View Full Version : Modification Friendly Dealerships

12-08-2006, 06:33 PM
Feel free to add the name(s) of any Mazda dealer that is mod friendly (ie, won't void your warranty for having a Mazdaspeed CAI)

If possible, please add a link to a google map of the dealers address.

12-08-2006, 06:33 PM
Mazda of Toronto
6167 Yonge Street
North York, ON M2M 3X2
(416) 642-7777
Map: http://www.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=6167+Yonge+St,+North+York,+ON&ie=UTF8&z=15&om=1&iwloc=addr

12-08-2006, 07:14 PM
Feel free to add the name(s) of any Mazda dealer that is mod friendly (ie, won't void your warranty for having a Mazdaspeed CAI)

If possible, please add a link to a google map of the dealers address.

just to clarify, they MIGHT void your warranty IF that component has caused the problem, eg, if you get CELs and you have a MSP CAI..

12-08-2006, 07:37 PM
just to clarify, they MIGHT void your warranty IF that component has caused the problem, eg, if you get CELs and you have a MSP CAI..

I got you there, however, some dealerships won't do some warranty work even if the mod in question has nothing to do with the issue.... i hear that there are a few dealerships that do this (Oakville Mazda is an example).

12-08-2006, 09:27 PM
Erin Mills Mazda
They gave me a new engine even tho I have a cai.

12-08-2006, 09:48 PM
Erin Mills Mazda
They gave me a new engine even tho I have a cai.

You're engine blew up not too long ago right? I thought I read something about you were driving along and all of a sudden your engine started knocking and banging.

What was it that caused this?

12-09-2006, 12:52 AM
Justin.... If you havent heard the clips... you need to find them! I cant believe how bad it was. Sounded like he was on ONE cylinder... Im happy that they gave him a new engine.... was the least they could do! Good luck with the new engine B-man!

12-09-2006, 12:55 AM
This thread won't be very useful. I've gone to Avante for some major engine problems and got taken care of very well. Fully aware of the aftermarket parts I had that would have directly affected the engine (okay fine, just the darn CAI).

But when a friend took their car in, fully stock, they were treated almost like the street bum who sleeps in the TTC stations.

Just saying, a dealership won't treat Mr. Brown great just because Mr. Smith got grade A service. ;)

12-12-2006, 09:34 PM
ya, i feel like i get the shaft from erin mills mazda and they've had my car since new....granted i didn't buy from them, but they are the only dealership to ever service my car....took me about 5 months of haggering to get a side mirror switched due to their error to begin with...

i wondering what i'm going to do with the bubbling wheels now..

12-12-2006, 09:36 PM
i wondering what i'm going to do with the bubbling wheels now..

ummmm bubbling wheel?!??!?! What kind tires do you have?

12-12-2006, 10:10 PM
You're engine blew up not too long ago right? I thought I read something about you were driving along and all of a sudden your engine started knocking and banging.

What was it that caused this?

Yep. One second was working. Next it sounded like someone banging pots and pans together. Here is the link :)

I still haven't heard back what was wrong.
All they were able to tell me is that when they took the oil filter out chunks of metal came out with it :(


Justin.... If you havent heard the clips... you need to find them! I cant believe how bad it was. Sounded like he was on ONE cylinder... Im happy that they gave him a new engine.... was the least they could do! Good luck with the new engine B-man!

Ya... It was a special day when it went to shit. I sounded like a joke driving home @ crawling speed.

All fixed tho. Works like a charm again :)

ummmm bubbling wheel?!??!?! What kind tires do you have?

Ya almost all of us at the oakville meets (as I am sure 50% of mazda 3 owners have the same issue or will have it) have rims with bubbles all over them... There is a thread somewhere about all this... Makes the rims look like 17" acne rims.

doug E fresh
12-13-2006, 08:53 PM
Yup, same deal with me (bubbling rims). That's why I now have winters on them.