the scammers, i am not sure how much scamming is going on, but . . .?

non-dealer affiliates, may decide they dont care about the members status, we can ask them to enforce it, but in then end they want to make money, and they will sell to anyone at the price they quote us.

we have some issues that need to be hammered out b4 membership cards

1. full disclosure of accounting of all funds that come in from affiliates and advertising. after costs this should go to the club!!
2. agreement on some structure for the club, nothing needs be formal, a steering committee to start would be fine
3. movement of board to new software
4. membership status

i am sorry to always be the one to say this,

but at this point you must honestly believe that things could run better, smoother and faster!

09-06-2006, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Broli
kenny y,

are you gonna check to see how many posts a person makes that are flames?
cause by all means, go for it . . .
your gonna be busy for the next, um . . . i don\'t know forever!
we need new software b4 we can do that

so posts in the lounge don\'t count?
thats fine by me, but, lets be clear,
thats how a noob is gonna get his posts up in the beginning

1. a)can\'t you take a joke, you should well know 600 is exagerated, probably 15-20% is more
b) in a newbie\'s first 100 posts, things may go off topic, i don\'t expect much flaming or BS,
more or less the crapping will be obvious

2. I did conclude with,

\"BTW. we\'ll probably just use them as guidelines anyways. We just don\'t want hit and runs.
Most of us have lives outside of TM3.\"

again, mandatory meet requirements are not fair, unless the affilates and dealerships, decide they only want to give discounts to people who come out,
but i say this should not be their decision, we as a club can define an active member,
and they will have to take our word for it that we enforce our active members list

the only fair way is this . . .

must meet one of the following requirements

1. 100 posts followed by at least 5 posts a quarter

2. attendance at 2 meets a quarter

that is minimal and fair to noobs


someone just said prior to \"must\", \"..mandatory meet requirements are not fair...\"

must = mandatory~

I know you mean well to the club, but sometimes I feel you blow off and take things in the wrong direction. You attack others ideas that you don\'t agree with. We are club members, not enemies, I would expect more courtesy from someone who seems to want a more involved position in the club.

I\'m also waiting for a more senior member to verify if, \"The original requirements (I think) were, two meets and 100 posts.\", is true for discounts.

Most of the information I\'ve gathered, I guess-estimated with what I\'ve seen and noticed on the forum of current and former active members. Exceptions are always there, ex. majic: more posts than meets; stas:more meets than posts; BOD, Chuckie, jobes, bubba, yourself(broli): both meets and posts.

monty9991, 23 posts, one meet all since Aug 09,06. He\'s well on his way.

What I see, Over a 5yr period
- average 150 post/yr - 750 posts/5yrs (majic, broli & a few others can probably do in a month)
- 1 post/month to stay active - that\'s 12 posts/yr, when you\'re new, you\'re definitely gonna post more esp in your first year. i could say easy 400 in first year (good for 3yrs protection if you keep up the one a month, 400-450 close enough)
- one main meet, com\'on majic even makes it out to one a year(i think)
- the 5 others.. it\'s less than your 2 a quarter, without having to come out ever quarter

plus add the fact of how long someone actually keeps their car and stays active on a forum.

Who can\'t have 1000 post AND stay active for 7yrs?

I don\'t feel my criteria suggestion unreasonable.

Cardinal Fang
09-06-2006, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by KenYork

again, mandatory meet requirements are not fair, unless the affilates and dealerships, decide they only want to give discounts to people who come out,
but i say this should not be their decision, we as a club can define an active member,
and they will have to take our word for it that we enforce our active members list

the only fair way is this . . .

must meet one of the following requirements

1. 100 posts followed by at least 5 posts a quarter

2. attendance at 2 meets a quarter

that is minimal and fair to noobs


someone just said prior to \"must\", \"..mandatory meet requirements are not fair...\"

must = mandatory~

Poor choice of words on his part Ken York. He does that quite often so it\'s not too hard to catch him contradicting himself. Don\'t take it too seriously.


09-06-2006, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by Xenon
Effective as of January 1st, 2005, minimum post count required to qualify for the Active Members List will be RAISED TO **50**. If you name is listed above, you fail to submit information by November 30th, and you have less than 50 posts and/or you have not attended 2 meets, YOUR NAME WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE AFFILIATION QUALIFICATION LIST. Submitting your information prior to November 30th will allow you to avoid the new, raised qualifications.

Members already on the list, who don\'t have 50 posts or have not attended 2 meets will remain on the list.

This is way old, as you can see.
I took it from here (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=319&page=2)

Note that this is a discussion that began back in 04.
Perhaps there is a more updated version. I don\'t recall seeing one, but I could be very wrong.

09-06-2006, 10:06 AM
damn.. you mentioned me TWICE.. so i figure i finally read this thread and chime in.. on second thought.. mehh.. can\'t be bothered..so i\'ll just tell you what *I* think :D

1) meet requirements piss me off..
2) post count clearly doesn\'t count..
3) rep points would be great
4) spend money = get money

now let me elaborate a tad..
1) this event left a little distaste in my mouth .. back in aug \'04 i signed up.. before i had my car i had well over 100 posts maybe even 2-300 or more.. doesn\'t matter.. i didn\'t have my mazda3 yet.. i didn\'t own any car then.. the family cars were in use.. i was SOL.. i made it to one meet in my mom\'s accord but couldn\'t make another one till the day after i got my car.. i also wanted to get the tints and the clear bra on the day i got the car.. how do i get a discount if i don\'t attend the meet??? i forget now if xenon denied me of the tm3 discount list or if that list was not going to be updated for another few months.. in any case, hearing great things about wayne and fx auto i just took my car there.. i don\'t even think we get a \'discount\' but i was happy with what they did
2) look at broli\'s #s and then take 10% that had useful content in them :) take that same # of posts and subtract from mine (all those times i had to deal with broli) :D
3) rep points like on msprotege.com would be a great feature.. whether for membership status or buyer/seller feedback
4) buy tm3 merchandise - become eligible for discounts offered by the affiliates..

in all honesty, no affiliate will turn a potential buyer away just b/c they aren\'t a \'tm3 member\' .. where this whole thing resurfaced was probably when a bunch of people signed up for stubbies or axela badges and then these strangers impersonated those on the list and to cleared out joe\'s inventory..

shit.. gotta get my coffee and move the car.. peace

09-06-2006, 10:23 AM
Weeding out more info from 04 discussions. Included relevant stuff that KenYork was asking for.

Originally posted by Xenon
The above criteria can and will change as the club grows

Originally posted by Xenon

No where does it say that members will be consulted before requirements are raised. The requirements will be raised in proportion to the size of the club. ..........Requirements for the list are meant to filter out members who do not actively participate in our car club. ........come to just 25% of our meets and you qualify. And I hope you don\'t mind me saying, but 30 posts is really easy to do. Many of our members average 2 or more posts per day. Browse the forums for a month and you qualify. The new requirements are to adapt for our size. when I posted the original requirements we were a mere 75 members. Now we are 250+. The current requirements are negliagable. They are too easily obtained by a \"passer-by\" to our site, which is what the active member list is supposed to avoid.

09-06-2006, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by majic

1) meet requirements piss me off..
2) post count clearly doesn\'t count..
3) rep points would be great
4) spend money = get money

have to agree with \"the \'jic\" here.

meet requirements is a crappy determining factor of you\'re entitlement.

maybe an active time period would be better, you are eligible for a discount after 2months posting on the board, and a contribution of $x.

those members that suddenly re-surface around the 2month mark would be very suspect, right?

09-06-2006, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by mit-gee-mui

Weeding out more info from 04 discussions. Included relevant stuff that KenYork was asking for.

Originally posted by Xenon
The above criteria can and will change as the club grows

Originally posted by Xenon

No where does it say that members will be consulted before requirements are raised. The requirements will be raised in proportion to the size of the club. ..........Requirements for the list are meant to filter out members who do not actively participate in our car club. ........come to just 25% of our meets and you qualify. And I hope you don\'t mind me saying, but 30 posts is really easy to do. Many of our members average 2 or more posts per day. Browse the forums for a month and you qualify. The new requirements are to adapt for our size. when I posted the original requirements we were a mere 75 members. Now we are 250+. The current requirements are negliagable. They are too easily obtained by a \"passer-by\" to our site, which is what the active member list is supposed to avoid.

no offence to xenon but this ain\'t no one man show anymore.. it\'s not a dictatorship so we either get a committee to settle this or do a majority vote or whatever..

now he\'s gone back to school and i bet the forum/club will be left in a limbo till exams are done.. :sarc

09-06-2006, 10:44 AM
Majic..I\'m with you on this. I think I have made my views clear before, but I support the call for a committee. As our club continues to grow, we can not burden any one person with running the show. A small group would get much more accomplished.

09-06-2006, 10:49 AM
yes i am the master of poor choice of words
but mostly it is because i am impatient,
and feel no need to edit a post like a manuscript
u always have the chance to reclarify your post

discussion from back in 04, is imo pretty much useless now, just because the board is so different and so much bigger, with so many more members

kenny y

you need to thicken your skin a bit,

if you can rib me when you post, why cant i rib you back?
lol, take it ease :P

to be very clear, as i have said before
[/b]i have no interest in higher involvement than member until i am done school[/b]

i am willing to help in donated some time, while changes are made, and to be there with my loud mouth to make sure nothing stupid happens.

truth be told we want active members who are on the board or at the meets on a month to month basis,
isnt that what we really want??????????

the original requirements, as i beleive, have been disolved, when i signed up, it was 30 posts and 2 meets, but it was gone by the time i made it to my first one.

I had no contradiction

i said

mandatory meet requiremetns are not fair!

must meet one of the following

x amount of posts OR x amount of meets

that sounds to me like there is an option, and meets are not mandatory
only reason i suggested meets at all, was because it is a way for noobs to
bypass the post requirement in the start, after that they wouldnt have to show

if they were happy waiting for the post count to rise, that would be fine too
but if they came out to a few meets, hell they may get hooked, so it has built in
capability of growth

my roughness in the beginning of my post was again to
demonstrate our clubs inadequacy and that of our software for our needs
i was trying to say, we are not capable of doing the things u
suggested in the beginning of your post kenny y!
thats all,

now i think it has been demonstrated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again that i can take a joke!!

i think we all agree, that some sort of rep point status is the best way, again we are not at a phase we can do it,

so what is the best way to proceed?
will making an active members list improve the club?
i would say not,

maybe the best thing is a temp list for joe
until other issues are resolved,
for instance - better software, we can follow posting activity without requiring a manual check
and hence make your ideas possible

thats why i said quarterly instead of monthly
it is less work to do a manual check each quarter than each month
our ideas were basically the same, i just tried to suggest better feasability
and make it easier to reach active member status

isn\'t the whole point to make noobs welcome so we can continue to grow
this is not an exclusive club, anyone who wants to be in it should be welcome
no reason to make it difficult,

maybe if we had some new software
and a noobs lounge
we could have a poll or discussion thread there, and ask
what do you think are fair requirments for membership and discounts in the club
restrict the noobs lounge to people under 100 posts
and let it happen
we will see what the noobs want, and maybe base it off of that?

09-06-2006, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by mit-gee-mui

Weeding out more info from 04 discussions. Included relevant stuff that KenYork was asking for.

Originally posted by Xenon
The above criteria can and will change as the club grows

Originally posted by Xenon

No where does it say that members will be consulted before requirements are raised. The requirements will be raised in proportion to the size of the club. ..........Requirements for the list are meant to filter out members who do not actively participate in our car club. ........come to just 25% of our meets and you qualify. And I hope you don\'t mind me saying, but 30 posts is really easy to do. Many of our members average 2 or more posts per day. Browse the forums for a month and you qualify. The new requirements are to adapt for our size. when I posted the original requirements we were a mere 75 members. Now we are 250+. The current requirements are negliagable. They are too easily obtained by a \"passer-by\" to our site, which is what the active member list is supposed to avoid.

no offence to xenon but this ain\'t no one man show anymore.. it\'s not a dictatorship so we either get a committee to settle this or do a majority vote or whatever..

now he\'s gone back to school and i bet the forum/club will be left in a limbo till exams are done.. :sarc

+ infinity!

sorry Xe, you are a nice guy, but you cannot do this alone now!
plain and simple!

MGM - you do not have a 3, membership status is irrelavant to you, if you want to be in this discussion that is fine, you are active in the club, but no need to dig up old info everytime someone disagrees with something Xenon said in 2004 but contribute your own thoughts or do not contribute!

this is a discussion not a history class!

please do not take offence, but this is a serious time, and a serious issue,
you\'re a smart girl, give us something we can work with, i know you can!

:D :p

09-06-2006, 11:22 AM
KenYork asked for confirmation.

That\'s all I was doing.

09-06-2006, 11:27 AM
Damn! and I thought \"dotting the I\" was skin thickening.

\"mandatory meet requiremetns are not fair!
must meet one of the following
x amount of posts OR x amount of meets\"

So what if someone doesn\'t comply with x posts and x meets, do they still get discounts?

Just you have a variable mandate.

MGM.. She did answer my question which I did ask.

\"sorry Xe, you are a nice guy, but you cannot do this alone now!
plain and simple!\"

I totally agree. With school starting for you. What if you get busy, what happens to the rest of us? As majic said, we should form a committee, at least the forum will still carry while a member(s) of the committee is burdened.

(Working my way to 1000 posts... with broli on the other end i\'m sure to get there by weeks end)

09-06-2006, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by KenYork

(Working my way to 1000 posts... with broli on the other end i\'m sure to get there by weeks end)

we will get you there buddy!

dotting the \'i\' is the ultimate skin thickener!

sure, they would get no discount until them me the requirment A or B

all i am saying is that meets would not be required, they would also count!
you feel me mang?

either way, i think the committee is the way to go, i have said that enough times

so . . . is it committee forming time yet?

Cardinal Fang
09-06-2006, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Broli

so . . . is it committee forming time yet?

We first need a Committee to decide if \"this\" time is right.

09-06-2006, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Cardinal Fang

Originally posted by Broli

so . . . is it committee forming time yet?

We first need a Committee to decide if \"this\" time is right.


damn, how do we know when its time for the committe on the committee to form?

is it time guy?

Cardinal Fang
09-06-2006, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Broli

damn, how do we know when its time for the committe on the committee to form?

By Committee!


09-06-2006, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Cardinal Fang

Originally posted by Broli

damn, how do we know when its time for the committe on the committee to form?

By Committee!


that what i was worried about . . .

how do things get done in the real world?


09-06-2006, 01:22 PM
i thought there is no committee. yet you want to decide on forming a comitee by a comittee???

my personal oppinion if you want to get a \"vote\" on this, just form a thread and ask everyone to vote on it. or just have the mods decide. that is if u want there to be a decision made on whether we need a comitee or not.

09-06-2006, 01:32 PM

we are joking buddy

we do want a committee

09-06-2006, 01:47 PM
alright cool.

so is anyone actually going to take action, and how?

09-06-2006, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by stas

alright cool.

so is anyone actually going to take action, and how?

how does this sound

step 1 - club endorses a committe with a greater than 50% majority - 1 week voting time
- advertising in all sub forums with a sticky linking to the vote in the club section
- mods can erase other threads afterwards

Step 2 - if club endorses a committee, then we select one, or take volunteers and start initial

Step 3 - solidification of committee maybe some semi-official roles

Step 4 - Committee goes after control

how does this sound?
mods, would you guys be ok with a sticky thread in each section
to make sure everyone sees it?
with the threads being erased after the vote?

if a few people think this may be a good idea
we can post up the poll thread

09-06-2006, 02:12 PM
well starting a committe and ensuring the committee have the power to make changes are two different issues.

09-06-2006, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by S.F.W.

well starting a committe and ensuring the committee have the power to make changes are two different issues.

hence step 4

you know we have the power to make changes once we form a committe
that speaks for the board, it makes things alot easier!

Cardinal Fang
09-06-2006, 03:59 PM
Is TM3 cool with this?

09-06-2006, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Cardinal Fang

Is TM3 cool with this?

why should we ask him?

i have posted at least 10 times asking him to let us now how the affiliates financing is going
no reply

he is not a memeber of this board, he is a guy who i think makes money from affilates and advertising
and does not give it to the club,
mostly because we are unorganized and easy to exploit,

first we become organized then we become powerful
and then you get de woman
lol whoops got into scarface mode!


09-06-2006, 04:09 PM
so lets form our committe. People who can and will commit the time. Although Broli, I think you and I have already started this...

09-06-2006, 04:14 PM
yes, lets do this

but i still say not to rush
the slowest work is the best

tommorow i will start a thread that asks if the club want to form
a committee, a group of people who will take charge in leading the club
and planning for the future of the club


btw, cardi, this is not the first time this sort of TM3 questioning has taken place
see (http://www.torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=6114)

09-06-2006, 07:48 PM
tomorrow, I shall await the post. Or perhaps one magical day, the great TM3 will grace us with his presence..;)

09-06-2006, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Broli

Originally posted by Cardinal Fang

Is TM3 cool with this?

why should we ask him?

We should ask him because he essentially built this club and because it\'s the polite thing to do.

I highly doubt he will refuse when there appears to be a concensus around the issues at hand.

09-07-2006, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by SourcE
Originally posted by Broli
Originally posted by Cardinal Fang Is TM3 cool with this? why should we ask him? We should ask him because he essentially built this club and because it\'s the polite thing to do. I highly doubt he will refuse when there appears to be a concensus around the issues at hand.

my sources say he has refused in the past . . .

09-07-2006, 04:34 AM
He started the website...kewl.. but the club???

no disrespect to anyone...but. If he dosen\'t like whats going on or what will happen in the future...he can shut this down if he wants.

And we will still be here...us Mazda 3 owners...on a different site..everything running as normal.

What The Mazda 3 club is has nothing to do with him. It will go on...as WE want it to...with or without his approval.

Cardinal Fang
09-07-2006, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Broli

btw, cardi, this is not the first time this sort of TM3 questioning has taken place
see (http://www.torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=6114)

*Sits puzzled*

Ok....I\'m not sure why you singled me out in your post?

I\'m all for change. In the link you provided I\'ve said my piece. We’ve talked about this for a while now. The fact of the matter is we can\'t make any changes unless TM3 allows us to since he\'s the one controlling the software and the board setup. We can make changes to the structure of the club (ie reps, meets, dues etc) which is outside of his responsibility and mandate but when it comes to THIS site. He\'s in charge so to speak.

Sabio is right. The TM3 owns the site. Not the club.

09-07-2006, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Cardinal Fang

Originally posted by Broli

btw, cardi, this is not the first time this sort of TM3 questioning has taken place
see (http://www.torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=6114)*Sits puzzled*

Ok....I\'m not sure why you singled me out in your post?

I\'m all for change. In the link you provided I\'ve said my piece. We've talked about this for a while now. The fact of the matter is we can\'t make any changes unless TM3 allows us to since he\'s the one controlling the software and the board setup. We can make changes to the structure of the club (ie reps, meets, dues etc) which is outside of his responsibility and mandate but when it comes to THIS site. He\'s in charge so to speak.

Sabio is right. The TM3 owns the site. Not the club.


i wasnt singling you out, just reminding you that we have had this stuff b4,
cause u asked if TM3 was cool with it,

well, really, once we are better organized we can decide if it is in our interest to stay at this website, or develop another website, or whatever, that is a group decision, and yes, it is about us, the club not the site,

ok, i am going to post the thread asking if we want a committee

09-07-2006, 10:10 AM
vote thread added (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=7560&page=1#113231)

03-25-2007, 02:17 AM
In addition to getting a card, there will also be a list at MoT that will be updated monthly to weed out the people who have gone inactive.

If you lost your eligibility due to inactiveness, you may contact flippy to explain your situation and to get your discount back.

hows that?

if flippy and you people are okay with this, I can go ahead and compile a list of who is eligible if you want..

I think that's a good idea since I have posted many on the forum last year @10-20 and now I can't remember my sign-in name and password meaning I have to start all over??? would anyone have my last year's posts??