View Full Version : To iPod or not to iPod....

01-22-2007, 09:16 PM
I was wondering how's the sound quality of other MP3 palyers via the Aux-in of the 07's. I was thinking about Creative's because I like their products, but they don't have line-out option like the iPod.

So my question is if I will get approx the same sound quality from a Creative player as I would from an iPod (another idea is to put a LOC before the Aux-in...)


01-23-2007, 08:59 AM
Unless you've got very sensitive ears, I doubt you'll hear any major differences between the two. I know my Nano however can sound rather poor depending on the bitrate and volume of the song.

If you really care about sound quality go for an iRiver, I don't think anything can touch it for the money.