View Full Version : Some JERK dinged my car!!!

09-30-2006, 11:24 AM
*Pours glass of scotch*

This is just a rant, but I am SOOOOOOO pissed right now. I go downtown last night with the gf to enjoy a simple drink at an irish pub and have some munchies. It was a much needed time to relax after a hectic week for the both us. I went for a nice long drive and covered a lot of area, we left Humber to go to the Symposium in Woodbridge which was packed so I took the 400 to the 401 and took avenue to bloor.

*takes sip of scotch*

Anyway, i specify this because I parked in bloody yorkville a nice ritzy area. I parked by the four seasons in an underground garage, that was only 7$ maximum. Anyway, I find a spot with a wall on one side and no car (at the moment) on the other. I huge the bloody wall so close that my girl was complaining about how much room I left her (jokingly of course).

*chuckles, takes sip of scotch*

So we go for a walk and a drink and get back to the car. I get off the elevator an look out into the distance. To my luck I had picked the right floor of the garage lol. So I'm walking to my car and I see some MASSIVE car parked next to mine. I get a little closer and see a burgandy LTD with some shitty mags. Anyway, I chuckle to myself because its LTD, until I round* the corner to my drivers side of the car. I look at the rear left passenger door only to see burgandy paint on my door. I am immediately pissed, but sedate since the gf was there to keep me calm. This is my first dent that is not my fault on my first car!!!! I scratch away the burgandy to find that the ***hole didn't chip the paint and only minorly damaged the clearcote. But as I step to angle I see the bloody dent the guy left. Its perfectly round indent about 2 inches in diamter.

*throws glass at wall, glass shatters everywhere*

Man am I pissed, I'm going to call up the dent doctor after I post this, and ask for a quote. I'm getting this thing out asap if its under a hundred bux. If it isn't I'll ask him about coming to a meet and doing a bunch of us for a cheaper price. Either way I'm gitting rid of the blemish on my baby's face.


*stops waving around 9-iron.....sits down*

I'm done ranting now.

*Starts sweeping glass into dustpan*

09-30-2006, 11:41 AM
I hate big cars. Ass bastard! My car has two dings also.

09-30-2006, 11:44 AM

I just got an over the phone quote for between 125$ and 150$.

*Pours five fingers of scotch in glass*

Dammit, I cant afford that! Looks like its KD for dinner for a long time.

*Takes sip of scotch, throws glass at wall*

I don't like scotch.

09-30-2006, 12:08 PM
as much as it sucks, keep the ding and keep 100-150 bux in your pocket.. it's gonna happen again and it's not gonna be your fault..

one time this bitch in a volvo left a licence plate bolt indent in my bumper (not my fault) .. there was visible paint transfer on her plate and only volvos use round bolts (that i know of) and she parked behind me that day.. anwyay.. with photos.. evidence and all, the cops wouldn't do shit unless they did forensic investigation and it wasn't worth their time.. nice.. ::)

09-30-2006, 01:44 PM
oh man that sux!

sorry bro!!

try the guy thomas brought out to a meet
he is cheaper!!!

don't remember his contact info
hopefully thomas has it!

09-30-2006, 02:53 PM

09-30-2006, 04:13 PM
So what did u do 3gfx? I can't believe you didnt wait for the guy!

Did you not know that you had a Mini crobar like instrument below your trunk carpet? ;)


09-30-2006, 04:53 PM
So what did u do 3gfx? I can't believe you didnt wait for the guy!

Did you not know that you had a Mini crobar like instrument below your trunk carpet? ;)


One ding deserves another, I've had used that and put a proper dent in his door and then inscribed Dent Doctor and the phone number into his paint! ok maybe that going a bit too far, but I feel your pain, some dumba$$ opened his door into my Civic (before I got my Mazda3).

MAZDA Kitten
09-30-2006, 05:31 PM
I feel your pain :(

I'm so anal where I park but its bound to happen. SOmeone hit my car so hard that the rub strip has a DENT in it!!!!!!!!

09-30-2006, 05:50 PM
3GFX just wait, stick it out for a while and come spring we will call that guy out again. I need him to fix the ding on my door I got at MOM. The guy chrages $50 for a few, Dent Doctor is a rip off man.

10-01-2006, 01:14 AM
So sorry to hear about your baby

Cardinal Fang
10-02-2006, 09:15 AM
Sorry to hear about that 3GFX. When did we start serving alcholol in the Club Bar?

10-02-2006, 09:43 AM
Thanks guys, I'm slowly relaxing about it. I took my mind off it by changing all the interior lights to blue, lmao.

As for repaying him? I just wrote a nasty message on his car. The gf was with me, or else I would have kicked off a mirror. But there's no point in waiting around, he would've probably just told me to F'off.

3GFX just wait, stick it out for a while and come spring we will call that guy out again. I need him to fix the ding on my door I got at MOM. The guy chrages $50 for a few, Dent Doctor is a rip off man.

Whats this guys name/contact?

10-02-2006, 12:55 PM
you should of left him a message written with your key in his door 8)

MAZDA Kitten
10-03-2006, 11:43 AM
3GFX just wait, stick it out for a while and come spring we will call that guy out again. I need him to fix the ding on my door I got at MOM. The guy chrages $50 for a few, Dent Doctor is a rip off man.

Keep us updated i want my ding fixed too

10-03-2006, 01:24 PM
MK, I will definitly post. Does anyone have an alternative than the dent doctor.

10-03-2006, 01:51 PM
Sorry to hear the bad news, I would have waited!

10-04-2006, 03:05 AM
But there's no point in waiting around, he would've probably just told me to F'off.

I will say this again... Did you not know that you had a Mini crobar like instrument below your trunk carpet?
(lol its not to ding his car, thats very cruel and aweful...its for his noggin hahaha)

10-06-2006, 09:10 PM
there is a DIY for this sort of thing but if not done right it could damage the paint

Caution if you attempt this do not blame me for damaged paint if done wrong. I warned you and gave you this suggestion. Personally i have been to nervous to try it myself
You will need
1)ice cubes
2)hair dryer

Take the ice cubes put it on your dent and really let it get cold causing the metal to shrink then carefully with the hairdryer CAREFULLY put heat to it not to much just enough to let the metal heat up and pop theat dent right out

if anybody has enough guts to try good luck and let me know how it turns out if you try it. i would like to do my ding aswell
good luck


10-07-2006, 04:12 AM
who's gonna be the http://images.bestwebbuys.com/muze/books/32/0764583832.jpg

10-07-2006, 12:20 PM
Not me :S if it was in a different spot maybe but the ding is right in the middle of the door.

I could see that working, how well, i dunno.

10-07-2006, 12:48 PM
there is a DIY for this sort of thing but if not done right it could damage the paint

Caution if you attempt this do not blame me for damaged paint if done wrong. I warned you and gave you this suggestion. Personally i have been to nervous to try it myself
You will need
1)ice cubes
2)hair dryer

Take the ice cubes put it on your dent and really let it get cold causing the metal to shrink then carefully with the hairdryer CAREFULLY put heat to it not to much just enough to let the metal heat up and pop theat dent right out

if anybody has enough guts to try good luck and let me know how it turns out if you try it. i would like to do my ding aswell
good luck


Tempting... but... napes.

10-11-2006, 12:42 AM
my car got 2 dings too..... my dad's car got 1 so far.... sigh*

10-11-2006, 10:34 AM


*grabs bottle of scotch*

While coming back to Toronto from a wonderful thanksgiving weekend at home, I'm in the left lane doing maybe 130 (traffic) no trucks around and I'm just passing by Milton (20mins west of TO). ANYWAY, I'm driving along then for one second I revert my glance to the stereo when I hear *CLANK* and look up just in time to see a yellowish object flying at an angle that meant it definitly hit my hood.

So I think nothing of it and figure great another stone chip.

*takes gulp of scotch, cringes*

I get to my place and start unloading the car with thanksgiving left overs and winter clothes when I spot the hood, shiney from the wash a tenderly gave it on monday. BUT WHATS THIS? I see a ding small, but dented. On the front of my hood. Apparently this rock (I think it was a bolt) was so strong that it dinged my hood, and not only that scratched the paint (actually chipped it) right down to the bare metal.

So I could be more pissed but I figure, now I'll get two dents removed and it will be more worth it, and as for the paint chip we all know we're gonna have to repaint the front of our mazda's at one point because of all the chipping and pitting.


carry on...

10-11-2006, 10:41 AM
Wow, sucks to hear but that's not unheard of when doing long distance driving. I was on my way to work during this past summer going north on the 404 with the windows down. There was one truck in front of me but it was way ahead so I didn't think anything of it (there were at least 3-4 cars between me and the truck). All of a sudden I hear a really loud bang and this rock the side of a quarter lands on my dashboard. When I got to work and parked I figured out that the rock had hit the inside of the B pillar (denting the piece and chipping the paint), the rock then ricocheted (sp) forwards, hit my windshield and put a very small nick in that, finally landing on the dash!

I'm just glad the thing didn't hit me cause it could've been bad.

10-11-2006, 10:44 AM
Wow, that is lucky it didn't hit you!

My dad made a good comment to me...."you know that deflector you took off would have prevented this"

*Looks at deflector, contimplates*


*seriously thinks about it*

10-11-2006, 10:50 AM
I don't know.. Unibrow > Dents. but it would probably crack the brow.

10-11-2006, 11:09 AM
there's only so much (little) that the unibrow will protect..

i have the clear bra and i have stone chips a centimeter above where the bra ends.. *sigh* .. meh.. it's just a car..

10-11-2006, 11:45 AM
my hood is dent free because of the unibrow,
i am pretty sure it just deflects stones to my windshield . .
but meh!

(well there are some dents, but that is from the improper install of the deflector, thanks to the knobs at Ontario Mazda)