View Full Version : Satellite Radio: XM or Sirius?

Whos ur dadd
01-24-2007, 02:32 AM
Those fackin Gary Roberts commercials on 680News have left me permanently scarred. Since I'm in a 50 min one-way commute every day, I think I'm going to get Sat Radio.

Originally I was going to get Sirius, but the XM solution for my car is US$200 whereas the Sirius solution is US$560.

I really don't care for Howard Stern. XM is just as good as Sirius?

01-24-2007, 08:55 AM
I have both and for music they are pretty much the same. Do you like any sports and would you listen to any games on Sat radio? Sirius has the NFL, NBA, NHL (for this season), EPL/Champions League, Nascar and most US college games. XM has the NHL, MLB, PGA and IRL.

01-25-2007, 12:11 AM
I have Sirius, I like it, good range of programming, spend most of my time listening to the EPL on channel 125, BBC World Service 141, Sirius Hits, Starlite, BBC Radio 1 and the few others plus the Blue Collar and Raw Dog Comedy Channels are decent at times.

01-25-2007, 12:16 AM
I work with both and I'll tell you this much: Sirius is better.
Unless the car comes with XM built in, then all you have to do is pay the 14.99 monthly fee. I find that customer satisfaction overall is much better with Sirius. With the exception of one of the most expensive portable models that's been recalled by Sirius due to Antenna problems. They have a better channel line up, and some UK stations that XM doesn't have, and if you're into Electronic music (for exmaple) then you'll really appreciate the UK channels.

01-28-2007, 05:01 PM
I have a Sirius system in both our 3s..

Love it, not sure how to compare.

01-29-2007, 02:41 AM
I have Sirius too. I like it but don't know how to compare it... Sirius Canada is a joint partnership with CBC, so you get lots of Can-Con if that's important to you. Stern is a deal breaker for some people, but I don't listen to it.

If you can live without Martha Stewart... go with Sirius :D

01-29-2007, 08:27 AM
Been a Sirius USA sub for about 2 years now. Still loving it like day #1. Haven't heard XM so I can't compare.

01-29-2007, 01:55 PM
I'm a trance/electronica music lover, so Sirius to me was the obvious choice. I love the programming, and the service. Very happy with it.

Although I never tried XM before, I love having names like Tiesto, Oakenfold, Paul Van Dyk, Darude and George Acosta mixing sets right in my car :P A lot of the artists I listed have exclusive programs on Sirius.

01-29-2007, 03:01 PM
I'm a trance/electronica music lover, so Sirius to me was the obvious choice. I love the programming, and the service. Very happy with it.

Although I never tried XM before, I love having names like Tiesto, Oakenfold, Paul Van Dyk, Darude and George Acosta mixing sets right in my car :P A lot of the artists I listed have exclusive programs on Sirius.


But i have never heard Trance in a BMW, Perhaps the Elvis channel, or the Lawrence Welk Power Hour...

01-29-2007, 03:31 PM
You're in luck TheWUD, I still have the Sirius Replay receiver kit BNIB for sale. $100 firm.

pm me if you want it.

02-01-2007, 10:21 AM
I also want to point out that Sirius has THREE satellites in high orbit, providing better service. I'm not sure how many XM has. They don't boast about the count on their number of satellites.

I was also wondering what kind of Sirius package are you looking at that costs $560 USD?

That seems insanely high for ANY satellite radio. Even if you include a deck and the adaptor for it, $560USD sounds really high. The Sirius Adaptor for most decks costs no more than $130 CDN.

02-01-2007, 11:49 AM
As mentioned before, I have both systems and I never lose my XM connection eventhough their Sat's are more southern. For signal, the only time Sirius outshines is if you go to northern Canada (really north) otherwise they are the same.

03-15-2007, 04:40 PM
From what I can tell and from my own personal experience I have found that Sirius is not only more reliable but also alot more user friendly. The people at Sirius are wonderful and take the time to explain any question you might have. I recently bought the new Stiletto 100 which enables you to have a sationary dock in your car at all times. The best feature with the stiletto is that you can at any time take the stiletto off of the dock and use it outside. Bare in mind that when outside due to satellite connection etc. etc... the signal will fluctuate from excellent to poor but hey i guess thats something the people at Sirius have to work out. Another wicked feature enables you to record up to 100 hours of live radio. For example lets say your driving and you hear an absolute bomb you can simply press the "Heart" logo and the song will be recorded and stored onto your Stiletto for aslong as you want it. Previous to having the Stiletto I had the Sportster which was really good to me but once I caught wind of the Stiletto I couldnt resist. The Stiletto will run you about 470$ CAN at best buy which in time will drop but hey if your into your music as much as Iam dropping 500$ is well worth it.

Hope this helps guys..

PS Sirius recently bought out XM so in time all the channels that were featured on XM will come to Sirius.


03-15-2007, 05:09 PM
I prefer XM, I have had it since it came to Canada with no issues. It works except under bridges or tunnels and around certain parts of downtown. Everywhere else I get full signal and my attena was inside my car and not on the roof!

XM > *