View Full Version : HID: Lockdown

11-06-2006, 08:24 PM
Ok Guys,
I apologize for posting this up, honestly it's really pointless because there are already 4-5 postings on HID's. I have read 2 of them and they are very well detailed. What's most interesting of the two is "Lockdown". From what I know it's somewhere you can go to install HID's and they seem like they do excellent work. Final questions of HID's are; where may I go to get them/who to talk to for them? AND is there a website for Lockdown?
Sorry for posting this up again guys. 1 Reply would be nice for just directions to Lockdown and where to get them.

Ken :-X

11-06-2006, 08:38 PM
Lockdowns website is www.lockdownsecurity.ca. However, they are having site issues. I would recommend calling or e-mailing Jeff Bates,
Jeff Bates
LOCKDOWN Enterprises Inc.
191 Nugget Avenue, Unit # 2
Scarborough, Ontario
M1S 3B1

11-06-2006, 09:03 PM
u can get HIDs from Devin.. if u want to =P

11-06-2006, 09:12 PM
lockdown is the shit, i highly reccommend them!

11-07-2006, 12:46 AM
lockdown is the shit, i highly reccommend them!

They also did a great job on my car. I called 1 week in advance & made an appt. Drove up they had the kit & installed it and 1.5 hours later I was on my way home. Quick & easy.

11-10-2006, 02:45 AM
yea.. they r nice guys.. i got my angel eyes done and the rewiring of my HIDs...

11-10-2006, 07:56 AM
I carry the Prolumen HID kits with the lifetime warranty :)


11-13-2006, 09:39 AM
We're working on a module that will bypass the factory Daytime running light without slicing any wires and also rewire the daytime running light to the highbeam.

Lets keep our finger crossed... we are 80% done..

11-13-2006, 11:23 PM
We're working on a module that will bypass the factory Daytime running light without slicing any wires and also rewire the daytime running light to the highbeam.

Lets keep our finger crossed... we are 80% done..

ooo so it will be like the 07!