View Full Version : Thursday Meet - Last Minute Meet!!!

03-22-2007, 06:16 PM
so since the oakville meet is kinda far for some people to drive their asses over there.(me being one of them) i say we throw a meet here as well.

so old local at the back of the esso at timmys lot on don mills and steels at 8:30pm

so that we dont get any questions later, if there is no interest then its cancelled.

1. stas

03-22-2007, 06:25 PM
Only original members of TM3 can start AA meets. You are, however, welcome to have a Thursday meet though.

Therefore... post title edited.

03-22-2007, 06:27 PM
Only original members of TM3 can start AA meets. You are, however, welcome to have a Thursday meet though.

Therefore... post title edited.

....wtf??? someone is gonna have to explain this name bs at one of the meets to me...

anyway, ..... bump

03-22-2007, 06:32 PM
ill b there..i think

03-22-2007, 06:44 PM
stas, i'll come by and explain it to you. see you there.

03-22-2007, 06:47 PM
stas, i'll come by and explain it to you. see you there.

its not something that i would get pissed off about. i'll just keep this in mind for later, didnt know that AA would be a trademark like Flippy. :)

but if you're coming, bring that led break light, might be able to get it working for you.

03-22-2007, 06:50 PM
Only original members of TM3 can start AA meets


03-22-2007, 06:52 PM

you see how much confusion this is causing Justin??? i expect a report to be posted by tomorrow morning to clear this up. lol :chuckle

jkding man. all good.

03-22-2007, 07:13 PM
so i'm off to wash the car, i'll be at don mills and steels at 8:30 having a smoke if anyone wishes to show up.

03-22-2007, 07:59 PM

+ 1

03-22-2007, 08:07 PM
I'll explain in a bit.

03-23-2007, 10:53 AM
if the meet is in the exact same place and the exact same time couldn't he just call it AA so that everybody knows where it's at??

03-23-2007, 10:55 AM
OR i think it would be good if we can just ask the original starter and ask for permission to use it. And if its allowed then clearly put down permission granted from the original starter to use this name.

03-23-2007, 11:09 AM
Only original members of TM3 can start AA meets. You are, however, welcome to have a Thursday meet though.

Therefore... post title edited.

What? That is probably the most ridiculous thing ever...I'm calling it now...We're all in the club together, does it really matter who started the first meet, thus justifying who can or cannot "start" a AA meet? Not in grade 3...

And if this is a joke that i missed, and i hope it is, i apologize.

03-23-2007, 11:11 AM
We are going to be posting some information about this soon, so please be patient. It will all make sense in a very short time. ;)

03-23-2007, 11:25 AM
We are going to be posting some information about this soon, so please be patient. It will all make sense in a very short time. ;)

This better be some mind blowing explination...

03-23-2007, 11:34 AM
This better be some mind blowing explination...

i got an explanation last night, and i'm still not sure how valid it is.

justin, i think there is a better way to avoid that problem we talked about yesterday. but meh, rules are rules.

just hit 300 posts:bana2

03-23-2007, 12:00 PM
i got an explanation last night, and i'm still not sure how valid it is.

justin, i think there is a better way to avoid that problem we talked about yesterday. but meh, rules are rules.

just hit 300 posts:bana2

what is the explination? and the problem?

03-23-2007, 12:01 PM
what is the explination? and the problem?

i dont want to say anything that shouldn't be said or confuse something, so i think it's best to wait for justins "report" on this issue.

03-23-2007, 12:08 PM
i got an explanation last night, and i'm still not sure how valid it is.

If you were confused, you should have said something. I was there for 2 hours.

03-23-2007, 12:12 PM
If you were confused, you should have said something. I was there for 2 hours. :complain

first of all i was tired, second of all this is not something that i really care about.

i dont mind not being able to put AA, or La Paloma, or god forbid Flippy in front a specific day of the week.

and third, i am not confused, i think there is a better way of solving that issue discussed yesterday. and as someone has said these prefixes tell us where the meet is located, but as i said.......meh.

03-23-2007, 12:14 PM
first of all i was tired, second of all this is not something that i really care about.

i dont mind not being able to put AA, or La Paloma, or god forbid Flippy in front a specific day of the week.

and third, i am not confused, i think there is a better way of solving that issue discussed yesterday. and as someone has said these prefixes tell us where the meet is located, but as i said.......meh.


and y is this even an issue anyway....this seems way too juvenile of a topic for a group full of adults...

03-23-2007, 12:32 PM
reasoning for this will be explained shortly

i understand the points addressed here, but it should also be understood, that some of these meets have original founders who weren't getting the chance to start thier own meets because others were jumping in and starting threads.

both sides have a good point, and i feel that a solution that is reasonable has been adopted, however it has not been posted yet, so technically this could have still be called an AA meet (lol, justin jumped the gun a little bit perhaps)

allow me some time for the necessary changes to be made and i will get the information out to you.

in the meantime, if you guys want something to discuss, how about 50/50 tickets, and why you should buy them . . .

03-23-2007, 02:33 PM
reasoning for this will be explained shortly

i understand the points addressed here, but it should also be understood, that some of these meets have original founders who weren't getting the chance to start thier own meets because others were jumping in and starting threads.

both sides have a good point, and i feel that a solution that is reasonable has been adopted, however it has not been posted yet, so technically this could have still be called an AA meet (lol, justin jumped the gun a little bit perhaps)

allow me some time for the necessary changes to be made and i will get the information out to you.

in the meantime, if you guys want something to discuss, how about 50/50 tickets, and why you should buy them . . .

lol oh Broli...always know how to brighten the mood ;)

But i still have one concern with wut u said. You say that "original founders" are not getting a chance to start their own meets...soooo essentially ur saying they wanna be able to be the first person on the list of ppl coming to the meet. Which is wut this whole thing seems to be about. There in lies my issue. Why do they NEED to be the person to start the thread about the meet. Regardless of who starts the thread it's still gonna be the same people signing their name to the list (even the original founders of AA thursdays) and showing up to the designated spot. This argument would have made more sense if say the location was being drastically changed, but that's not how it looks. With all due respect, it just looks like some people are mad that their handle can't be on the 1. spot on the list. And at the end of the day....who cares......just come to the meet and have a good time. End of story.

03-23-2007, 02:56 PM
^^ :bang

We are going to be posting some information about this soon, so please be patient. It will all make sense in a very short time. ;)

reasoning for this will be explained shortly

allow me some time for the necessary changes to be made and i will get the information out to you.

in the meantime, if you guys want something to discuss, how about 50/50 tickets, and why you should buy them . . .

03-23-2007, 03:02 PM
Thanx for that...really cleared things up for me ;)...

03-23-2007, 03:13 PM
With all due respect, it just looks like some people are mad that their handle can't be on the 1. spot on the list. And at the end of the day....who cares......just come to the meet and have a good time. End of story.

this is easily fixable with the edit button :)

hey if it helps you i don't know what's going on :) but i think it's going to be explained shortly.. :gone

03-23-2007, 03:20 PM
but i think it's going to be explained shortly.. :gone

Yes. "In Tyler we trust." :chuckle well, in this case Justin and Broli / TM3 Committee

03-23-2007, 03:44 PM
anyone got AA copyright protected? lol

03-23-2007, 05:03 PM
AA is Adult Accompanied...it was originally posted as that as an inside joke because we didn't want any of the imaturity often found on the boards carried over to the meets, with the original founders a tone was established and the people who attended knew what kind of atmosphere to expect. This group was based on maturity and mutual respect. It was due to this foundation that it became one of the most successful meets...

The way I see it is that the meets established have set a tone and a reputation. When members goto these meets they know what to expect. Everyone is welcome and knew what they would see as well...

If anyone can posts a meet under established names, then the tones of such a group are swayed. Established meets should be made official and recognized because they helped build the club what it is today.

Anyone can decide and post up a meet... but certain ones should be left to specific individuals. If new members or anyone else for that matter want to start a meet no one is objecting but why is it necessary to use a name you know nothing about?

Why are some people mods? Why do mods get special privileges not bestowed to regular members? Because they have to maintain a specific standard on the board. The same thing goes for meets, which I feel are equally as important as what goes on on the net because this represents actual 'human' interaction and has an impact on our membership.

It's not a popularity contest or something, it's just maintaining a standard, be it here on the internet or in the 'real' world.

03-23-2007, 05:07 PM
It's not a popularity contest or something, it's just maintaining a standard, be it here on the internet or in the 'real' world.

After all... we are an elite group.

03-23-2007, 10:38 PM
AA is Adult Accompanied...it was originally posted as that as an inside joke because we didn't want any of the imaturity often found on the boards carried over to the meets, with the original founders a tone was established and the people who attended knew what kind of atmosphere to expect. This group was based on maturity and mutual respect. It was due to this foundation that it became one of the most successful meets...

The way I see it is that the meets established have set a tone and a reputation. When members goto these meets they know what to expect. Everyone is welcome and knew what they would see as well...

If anyone can posts a meet under established names, then the tones of such a group are swayed. Established meets should be made official and recognized because they helped build the club what it is today.

Anyone can decide and post up a meet... but certain ones should be left to specific individuals. If new members or anyone else for that matter want to start a meet no one is objecting but why is it necessary to use a name you know nothing about?

Why are some people mods? Why do mods get special privileges not bestowed to regular members? Because they have to maintain a specific standard on the board. The same thing goes for meets, which I feel are equally as important as what goes on on the net because this represents actual 'human' interaction and has an impact on our membership.

It's not a popularity contest or something, it's just maintaining a standard, be it here on the internet or in the 'real' world.

Hope that makes sense to everyone who is confused. It couldn't have been explained better.

03-24-2007, 12:09 AM
Again, i understand everyones points, majic if you are not aware of this it is because of your choice to not read the thread about it in the committee lounge section.

the way i see it is this

If you start a meet series, it is your event, and i understand if you want to maintain organization of it.

for instance, if you want to change it up, to a different location, or a different time, or to do something different or special, well it is ur meet, so it should be your decision.

here is an example, last summer, masiv mondays altered locations every two weeks for a few months, now, if people other than me were starting the threads, it would have lead to confusion.

It is for simplicities sake, and trust me it will be very easy to start meets under the new policy. a policy that is designed to tidy and organize the meet section more efficiently.

the only reason i didn't post up the explanation and new policy regulations is that i am waiting to hear back about something first

03-24-2007, 02:02 AM
I was never confused i understood wut was meant. I just don't see it that way because we're all apart of the same club. I understand the whole inside joke aspect (i'm certain we all know wut they are like), it just seems wierd that we can't use the name in a post to start a meet. But I can respect the decision.

03-24-2007, 11:30 PM
unbelieveable how asinine tm3 has become.

first a thread commenting on a sponsor's product is deleted and now there's a debate on the "names" of meets.

example, if someone is being an ass at a meet by squealing tires, driving like an idiot, etc, it reflects badly on the ENTIRE club, not the person that started the "trademarked" meet. an outsider isn't going to know who the **** started the meet, they will only know that a bunch of mazda3's were gathered and acting like asses. end of story.

03-25-2007, 12:33 AM
example, if someone is being an ass at a meet by squealing tires, driving like an idiot, etc, it reflects badly on the ENTIRE club, not the person that started the "trademarked" meet. an outsider isn't going to know who the **** started the meet, they will only know that a bunch of mazda3's were gathered and acting like asses. end of story.


03-25-2007, 11:04 PM
unbelieveable how asinine tm3 has become.

first a thread commenting on a sponsor's product is deleted and now there's a debate on the "names" of meets.

example, if someone is being an ass at a meet by squealing tires, driving like an idiot, etc, it reflects badly on the ENTIRE club, not the person that started the "trademarked" meet. an outsider isn't going to know who the **** started the meet, they will only know that a bunch of mazda3's were gathered and acting like asses. end of story.

in a nutshell lol

03-25-2007, 11:12 PM
unbelieveable how asinine tm3 has become.

first a thread commenting on a sponsor's product is deleted and now there's a debate on the "names" of meets.

example, if someone is being an ass at a meet by squealing tires, driving like an idiot, etc, it reflects badly on the ENTIRE club, not the person that started the "trademarked" meet. an outsider isn't going to know who the **** started the meet, they will only know that a bunch of mazda3's were gathered and acting like asses. end of story.

+1 trillion.......x100000000000000000000000000000000

Agreed to every thing he said. Seriously...whos going to care other then the people that started the name? I personally go to meets not becasue of whos going. Its because i want to meet some new faces and meet the old faces and the usual faces. The name is just there for people to start a thread and for someone to say which meet they went to.

my 2 cents

03-26-2007, 09:30 AM
unbelieveable how asinine tm3 has become.

first a thread commenting on a sponsor's product is deleted and now there's a debate on the "names" of meets.

example, if someone is being an ass at a meet by squealing tires, driving like an idiot, etc, it reflects badly on the ENTIRE club, not the person that started the "trademarked" meet. an outsider isn't going to know who the **** started the meet, they will only know that a bunch of mazda3's were gathered and acting like asses. end of story.

its easy to comment when u come on here from time to time (not that ur time is not valuable, u contribute greatly in ur brief visits)

ur not getting the complaints from both sides on the issue . . .

and truth be told, the issue of meets should be left to the group of members who actually attend them.

which gives me an idea . . . one that i will discuss in the committee lounge.

give it a day or so

03-26-2007, 10:46 AM
its easy to comment when u come on here from time to time (not that ur time is not valuable, u contribute greatly in ur brief visits)

ur not getting the complaints from both sides on the issue . . .

and truth be told, the issue of meets should be left to the group of members who actually attend them.

which gives me an idea . . . one that i will discuss in the committee lounge.

give it a day or so

definetly saw this argument coming...if this is the case there should be a disclaimer when signing up stating:
"WARNING: If you only plan to sometimes make posts and/or show up to meets, do not attempt to start a meet using a name that a founder has made as it will piss somebody off"

03-26-2007, 10:55 AM
well, ur right Adio

if someone doesn't show up at meets, i doubt they would start a thread, and those who start threads, tend to attend meets regularly.

perhaps this is something that can be worked out between parties rather than as a forum directive.

i think everyone can appreciated the stepping on toes feeling the meet founders feel, and i think everyone agrees that everyone should be able to start a meet.

03-26-2007, 11:18 AM

show up to meets and support the tm3 community. This thread is getting lame.

03-26-2007, 11:29 AM
its easy to comment when u come on here from time to time (not that ur time is not valuable, u contribute greatly in ur brief visits)

ur not getting the complaints from both sides on the issue . . .

and truth be told, the issue of meets should be left to the group of members who actually attend them.

which gives me an idea . . . one that i will discuss in the committee lounge.

give it a day or so

the issue with the "names" of the meets is cut and dry, there should not be any discussion around it and it does not matter if people do attend or not. the "club" is more than just meets.

you are making a big deal out of something so ridiculous you fail to see that, in this case, the "higher level of maturity" expected at the meets does not filter down to the forum (by stating that n00bs can't use meet names when starting meets to keep the "integrity" of the trademarked names).

the whole thing with complaints from both sides is something out of elementary school. i guess that's what happens when a village idiot becomes a self-appointed admin.

tm3 has become a joke. the transition from tm3.com to tm3.ca was supposed to reinvigorate interest in the club, instead, the proverbial inmates are running the asylum.

as for sitting in parking lots shooting the shit, i've been there, done that...but thanks for alienating someone who has been on this site longer than you; who has contributed more than post-whoring. have the elitest attitude where to be a member of this forum you have to attend meets and watch membership either drop or people lose interest in this forum.

once again, tm3 is more than just meets...it's an online community of people that have a common interest. to segregate the club into "founding members" and all others is stupid.

most of the "founding members" have left and the few that remain do so to see where this club is headed and if it is worth their while to continue on here; i stick around to help n00bs and others wherever i can. to say that I don't have a say in this issue of meets because i choose not to attend them is rather ignorant of you but, then again, i wouldn't expect anything else from you.

03-26-2007, 11:32 AM
the issue with the "names" of the meets is cut and dry, there should not be any discussion around it and it does not matter if people do attend or not. the "club" is more than just meets.

you are making a big deal out of something so ridiculous you fail to see that, in this case, the "higher level of maturity" expected at the meets does not filter down to the forum (by stating that n00bs can't use meet names when starting meets to keep the "integrity" of the trademarked names).

the whole thing with complaints from both sides is something out of elementary school. i guess that's what happens when a village idiot becomes a self-appointed admin.

tm3 has become a joke. the transition from tm3.com to tm3.ca was supposed to reinvigorate interest in the club, instead, the proverbial inmates are running the asylum.

as for sitting in parking lots shooting the shit, i've been there, done that...but thanks for alienating someone who has been on this site longer than you; who has contributed more than post-whoring. have the elitest attitude where to be a member of this forum you have to attend meets and watch membership either drop or people lose interest in this forum.

once again, tm3 is more than just meets...it's an online community of people that have a common interest. to segregate the club into "founding members" and all others is stupid.

most of the "founding members" have left and the few that remain do so to see where this club is headed and if it is worth their while to continue on here; i stick around to help n00bs and others wherever i can. to say that I don't have a say in this issue of meets because i choose not to attend them is rather ignorant of you but, then again, i wouldn't expect anything else from you.

:agree AMENT to that..

could not have said it better myself!!!

03-26-2007, 11:38 AM
the issue with the "names" of the meets is cut and dry, there should not be any discussion around it and it does not matter if people do attend or not. the "club" is more than just meets.

you are making a big deal out of something so ridiculous you fail to see that, in this case, the "higher level of maturity" expected at the meets does not filter down to the forum (by stating that n00bs can't use meet names when starting meets to keep the "integrity" of the trademarked names).

the whole thing with complaints from both sides is something out of elementary school. i guess that's what happens when a village idiot becomes a self-appointed admin.

tm3 has become a joke. the transition from tm3.com to tm3.ca was supposed to reinvigorate interest in the club, instead, the proverbial inmates are running the asylum.

as for sitting in parking lots shooting the shit, i've been there, done that...but thanks for alienating someone who has been on this site longer than you; who has contributed more than post-whoring. have the elitest attitude where to be a member of this forum you have to attend meets and watch membership either drop or people lose interest in this forum.

once again, tm3 is more than just meets...it's an online community of people that have a common interest. to segregate the club into "founding members" and all others is stupid.

most of the "founding members" have left and the few that remain do so to see where this club is headed and if it is worth their while to continue on here; i stick around to help n00bs and others wherever i can. to say that I don't have a say in this issue of meets because i choose not to attend them is rather ignorant of you but, then again, i wouldn't expect anything else from you.

wow...hah...there u have it...

03-26-2007, 11:38 AM
I am not going to dissect your entire post MajesticBlueNTO. But, I will come, to Broli's defense. He was not a "self appointed admin", a committee to help growth in the club was formed, this committee invitation was offered to all members. Broli volunteered, and has been a regular contributor with very good ideas for the growth of the club. It was through this committee, that the admins and mods were chosen. So he was certainly not self appointed.
As well, Broli does post a lot, but he also contributes a lot. Often times he contributes a great deal at meets, by answering questions, giving guidance, etc.
You are both valuable members to our community(which includes a forum, and in person meetings), and I thank you both for your contributions.

03-26-2007, 11:40 AM
The topics discussed on TM3 nowadays are just plain lame. Fighting over the dumbest things. I thought I heard it all but this whole meets thing might just top it.

As a long time member, I'd like to thank you MajesticBlueNTO for saying what is exactly on my mind.

03-26-2007, 11:43 AM
I am not going to dissect your entire post MajesticBlueNTO. But, I will come, to Broli's defense. He was not a "self appointed admin", a committee to help growth in the club was formed, this committee invitation was offered to all members. Broli volunteered, and has been a regular contributor with very good ideas for the growth of the club. It was through this committee, that the admins and mods were chosen. So he was certainly not self appointed.
As well, Broli does post a lot, but he also contributes a lot. Often times he contributes a great deal at meets, by answering questions, giving guidance, etc.
You are both valuable members to our community(which includes a forum, and in person meetings), and I thank you both for your contributions.

There is no doubt Broli does a lot for the forum and the club as a whole. But that still doesn't change the fact that this whole "you can't use my name cuz i started using it first" thing is ****ing stupid...I tried to stay on the civil side with my objection but that can only last for so long. We aren't 7 years old and someone didn't steal ur spot at the front of the line to go back into class after recess...it's just a ****ing name of a forum post.

Peel the thong from out of the ass crack and deal with it. No one is stealing anyones "thunder"...despite how some ppl are trying to make it seem...

03-26-2007, 11:50 AM
The idea of meet names being protected was not Broli's original idea. If you look, it was Blue_Dragon who posted the concern and explanation.

03-26-2007, 11:52 AM

MajesticBlueNTO for president
06Touring3 for the secretary of the defence of sanity

03-26-2007, 11:52 AM
The idea of meet names being protected was not Broli's original idea. If you look, it was Blue_Dragon who posted the concern and explanation.

i didn't say antyhign about Broli beyond my first sentence. i merely said it so we're all clear on it. The rest of my post was just in general, not directly pointed at anyone in particular

03-26-2007, 11:53 AM
The idea of meet names being protected was not Broli's original idea. If you look, it was Blue_Dragon who posted the concern and explanation.

true as it is, isn't he in support of this making him as bad as the originator?

03-26-2007, 01:07 PM
Why not we make a poll and see what poeple votes about this? Its stupid but some people do read this and do'nt want to say anything but do want to share there thought.

03-26-2007, 01:14 PM
my contribution to the club is great, my contribution to the online community, is perhaps little (though i contribute where i can in technical sides and contribute to discussions on whatever the topic of interest is for the day). i am not nor every claim to be an authority in the field of automotive and tuning and audio/video knowledge. hence i dont give useless information to members asking questions in these fields, i contribute when i know something.

however the club is more than the online community just like it is more than just the meets (i have stated that many many MANY times).

I attend meets regularly, interact with all members of the clubs, and other sister clubs I setup and run events am involved in club decisions regarding every issue from webforum to meets to memberships.

i made sure to get on methodyst's back to get the proofs (or whatever u call them) to jeff to make decals (ami was involved also), i set up a club bank account, i ran point on the 50/50 draw setup (buy ur tickets btw) i talked to the sponsors about getting prizes. I do my part, just as other do theirs

so despite ur greater knowledge, u have contributed in a longer time only but a fraction of what i have.


you have missunderstood much, and despite that lacking, have not had issue with spewing ur thoughts on this matter. not something i would have expected from you.

1. founding members . . what are u talking about? there was mention that meets had founders, but no talk of segregation of the club into founding members and not

2. this is not my issue, nor was i the one who brought it up. i personally feel a meet is a meet (i have stated this is the committee section also) and that all should be able to post them, and if people dont want to have thier meets scooped, they should schedule them ahead of time in the calendar and post the roll call with enought notice. this issue was raised by a member who i am certain you respect and like.

3. i am not a self-appointed anything as ami explained

4. i have not alientated you in anyway, i said you are a great contibutor when u are here. And i said that since u do not attend meets perhaps the decisons on this matter should be left to the group who have more than just an academic interest.

5. most of the older members left before the transfer to the .ca for whatever reasons, i am not a mind reader (though your post suggests u have that ability).

once again TM3 more than just an online webforum it is an actual community with conventional and virtual connectivity. it is a club that i happily dedicate my time to

03-26-2007, 01:16 PM
Why not we make a poll and see what poeple votes about this? Its stupid but some people do read this and do'nt want to say anything but do want to share there thought.


honestly, as much as i dont care about this whole meet name issue. this "rule" is retarded. afterall what was the reason why we wanted "tm3" or whatever his name is out of this club? as far as i remember it was because he kept controlling the club, and we wanted to have more "democratic" say in things. now as far as i remember from the dictionary this means majority rules. if the founder of the meet or name of the meet is being anal (no offence to anyone, but no other way to discribe this) then i suggest change a name compeletely.

afterall a club shouldn't have a VIP threat section for the select few, especially such an important section as meets.

having such a rule is dumb, because you're not creating the warm feeling that everyone is welcome in the club. some members will think, "oh well i'm not him so i can't start a meet". and if you think about it further then aren't you breaking the rule by posting under the AA Thursday, La Paloma sections???

now i feel better :)

03-26-2007, 01:24 PM
true as it is, isn't he in support of this making him as bad as the originator?

when did i support it

most people here dont even know what the suggestion that was made is

i simply looked for a solution that was peacably in the middle,

perhaps you should have logged on to have ur opinions heard in private while the discussion remained there - where it belongs

i say close this thread - if the discussion is desired to continue whoever wishes to continue it please start a new thread in the general meets section or lounge!

03-26-2007, 01:35 PM
continue discussion here


this way at least u all know what the suggested changes were
and will all know how it wasn't worth ur fuss