03-15-2007, 06:11 PM
Good day!
I just found out about this pretty extensive site today and I've been pleasantly suprised at how passionate everyone here is about their respective M3's. My own personal M3 is a 2004 2.3 L GT W/Leather.
I've lowered the vehicle 2 Inches and I have a shark-fin installed along with my brand new Sirius Stiletto 100... So as you can tell I havent done a great deal to my car but it still in my oppinion looks better clean and lowered with the stock aluminum rims on than the after market look everyone covets so much. Anyways guys i look forward conversing with you all.
Catch ya'll on the flip
I just found out about this pretty extensive site today and I've been pleasantly suprised at how passionate everyone here is about their respective M3's. My own personal M3 is a 2004 2.3 L GT W/Leather.
I've lowered the vehicle 2 Inches and I have a shark-fin installed along with my brand new Sirius Stiletto 100... So as you can tell I havent done a great deal to my car but it still in my oppinion looks better clean and lowered with the stock aluminum rims on than the after market look everyone covets so much. Anyways guys i look forward conversing with you all.
Catch ya'll on the flip