View Full Version : 2nd Annual Inter-Club Meet - Location: Likely Montreal

01-05-2007, 10:53 AM
It is time to start preparations for the 2nd Annual Battle for the Capital. For those who don't know what this meet is about; it is an event jointly held between the torontomazda3 club, the ottawa mazda club and the mazda3quebec club.

We are in the preliminary phases of preparation. stage one is date!

so this poll is to see who may be interested in which days!

01-05-2007, 11:50 AM
judjing by the way everything unfolded last year...i dont see a dire need to start soo early in teh year as we thought about it last year. It went off without a hitch last year, and im pretty sure by word of mouth it was a great success ( as we all know it was) and that its by no means going to be forgotten this year.

01-05-2007, 11:56 AM
Yah I agree with Bub's, its going to be beating a dead horse. last time the date didn't get set because a few reasons. If people are going to come they will have enough notice when it is. Interested days really dont tell us anything because we had 30 votes or so for last years and guess who showed...

i'd give it until late feb early march to start the talks. Maybe a poll regarding whether we should move it around or not would be a better place to start. Has anyone discussed that option? We threw the idea around last year and people liked it.

01-05-2007, 02:39 PM
we talked a bit about moving around, however, Bruno told me it is not likely that many from quebec will make the trek to toronto. It may be best to run it in ottawa for a few years and let it establish itself.

last year it came together, but in terms of sponsorships, and prizes and what not, we didnt have any really, for certain not from toronto.

some of us are not as flexible as you guys, and can't let the date be up in the air, as we need to take time off from work and from writing our thesis! :P

so . . . if you are flexible, i ask that you set a date now, if you dont care and can accomodate whatever date add that in, i will edit the poll!

01-05-2007, 04:14 PM
I am not saying dont decide a date for a long time just dont do it right now. if its decided by the beginning of March that gives 3 months for people to arrange the time off etc. I definately dont have the best schedule to work with all the weddings going on this year myself.

But has there been talks going on or something? Have you just pulled these dates out of thin air? I mean trying to get a consensus for when people can go is nice and all but it just never works. Especially this early in the game. We can have 30 people say yah this day is kewl and the true people that would of showed would choose another day. I mean Darknights, MOM any of those events dont send out surveys. Maybe we can run a poll between people that went last year as they will probably put more of an attempt forward to show again. Rather then a board wide vote, we set a date and people who want to come will try to re-arrange their schedules. There will be more then enough time to do the shifting. By all means we can do the vote now and try setting the date now but I think we should take another approach for it.

I still think it is too early to try setting the date, I personally dont know whats happening six months down the road. I am sure half the people who vote wont either.

Nonetheless you can take what I say into account or not. Its really your call then since it seems you have been in contact with the other boards.

Keep us/me posted.

01-05-2007, 04:29 PM
it was agreed upon that making it a bit earlier this year would increase the quebect attendence (i.e b4 their big annual meet) these are all the weekends not including holidays that are in late june early july, this way it avoids MOM and maybe DKN (though the 21st is my guess for the DKN weekend). the other boards posted up, so i figured i would also. bubbs u recieving the emails? meth, you want to be recieving the emails?

i think if we narrow it down and say we will do it in late june-early july that is probably good enough for now. but it doesn't hurt to plan it in advance.

ideally, we will stick to some sort of regular schedule for the years to come.

i.e second week of july every year
or last week of june every year!

01-05-2007, 04:38 PM
it was agreed upon that making it a bit earlier this year would increase the quebect attendence (i.e b4 their big annual meet) these are all the weekends not including holidays that are in late june early july, this way it avoids MOM and maybe DKN (though the 21st is my guess for the DKN weekend). the other boards posted up, so i figured i would also. bubbs u recieving the emails? meth, you want to be recieving the emails?

Thats all you needed to say =P
I'll talk to you later about some of the other details etc.

01-05-2007, 04:42 PM
guy, what email address you want used?

MAZDA Kitten
01-05-2007, 08:19 PM
No one told me about the first one

But I will be attending this one

I am worried thought because it falls around the same time as Waterfest

01-06-2007, 01:33 PM
haha the first one was on the board for like 6 months at least!

01-06-2007, 07:09 PM
I'm also in this year for sure, having the missus finally in Canada!

MAZDA Kitten
01-07-2007, 11:00 PM
July 21st is def a no since waterfest falls on the same weekend

01-08-2007, 12:17 AM
Just out of curiousity...what's wrong with Canada Day wkend?

01-08-2007, 01:49 AM
i think alot of people may have other plans that weekend, and may not be interested in taking the weekend for this, also maybe more difficult ot be in ottawa during that weekend??

perhaps if this event gets large enough, we can move it to a long weekend?

01-08-2007, 05:25 AM
Just out of curiousity...what's wrong with Canada Day wkend?
ever been in ottawa for canada day? its a huge cluster ****!

01-08-2007, 09:25 AM
Good to see the discussion has started. I know it's really early to start talking about date etc, but it's good to get some dates out there early so hopefully we won't have as many people back out like last year because of the date. I also don't think long weekends during the summer will ever work for a meet, as most people spend those with family or going camping/cottage etc.

In regards to location, I was all for switching every year, but as Broli mentioned, I also got the impression from the QC guys that they wouldn't travel any further then Ottawa.

01-08-2007, 03:31 PM
lazy bastids!!

and wasn't it, Battle IN the Capital?

01-08-2007, 03:47 PM
yesyes it is battle in the capital

01-09-2007, 10:43 PM
Good to see the discussion has started. I know it's really early to start talking about date etc, but it's good to get some dates out there early so hopefully we won't have as many people back out like last year because of the date. I also don't think long weekends during the summer will ever work for a meet, as most people spend those with family or going camping/cottage etc.

In regards to location, I was all for switching every year, but as Broli mentioned, I also got the impression from the QC guys that they wouldn't travel any further then Ottawa.

Hey all, it's roge from mazda3quebec...

to answer swales:
It's not that the Quebec guys don't want to travel further than Ottawa. Me and Microdude actually went to Toronto last year for a meet. But last time in Ottawa only mz3qc members from Montreal went to the meet. So it's more of a question that we want people from outside Montreal to come to the meet too. Guys living in Quebec City would need to drive more than 5 hours just to get to Ottawa, so any further for them is a real pain. We're just trying to attract as much people as we can.

Remember we're the Quebec club, as in the province of Quebec not just 1 city.

But seriously, I also suggested to Bruno that we can do this somewhere else, like in Kingston or Cornwall or even here in Montreal/Mont Tremblant.

Anyways, I'm planning to go to MOMs this year in T.O.. Depending on which week-end it's on.

01-10-2007, 07:04 AM
Hey Roge

I know some people don't mind driving (us Ottawa guys go to TO all the time for meets) but I remember last year that even some guys from the Mtl area weren't too happy about driving to Ottawa because they had to drive to your summer meet a few weeks later. The thing is, no matter where a meet is held (even local club meets) there's always going to be people that don't want to drive far (pretty funny considering it's a car club...lol) so if we can find a location that makes most people happy we should stick with it.

I don't mind having the meet in Mtl or Tremblant if you guys want to take the meet over next year (or even this year). I don't think Cornwall is that great of an idea as there isn't much there and Kingston is probably out too as it's best to do it in a city where some members live so they can organize everything

01-10-2007, 08:47 AM
I think that the people from toronto who will go, will go as far as mtl.
If we keep Ottawa this year, we can see if the quebec club gets more representation from quebec city. then we can make better decisions on possible locations.

I do agree, that cornwall or kingston are likely no good,

01-10-2007, 10:55 AM
Its only fair that if this ends up in Montreal that it comes to Toronto one year whether the people drive or not. Its not like we aren't doing the long drives either here.

If we can find a place that will work more neutral that would be kewl but as mentioned, planning will be more difficult. In which case maybe one or two representatives from each club help on the planning.

01-10-2007, 12:44 PM
for sure, if we do mtl, then we do toronto also!

i am still gonna say that a neutral spot like kingston is no good, i would rather it be in ottawa than kingston, i would drive the extra 2 hours

01-10-2007, 12:55 PM
Hey Roge

I know some people don't mind driving (us Ottawa guys go to TO all the time for meets) but I remember last year that even some guys from the Mtl area weren't too happy about driving to Ottawa because they had to drive to your summer meet a few weeks later. The thing is, no matter where a meet is held (even local club meets) there's always going to be people that don't want to drive far (pretty funny considering it's a car club...lol) so if we can find a location that makes most people happy we should stick with it.

I don't mind having the meet in Mtl or Tremblant if you guys want to take the meet over next year (or even this year). I don't think Cornwall is that great of an idea as there isn't much there and Kingston is probably out too as it's best to do it in a city where some members live so they can organize everything

??? Not really. You remember wrong... The few guys from Mtl who cancelled at the last minute just couldn't make it. The others who cancelled were from outside Mtl and so driving 5+ hours twice in the same month for a car meet was a bit too much. In the end, we were still 8 or 9 from the Quebec club to show up in Ottawa, so it wasn't that bad.

And of course I wouldn't mind having the meet in T.O.. I actually prefer T.O. I get to shop at Pacific Mall... :)

01-10-2007, 01:06 PM

well if we do T.O one time, we can try to schedule it during the MOM weekend, and have our own event on the day that is not MOM

edit: of course a Pmall shopping trip is in order!

01-10-2007, 03:09 PM
i preferr ottawa, its a much nicer city!!

01-10-2007, 04:37 PM
Hey this seems like a really cool event that I am definately interested in attended could someone send me some details or webpage link related to this event. mb_bowers@hotmail.com (There is an underscore between mb and bowers) Or atleast post what the event is all about!!! THX ALOT

01-10-2007, 04:43 PM
It is an event that got started up last year and has only happened once. It was a blast and we plan to keep it going as a tradition. Last year the Ottawa guys took grasp of the whole planning and did a great job with some help from the Quebec and Toronto boards.

Just keep an eye on this thread as it will grow in the next month or so. I will try and find links to photos from last year but someone else might beat me to that since I have to get some things done before I head home from work.

We hope that interest will build.

01-10-2007, 05:08 PM
Hopefully an attempt to Entice people to come

here is the link to the photos from last year...

Here are some for the lazy...

ME! hehe i'll plug myself here!

01-10-2007, 05:18 PM


those are some great pics!

i think you shoulda plugged the O-Team shot as well . . .


so Balla, as meth said, keep an eye on this thread!
it will have all the information, and if you have any ideas feel free to throw them out!


01-10-2007, 05:31 PM
Guys thx alot for the posts I will keep an eye on this for all the info but its great on the response time. Hope to meet you guys soon at an event.

01-10-2007, 05:35 PM
for sure, i will try to make the next Oakville meet
if not, there is wings on the 16th

see the meets section if you are interested, and for sure, Ottawa (or wherever we hold it this year) will be a blast!

01-11-2007, 05:26 AM
oooooh wat a goood time, the early morning drive up rocked hardcore

01-11-2007, 11:47 AM
haha so did our LONG afternoon drive with effin itai always needing to stop to eat!


j/k marco!

01-17-2007, 11:36 PM
so when do you guys wanna make this happen.. seriously i think june would be the best.. first meet of the season and we start it off with a bang! iwe tlaked it over at our weekly meet and ppl are interested in june but not the june 23-24 weekend.. so maybe the one before that would be good?
for the travelling i'm all up for it.. i'm sure we could get a few ppl to come down to toronto (5-6) if it happens there.. but i doubt more then that cause it will be like a 7-8 hour drive for ppl outside montreal... although i loved the meet when i came down in september.. and i'm hinking of coming back to see you guys! now we just gotta decide on a location and date..

01-18-2007, 12:22 AM
i am in favour of which ever weekend the meet happens,

the weekend of June 16-17 i will be in quebec city, so i would prefer not, however, i am ok with that weekend, if i miss, i miss! whatever gets the best turnout!

why dont we at least set a deadline to decide when to do this meet!

01-18-2007, 11:30 AM
I'm gonna pencil this in this year on my agenda once things get more concrete.

Roge, anything you need from PMall let me know; I live close enough to that place to hate it now. :)

No pics of NO-Team :P

01-18-2007, 01:05 PM
No pics of NO-Team :P

hey is that an O-Team crack?


01-18-2007, 03:18 PM
hoping i don't have to do another 2am commute to ottawa this year, hahaha

01-18-2007, 05:31 PM
I seriously want to join this as i regret bailing out last years event. But I hope I'll be back from HK to join this.

01-18-2007, 11:06 PM
would you guys want to come up? i posted this and ppl form quebec city and stuff said they come if the meet in montreal so maybe we could arrnage something at the same time as our annual meet and make a big mega meet type thing.. not for sure but it be cool..then next year we do it in toronto..

01-19-2007, 12:45 AM
Roge, anything you need from PMall let me know; I live close enough to that place to hate it now. :)

i dunno, i usually go there to get tons of DVDs and whatever junk i like. :)

Like Microdude said, the Quebec club is having the annual provincial meet in Montreal this year, so maybe we can arrange to have both at the same time. And then next year, we'll come down to Toronto.

01-19-2007, 07:41 AM
it would be sweet to have a bunch of buys form our club drive down to TO.. i'm for that for sure :)

01-19-2007, 10:26 AM
That sounds like a lot of fun! I would be game for Montreal, but as I said before and as you guys already know Toronto the year after =P

01-19-2007, 11:19 AM
i dunno, i usually go there to get tons of DVDs and whatever junk i like. :)

I might not look older than 18 but my ID says I am. :-D

01-19-2007, 11:39 AM

i am also game for MTL!

as long as it is T.O next year!!

what weekend is the quebec provinicial meet going to be?

say 23-24th . . . lol as i will already be in the neighborhood! lol

01-19-2007, 11:54 AM
the annual meet is in july usually.. but thing is now we had a place reserved and i dunno about space.. so it might be a no go for the same time since space will be an issue.. so maybe we'll try to find something else.. still throwing ideas out to find something to do..

01-22-2007, 07:19 AM
would you guys want to come up? i posted this and ppl form quebec city and stuff said they come if the meet in montreal so maybe we could arrnage something at the same time as our annual meet and make a big mega meet type thing.. not for sure but it be cool..then next year we do it in toronto..

Seems as if the creators of the Mega Meet have been left out of the loop, thanks for letting us know :-P Now that we now know, I'll put a stop to all the plans that us Ottawa guys have been planning and pass the responsibility to the QC guys.

BTW, I have no problem taking turns with the meet but good luck getting the QC to TO next year, if they won't drive to Ottawa there's no way in hell they're driving to TO. I know a couple of them will go, but it will probably be 1-4 cars.

01-22-2007, 10:03 AM
easy easy, this is all just talks, nothing has been decided for sure, for now.
Bruno just threw out an idea, and is looking into its feasability!

we need to have some sort of centralized way of planning

why don't we stick to emails for the planning and leave the threads on the different boards for updates and discussion?

01-22-2007, 10:22 AM
why don't we stick to emails for the planning and leave the threads on the different boards for updates and discussion?

I thought that's what we were doing, but then I go on the QC board and read this thread and some how the talks have turned into QC hosting the meet. Like mentioned, I have no problems with this but at least some heads up about this before it's posted on our club forums would have been good since as far as we were concerned, the location was set for this year and we only needed to settle on a date. Now the talk has shifted from the actual date to members of the QC board posting that they will only attend if it's held in QC

01-22-2007, 10:28 AM
ahh, well i havent checked the quebec board, i am not gonna lie, i get messed up trying to figure out what is going on there.

Bruno, please jump in here and explain what is going on?

01-22-2007, 10:49 AM
Bruno did mention to the guys that if they host it this year, next year it will be in TO but most people seem to miss that post as only a couple members comment about it....lol

01-22-2007, 07:27 PM
WTF? Only 2 guys mention he will only go if the meet is in Mtl. One of them lives in Qc City which is already 3 hours away from Mtl... The other one never goes to any meet so it doesn't really matter.

Everyone else who posted are interested with the meet no matter where it is held.

As I mention before, I think we were 9 cars to show up at the Ottawa meet last year... What's wrong with that??? Seriously Swales, are you on a mission to discredit the Quebec club on this board?

Most people who posted acknowledge the fact we will go to TO next year, with one even suggesting visiting Canada Wonderland... dunno why but whatever makes him happy :) We have weekly meets and that's where most people from Mtl express their opinion about the meet...

Anyways, I sent my thoughts by email and will continue from there.

01-22-2007, 08:33 PM
WTF? Only 2 guys mention he will only go if the meet is in Mtl. One of them lives in Qc City which is already 3 hours away from Mtl... The other one never goes to any meet so it doesn't really matter.

Everyone else who posted are interested with the meet no matter where it is held.

As I mention before, I think we were 9 cars to show up at the Ottawa meet last year... What's wrong with that??? Seriously Swales, are you on a mission to discredit the Quebec club on this board?

Most people who posted acknowledge the fact we will go to TO next year, with one even suggesting visiting Canada Wonderland... dunno why but whatever makes him happy :) We have weekly meets and that's where most people from Mtl express their opinion about the meet...

Anyways, I sent my thoughts by email and will continue from there.

Sorry if I sound pissed but I am, there's nothing like having the rug pulled from under you.

I have nothing directly against the QC club but a lot of your members complain about driving long distances (not just ones from outside of Mtl), so I find it really hard to believe that many members are willing to drive to TO next year which isn't fair to the TO club. The funny thing is, your excuse is they are from the QC City area so it's far to drive for a meet, yet you guys suggest a meet at Tremblant which is at least the same distance for the TO guys to travel. I'm finished with my rant and hopefully your club proves me wrong.

01-22-2007, 08:47 PM
im speaking as one of the mazda3quebec members: most of the people who posted that they wont drive really far for thier meet arejust talking to raisse their post count:P no but seiously some of them dont even go to a meet that is in their city. i really dont have a problem weather its on toronto, montreal, ottawa so im in wherever it is..

01-22-2007, 09:07 PM
ok, i have no clue why the qc club is getting all the shit... We were in Ottawa last year and will continue to be at other meets. I don't think none of us were bitching last year when we went to Ottawa. We have 1195 members on the Quebec board, so for sure some will complain. But like mazdaboy says they only post to raise their post counts. Seriously with all these accusations I think I'm going to start the hating...

Looking at pictures from last year in Ottawa, I count 9 mazda3 with the Quebec plate, and I believe 6 mazda3 from Toronto which is very good, and about 8 or 9 mazda3 from Ottawa. Where's the other Ottawa Mazda3? I don't think we were the no show, but considering the meet was in Ottawa I'd expect a bit more 3s from the Ottawa region. So c'mon give us a break...

This is supposed to be fun and all. We're only January, and this should be all in the planning stage. Nothing is for sure yet right?

Mont Tremblant is only a suggestion. The same people from Qc City who aren't willing to go to Ottawa are also not willing to go to Tremblant. We simply made the suggestion cuz it's nice there, have beautiful roads, a race track, plenty of hotels and clubs. More fun for everyone! It was actually a suggestion from a Mazdaspeed3 owner who lives there and can arrange a few things...

But we'll see. We'll try to figure something out in Montreal. Forget about the scenic drive though, as Mtl is the pothhole capital of the world ;)

01-22-2007, 09:48 PM
aalex can you do a clean up in this thread to keep it on track.. things are getting out of hand.. guys we keep all talk via email form now on.. please..

01-23-2007, 12:54 AM
ok, everyone has had there say, and i think we have an understanding!

lets stay on topic, I will be watching this thread!

this was just a situation where good intentions led to misunderstanding.

now . . .

see this thread T.O. members and let us know if you are willing to drive 2 quebec for this years meet!

vote here (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=16185)

01-23-2007, 07:32 AM
you and your polls!

01-23-2007, 08:39 AM
you and your polls!



i do like polls, but this was a necessary poll!

01-23-2007, 10:40 PM
As long you guys set a date that is good for everyone to plan this meet on, then we can go further :P I'll be at the meet for sure!

01-25-2007, 02:43 PM
As long you guys set a date that is good for everyone to plan this meet on, then we can go further :P I'll be at the meet for sure!

Same for me, Like roge, Microdude and Mazdaboy, I'm an active member of Mz3qc. As far as I know, if the meet is outside Quebec, only a bunch of people of our club will go... as the other don't even go to our mtl meet... but, I'm sure that if the meet is in mtl this year, we'll have a lot more poeple than 9-10!

We can't predict the future, but I can assure you, next year, if it's in Toronto, I'm quite sure the same people will be there..

axela 06
01-25-2007, 10:26 PM
im in for sure
i drive 100km to go to our meet in montreal each week so.....
200 or 300km more is noting

M3Q represent:

-axela 06
-pierre b

we are allready 6 members only in this tread and we are only in january!!!!

01-25-2007, 11:51 PM
thanks Quebec guys!

we see that you have strong support!!!

01-26-2007, 10:23 AM
sstill at leats 2 more confirmed ppl form our side.. the regulars will be there for sure :) When MOM? i'll probally be coming down that weekend to attend that with other board members.. just need to know the dates to try and reserve in my calender :)

01-26-2007, 02:29 PM
sstill at leats 2 more confirmed ppl form our side.. the regulars will be there for sure :) When MOM? i'll probally be coming down that weekend to attend that with other board members.. just need to know the dates to try and reserve in my calender :)

Now let's cross fingers that there's no baby shower or weedings...


01-30-2007, 01:19 PM
Weedings + Mazda3 meet in Mtl, I'm up for it!!!


MAZDA Kitten
01-30-2007, 02:47 PM
I'll be frank... I didnt even read all that riff raff

But I am just wondering if we will be entertained with poutine

ps - I am serious

axela 06
01-30-2007, 08:34 PM
But I am just wondering if we will be entertained with poutine

ill bring you one from "la belle province"

it's the worst poutine i ever eat.....lol

01-30-2007, 11:12 PM
I'll be frank... I didnt even read all that riff raff

But I am just wondering if we will be entertained with poutine

ps - I am serious

I'll make you one, easy to make and mine taste better!!

01-31-2007, 08:38 AM
I'll make you one, easy to make and mine taste better!!

sounds tasty.. add me to the list!

01-31-2007, 09:34 AM
i hate poutine

but when in rome . . . do as!

so i am down too!

MAZDA Kitten
01-31-2007, 11:43 AM
sounds tasty.. add me to the list!

Why you getting up all in my grille
I called dibs on the poutine

Only 1 per customer and that customer is ME


MAZDA Kitten
01-31-2007, 11:46 AM
Is it cheese "CURDS" or "TURDS"

I've always said it "TURDS"

LOL @ me...

We dont have the good cheese for the poutine here

01-31-2007, 11:49 AM
maybe we can take the cheese from you turd joke and make some poutine!




i know i know

shattap ur face broli . . .


01-31-2007, 02:06 PM
atually i call it squeeky squeeky chese since it make s squeek soudn when you eat it haha

01-31-2007, 02:07 PM
Tremblant is nice but it's pricey remember that. So make sure when we do this that budget needs to be kept in mind.

01-31-2007, 02:10 PM
it's in st sauveur not tremblant..

01-31-2007, 02:13 PM
yes sorry, i couldn't remember the name, and was lazy, so didn't go to email.

Bruno, can you post up here a tentative plan, with pits stops and approx times, when you have enough information to do so.

I want the T.O people to see what is in store, so they can decide about the drive. i have heard some complaints on driving, i think most people will be ok with an hour outside of montreal, but perhaps we can end somehow the last of the event in montreal for a dinner or smtg, that way everyone is happy!


01-31-2007, 02:18 PM
it's 5-6 hours from toronto to Tremblant. So keep that in mind. I personally think we should have ti closer to montreal? that way people can go clubing in MTL at night.

01-31-2007, 02:47 PM
up to now we have the following

-meet at around 12 at he orange julep in montreal..
-then head out to st sauver (about 30mins from montreal)
-go over to a mebers house near there and have a bbq for supper and mingle
-at night go clubing at www.bourbonstreetclub.com really cool club with a huge out door terrasse and a pool and stuff.. very fun..
-then could sleep at the motel8 not far form the mebers place for those who don't wanna camp.. and perhaps continue the party wh'ere we're staying

if you guys have suguessiton let us know..

we decided st sauveur cause it a nice place and not as much traffic as in montreal.. in motnreal with 30-40 cars we'll get lost and it will be hectic.. if you TO guys wanna go out on the friday night we can got o clubs or somethign downtown..
in st saveur they shoppgin centers for the ones that wanna go shopping also( all the warehouses of companies like nike rebooke, tommy,etc..)

01-31-2007, 04:02 PM
Yep, could be up for a week-end of meet.. friday night more jet-set... then saturday more fun :P

I think we all agree that a meet this big in montreal is a real headache...no wait.. a pain in the ass... so.. outside of montreal, only about 30 minutes off highway.. is not that much.. since there's a "pit stop" planned in mtl for you to eat and stretch your legs, it won't be to hard...it's not a race without stop!

01-31-2007, 05:15 PM
it's not a race without stop!

Man the only way to race is 1/4 mile at a time but highway races are pure jokes...you cruise the first however many kms till you get to last 10km stretch then its on. LOL

MAZDA Kitten
01-31-2007, 10:17 PM
maybe we can take the cheese from you turd joke and make some poutine!




i know i know

shattap ur face broli . . .


hur hurrrr hahah atleast you know your role bitch

02-01-2007, 01:11 AM

thx for posting that info guys!

it sounds really good to me,

T.O guys, it seems we have been accomodated with minimal driving!

so i would like to hear any suggests you guys have here in this thead!

02-01-2007, 06:44 AM
Too bad no drag strip this year, I know lots of people wanted to continue that challenge :-( I guess we'll pick it up again when TO hosts

02-01-2007, 09:24 AM
we could have one btu it involves more driving. it's on the south shore and is about 30-45 mins away by car.. and we'll be on the north shore 30-45 min away from montreal so it would be a 1h-1h30 drive just to get to the stripe.

02-01-2007, 09:38 AM
we could have one btu it involves more driving. it's on the south shore and is about 30-45 mins away by car.. and we'll be on the north shore 30-45 min away from montreal so it would be a 1h-1h30 drive just to get to the stripe.

Let's not start something else, it's already hard enough to organize the meet, that going more south to go back up north wouldn't be a good idee...