View Full Version : Welcome to TorontoMazda3.ca

12-07-2006, 11:09 PM
Welcome to the site dedicated to Mazda3 car enthusiasts and the TorontoMazda3 Car Club. Although the focus of the club leans towards the Mazda3 and the Mazda family of cars in general we are not exclusive to this. You will find many discussions on other car brands and the occasional joke about them.

Ways you can help TorontoMazda3.ca grow.

Donate to the TorontoMazda3.ca
Buy products that our sponsors have chosen to advertise.
Buy paraphernalia associated with the TorontoMazda3 site and club.
Tell all your friends and if you see someone else with a Mazda3 inform them of our site. Placing of “flyers” on cars is done so at your own risk and is not endorsed by this site.
If a vendor has done what you believe to be an excellent job on your car refer them to our site as a potential sponsor.
Attend the meets held by the TorontoMazda3 Club.
Actively post and contribute to the threads your personal experiences and knowledge of the subjects.Unfortunately, as a “newbie or n00b” as some of us like to say, you have no choice but to start off at the low end of the totem pole. Here you will practice your posting skills and in some cases, make mistakes which will be pointed out to all by the senior members. The ridicule is never personal and is merely a "rite of passage" here and on many boards in the discussion board community. If you stick to the guidelines noted below you will find yourself breezing through your newbie phase where you will join the rest of us in “beating” up the other newbies.

Some Quick Guidelines:

Learn to use the Search Feature. Before posting any questions use the search feature to determine if that question has been asked. If not then you can go ahead and start a new topic.
Remember, no question is a stupid question... unless it's already been asked/answered. Go back to the first point and acquaint yourself with the powerful search feature. (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/search.php)
Read the name and description of different areas and post in the appropriate one. Threads posted in inappropriate areas will be moved or deleted.
Do not get personal in criticism - Stick to the topic.
If you are going to post a link to a site or other forum where there is an answer to the current thread topic please make sure to give credit to the site you’re taking it from and provide the link. The last thing we want is to be accused of stealing content. The same applies to images, videos, news, etc.
Keep shorthand to a minimum: use full words unless it’s meaning is clear. Something like "TTFN" (tah tah for now) may be acceptable in a chatroom, but such abbreviations here might confuse a person who would otherwise reply with the answer to your question. That and it sometimes gives the old timers here the impression that our “edumacation” system sucks. CUFA (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=15599)
Please do not email moderators or members with follow up questions unless invited to do so. Part of the purpose of this forum is to help everyone interested in a subject. When taken off site, the exchange only benefits one person.
NO POST WHORING. Post whoring is “To post on message boards for the sake of posting, to post useless things to raise your post count.” If the moderators determine that this is occurring your posts will be deleted and a subsequent warning would be issued.
Read and become familiar with the Rules and Regulations (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=15597) of this forum.So lets start by making your way here (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=15601) and tell us how you found us then proceed to here (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=93) and introduce yourself to the board.