View Full Version : Smoked head/tail lights?? Anyone

12-01-2006, 03:07 AM
Just want to get opinions on smoking the lens of the head/tail lights? Anyone done this w/ pictures?

12-01-2006, 07:48 AM
My opinion is that this mod doesn't look good at all.

This is also very illegal, so you are risking harrassment from the cops and lightening your wallet.

Also you are increasing your chance of getting into an accident because the visibility of your lights is lower.

I can't think of any positive reasons to do it.

Wild Weasel
12-01-2006, 07:55 AM
I can think of a reason.

If you happen to own a damned Toyota Highlander with their LED tails that are about the brightness of the sun... then smoked tails are your friend!!

I was behind one of these last night in the rain. The regular tail lights are more than bright enough to be the brake lights and when the brakes or turn signals come on, you're completely blinded!!

Idiots. The goal in taillight design is not to make them as bright as bloody well possible!!


I wholly agree with Scarbro for all of us with cars having normal light output. :D

12-01-2006, 08:31 AM
If you happen to own a damned Toyota Highlander with their LED tails that are about the brightness of the sun... then smoked tails are your friend!!

why would you want to take away ANY light (front or back) is beyond me.. i&#039;d rather have the mofo who just turned around to bitchslap his/her kids see the huge fireball lighting up the kid&#039;s face so he can turn around and react w/o slamming into you..

I was behind one of these last night in the rain. The regular tail lights are more than bright enough to be the brake lights and when the brakes or turn signals come on, you&#039;re completely blinded!!

Idiots. The goal in taillight design is not to make them as bright as bloody well possible!!

but the goal is to warn drivers behind you that you&#039;re braking.. i prefer the blunt "SLOW THE **** DOWN" vs malfunctioning or dim brake lights..

12-01-2006, 08:49 AM
I agree with Majic on this one. I would rather have blinding tail lights than duller ones just because I believe it would make the jerk driving too close behind you stop faster. You are also more visible at distance in those rare situations where thick fog or rain makes it hard to see anything 50 metres in front of the car.

This is the reason why I switched to the brighter 3rd brake light and am keeping my stock turnsignal bulbs in.

Wild Weasel
12-01-2006, 08:55 AM
I&#039;m not sure you guys are getting how bright these lights were. They were nearly the equivilant of someone coming toward you with their high beams on. And I wasn&#039;t following too close.

12-01-2006, 10:45 AM
Don&#039;t do it, it was cool for a second or two a few years back, but even then it looked like ass.

I don&#039;t think the 3 hp you gain with this mod is worth it ::)

12-01-2006, 10:56 AM
Anyone else considering putting HIDs for brake lights/turn signals.. You can never be too safe.

12-01-2006, 12:03 PM
^^ If they come in red Jeff.

I find the FX35/45 infiniti have the brightest freaken brake lights.
But I guess it doesn&#039;t bother me much cause i&#039;ll just slip to the other lane and contrinue my drive.

12-01-2006, 11:00 PM
I&#039;m not sure you guys are getting how bright these lights were.* They were nearly the equivilant of someone coming toward you with their high beams on.* And I wasn&#039;t following too close.

I think you are overreacting. All those factory tails are tested and are approved before they hit the road. I can&#039;t gurantee the same for aftermarket tails. Its a cloudy and dark rainy day...taillights with jumbo LEDs (G35) would have the same affect on you, not just the HighLander ones. I&#039;ve noticed that older cars have very dim tails...I find that way more dangerous.

12-02-2006, 12:07 AM
i don&#039;t mind the smoked tails look, as long as it is not too black,
i agree that taking away light from the back is risky,

i wouldnt do it!

but for our car, if u have the gt tails i think they look good!

02-27-2007, 11:11 PM
I actually saw them on a black hatch just yesterday and they looked sooooooooooooo sweet. I was also skeptical about the "lack of light output" but i saw the brake lights and turn signals and they did show up quite nicely actually. i am pretty sure he had the LED's though cuz the covers were literally pitch black, not just "faded" black.

anyone know where to purchase these?? (didnt get to ask the guy)

02-27-2007, 11:31 PM
I can think of a reason.

If you happen to own a damned Toyota Highlander with their LED tails that are about the brightness of the sun... then smoked tails are your friend!!

I was behind one of these last night in the rain. The regular tail lights are more than bright enough to be the brake lights and when the brakes or turn signals come on, you're completely blinded!!

Idiots. The goal in taillight design is not to make them as bright as bloody well possible!!


I wholly agree with Scarbro for all of us with cars having normal light output. :D

Yea those damn Highlanders! *looks around then drives away in dad's Toyota Highlander*

I never noticed them being so extra ordinarly bright :S

02-28-2007, 10:36 AM
i used to put a film over my taillight. Broli has seen them at one of our monday meets. It was that dark and there was still plenty of light output. If you have a GS like i do and wanna cover up that ugly red on a black mica, then go for it. Im gonna re apply the film this spring. i have been followed by cops but never pulled over for it *knock on wood*

Its all in your personal preference.

02-28-2007, 01:27 PM
Personal preference.

I usually see them on ricer Civics and Cavaliers. ;)

03-01-2007, 08:27 AM
NOTE: These are not my pics. I found them a long time ago - I believe on M3F.
If anyone can find the original thread that's great.

Looks okay but that's purely subjective. I personally wouldn't do it especially to the head lights (as questioned in this thread subject). I like to see and be seen.



03-01-2007, 09:42 AM
Looks okay but that's purely subjective.

+1 I like it, BUT it's purely illegal.

03-01-2007, 04:51 PM
What's up with the Inverted 'mazda" logo?


03-01-2007, 06:26 PM
where did you get the film from??

I hate the GS tails and i really think this would make them alot nicer, but i am not touching the headlights. that wouldnt look right i dont think.

i used to put a film over my taillight. Broli has seen them at one of our monday meets. It was that dark and there was still plenty of light output. If you have a GS like i do and wanna cover up that ugly red on a black mica, then go for it. Im gonna re apply the film this spring. i have been followed by cops but never pulled over for it *knock on wood*

Its all in your personal preference.

03-01-2007, 06:36 PM
What's up with the Inverted 'mazda" logo?

Ya I noticed that too. Weird eh? One thing other people won't run out and mod on their cars too. Ha ha.

03-01-2007, 08:01 PM
it's not inverted.. it's upside down :P

06-04-2007, 05:36 PM
someone in the other thread (that is not locked) mentioned that Tinting Taillights is illegal. But i can't seem to find that anywhere on MTO website. I'm thinking about doing 35% (smoked) so the visibility will still be there as oppose to a < 20% tints (blacked out).

06-04-2007, 06:39 PM

06-04-2007, 08:12 PM
Hope that answers your question