View Full Version : first real post

02-01-2007, 12:11 AM
Im getting ready to do my first mod to the car! finally...

i have been looking around for a good fit to my ICE search...

You see i was going to build my own carputer using a mini-itx based system but then i said forget that casue thats usless...I needed something that has more function for what i do for a living etc

you see i own an internet marketing firm and digital is my life! i have a new blackberry aka crackberry which im connected 24/7 but still lacks what i crave...

so i have found the perfect thing for me...

check it out yall - http://ca.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=5&l2=25&l3=350&model=1205&modelmenu=1

ITs called the ASUS R2H Ultra Mobile Tablet PC...

its got it all wifi abg bluetooth and built in gps....

i use this thing for everything i have to say - especially when im at meetings taking notes etc etc...

its got my outlook on it with my cal, email ou name it...

but here was the dilema - sort of crappy when i cant really use it in the car while driving. the 7" lcd is full touch screen with a pen..so i know i will be able to use this thing while driving to watch movies mp3s and making sure i dont get lost...

so tommorow is the big day and im heading down to Selective Sound In Mississauga to start working with those guys...

i have been to a few shops with my mounting dilema but all of em were so blah with thier solutions...i need a housing that i can unplug my tablet and bring it in with me to my office and be able to easily put it back in so i can turn my music back on...or continue watching my movies...Selective sound was it they had some great ideas for me...

so i guess ive rambled on enough - ill keep you posted

Thanks from the new guy


02-01-2007, 12:17 AM
im getting this


02-01-2007, 12:23 AM
i was looking at that as well as the ever small OQO www.oqo.com but i went with this more so from a business perspective. I have meetings everyday at least 2-3 with different clients. this thing is jammed with business features such as while im taking notes in MSONE Note it will record our conversation...it also has write to text recognition etc etc...

it all comes down to function

02-01-2007, 01:40 AM
That asus one is bascially a tablet labtop. I've heard of systems that used a screen embedded into your console but relied on a labtop to be docked into the trunk etc.

As for Blackberry etc, there is no reason why you can't sync that up with a car-puter.

02-01-2007, 08:08 AM
i know its a tablet thats why i bought it bro...and im already synching my BB to the tablet with bluetooth...

i bought this so i can use it in and out of car - not have to have to leave it in ther eall the time - hence why i didnt bother building a real car puter that would be mounted under a seat or something...

02-01-2007, 09:49 AM
interesting, i would be interested in seeing how this all turns out!

02-05-2007, 01:31 PM
Do you plan to mount it in the car (temp wise)?

02-05-2007, 02:23 PM
yeah im just getting the cash together to have it mounted but here is the break down...

if you look at the picture of the tablet you can see that the interface is very usable. its full touch screen and also has a pen.

the way im having it mounted is this..

1) removing the center air dams and doing a full custom fiber glass enclosure where i can easily slide the unit in and out.

2) the enclousure is being built with the AUX cable and Power supply in place for easy connection

3) the unit will be tilted nicely towards me for easy viewing and interaction of the built in GPS

4) the fiberglass will be color matched to have a nice black matted finish.

Nice and Clean

i will be working with the shop to document the install fully for i woudl not mind putting a package together for anyone else interested in doing the same thing to thier rides...

i get these systems cheap...so yeah why not share the wealth with my new team...


02-05-2007, 02:42 PM
What did you end up paying for the tablet?

02-05-2007, 03:09 PM
just over 900bux

02-05-2007, 10:38 PM
Sounds good. Don't think I have the funds for it myself but sounds like you'll have an awesome mod on your hands. I might get a PSP once the GPS plan is fully laid out.

02-06-2007, 01:08 AM
I think a member RJ3 has a way to mount a PSP onto the dash top vents. Looks pretty cool the way he does it.

You should talk to him about that.