View Full Version : Crazy Pass

10-31-2006, 12:14 PM
Zanardi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywsB65YfLOQ&mode=related&search)

10-31-2006, 02:23 PM
it was a crazy move but I agree with some of the comments made on youtube, he shouldn't have won.
the pass was not clean, he did not beat herta under braking, he overshot the turn and went on the gravel.

In my belief, a clean pass is when you pass someone while all 4 of your tires are on the track (while not running the other guy off the road).

10-31-2006, 04:27 PM
+1, it was a good pass but it wasn't legal. If this were PGR or gran turismo, it'd be awesome, HAHA I passed you! But not in this case.

10-31-2006, 11:36 PM
a pass is a pass, if the officials didn't call it as an illegal pass then its clean and it counts. hard to say what the driver was thinking, it doesnt seam like he was trying to keep it completely on the track because he didnt break hard. but the line he took does show that he intended on passing him the way he did, i do think he should have braked a little more not to get on the dirt as it is dangerous for him in keeping the position, but my call is that its a clean, intended pass.

Cardinal Fang
11-01-2006, 09:24 AM
a pass is a pass, if the officials didn't call it as an illegal pass then its clean and it counts.

Officials can be wrong after all they are only human like the rest of us.

hard to say what the driver was thinking, it doesnt seam like he was trying to keep it completely on the track because he didnt break hard.

But he did break hard. The fact that he "lighted up his front tires" shows the car is breaking very hard. My take on it was that Zinardi just threw his car into the corner and hoped for the best. He's a hero if it works he's condemed if he failed and beached his car.

but the line he took does show that he intended on passing him the way he did, i do think he should have braked a little more not to get on the dirt as it is dangerous for him in keeping the position, but my call is that its a clean, intended pass.

I have to agree. Zinardi clearly had the intention to pass. The problem was that he over shot the corner and this is where my biggest criticism of this ruling is. In order for him to maintain his position in front of the other car he needed to cut the chicane. Had this been done in Formula 1 he would have been forced to give up the position to the other car. Unfortunately, I don't know the rules of Champ Car.

11-01-2006, 10:23 AM
i should have elavorated on "breaking hard" for this case. he did break hard, but not hard enough for the smoke to come out which in my opinion is that it wasnt significant. and as i said, i think he tryed keeping it on the paved shoulder but not on the dirt. anything can happen to the car and the driver once he hits it.

11-01-2006, 10:28 AM
The thing about open wheeled racing (that I sort of admire) is not getting close to each other. If he would have braked as hard as he could or took a driect racing line, they would have touched, possibly taking them both out.

I think he did brake hard enough because he did lock up his brakes, there was tire smoke.

11-01-2006, 10:35 AM
looked at it again, cant see the tire smoke, cant see him locking up, all i can see is a cloud of dust when he goes off the road

Cardinal Fang
11-01-2006, 12:08 PM
My mistake stas. I confused the dirt he kicked up with tire smoke for some reason. You're right...he could have braked harder if he wanted to.