View Full Version : HID Install Cost

10-24-2006, 02:56 PM
Can someone tell me the cost to install a set of HID's? Would you guys recommend going through LOCKDOWN?

10-24-2006, 03:03 PM
Yep I went to Lockdown. They did it in an hour and a half. Amazing guys. Nice, fast & no problems a year later. Think I paid approx $425 for the lights, the ind fog mod & install. I can't find the invoice...

10-24-2006, 03:07 PM
Lockdown is the place to go for HID install
mainly because they have done so many club cars, that they know how to do it properly. They will know about the common mods (such as the independant fog mod) whereas other shops might not do that for you or even do not know what it is not to mention doing it right.

I believe Lockdown warranties their labour (for how long i forget right now) was it 3yrs or lifetime?

People have also done it at Jake Tech with mixed reviews whereas Lockdown generally gets good reviews.

The install you are looking at 100, i think. 150 with the independant fogs? I

10-25-2006, 02:25 AM
i thought everybody install HID by themself....
havent see anyone pay to install them as i was initially looking someone to install for me and willing to pay, but finally after read many how-to guide, installed it myself.

10-25-2006, 05:34 AM
What's all entailed in installing HID's? It can't be THAT hard.

10-25-2006, 07:57 AM
Reading through Devin's instructions, it's not that difficult...if you want to run your HID all of the time while the key is in the ignition. Now if you want to add the DRL bypass and the independent foglight mod, that's were things can get complicated. If you don't have either the skill, equipment or the "guts" to attempt these two mods, it's best to let a professional do it instead.

10-25-2006, 08:16 AM
The install isn't terribly difficult, but I still paid Lockdown to do both of our cars. I didn't care for the idea of sitting out in the cold underground of my condo with limited light and tools for three hours so I just paid to have it done.

10-25-2006, 08:24 AM
The install isn't terribly difficult, but I still paid Lockdown to do both of our cars.* I didn't care for the idea of sitting out in the cold underground of my condo with limited light and tools for three hours so I just paid to have it done.

But installs are half the fun! :)

10-25-2006, 08:57 AM
Under the right circumstances, yes, otherwise not so much ;)

10-25-2006, 09:03 AM
The install isn't terribly difficult, but I still paid Lockdown to do both of our cars. I didn't care for the idea of sitting out in the cold underground of my condo with limited light and tools for three hours so I just paid to have it done.

But installs are half the fun! :)

You can say that again. ;)

10-25-2006, 10:45 AM
I didn't have the kit and it was a package deal. I figured why not... I would rather pay them to do it in 1 hour than for myself to fiddle with it and possibly break something in 4 hours. :)

10-25-2006, 11:25 AM
I didn't have the kit and it was a package deal. I figured why not... I would rather pay them to do it in 1 hour than for myself to fiddle with it and possibly break something in 4 hours. :)

You can look at it this way too. If "you" break somthing then you know, if the "other" guy breaks something you won't find out until later on. Just ask blue_dragon about what happened to his main engine harness.

10-25-2006, 03:26 PM
I didn't have the kit and it was a package deal.* I figured why not... I would rather pay them to do it in 1 hour than for myself to fiddle with it and possibly break something in 4 hours.* :)

You can look at it this way too.* If "you" break somthing then you know, if the "other" guy breaks something you won't find out until later on.* Just ask blue_dragon about what happened to his main engine harness.

suddenly loosing all power and unable to restart is not fun at stoplights.

10-25-2006, 03:50 PM
One tiny wire in his main harness was somehow dislodged during an HID install causing his car to intermittantly shut off.

10-25-2006, 07:53 PM
One tiny wire in his main harness was somehow dislodged during an HID install causing his car to intermittantly shut off.

Damn.* Yes... You are right.* It is better to know in advance.* Eeeek.

I always worry about stuff I haven't tackled before. Stereo installs... no prob. Hid's I wouldn't even know where to start...

10-26-2006, 09:17 AM
Damn. Yes... You are right. It is better to know in advance. Eeeek.

I always worry about stuff I haven't tackled before. Stereo installs... no prob. Hid's I wouldn't even know where to start...

The point I was trying to make was that he paid someone to install the kit and "the shop" ****ed up the wire. Luckily I'm a nice guy and helped him get a new engine harness.

10-26-2006, 12:14 PM
you can pay me and i will install them
there easy

10-27-2006, 10:00 AM
HID install is really easy, but if you want to pay someone to do it, I recommend Lockdown. If you get them from Devin, I think you can also pay him to install them.

10-27-2006, 05:22 PM
ahhh lockdown...
nice shop....im done with their buisness tho...

10-27-2006, 06:09 PM
ahhh lockdown...
nice shop....im done with their buisness tho...

umm what happened? i thought you gave them 6/5 stars each time..

10-27-2006, 06:09 PM
Damn. Yes... You are right. It is better to know in advance. Eeeek.

I always worry about stuff I haven't tackled before. Stereo installs... no prob. Hid's I wouldn't even know where to start...

The point I was trying to make was that he paid someone to install the kit and "the shop" ****ed up the wire. Luckily I'm a nice guy and helped him get a new engine harness.

Oh totally... I understand the point you were making. :( Was it at lockdown?

ahhh lockdown...
nice shop....im done with their buisness tho...

Why what happened?

10-28-2006, 12:49 PM
umm what happened? i thought you gave them 6/5 stars each time..

Let's just say his headlights resemble an aquarium. :D

10-28-2006, 01:48 PM
oy vey!

10-29-2006, 06:48 PM
and my screen hasn't worked for i don't know how long now..
its not worth my drive out there....

10-29-2006, 09:03 PM
and my screen hasn't worked for i don't know how long now..
its not worth my drive out there....

hmm is lockdown getting dissapointing?

10-30-2006, 09:52 AM
I think the problem with Lockdown is they got too big so Jeff had to hire help, and it's hard to find good help.

10-30-2006, 09:34 PM
i would be glad to do hid installs very easy.
depending on if you have an aftermarket alarm then you will need a relay.
1)because the alarm will flash your xenons when unlocking and locking if you tap in to the amber lights wire
depending on if you want drls then there are several ways of making different drl possibilities
1)indy fog mod (i heard there are some issues with that though)
2)Fogs with a seperate switch
3)amber outer lights
Let me know what you want and i will help you out

10-31-2006, 01:16 AM
I think the problem with Lockdown is they got too big so Jeff had to hire help, and it's hard to find good help.

No issues with Jeff, Chad, or Steve working on my car. Most of that shop has been there for a while and has a TON of experience. I am going back soon.:)


10-31-2006, 07:41 AM
I think the problem with Lockdown is they got too big so Jeff had to hire help, and it's hard to find good help.*

No issues with Jeff, Chad, or Steve working on my car.* Most of that shop has been there for a while and has a TON of experience.* I am going back soon.:)


glad to know and lucky for you :) Me too so far, doesnt discount the fact that others have been burned. If i were you I wouldnt be to upbeat sounds like russian roulette to me.

10-31-2006, 08:00 AM
guys im not dissing lockdown in ANY way
they aer GREAT people to deal with, don't read into what i said the wrong way.....

its just a personal thing wiht me...and the hour drive to teh shop is also discouraging

10-31-2006, 08:57 AM
I used Lockdown for the HID install in both of our 3's and we have had absolutely no problems with either. Having said that, if I were in Bubba's shoes and lived out in KW, I wouldn't make the trek down to T.O. simply as there are plenty of competent shops closer by.

Dvas Romeo
11-02-2006, 10:53 AM
hey all, just wanted to share my comments on this topic. i purchased and had HID's installed by Devin98 yesterday evening. he was great, fast, and efficient...absolutely knew what he was doing the whole way through. and the swearing throughout the 1 1/2 hour install (hands getting knicked, etc.) was quite entertaining! :) give him a shout for great pricing and service!

11-03-2006, 04:42 PM
Hello Everyone

Adam (Bubba) why did you not call us to let us know there was an issue with your screen? I know you are loacted far and it is a hassle but you should have given us a call and let us know that there was a problem. The least we would ask is that we be given a chance to troubleshoot over the phone.

In regards to your angel eyes, that was and has been an ongoing issue with your headlight assembly, but you know as well as anyone you were the FIRST customer to have this done by us, and leakage was something we talked to you about in the beginning. Angel Eye installation is always a risky proposition, in fact a lot of retailers/shops would refuse the work due to the risk, we take it on because we feel we have the qulaifications and the knowledge to do them strictly becasue we have done them in the past before. With your car Adam, it was the first one we EVER di and as such there was and is a learning curve to be expected there.

Adam, I know you meant no harm in this posting or your reply I should say, but it has caused us some harm in that it misleads people here to think that we are negligent in our waork and have damaged your vehicle, and in my opinion that is not what has occured here. I take great pains to ensure that the people who work with me install and relate to the customers in the exact same way or if not better than the way that I install. That is what my job as owner of this business is, to ensure that anybody who has given us the PRIVILEGE, and yes it is a PRIVILEGE in my opinion to work on their investment (car) gets a high quality and professional job from us here at LOCKDOWN. If that does not occur,or the customer feels as though they were mistreated then I ask we be given the chance to at least go over the problem and try and resolve it. We are not here to be *******s or cause anybody who comes to our business any stress or headaches, and if anybody in my company were to be responsible for doing that they would be fired in a heartbeat, regardless of how long they had been with the company.

In regards to our growth as a business, we have not grown too big in any way, we are the same core company we have been since the opening of the business back in 2003 here at our present location. We have definitley expanded into new territories in terms of products etc. as well as other areas of the business, but our values and installation techniques have stayed consistent throughout. The comment about finding good help is right on the money, it is probably one of the most difficult things in this business (as with almost any business) that as an owner I have to contend with. I wear a number of differnt hats here (I am responsible at the end of the day for everything) and I need help a lot of the time with various aspects of the business, but that is a natural part of owning a business. That is why it may not always be me working on a customer's vehicle, but I assure you my installers are trained and always proficient in what they do, otherwise they do not work here at LOCKDOWN.

I embrace the forums as an awesome way to advertise our business and provide a helpful service to the browsers of the forum, but it can be a detriment sometimes when people post things that can be taken out of context and cause harm to the reputation we have diligently tried very hard to maintain and build.

With that I ask that if you are going to post a negative post about ANYONE, not just us, please realise the power of that post and the harm it can do before posting if you have not had a chance to contact the person or business you are posting about.

Adam (Bubba) I will be giving you a call and will arrange for us to get together IN KITCHENER to solve the problems you are having. This will done FREE OF CHARGE, using our new mobile LOCKDOWN installation service.'


Jeff Bates
LOCKDOWN Enterprises Inc.

11-03-2006, 04:55 PM
as soon as i seen your name on the baords, i knew this was gonna cause something

as i said, i have NO problem with the lockdown shop guys...they ARE a great shop, period. Jeff is great, Period. His Staff are excellent, Period. They have gone the length for me for my products with them, Period.
they are great....****, they even supplied lunch to me and even my g/f on occasions....let me sit in their shop during installs, and ive gone for canadian tire runs with their staff (what shop allows you to have such personal contact with their workers liek that)

they are just far away from me (as i choose to deal with them myself willingly, knowing the distance beforehand)

all this said, i wasn't about to cause bad blood FOR lockdown, they don't deserve that. i wasn't about to cause bad blood with ME and lockdown, they don't deserve that.

As for your offer, thats totally your perogative, as its yoru time out of a day to come this way if you choose. I do not have a garage here, so you would be at teh cold weathers mercy.

to summarize guys...go to lockdown!!

11-03-2006, 05:07 PM
Adam (Bubba) I will be giving you a call and will arrange for us to get together IN KITCHENER to solve the problems you are having. This will done FREE OF CHARGE, using our new mobile LOCKDOWN installation service.'

Wow, now thats service.

Must be something that comes with the first name... ;)

11-03-2006, 07:08 PM
Hello Everyone

Adam, my post was not directed only towards you, I was addressing some parts of it towards you but the main aspect of it was directed towards everyone:). In terms of the whole situation here, as I had said there was, is and will never be bad blood or ill will towards you Adam, I just want to ensure that your vehicle and the mods we perform on it are working properly.

The rest of the post though was to try and clear the air to let people know they should always give the chance for the person or business they are going to post feedback (negative or positive) about, to resolve or address the problem and make it right.

That said, people should always research where they take their vehicles to throughly and make sure they feel comfortable with that place of business working on their car.


Jeff Bates
LOCKDOWN Enterprises Inc.

11-04-2006, 02:00 AM
I can vouch for Lockdown and their customer service. I had some work done on my car this past summer and Jeff was great. I was quoted $50 for one hour of work but since it only took 45 min, Jeff actually charged me appropriately. Eventho it was only a few bucks off, I really appreciate how fair and honest Jeff was being. :)

I'd definitely take my car again.

11-04-2006, 07:27 AM
Hello Everyone

Adam, my post was not directed only towards you, I was addressing some parts of it towards you but the main aspect of it was directed towards everyone:). In terms of the whole situation here, as I had said there was, is and will never be bad blood or ill will towards you Adam, I just want to ensure that your vehicle and the mods we perform on it are working properly.

The rest of the post though was to try and clear the air to let people know they should always give the chance for the person or business they are going to post feedback (negative or positive) about, to resolve or address the problem and make it right.

That said, people should always research where they take their vehicles to throughly and make sure they feel comfortable with that place of business working on their car.


Jeff Bates
LOCKDOWN Enterprises Inc.

phew, that puts me at ease then...

maybe after christmas ill venture back to have a look at the screen...cost isn't an issue really....jus want it working...

11-17-2006, 12:26 PM
I bought the kid from lockdown and got it installed there. They're really professional and have good service.

11-17-2006, 12:38 PM
I bought the kid from lockdown and got it installed there. They're really professional and have good service.

so they are involved in that business now too?? ;)

11-25-2006, 07:15 PM
We run a thriving kid business right now, we have kids starting from $300 :):):), we're thinking of putting kids on sale next week too:)


LOCKDOWN Enterprises Inc.

11-26-2006, 05:13 PM
We run a thriving kid business right now, we have kids starting from $300 :):):), we're thinking of putting kids on sale next week too:)


LOCKDOWN Enterprises Inc.


11-29-2006, 11:03 AM
I am going to be going to LOCKDOWN to get the Prolumen HID Kit installed, hopefully today.

I am stuck between the 5000k or 6000k. Any recommendations?

11-29-2006, 11:07 AM
I am going to be going to LOCKDOWN to get the Prolumen HID Kit installed, hopefully today.

I am stuck between the 5000k or 6000k.* Any recommendations?

I personally recommend the 6000K, it is a very nice white/blue.

If you want the best light output but do not really care about the colour then 5000K is good for your white with a hint of blue.


11-30-2006, 09:30 AM
I finally got HID's!! I got the Prolumen 6000k with the indy fogs. Installed @ Lockdown. I give them props.

Who can recommend a good fog light bulb to match the Prolumen 6000k?