View Full Version : Philips Extreme H4 4000k

02-19-2007, 10:51 PM
Picked up a pair of these today and was wondering if anybody else have them. They give off better light then the silverstar that I used before and cheaper as well. Picked them up at Costco for $36 and change. Picked them up for my wifes Tribute and must say I'm impressed. The glass has a blue tint to them. The ones in the pic are the stock lamps.

02-19-2007, 10:59 PM
the question is: how long will they last.

02-19-2007, 11:04 PM
What do I care? Go back and bitch to Costco with the receipt and get a refund because you are unhappy and buy a new pair. Pretty simple if you ask me...

Here is the Philips link http://www.nam.lighting.philips.com/us/automotive/products/crystalvision.php

Looks as they are new for this year.

02-20-2007, 11:11 AM
My friend had mentioned these. Doesn't seem like all the Costco's carry them as of yet. The one at Hwy 400 and 7 don't have them. I was hoping they would have them for the fog lights, but it doesn't look like they make it for the H11 based off of the link you posted.

02-20-2007, 11:57 AM
Forgot to mention that the Costco I was at was the 403 and Dundas street location. Not sure about the H11 application. They had about 5 different sizes. Unfortunately didn't have the H1 either as thats what I need for the 6.

02-20-2007, 02:07 PM
I don't have a membership at costco.... Anyone who is going this week to get them?
BTW.... What is the wattage? 55w or will it burn the housing?

02-20-2007, 02:21 PM
Sorry no pics, Tried last nite but camera is not co operating. They are 55 w I think and have OE on the back so should be fine for stock replacement. The H4 are actually Hi/Low for my wifes Tribute.

02-20-2007, 07:00 PM
Here is the best I could do with the camera... The regular fog halogens are on the bottom. Notice the yellow vs white. Sorry for the crappy pic but if I use a flash it filters out the white light and makes it look yellow.

Might have this in the wrong forum as well so if the mods want too move feel free.


02-20-2007, 10:57 PM
What's the warranty on these?

How much better than the silverstars are they? A lot better?

Just curious as to why they would be so cheap. Makes you kinda wonder.

02-20-2007, 11:21 PM
They are cheap because of Costco's purchasing power. They buy so much of a product, so the manufacturers can still make their profits because of quantity bought.

02-20-2007, 11:23 PM
What's the warranty on these?

How much better than the silverstars are they? A lot better?

Just curious as to why they would be so cheap. Makes you kinda wonder.

Not sure about warranty but keep the receipt and you will be fine. I wouldn't have any problem going back after a year and wanting a refund if these burn out. People who have the Philips hids agree that they are the best or one of so why wouldn't there regular bulbs be any good. Maybe Sylvania spends more on marketing and people believe it.

Personally I think they have a whiter light then silvers.

As for the price why do people usually buy at costco? It's usually cheaper at Costco. It's just usually that you have to buy 7 years of it to get a deal. lol

02-20-2007, 11:24 PM
I think illl ask someone who has costco membership to grab me these.

02-20-2007, 11:34 PM
They had the H7 lights there at Dundas and 403 location the other day when I picked these up for the wifes truck. Didn't have the H1 though so might check back at another location. They didn't have any at the Brant street location in Burlington today when I checked. Might go to the Mavis and Britannia location tomorrow.

If anybody see the H1 at another location drop me a line please as I want to pick up another set or two as the 6 takes H1 in the low and high beam.

They also have an X-treme power version coming out in the next few weeks in the US that is suppose to give 80% more light output than standard halogens so might wait for those.They are listed on the US website but not Canada yet. Here is a link for the other bulb http://www.nam.lighting.philips.com/us/automotive/products/xtremepower.php

Found an interesting article about a H7 comparision on a bike for the Piaa Extreme White, Sylvania Silverstar and the Philips Crystalvision. Judge for yourself. Link http://www.superchunks.org/help/PIAAxtrm/index.html

05-15-2007, 05:06 PM
Those look really nice....!! As for the Silverstars... they are wicked lights... however... if you sit there and really look at them... on the package it states how long they last..I forget.. but its something crazy like 110 hrs.... thats why I didnt buy them again.. especially when your spending like 70 dollars for a pair of lights.. they look great and are really bright.. but I dunno... The last set of headlights I bought for my civic were the GE Nighthawks.... they seem to be just as good and are rated to last twice as long... and are even less money... as for the price differences... Silverstars are mean't for the tuner crowd... "cuz they are the brightest white light" available on the market... so your paying for their ads :bang I used to swear by the silverstar lights until I saw their rating.. never ever again!!!

05-15-2007, 05:18 PM
ewww.. that sucks, you're getting 330 hrs of bulb life for $239 dollars (after tax).
might as well find the cheapest hid kit you can find on the market and have that thing last 500 hours atleast.

05-15-2007, 05:23 PM
pathetic eh??? discovered this when I was going back to buy a replacement set for my civic... my buddy brought it to my attention... took a chance on the GE Nighthawks... even though I was really disappointed with their booth at the autoshow... I asked one of they guys how they compared to the Silverstars and the guy shrugged and walked away hahahah real professional buddy!! so if you think about it..... for the 3... you need 2 high beams 2 low beams and 2 fogs if they are available... roughly 30 a light.... so... 180 plus tax.. nice vary nice!!

05-15-2007, 05:35 PM
pathetic eh??? discovered this when I was going back to buy a replacement set for my civic... my buddy brought it to my attention... took a chance on the GE Nighthawks... even though I was really disappointed with their booth at the autoshow... I asked one of they guys how they compared to the Silverstars and the guy shrugged and walked away hahahah real professional buddy!! so if you think about it..... for the 3... you need 2 high beams 2 low beams and 2 fogs if they are available... roughly 30 a light.... so... 180 plus tax.. nice vary nice!!

when are the highbeams ever used, you could skip those.
if you keep your fogs stock for now, you can get a cheapie kit of craigslist.

these nighthawks and silverstars are such a ripoff. =O
isn't the point to imitate HID's at a fraction of the price?

05-15-2007, 10:31 PM
I saw a whole skid of these lights at the Scarborough Costco (Warden and Ellesmere). Not sure which types they had though.

But still, $36 per pair sounds excessive. You can pick up some Excelites from Devin (The Xenon Store) for about $20 a pair. I believe they have a year warranty. Bright and white!

05-16-2007, 12:57 AM
i have this philips extreme for my high, its whiter and brighter than stock halogen

05-16-2007, 08:10 AM
Those look really nice....!! As for the Silverstars... they are wicked lights... however... if you sit there and really look at them... on the package it states how long they last..I forget.. but its something crazy like 110 hrs.... thats why I didnt buy them again.. especially when your spending like 70 dollars for a pair of lights.. they look great and are really bright.. but I dunno... The last set of headlights I bought for my civic were the GE Nighthawks.... they seem to be just as good and are rated to last twice as long... and are even less money... as for the price differences... Silverstars are mean't for the tuner crowd... "cuz they are the brightest white light" available on the market... so your paying for their ads :bang I used to swear by the silverstar lights until I saw their rating.. never ever again!!!

110 hours?

That's just 110 hours / 24 hours per day = ~4.6 days! :whoa

Say someone with them drives 2 hours per night. So that's 110 hours / 2 hours per night = 55 nights

Which is just shy of 55 nights / 30 nights per month = 2 months.:whoa

I guess the typical lifetime of 3 months is right.

That would make the typical person who blows them in 3 months drive ~1.2 hours per night.

3 months = ~90 nights

110 hours / 90 nights = ~1.2 hours per night

*puts away calculator*

05-19-2007, 06:41 PM
For people looking for these lights, the new Costco at Denison and Markham has them in stock... I verified that they had H7, 9005, and 9006.

05-20-2007, 12:28 PM
the costco in ajax has all sizes incliding h7 last time i was tehre ans well as the one in ancaster on golflinks rd.

i bought a pair put one in and in a direct comparison from the stock bulbs their definately more of a pure white but also standing in front of the car lots brighter.

edit: had them out last night and the whier light is somewhat noticeable while driving but theres definately some didtance added to visibility

01-31-2008, 01:02 PM
Just as an update to the longevity of these bulbs I had one blow just three weeks prior to a year. Seems they are similar to the silverstars in terms of there staying power. I brought them back in the original packaging and bill to Costco and they refunded me my money no questions asked.

Picked up another set but they are called Ultras now and the tip of the new ones are blue vs black with the Extremes. As there no exchanges at Costco only refunds the new set will have a full year of warranty at least with the bill and packaging.


04-01-2008, 11:40 AM
As some of you may have noticed at the meets I attended, I had been driving around with different coloured lowbeams for approximately 2 weeks since my silverstars decided to burn out two days apart after a year and a half of night-time use (I do not use them as DRLs).

My boytoy ordered me Philips X-treme bulbs (not the costco ones, these ones are Euro-spec), and installed them last night. We could immediately tell that they were a lot brighter than the silverstars. There is no blue tinge. He describes it as looking like "a cheap version of a 4300K hid kit".:chuckle On my way home, I could totally notice the difference in brightness, and I am very happy with them so far.

He also received an additional pair of bulbs from them as well, and he used them for dome lights (which are super bright too!).


(I haven't taken pictures yet.)

04-01-2008, 08:26 PM
I used to have so many of these before, and they all burn out once to three times a year, got very angry and bought hids=problem solved. Gotta tell you that there is some pretty good ones out there. But in the end they all suck

04-03-2008, 09:03 PM
Its okay for a backup when you need your HIDs replaced under warranty LOL

04-03-2008, 10:45 PM
Sorry to jack this thread but going off topic for a second.

Anyone notice that when runing fogs and low beams, switching to high beams the fogs go out. is this normal?

04-03-2008, 10:50 PM
yes it is... its a rule where you cant have more than 4 facing lights while driving... parking lights, high beams, low beams and fogs cant be on at the same time...

back on topic ;)

04-03-2008, 10:53 PM
Its okay for a backup when you need your HIDs replaced under warranty LOL
Amen to that brotha!:chuckle

I have like 2 sets on standby.

04-03-2008, 10:54 PM
Sorry to jack this thread but going off topic for a second.

Anyone notice that when runing fogs and low beams, switching to high beams the fogs go out. is this normal?

Look starting at post 21.


04-04-2008, 04:23 PM
Yeah I think its normal, basically your car stealing that extra voltage from fogs to fire up high beams. And you dont really need fogs if you want to see whats far ahead of you..

04-04-2008, 07:04 PM
Yeah I think its normal, basically your car stealing that extra voltage from fogs to fire up high beams. And you dont really need fogs if you want to see whats far ahead of you..
It would look cool, but since the HIDs are brighter than stock fogs, there is no function.

Unless you have HID FOGS now thats sick!

04-04-2008, 07:38 PM
yeah i bet it would.. but for me im trying to make my car look more original, stock fogs, but hid lows. Basically you see little yellow up front and white beam everywhere. Not to bad from my point of view

04-05-2008, 12:47 AM
I heard that HID fogs are useless and just for show.

04-05-2008, 12:57 AM
True... But they are way brighter, and shine a light farther than stock.

04-05-2008, 01:04 AM
in which your headlights do anyways.. fogs are usually for close distances and sides.. i wouldnt see it as helping you see more..

04-05-2008, 08:56 AM
Taken from Wikipedia:
[edit] Fog lamps
Front fog lamps provide a wide, bar-shaped beam of light with a sharp cutoff at the top, and are generally aimed and mounted low.[11][12][13] They may be either white or selective yellow. They are intended for use at low speed to increase the illumination directed towards the road surface and verges in conditions of poor visibility due to rain, fog, dust or snow. As such, they are often most effectively used in place of dipped-beam headlamps, reducing the glareback from fog or falling snow, although the legality varies by jurisdiction of using front fog lamps without low beam headlamps.

Has anyone tried using their HID fogs in the fog? does it cut through it or reflect making it harder to see?

Anyways back on topic with these bulbs. why is it H4? shouldn't it be H7?