View Full Version : Beaver and Bulldog- Tuesday night wings

12-13-2006, 11:26 AM
ha.. no wonder there are wing meets!!!

yesterday i went to B&B in mississauga to prove that MazdaKITTEN knows eff all about wings.. ;D


so far that place is the best place for wings around the GTA... why???

1. wings are cheap
2. wings come in a shitload of flavours
3. wings are CHEAP
4. wings are pretty big
5. they are cheap!!!

the ONLY downside to that place is it takes a while to get your order so, buy a beer and some snack or just sit and chill with your friends b/c it takes about 30min to get the wings.. i think we ordered 3lbs x2 and then 1lb x2 again..

also, the spiceyness list is .. umm meh.. not so accurate.. the exorcist wings were pretty mild .. i should have ordered a pound to get a prize :D


flavours i've tried in order of best to worst..

1. Buffalo (finger licking goooood)
2. Honey Garlic (aaahh just the right amount of sweetness)
3. Thai (mmmmm good)

--- those 3 i would order again with my eyes closed ---

4. Teryiaki (yummy but does not belong on a wing)
5. Curry (yummy but does not belong on a wing)
6. Naked (surprisingly pretty good)
7. Creole Dijon (a little bit too sweet)
8. Exorcist (not hot enough)
9. Dragon (spicy but with a weird kick)
10. Cajun (tasted very deep fried - like some fastfood)
11. Mesquite BBQ (not a huge fan of the BBQ sauce)
12. Jerk (just not the flavour i was expecting at all)

overall 9/10 only b/c you have to wait a while for the wings to come out!

12-13-2006, 12:06 PM
so is there going to be one more before the holidays?

12-13-2006, 12:12 PM
majic u ass!

why dont u come with us!

now there are no excuse i will be expecting you!!!

about the exorcist!

i can handle hot, and those were deadly the time i had 1!!!
i have noticed that the suicides i usually order have been getting milder!
perhaps there is a new chef, or they dialed down the sauce, cause they were hot as mudda****as b4!

maple bbq is great!!! sweet and delicious, goes well with the suicides
jerk and 3 pepper i didn't like, i think they need to learn what jerk is!
buffalo was not bad! but they are too buttery for my taste, i can handle half a pound of them, a full pound is too much for that flavour for me!

Ami, if u want to go, let me know, i can go next tuesday the 19th, but post it in the wings thread!

12-13-2006, 12:46 PM
I have a friend that ate 2lbs of exorcist and wants to challenge Thomas... Ill wait till my friends come down from uni/college and well have a show down lol!

12-13-2006, 01:05 PM
you crazy mothers.. i thought suicide was hot.

12-13-2006, 01:11 PM
majic u ass!

why dont u come with us!

is that a question or are you yelling at me? :)

i havent come out with you guys b/c every tuesday you guys have gone, i've been busy.. sorry..

now there are no excuse i will be expecting you!!!

about the exorcist!

i can handle hot, and those were deadly the time i had 1!!!
i have noticed that the suicides i usually order have been getting milder!
perhaps there is a new chef, or they dialed down the sauce, cause they were hot as mudda****as b4!

hrmm.. well the other 3 ppl at my table thought they were pretty hot.. lol.. i guess i'm used to spices and hot foods so for me they were like spicy chicken ;)

i'll do my best to show up for a showdown of th exorcist wings :) i hope that last night's flavour was as spicy as it gets b/c then i'll win :D

please keep this in a form of a review not 'when's the next wings meet?'

12-13-2006, 01:18 PM
is that a question or are you yelling at me? :)

i havent come out with you guys b/c every tuesday you guys have gone, i've been busy.. sorry..

hrmm.. well the other 3 ppl at my table thought they were pretty hot.. lol.. i guess i'm used to spices and hot foods so for me they were like spicy chicken ;)

i'll do my best to show up for a showdown of th exorcist wings :) i hope that last night's flavour was as spicy as it gets b/c then i'll win :D

please keep this in a form of a review not 'when's the next wings


Then Maj Shat an Alien ;) make sure you dont do it in your 3! (on a side note... aparently krown Lakeshore cleans mishaps like this for free......)

12-13-2006, 02:47 PM
yeah i was yelling at u majic

u bstd!

well, a showdown of spicy chicken!
i will be there, to watch!


12-13-2006, 03:22 PM

Bout time some more people recognize we dont setup events for nothing.

12-13-2006, 06:39 PM
been coming to these dedicated ever since we started this up on this board (i think about a year now) make the trek from kitchener everytime

big fan of their mesquite and cajun

their new cambridge location opens up in february, you will ALL be forced to come down for ONE wing night in the Waterloo Region

12-14-2006, 12:24 AM
i will be there . . .
looking forward to it!

12-14-2006, 12:17 PM
If it works for me then I will show too.

05-04-2007, 09:03 AM
so i was driving home yesterday and traffic was slow enough on QEW around Dixie..

hungry.. check
thursday.. check
love wings.. check
patio weather.. check

ok off to B&B we go..

honey garlic, buffalo and thai were ordered after a quick check of this tm3 report on my bberry ;)

tried a new flavour, ginger bee, and if you like Chinese food then go for it b/c that is exactly how it tasted.. :)

yeah.. wings were gianormous as always .. a little too hot (temperature wise) at first but that was quickly cured with some Rickard's Red..

oh and for those who are afraid of 50c wing nights being over.. well you're right BUT they are replacing it with the 1/2 price wings, just like on Thursdays.. props to B&B!!! love that place!!! :bana :chuckle

05-04-2007, 10:19 AM
thanks for reposting what i already told you...i wish i could lock your post, hahahah

05-04-2007, 10:32 AM

nice bubbs!

05-04-2007, 10:46 AM
thanks for reposting what i already told you...i wish i could lock your post, hahahah

i was like 99% sure that i linked back to your post.. effin slow TM3!!! :flaming :complain :bang

bah.. here (http://torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?p=177649#306)

eat shit :chuckle

05-04-2007, 10:51 AM
i still want a limited lock button LOL