View Full Version : OEM Seat Heaters
Is it possible to buy the OEM seat heater elements (both front seats), switches & panel for a 2004 Mazda 3? I would like a nice warm butt this year. I understand it may be a bit cheaper to go aftermarket... But I would prefer it to look/be OEM.
^I'm interested aswell.
10-25-2006, 04:13 AM
well theres no OEM, unless you are refering to OEM buttons, the only mazda 3 which come with OEM facotry seat heaters is the sp23 in the US> correct me anyone else if I am wrong. the buttons for those are rectangular.. side by side and installed i think above your ashtray area... you can get those I think from one of the online dealers on the mazda3 forums. those are for the switches.. now... as for the heaters themselves you can get them online from ebay or some websites do a searh on the mazda3 forums i posted some info a long time ago. Those come with pretty nice switches depending on the type can have on and off or high and low and off. those are usually circular buttons, set to middle for off and top for high or low for btm or top.
they can be mounted anywhere need drilling, i have seen pictures posted for installs looks very pro.
10-25-2006, 05:32 AM
well theres no OEM, unless you are refering to OEM buttons, the only mazda 3 which come with OEM facotry seat heaters is the sp23 in the US> correct me anyone else if I am wrong. the buttons for those are rectangular.. side by side and installed i think above your ashtray area... you can get those I think from one of the online dealers on the mazda3 forums. those are for the switches.. now... as for the heaters themselves you can get them online from ebay or some websites do a searh on the mazda3 forums i posted some info a long time ago. Those come with pretty nice switches depending on the type can have on and off or high and low and off. those are usually circular buttons, set to middle for off and top for high or low for btm or top.
they can be mounted anywhere need drilling, i have seen pictures posted for installs looks very pro.
I believe that you are incorrect. Seat heaters were an option for the 2006 Mazda 3 models. It was part of the leather package.
Also, for 2007, seat heaters are available for almost all 2007 models in cloth too.
10-25-2006, 08:12 AM
well theres no OEM, unless you are refering to OEM buttons, the only mazda 3 which come with OEM facotry seat heaters is the sp23 in the US> correct me anyone else if I am wrong. the buttons for those are rectangular.. side by side and installed i think above your ashtray area... you can get those I think from one of the online dealers on the mazda3 forums. those are for the switches.. now... as for the heaters themselves you can get them online from ebay or some websites do a searh on the mazda3 forums i posted some info a long time ago. Those come with pretty nice switches depending on the type can have on and off or high and low and off. those are usually circular buttons, set to middle for off and top for high or low for btm or top.
they can be mounted anywhere need drilling, i have seen pictures posted for installs looks very pro.
I believe that you are incorrect.* Seat heaters were an option for the 2006 Mazda 3 models.* It was part of the leather package.
Also, for 2007, seat heaters are available for almost all 2007 models in cloth too.
We all know he is incorrect.
Here are the part numbers you guys are looking for.;boardseen#new
10-25-2006, 10:17 AM
well theres no OEM, unless you are refering to OEM buttons, the only mazda 3 which come with OEM facotry seat heaters is the sp23 in the US> correct me anyone else if I am wrong. the buttons for those are rectangular.. side by side and installed i think above your ashtray area... you can get those I think from one of the online dealers on the mazda3 forums. those are for the switches.. now... as for the heaters themselves you can get them online from ebay or some websites do a searh on the mazda3 forums i posted some info a long time ago. Those come with pretty nice switches depending on the type can have on and off or high and low and off. those are usually circular buttons, set to middle for off and top for high or low for btm or top.
they can be mounted anywhere need drilling, i have seen pictures posted for installs looks very pro.
I believe that you are incorrect.* Seat heaters were an option for the 2006 Mazda 3 models.* It was part of the leather package.
Also, for 2007, seat heaters are available for almost all 2007 models in cloth too.
We all know he is incorrect.
Here are the part numbers you guys are looking for.;boardseen#new
I didnt say I was correct :) Plus I was talking more about aftermarket as a better option. stop being bitchy. Having read the link you posted OEM doesnt seem like a great option anyways.
Cardinal Fang
10-25-2006, 10:30 AM
I believe that you are incorrect.
Seat heaters were an option for the 2006 Mazda 3 models. It was part of the leather package.
Also, for 2007, seat heaters are available for almost all 2007 models in cloth too.
I got that package in my 2006 and I love it. Having driven a car with seat warmers I wanted them so bad. My only complaint is the setting. It's either on or off. There is no high or low setting. It's either off or ball scorching when it works up to the temperature. Whose ur dadd commented about this when he had his Mazda6.
well theres no OEM, unless you are refering to OEM buttons, the only mazda 3 which come with OEM facotry seat heaters is the sp23 in the US> correct me anyone else if I am wrong. the buttons for those are rectangular.. side by side and installed i think above your ashtray area... you can get those I think from one of the online dealers on the mazda3 forums. those are for the switches.. now... as for the heaters themselves you can get them online from ebay or some websites do a searh on the mazda3 forums i posted some info a long time ago. Those come with pretty nice switches depending on the type can have on and off or high and low and off. those are usually circular buttons, set to middle for off and top for high or low for btm or top.
they can be mounted anywhere need drilling, i have seen pictures posted for installs looks very pro.
I believe that you are incorrect. Seat heaters were an option for the 2006 Mazda 3 models. It was part of the leather package.
Also, for 2007, seat heaters are available for almost all 2007 models in cloth too.
We all know he is incorrect.
Here are the part numbers you guys are looking for.;boardseen#new
Perfect thank you everyone... Thanks RedRaptor for the link. Jdanielsg, thanks for your help... but I really want to stay away from aftermarket if I can. Maybe I will go aftermarket and just buy the factory mazda switch plate above the ashtray.
10-25-2006, 12:53 PM
JOE.. hook us up with discounted pricing and some wiring diagrams.. i'm in for this shit!
GB? Group install?
10-25-2006, 03:11 PM
I would be in for the GB, not sure about the install.
10-25-2006, 03:51 PM
Will look into the parts involved and post up something very shortly. ;)
10-25-2006, 05:56 PM
Will look into the parts involved and post up something very shortly. ;)
thx bro!!!!!! ;)
10-25-2006, 06:24 PM
well theres no OEM, unless you are refering to OEM buttons, the only mazda 3 which come with OEM facotry seat heaters is the sp23 in the US> correct me anyone else if I am wrong. the buttons for those are rectangular.. side by side and installed i think above your ashtray area... you can get those I think from one of the online dealers on the mazda3 forums. those are for the switches.. now... as for the heaters themselves you can get them online from ebay or some websites do a searh on the mazda3 forums i posted some info a long time ago. Those come with pretty nice switches depending on the type can have on and off or high and low and off. those are usually circular buttons, set to middle for off and top for high or low for btm or top.
they can be mounted anywhere need drilling, i have seen pictures posted for installs looks very pro.
I believe that you are incorrect.* Seat heaters were an option for the 2006 Mazda 3 models.* It was part of the leather package.
Also, for 2007, seat heaters are available for almost all 2007 models in cloth too.
We all know he is incorrect.
Here are the part numbers you guys are looking for.;boardseen#new
Perfect thank you everyone... Thanks RedRaptor for the link.* Jdanielsg, thanks for your help... but I really want to stay away from aftermarket if I can.* Maybe I will go aftermarket and just buy the factory mazda switch plate above the ashtray.
I understand where you are going with this no aftermarket thing LOL ask flip.. he knows I buy almost everything original I am prob the only one or one of a few to buy 150 original chrome door handles..
:) ultimately its up to you but like what fang said its only on and off, the good aftermarket ones have 2 settings high and low and katzkin sells them I think or some other company.. aftermarket doesnt mean bad... depending on what issues you are looking at unless you get mazda to install the mazda ones for you warranty would be an issue too..
the buttons for the so called aftermarket ones look pretty stock 'like" do check it out on the mazda3 forums. see what you think before you decide in the end.. but seriously I just thought about doing the same thing you did no joke even before you LOL but then I thought about the setting only on and off and etc.. I said bleh whatever if its good quality and proven its all that matters. so do take a looksy at the other fourms before u decide.
i am definitely getting seat warmers when I go leather, good luck and od post follow ups
10-25-2006, 07:39 PM
I buy almost everything original I am prob the only one or one of a few to buy 150 original chrome door handles..
We know how "special" you are...and we have no comment. :-X
Will look into the parts involved and post up something very shortly. ;)
Thanks everyone & Flip. This is something I have wanted to do for 2 years now :)
10-25-2006, 08:01 PM
I buy almost everything original I am prob the only one or one of a few to buy 150 original chrome door handles..
We know how "special" you are...and we have no comment. :-X
I know how you envy me :)
10-25-2006, 08:13 PM
I buy almost everything original I am prob the only one or one of a few to buy 150 original chrome door handles..
We know how "special" you are...and we have no comment. :-X
I know how you envy me :)
You got it cowboy* ;)* I would love those JDM Chrome handles on my car.* Planning to part them out soon for $400?* Let me know if you decide to. Thanks.
10-26-2006, 12:55 AM
If a group of you were to buy them i would like to take the responsibility of installing them. I have everything i need to get them installed. But installation would have to take place on weekends
If some of you dont know i have done this to my car
here are some sample pics of aftermarket retrofit leather kit and aftermarket retrofit seat heaters i installed with a friend in 7-12 hours for the whole car
Hope those pics are clear enough
let me know what you guys think and we can go from there
10-26-2006, 01:05 AM
If a group of you were to buy them i would like to take the responsibility of installing them. I have everything i need to get them installed. But installation would have to take place on weekends
let me know what you guys think and we can go from there
i'd soooooooooo have to take you up on this offer.. sabio.. saaaabiooo.. don't you do this stuff too? :)
Dan, how long would it take to do just the fronts (heaters) - non leather seats?
Joe, you're killing me.. PRICES FOR THE PART NUMBERS!! pronto! ;D jk.. take your time.. as long as they are ready for 2mr before i get to work.. :P j/k
10-26-2006, 01:06 AM
If a group of you were to buy them i would like to take the responsibility of installing them. I have everything i need to get them installed. But installation would have to take place on weekends
If some of you dont know i have done this to my car
here are some sample pics of aftermarket retrofit leather kit and aftermarket retrofit seat heaters i installed with a friend in 7-12 hours for the whole car*
Hope those pics are clear enough
let me know what you guys think and we can go from there
see thats exactly what I am talking about hehe the high and low buttons. Looks pretty good. Nice job.
10-26-2006, 01:20 AM
If a group of you were to buy them i would like to take the responsibility of installing them. I have everything i need to get them installed. But installation would have to take place on weekends
let me know what you guys think and we can go from there
i'd soooooooooo have to take you up on this offer.. sabio.. saaaabiooo.. don't you do this stuff too? :)
Dan, how long would it take to do just the fronts (heaters) - non leather seats?
Joe, you're killing me.. PRICES FOR THE PART NUMBERS!! pronto! ;D jk.. take your time.. as long as they are ready for 2mr before i get to work.. :P j/k
If i were to put time on it i would say minnimum 1 hour maximum 1.5 hours per seat, and probably another 1-2 hours for wiring and switch install. So in total anywhere between 4-5 hours. The downside is the job has to be done on a day weekend and i am also not able to get you a loaner car if you need to go somewhere. What must also be taken in to consideration is i would only be able to get 1 car in per day. If you would like to know a price for the install i am thinking of please pm me
10-26-2006, 01:21 AM
see thats exactly what I am talking about hehe the high and low buttons. Looks pretty good. Nice job.
Thanks alot anymore questions feel free to ask
10-26-2006, 05:38 AM
So this can be easily done on the OEM cloth seats with no issues? (My biggest fear is it burning the seats)
Do you have instructions on how to install these things? I would rather do it myself (that's half the fun).
10-26-2006, 09:34 AM
So this can be easily done on the OEM cloth seats with no issues?* (My biggest fear is it burning the seats)
Do you have instructions on how to install these things?* I would rather do it myself (that's half the fun).
searching seat heaters on the mazda 3 forums brings up a few threads some with detailed pics of the install. The man is trying to make a lilttle money I think it is a bit defeating the purpose to ask him to tell us how to do it.( no offense) But there are some threads on the mazda 3 forums.
10-26-2006, 10:07 AM
Well I see no issues with posting a how-to. People will still want to pay someone to do it because they are not up to the task. I just read install instructions on the other site. Sounds like fun!
10-26-2006, 10:12 AM
Well I see no issues with posting a how-to.* People will still want to pay someone to do it because they are not up to the task.* I just read install instructions on the other site.* Sounds like fun!
yups there was on thread that showed how the wires line up etc.. Probably need like a drill which cuts out holes.... whatever you call them like a cylinder kind of thing to make proper and nice fitting holes for the buttons.
10-26-2006, 11:07 AM
Well I see no issues with posting a how-to. People will still want to pay someone to do it because they are not up to the task. I just read install instructions on the other site. Sounds like fun!
link pls :)
10-26-2006, 11:25 AM
10-26-2006, 12:05 PM
shit.. no pix there tho..
10-26-2006, 02:18 PM
Depending on price I'd likely be in for one set too.
If the price is right I'd be interested too. I was checking on the net a few weeks ago and I came across this site: I sent them an email and they said their seat heaters are $69.95 CAD each + shipping. I would rather get something local though, in case there is a problem its easier to deal with.
10-30-2006, 10:29 PM
So this can be easily done on the OEM cloth seats with no issues?* (My biggest fear is it burning the seats)
Do you have instructions on how to install these things?* I would rather do it myself (that's half the fun).
Sorry for the late reply ive been busy lately and then i lost track of the thread
in order to install them yourself you must remove the seats from the car the driver side has 4 14mm screws. The passenger side has 4 14's holdin g the chair down and 1 more holding in the seatbelt. then continue on removing all the wiring underneath the seat and pull out the seats
There will be 4x12mm screws underneath that remove the bottom seat peice. Unclip the back part of the cloth an cut the hogrings holding the cloth to the foam. install the elements by either gluing them on or if oem retrofit sow them on the cloth. For the chair backing you must remove the headrests and then remove the headrest sliders that go inside the seats at the top. Again cut out all of the hog rings install the heating element and reinstall the cloth/or leather with hog rings.
Hog rings are avaiulable at any dealer and they retail for like 5-10 cents each. They are very cheap but you need to go and buy hogring pliers. I checked out Canadian tire but they dont have them so i will be contacting mac tools or snap on or somebody to see if i could get ahold of one.
the work was alot of fun but it is a pain in the but
maybe that helps out a bit
MAZDA Kitten
11-01-2006, 12:17 PM
I am happy with my seat warmer with 3 settings from Canadian Tire for $9.99 :D
Thats a lot of work and $$$ for oem look
11-01-2006, 12:24 PM
I am happy with my seat warmer with 3 settings from Canadian Tire for $9.99 :D
Thats a lot of work and $$$ for oem look
9.99 ? thats cheap, you mean the lay over the seat things? If you have pics or links just so we can all see it would be great. I had one from obus forme some seat warmer massage thing but it was bulky and I returned it.
MAZDA Kitten
11-01-2006, 12:56 PM
Yeah no problem! I'll take some pics - it just black so its no big deal and the way i see it.. it protects my seat too
They have massaging PLUS HEAT ones now for $19.99 on sale at CANADIAN TIRE
I've had mine for 2 winters - its so mint. I have no complaints. Lowest setting gets so toasty
11-02-2006, 05:38 AM
its so mint.
Do the kids still use that word? ;D
Flip-Diddy - hook us up with some prices!
Wild Weasel
11-03-2006, 03:55 PM
I've had aftermarket warmers in my car for the past 5 years now and have been 100% happy with them. I highly recommend going this route rather than trying to retrofit OEM ones in.
As mentioned, having a high and low setting makes a big difference, as does having both seat and back heaters. Not sure about the 3 but the RSX has only a seat heater, without the back heated and has only one setting.
I use "ball burning" to get them to warm up quickly and then, when I start to feel like I've crapped my pants, switch them to "toasty" for the rest of the ride.
They weren't cheap back then but I'm sure the price has come down. Back then they were around $300 per seat.
Cardinal Fang
11-03-2006, 04:02 PM
As mentioned, having a high and low setting makes a big difference, as does having both seat and back heaters. Not sure about the 3 but the RSX has only a seat heater, without the back heated and has only one setting.
My version came with both the seat and back warmers. For those of you with lower back problems.... it rocks! I would love to know if there is a way of putting in a dual heated setting (high and low) on the existing oem heating setup.
Did anything turn up from this idea in terms of what it would cost?
11-11-2006, 07:47 PM
Did anything turn up from this idea in terms of what it would cost?
For installation I am looking @ 300$ for both front seats and all electrical installed.
Customer must supply parts(aftermarket or oem up to you), their own mode of transportation for the day(sorry everybody i dont have a waiting lounge in my house my parents would kill me for it) Cash, cheque or paypal (sorry no visa only through paypal)
Thats my price and those are my conditions dont want to be rude but i have to let people know what they are getting in to
Did anything turn up from this idea in terms of what it would cost?
For installation I am looking @ 300$ for both front seats and all electrical installed.
Customer must supply parts(aftermarket or oem up to you), their own mode of transportation for the day(sorry everybody i dont have a waiting lounge in my house my parents would kill me for it) Cash, cheque or paypal (sorry no visa only through paypal)
Thats my price and those are my conditions dont want to be rude but i have to let people know what they are getting in to
Thank you. You didn't come across as rude... No worries.
Did we get any word on what the OEM parts would cost?
11-12-2006, 01:06 PM
I can find all that out on Monday
ill keep you posted
I can find all that out on Monday
ill keep you posted
Wow thanks... I didn't mean you had to do it for me (& everyone else interested)... But I appreciate it. I was just meaning did anyone know the $ off the top of their head yet.
Thanks again.
11-12-2006, 03:08 PM
I can find all that out on Monday
ill keep you posted*
Wow thanks... I didn't mean you had to do it for me (& everyone else interested)... But I appreciate it.* I was just meaning did anyone know the $ off the top of their head yet.
Thanks again.
Well i figure theres alot of interest and part numbers but no pricing. So i think I might as well look in to it list all the pricing and if there is a big enough demand take the situation to Joe and see if he can give us a group buy option on this. Maybe some sort of price break ;)
11-13-2006, 11:47 PM
still waiting on the reply from Joe for those parts and pricing and he did state over the phone that if enough intrerest is there a price break can be breached.
ill keep you updated when i hear from him
still waiting on the reply from Joe for those parts and pricing and he did state over the phone that if enough intrerest is there a price break can be breached.
ill keep you updated when i hear from him
Thanks for the update... :)
11-17-2006, 05:00 PM
Okay here's what I came up with. Thanks Dan and everyone for your patience.
The elements and switches I can supply but it's the install that's got me worried.
OEM seat heater switches $37.27 each.
Heater elements for the seat bottom $59.67 each.
Heater elements for the seat back $65.00 each.
For a clean OEM look the lower panel above the ashtray where the switches go $60.42 each.
I still think it's cheaper to buy the aftermarket kit and make the OEM switches work than to start from scratch and get all the OEM heating elements. I'm 99.9% certain that you need to buy a whole new floor harness which would run you about $636.47. Who wants to be the first guniea pig?
11-17-2006, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the update Joe. I appreciate it
let the games begin
Yes thanks joe for the update...
11-17-2006, 10:40 PM
I was thinking about this the other day... I've never had seat heaters ever and I never had any problems with the cold. I'm going to chalk this mod up as one that I'll only do if I stumble upon a super-cheap set of heaters.
11-18-2006, 10:14 AM
I was thinking about this the other day...* I've never had seat heaters ever and I never had any problems with the cold.* I'm going to chalk this mod up as one that I'll only do if I stumble upon a super-cheap set of heaters.
Personally i think this is fairly cheap but that is up for you to decide
clicky ( QrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)
11-18-2006, 11:44 AM
Yeah that's cheap. Good find. I'm going to resist buying it though since Christmas is coming up.
Good stuff!
Joe if one were to order the panel that has the oem seat heater switches and buttons... how long would it take to come in?
11-18-2006, 04:08 PM
Yeah that's cheap.* Good find.* I'm going to resist buying it though since Christmas is coming up.
lol i dont blame you
11-19-2006, 02:49 AM
Hey Joe, two things;
Could you give a brief explanation of why we should buy the floor harness? and; are the heater elements for the seat bottom and the seat back prices for each side or the pair? I would think for each but is better ask. Thanks
11-19-2006, 10:35 AM
Hey Joe, two things;
Could you give a brief explanation of why we should buy the floor harness? and; are the heater elements for the seat bottom and the seat back prices for each side or the pair? I would think for each but is better ask. Thanks
I know im not Joe but I can answer those questions
The floor harness was priced out because I asked him to quote all OEM parts. The floor harness was apart of the seat heater system.
The element prices are for each mat not a pair. It does say each behind the prices haha
11-19-2006, 03:43 PM
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