View Full Version : VOTE: Do we want a committee??

09-07-2006, 09:56 AM
We have have debates about the structure of the club for sometime now. As such, it is time for us as a club to vote and decide what the future should hold. The options are simple, do you want the club to have a \'governing\' committee,

The role of the committee would be to organize the club, plan for the future, and assess the now. The committee would decide upon issues such and web software, official events, active status, advertising and promotions, etc.

Seeing how we as a club feel about this is important, and that is why this vote is taking place.

Please do take the time to vote, and if you can, please leave brief reasoning for your decision,

Edit: I forgot to put an end time on this vote, votes will be accepted until next friday, Sept 15th, I would like to see more than 100 votes cast, so we know we have a representative view

09-07-2006, 10:03 AM
We have to differentiate between \"the club\" and \"the forum\"...or am I way off, once again?

The club would include, among other things:
- meets (monthly, weekly, daily, MOM)
- cruises
- charity fund raising
- advertising (Warren\'s idea about flyers)
- etc.

The fourm would include, among other things:
- Torontomazda3.com (software, layout, mods, officers, etc.)
- decals
- etc.

09-07-2006, 10:05 AM
I think we do need and want a committee.
As for Bluntmans question...while the two can be viewed seperately they are inevitably linked. I think our committee should handle both.

09-07-2006, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by S.F.W.

I think we do need and want a committee.
As for Bluntmans question...while the two can be viewed seperately they are inevitably linked. I think our committee should handle both.

I agree with you Ami,

I have voted yes, for a committee as well, and i think the committee should handle both the club and the forum as well.

09-07-2006, 10:12 AM
Isn\'t this vote useless unless TM3 hands over control of the site? Am I being unrealistic assuming that that is in fact the case? I think it\'s great that so many of you care enough about the club to spend even more time trying to make it better BTW.

Also, should the poll not include a middle ground like \"Don\'t care one way or the other\"?

09-07-2006, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by TheProfessor

Isn\'t this vote useless unless TM3 hands over control of the site? Am I being unrealistic assuming that that is in fact the case? I think it\'s great that so many of you care enough about the club to spend even more time trying to make it better BTW.

Also, should the poll not include a middle ground like \"Don\'t care one way or the other\"?

TM3 is not god, he cannot stop us from exploring other options if the need be!

no middle ground,
follow which ever way your heart sways,

if you really dont care either way, and dont want anything to change
well, say no committee

it is like an election so to speak, if you don\'t like both the candiates
1. dont vote
2. vote where u prefer, or what the lesser of two evils is,

SW20 MR2
09-07-2006, 01:48 PM
A committee would certainly be helpful if you guys are planning to do more formal stuff (ie. monthly events, shows, etc.). If you guys plan on doing nothing more than meeting in a parking lot once or twice a month, then no big deal.

Control of the website and message board is probably another story though. Since TM3 owns the domain and the board, he can do whatever he wants. Unless he wants to relinquish control of the online stuff to a committee, everything else is moot.

A few years back, I was one of the original organizing committee members of the Ontario MR2 Club. It worked out quite well. Each person was responsible for certain tasks, and we worked well together as a team. Notice the word \"team\". I know we have a few very strong personalities here (online personalities at least since the only guy I\'ve met in person is Sabio :) ), so choose the organizing committee members carefully keeping team synergy at top-of-mind.

09-07-2006, 01:58 PM

good post,

i assume u are talking about me with strong opinions, well not just me, but i am one of them,

i cant agree more with you that a team committee approach is best,

you have to think outside the box, board control is not that difficult to obtain

09-07-2006, 02:27 PM
There are lots of things we could do as a club. We have talked about real outings, and charity events as well. We have all this people power, we should put it to good use.

09-07-2006, 02:36 PM
This forum use to be an exciting site for me to go. But now, it\'s starting to turn me off.

My post starting to disappear and I think freedom of speech is also not welcome here anymore!

Chances are this will be deleted too or maybe I get another PM. :(

09-07-2006, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by cyberscorpi0

This forum use to be an exciting site for me to go. But now, it\'s starting to turn me off.

My post starting to disappear and I think freedom of speech is also not welcome here anymore!

Chances are this will be deleted too or maybe I get another PM. :(


i deleted your post in the feedback thread b/c of the rules (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=6623)

at least i PM\'d you about it :sarc

09-07-2006, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by cyberscorpi0

This forum use to be an exciting site for me to go. But now, it\'s starting to turn me off.

My post starting to disappear and I think freedom of speech is also not welcome here anymore!

Chances are this will be deleted too or maybe I get another PM. :(


i deleted your post in the feedback thread b/c of the rules (http://torontomazda3.com/forum/read.php?TID=6623)

at least i PM\'d you about it :sarc

I\'m just emotional this week Boss.

Sorry about that.

09-07-2006, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by cyberscorpi0

I\'m just emotional this week Boss.

Sorry about that.

it\'s cool.. i don\'t delete posts w/o a reason.. unless it\'s broli ;)

back to the committee forming...

SW20 MR2
09-07-2006, 03:46 PM
Hahahahaha...I wasn\'t thinking about anyone specific, but I recall we\'ve had our fair share of heated discussions lately (some constructive, some not so constructive). Even then, strong personalities aren\'t a bad thing...unless you have 5 of them in the same room at the same time. A committee would be very ineffective if you had all Type-A personalities or all Type-B personalities. Like running a company, it\'s good to have diversity.

Originally posted by Broli

i assume u are talking about me with strong opinions, well not just me, but i am one of them,

09-07-2006, 04:45 PM
I voted yes, and may as well ad my $0.02 too :D

I have been around a LOT of message forums (car related, LOL). I was a founding member on www.onpoc.com. There has been a lot of \"drama\" over the last year or two, and a lot of us have left. Part of the reason is it was controlled by 1 person. I have also been on forums where a commitee or small group runs it. ie. www.teamslipstream.com. I am biased as I am a founder/owner of the club, but I would like to say things run pretty smoothly. Weekly meets, stickers, etc. We also throw a team together for most shows and usually bring home some awards. Its truley a place for all. I say comittee for a club this size 110%.

Now this is easy to say, but going from 1 person to a comittee is not easy. It takes planning and co-operation.

1. How many members? (too many is as bad ad not enough... trust me ;))
2. Who will the members be?
3. Will they have roles, or is everything a collaberation?
4. What about torontomazda3.com?

This domain and software do NOT belong to the people asking about the comittee. If TM3 does not wish to give it up, too bad. Now you must register your own domain, build your own site, and try to get ppl to change. Most ppl hate change. You will also need to redo any and all advertising this site has had, as old links are shot etc. Its not as easy as it looks!

Coles notes:

Comittee makes more sense, but without TM3 on-board, there is a TON of work ahead.


09-07-2006, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by midnightfxgt I voted yes, and may as well ad my $0.02 too :D I have been around a LOT of message forums (car related, LOL). I was a founding member on www.onpoc.com. There has been a lot of \"drama\" over the last year or two, and a lot of us have left. Part of the reason is it was controlled by 1 person. I have also been on forums where a commitee or small group runs it. ie. www.teamslipstream.com. I am biased as I am a founder/owner of the club, but I would like to say things run pretty smoothly. Weekly meets, stickers, etc. We also throw a team together for most shows and usually bring home some awards. Its truley a place for all. I say comittee for a club this size 110%. Now this is easy to say, but going from 1 person to a comittee is not easy. It takes planning and co-operation. 1. How many members? (too many is as bad ad not enough... trust me ;)) 2. Who will the members be? 3. Will they have roles, or is everything a collaberation? 4. What about torontomazda3.com? This domain and software do NOT belong to the people asking about the comittee. If TM3 does not wish to give it up, too bad. Now you must register your own domain, build your own site, and try to get ppl to change. Most ppl hate change. You will also need to redo any and all advertising this site has had, as old links are shot etc. Its not as easy as it looks! Coles notes: Comittee makes more sense, but without TM3 on-board, there is a TON of work ahead. -John

very good points John!

i guess the first step is deciding if we do in fact need or want a committee
then it is about trying to decide how many people
then we need to decide who

having TM3 on board would of course be ideal, and theoretically the forum wouldn\'t need to change right away,
however the time will come, and everyone must see this, that the club will need to have control of the board, it makes the most sense. and the sooner something like this happens, the better in the long run.

if we do end up starting a committee, one of the first things they should do is talk with people like you, and people who run other successful boards, like TOP to get an idea of the things that they may not have considered, we are lucky on this board to have a varied membership with many different talents and the ability to accomplish whatever needs to be done!

09-07-2006, 05:52 PM

You guys know I would help out when needed. :) I would love to help with the committee, but right now;

1. Work Full Time
2. Run Slipstream
3. Own/Operate Underground Highway
4. Just bought a house that we get next year.

Time is limited, but like I said, always will try and help! :)


09-07-2006, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

We have to differentiate between \"the club\" and \"the forum\"...or am I way off, once again?

The club would include, among other things:
- meets (monthly, weekly, daily, MOM)
- cruises
- charity fund raising
- advertising (Warren\'s idea about flyers)
- etc.

The fourm would include, among other things:
- Torontomazda3.com (software, layout, mods, officers, etc.)
- decals
- etc.

I like bluntmans approach. I mean there are two sides to Club TorontoMazda3.com. Contrary to SFW, the club should have a committee, while the forum has a team(mods, TM3, officers) just to control the site.

The second group should already be in place, they just need a rep on the committee.

09-08-2006, 01:40 AM
i more agree with SFW
in that i think the club should run both the forum, which i see as an extention of the club
and the club itself

i see it like this

take any club as an example, they tend to have locations where they are based out of
for us it would be this forum instead of a physical location, the club owns the location
(or rents it) either way they have control over it, to do renovations, or what not.

why should this be any different

the mods are doing a good job, but there is no admin support,

either way this isn\'t a decision that you or i would make, it will be up to the committee

09-08-2006, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by Broli

i more agree with SFW
in that i think the club should run both the forum, which i see as an extention of the club
and the club itself

i see it like this

take any club as an example, they tend to have locations where they are based out of
for us it would be this forum instead of a physical location, the club owns the location
(or rents it) either way they have control over it, to do renovations, or what not.

why should this be any different

the mods are doing a good job, but there is no admin support,

either way this isn\'t a decision that you or i would make, it will be up to the committee

But Broli, as John mentioned...

Originally posted by midnightfxgt

4. What about torontomazda3.com?

This domain and software do NOT belong to the people asking about the comittee. If TM3 does not wish to give it up, too bad. Now you must register your own domain, build your own site, and try to get ppl to change. Most ppl hate change. You will also need to redo any and all advertising this site has had, as old links are shot etc. Its not as easy as it looks!

Coles notes:

Comittee makes more sense, but without TM3 on-board, there is a TON of work ahead.


I think we should tackle what we can and then, only after we have a living, breathing committee, then tackle the website. We have to learn to walk first before we can start running. But if you guys think that you can do everything in one fell swoop then by all means do it, you have my full support!

09-08-2006, 11:13 AM

i agree, tackle the club first, get organized, and then let the committee decide what do do about the website, i am not suggesting that everything happens at once, i personally think that slow progression is optimal.

All i am saying, is that at some point, some time, it will be in our interest to have the control over the board. but the committee would decide if that was the case, and if so, when that time was.

SW20 MR2
09-08-2006, 11:47 AM
Has anyone talked to TM3 yet? That would be a logical first step to see if he\'s on board with setting up a more formal structure.

09-08-2006, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by SW20 MR2

Has anyone talked to TM3 yet? That would be a logical first step to see if he\'s on board with setting up a more formal structure.

If he want to say something, he can post in this thread, and have his one vote like everyone else, this is a club decision, and it is not related to the webforum (which he is charge of)

09-08-2006, 12:25 PM
He\'s on vacation until sometime in October. Lucky b@st@rd!

09-08-2006, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by bluntman

He\'s on vacation until sometime in October. Lucky b@st@rd!

well i guess he wont be posting,
but this thread and the other were up before he left on vacation
he had a chance to see it!

i guess it was his wedding right?
so chances are he was busy, but still,
only goes to show that there should be back up

09-08-2006, 11:13 PM
274 views and only 24 votes, that\'s ridiculous, so no body else care about the club, the rest of the people just care about the forum, that\'s what it is, very disappointing!!

09-09-2006, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by CoolColombian

274 views and only 24 votes, that\'s ridiculous, so no body else care about the club, the rest of the people just care about the forum, that\'s what it is, very disappointing!!

Not surprising actually, at any time there are as many lurkers as there are members signed in.

and if I view from work, it counts as one, when I view from home - 2..

When I vote as Cardinal Fang 3, PSIVIC 4, Broli 5, That pissed off guy from Austalia that hates his Mazda3 6....

09-09-2006, 11:13 PM
and with each of our visits = more views.. i\'ve been to this thread probably 10 times already just to read updates.

09-11-2006, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by CoolColombian

274 views and only 24 votes, that\'s ridiculous, so no body else care about the club, the rest of the people just care about the forum, that\'s what it is, very disappointing!!

as dissapointing as it seems to be.. at least we have a clear leader.. 27 for and 0 against.. so yah..

09-11-2006, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by CoolColombian

274 views and only 24 votes, that\'s ridiculous, so no body else care about the club, the rest of the people just care about the forum, that\'s what it is, very disappointing!!

as dissapointing as it seems to be.. at least we have a clear leader.. 27 for and 0 against.. so yah..

that is the one encouraging thing!!
it is pretty clear, do some stats majic . . .

09-11-2006, 12:04 PM
feels good to be on the winning side for once :D

the only problem is TM3 is still on vacation

09-11-2006, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by majic

Originally posted by CoolColombian

274 views and only 24 votes, that\'s ridiculous, so no body else care about the club, the rest of the people just care about the forum, that\'s what it is, very disappointing!!

as dissapointing as it seems to be.. at least we have a clear leader.. 27 for and 0 against.. so yah..

yea and thats excellent, i\'m ready to do my best for the club beside the other 26 who voted.

09-12-2006, 05:47 AM
I\'ve been in several car clubs. It\'s been my experience that committees easily become corrupt and condescending towards members. I hope this committee doesn\'t have the same pitfalls. I enjoy this place the way it is.

Advice - make all accounting books public. Secrets create mutiny.

09-12-2006, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Skarbro
Secrets create mutiny.


funny and true
thats probably what got us in this mess


well, it is not friday yet, but it does look like this will be passed, not a lot of votes, but still pretty overwhelming results!

what should be the first job of the committee?
in light of the problems we are having with security, maybe board security should be the first order of buisness, once they are in place?

Effin Itai
09-12-2006, 11:51 AM
Here\'s my 2 cents! LOL! I\'ve been with this club for almost 2 years now. I have met some great friends not to mention great deals on parts. We do need to have some structure involved for the benefit of the club. We have, I\'m assuming over 2,000 members in this club. Around 25-30 we see at regular mini-meets, 100 at official meets. The others are nowwhere to be seen. I have some ideas that maybe some of you would like to hear. Let\'s get this thing goin\'!

09-12-2006, 12:15 PM
+1 commitee

09-12-2006, 01:54 PM
:bump :bump :bump

just a reminder that voting closes on Friday September 15th at 2PM Eastern.

09-12-2006, 09:28 PM
I will cast my vote today. My vote is for YES.

09-13-2006, 08:36 AM
+1 as well already voted for yes