View Full Version : MoT Service - Not mod friendly
This story started a while ago, when noticed a really annoying whining noise coming from my car.
I took it to MoT and after prolonged discussions and after more than 2 months, a few appointments (4 times I had to come in, wait for 3+ hours for them to tell me that they don't have the time to work on my car that day!!!) they have decided that it was the power steering pump and that they will actually do something about it. It was ordered, replaced, but the noise was still there.
The next thing on the list of replacements was the belt and the pulley. I came in yesterday for my scheduled appointment. To my surprise Mazda Canada representatives have been invited as well. The car got serviced but the stupid noise didn’t go anywhere. We had a prolonged discussion about what the next step would be, during which it was suggested that they would just leave everything as is, since they are unable to find the cause of the problem (!). Honestly, if you can’t fix your own product, you really shouldn’t be selling it.
And that when the service manager stepped in and said that I have an aftermarket engine mount installed, probably hoping that after that statement all discussions about warranty would come to an end.
Now today the noise got even louder than before so I went back to MoT. I got one of the owners to come out with the service manager to show them how loud it is. And that’s when the service manager tells me that he doesn’t hear any noise and that he doesn’t have the time to be fixing my car!!!
Seriously, in my opinion the whole point of getting a brand new car is the security from malfunctions, backed by the warranty. Every time you buy a new car they are offering you the extended warranty for it. Now what exactly is the point of paying money to extend a warranty that the manufacturer doesn’t even fulfill?!
this vid is not that good but you will know what it sounds like (¤t=MOV00239.flv)
05-16-2007, 12:54 PM
i've no idea what u mean with ur first sentence in:
"Seriously, in my opinion the whole point of getting a brand new car is the security from malfunctions..."
Does mazda canada covers Mazdaspeed parts if they don't come stock. Perhaps Jeff or Joe can shine in on this point. (I cant call mazda canada im at work)
have you tried replacing your aftermarket engine mount with an OEM one? If they are blaming it on the engine mount, replace it with OEM and go back in.
I don't complain that I got no warranty on my headlight housing since I've HIDs, (my right headlight turns into a green house after a touchless carwash).
what mods are in your car right now? MS CAI? U lowered with something, I don't remember anything else
05-16-2007, 12:57 PM
They just know you're trouble to begin with ;)
Is it a whine or a hiss? Have you been able to pinpoint the area where the noise has been coming from? Sounds like it was more on the drivers side but then when you got closer to the belt/pulleys it made the noise also. Have you tried listening for it through a short piece of hose or tubing? You might be able to get a better idea of where it's coming from.
Does mazda canada covers Mazdaspeed parts if they don't come stock. Perhaps Jeff or Joe can shine in on this point. (I cant call mazda canada im at work)
I'm pretty sure the Mazdaspeed intake is covered for 1 year/20K by Mazda
have you tried replacing your aftermarket engine mount with an OEM one? If they are blaming it on the engine mount, replace it with OEM and go back in.
That's been done a long time ago. And he noise is clearly related to a moving mechanical part so an engine mount wouldn't cause that.
My biggest issue and the reason for this post wasn't the fact that the problem occured. After all it's my second mazda3 and most of you know that the first one had sooo many problems that it's hard to list them all. So I wasn't surprised that something went wrong on a car that has 8k on it.
My concern is that not one have the dealer service reps have tryed to resolve a customer's concern, but also have been highly unprofessional about it.
05-16-2007, 02:03 PM
Damn that sounds horrible!!! kinda reminds me of a marble stuck in a vacuum and its just rattlin around and around..
If MoT Service fails to do anything, worse case bring it to another Mazda dealership, one that is very mod friendly is Davewood Mazda....
At least I can say I am happy with the parts department :)
05-16-2007, 02:29 PM
I'm getting the same sound! Mind you its not as loud and it only happens once in a while, I discussed it with several people and possible causes are, in order of probability 1. Drive belt tensioner (TSB) 2. Water pump or 3. Pulley bearing.I have yet to take it in to Mazda, but soon...
05-16-2007, 02:30 PM
take it to avante wen i blew my engine on my old 3 prima wouldnt fix it b/c of my intake but avante said it wouldnt make a difference and fixed it no prob
you do remember who sent you there :)
and also talked Ted in to doing all that work :)
but unfortunatley i was banned from Avante cus i got my car from MOT :complain
witch now makes me wonder if that $100 Mazdaspeed mirror cover was worth it
take it to avante wen i blew my engine on my old 3 prima wouldnt fix it b/c of my intake but avante said it wouldnt make a difference and fixed it no prob
Cardinal Fang
05-16-2007, 03:06 PM
How can a dealership ban you if you decide to purchase it somewhere else? I'm not saying it can't happen but that just sounds so strange.
i can put you on conf call when i call to make appointment and will will see for ur self
almost forgot: a few months ago, when i brought the car in for service, whoever was pulling the car in the bay hit the driver side mirror. An pieace of it broke off, but i was promised that it would be taken care of. And now they're saying that it's been over 2 months and that they don't care and not gonna fix it.
05-16-2007, 03:19 PM
To me it sounded like hissing...also your car choked for a sec at 10s into the vid.
If it is a hissing, put your oem BOV on, if thats not it it could be a vacuum line, check your fittings for your boost guage, all of which could cause the engine to stumble...
05-16-2007, 03:19 PM
almost forgot: a few months ago, when i brought the car in for service, whoever was pulling the car in the bay hit the driver side mirror. An pieace of it broke off, but i was promised that it would be taken care of. And now they're saying that it's been over 2 months and that they don't care and not gonna fix it.
oh shit. what does time have to do with replacing something the broke lol
I understand if its 2 years but 2 months? come on
its not hissing the sound at the end of the vid
05-16-2007, 03:35 PM
OK, but what about the engine stumble at 10s, thats far from normal...
Meh ask the dealer i don't know :)
if i know whats going on i would fix it long time ago
Street Performance told me to come by and Jimmy will have a look @ it :)
thats more then i got from Mazda today :bang
05-16-2007, 06:56 PM
Thats pretty shitty vlad. I used to be in the retail industry and we went out of our way to make sure the customer was taken care of. Granted it wasn't in the auto service but customer service is customer service.
i think that service manager job needs to be handed over to Jeff :gone
05-16-2007, 07:14 PM
i think that service manager job needs to be handed over to Jeff :gone
That would be sweet...TM3 priority!!
05-16-2007, 09:56 PM
their service manager isn't all that helpful as per my experience as well.. the service advisors are average (can't say they are any better than others).
I mainly go there for joe and jeff... and probably because i bought the car there.
hope you get your shit fixed.
05-16-2007, 11:27 PM
That would be sweet...TM3 priority!!
As nice as that would be, unfortunately, that is just not the case. It's on a first come, first serve basis only, and if it got out that MOT was giving preferential treatment to TM3 members, bet your ass that this preferential treatment wouldn't be around for very long once head office found out about it.
And another thing while we are on the topic of the service department. I've NEVER had a problem with any of those guys, in fact, they've been nothing but AWESOME to me.
I checked out that vid, sure sounds like the belts to me. I could be wrong though.
05-17-2007, 12:50 AM
I would check the BOV and Guage lines like Plat said.
sorry to hear that vlad...can't believe they said that thought.
my experience with MOT service:
- so far good customer service (Vince only)
- they said they'll get back to me about my tranny, haven't heard since January or so, even when i asked
- been in to fix my break issue and they say its fine...i'm sorry but in dry they are not to be creaking tha loud when i tap and MY CAR JERKS WHEN I'M STANDING STILL AT A LIGHT (auto tranny)
another oil change in a couple of days so we'll see how that goes.
Push the brake pedal down further.
Push the brake pedal down further.
thought of it doesnt do anything
SP33D 3
05-17-2007, 01:35 PM
was the service manager you guys saw named rick? he was very nice to me but he would also slip in a few comments that we're quite rude about my driving and making alot of assumptions becuase I had alot of problems with the mazda 3 i had before the speed3... the MoT stealership really enjoys screwing people over from my experience... one mechanic there i will never trust is mo... last time i gave him my car he ended up lecturing me and bitching about how i need to take better care of my car, then the asshat he is he didnt reinstall the engine correctly so the engine dropped out(broken engine bracket, not engine mount which broke 2 months later) 11 hours after picking it up from repairs
SP33D 3
05-17-2007, 01:37 PM
also to vlad, i've heard that sound before from my buddies protege and he had to get the airconditioning belt replaced... thats my guess
05-17-2007, 03:52 PM
the MoT stealership really enjoys screwing people over from my experience...
05-17-2007, 03:55 PM
the MoT stealership really enjoys screwing people over from my experience...
That's a very strong statement Bro! Take it easy on the choice of words. We have friends and members that works at the Dealership.
but to be honest, if at my next oil change they dont fix the break and tranny problem or try to do something, i will never set foot into MOT Service department.
05-17-2007, 05:29 PM
That's a very strong statement Bro! Take it easy on the choice of words. We have friends and members that works at the Dealership.
Are you the TM3 censor cop here or what? You have no right to lecture this person about what he says or doesn't say!! As far as I see his comment was legit, in that he specified "from my experience" he was not making a general statement.Also the fact that members here are employees of MoT or friends should not deter anyone from voicing their honest opinions about Mot, good or bad....... Understood?
05-17-2007, 05:36 PM
Everybody is entitled to their opinion. Personally, I have only had good experiences dealing with MOT. When my sunroof got smashed Joe and then Stanley were great about making sure it was fixed properly and quickly. they even dealt with my insurance company on my behalf.
The other thing I will say, is if you aren't happy with a service rep, or service manager tell them to their face or give them a call. If they aren't aware that their comments may have been received poorly, they will keep making the same comments.
05-17-2007, 05:51 PM
At the end of the day it's a busness. They try to make money and put food on their table.
I was under the impression that MoT was already one of most tolerant dealerships in regards to mods.
05-17-2007, 06:06 PM
Everybody is entitled to their opinion. Personally, I have only had good experiences dealing with MOT. When my sunroof got smashed Joe and then Stanley were great about making sure it was fixed properly and quickly. they even dealt with my insurance company on my behalf.
The other thing I will say, is if you aren't happy with a service rep, or service manager tell them to their face or give them a call. If they aren't aware that their comments may have been received poorly, they will keep making the same comments.
Very well put SFW, you should be a mediator! And glad to hear everything worked out good with the sunroof!
all i can say about MOT is that there sales staff and parts are the best :)
but service sucks :flaming
i think there service department can use a good tune up
plus trying to void customers warranty is not cool
and i don't even have any mods only rims springs and mazdaspeed intake
so WTF :complain
ohh and my gauges
all i can say about MOT is that there sales staff and parts are the best :)
but service sucks :flaming
i think there service department can use a good tune up
plus trying to void customers warranty is not cool
and i don't even have any mods only rims springs and mazdaspeed intake
so WTF :complain
ohh and my gauges
they voided your warranty????:whoa (if they did, i'm pretty sure it was for your "turbo" badge)
so i've just made an appointment for tomorrow for my oil change and other things, will see what they say and DO!!!
+1 service and parts are the best, someone give them all 1000 +1 post counts even if they're not part of club :chuckle
05-17-2007, 08:12 PM
Are you the TM3 censor cop here or what? You have no right to lecture this person about what he says or doesn't say!! As far as I see his comment was legit, in that he specified "from my experience" he was not making a general statement.Also the fact that members here are employees of MoT or friends should not deter anyone from voicing their honest opinions about Mot, good or bad....... Understood?
I'm not a cop or TM3 censor. I'm also just here to voice my opinion! I did not command anybody what to say or not to say! . . . . . . . Understood? Good.
SP33D 3
05-17-2007, 08:34 PM
i very much like the dealership, i just had lots of problems with them... they sold me a mazdaspeed 3 which took just over 3 months to be delivered because they wouldn't settle on a deal but they finally did eventhough the price never changed... the car literally sat in the back of the lot of the dealership for those 3 months... i havn't met any one from the dealership that is on this forum so i hope my comments didn't offend them... teh only people i dealt with were rana, rick and the mechanic mo who i dont like... rick and rana are both great guys and i've talked to stanely a bunch of times and he is one of the nicest guys too... i didn't mean to offend anyone with my comments, they were mainly directed towards mo who was very rude and almost killed me by improperly reinstalling my engine
05-18-2007, 09:37 AM
Post 1:
was the service manager you guys saw named rick? he was very nice to me but he would also slip in a few comments that we're quite rude about my driving and making alot of assumptions becuase I had alot of problems with the mazda 3 i had before the speed3... the MoT stealership really enjoys screwing people over from my experience... one mechanic there i will never trust is mo... last time i gave him my car he ended up lecturing me and bitching about how i need to take better care of my car, then the asshat he is he didnt reinstall the engine correctly so the engine dropped out(broken engine bracket, not engine mount which broke 2 months later) 11 hours after picking it up from repairs
Post 2:
i very much like the dealership, i just had lots of problems with them... they sold me a mazdaspeed 3 which took just over 3 months to be delivered because they wouldn't settle on a deal but they finally did eventhough the price never changed... the car literally sat in the back of the lot of the dealership for those 3 months... i havn't met any one from the dealership that is on this forum so i hope my comments didn't offend them... teh only people i dealt with were rana, rick and the mechanic mo who i dont like... rick and rana are both great guys and i've talked to stanely a bunch of times and he is one of the nicest guys too... i didn't mean to offend anyone with my comments, they were mainly directed towards mo who was very rude and almost killed me by improperly reinstalling my engine
Is your real name John Kerry? I only ask because in your first post you bashed everyone there, then in your second post, your opinion changed.
Just curious is all.
05-18-2007, 10:54 AM
I'm not a cop or TM3 censor. I'm also just here to voice my opinion! I did not command anybody what to say or not to say! . . . . . . . Understood? Good.
If I were you I would re-evaluate the way you worded your first post! definitely sounds to me that you were telling him to 'choose his words better' and than focused it on the fact that 'members here are part of MoT'. Sorry but,that is not a opinion that is a demand.People here should not be afraid to voice their opinion on MoT just because a couple of members here work there and most definitely you have no right to ask someone too either....that my friend is censorship by intimidation!!
I know both members of MoT and both are stand-up guys and will bend over (backwards thats is) for people, but neither one have anything to do with service.I tend to agree with 'some' of the posts here whereas when dealing with MoT 'in my experience' some areas are outstanding, whereas service has been a detriment to their dealership, which is sad.
05-18-2007, 11:09 AM
If I were you I would re-evaluate the way you worded your first post! definitely sounds to me that you were telling him to 'choose his words better' and than focused it on the fact that 'members here are part of MoT'. Sorry but,that is not a opinion that is a demand.People here should not be afraid to voice their opinion on MoT just because a couple of members here work there and most definitely you have no right to ask someone too either....that my friend is censorship by intimidation!!
I know both members of MoT and both are stand-up guys and will bend over (backwards thats is) for people, but neither one have anything to do with service.I tend to agree with 'some' of the posts here whereas when dealing with MoT 'in my experience' some areas are outstanding, whereas service has been a detriment to their dealership, which is sad.
I don't know why "Take it easy"on the choice of words was misunderstood on the first post? Anyway, I just felt like the words "Stealership" and "Screwing" in the same sentence was a bit harsh. But that's just me.
oooook, make a new thread for grammar topics :)
so went to MoT today, ...... nothing was solved however, we did find out that my front rotors (same ones that were replaced april 2nd) are wearing off now....and on top of it, they can't find anything wrong.... 4000km on the rotors and they're wearing off, and believe me i was taking it really easy on them, yet they say my brakes are perfectly fine!!!!
on the bright side no issues with the oil change :chuckle
ps nice seeing some members chilling (as always) at MoT (Vlad, Joe, and Jeff being jolly as ussual while putting satisfied road users into their new ZoomZooms)
05-18-2007, 02:39 PM
we did find out that my front rotors (same ones that were replaced april 2nd) are wearing off now....and on top of it, they can't find anything wrong.... 4000km on the rotors and they're wearing off, and believe me i was taking it really easy on them, yet they say my brakes are perfectly fine!!!!
ummm... checked my rotors at 84K and they are still 'fine' how can yours be wearing after 4K!?!?!? do you have aftermarket pads that are made of titanium or something?
ummm... checked my rotors at 84K and they are still 'fine' how can yours be wearing after 4K!?!?!? do you have aftermarket pads that are made of titanium or something?
1st they wore out at 20000km, they replaced them, now again in less then 2mnths. my breaks are all stock. my stock RS-A are outlasting my front rotors lol. YET the "experts" say that everything is perfectly fine. :loco i'm gonna call Mazda Canada.
They didn't even want to look into my car jerking when i stand on a light...reason being that they couldn't replicate the problem...:whoa well no shit cause i said it happens intermediately
SP33D 3
05-18-2007, 05:30 PM
Is your real name John Kerry? I only ask because in your first post you bashed everyone there, then in your second post, your opinion changed.
Just curious is all.[/QUOTE]
i didn't bash anyone except for mo, but i will agree with that i wasn't specific enough to state who i was bashing in my first post... the stealership comment is a bit harsh, and the reason i say in my experience i felt this way is because they demanded 9 grand to replace the engine the first time and when they returned it, after threatening through arbitration they reduced it by 500$ and tried to reduce it AGAIN by 300$ because i wouldn't sign a form stating we agree not to press charges with any regards to that car... im just bitter towards the service department(mainly mo, rick was quite helpful) because he was completely rude eventhough i almost got t-boned by a speeding pick-up truck at 3am as my engine hit the floor due to him wanting to cut corners on replacing the engine
05-19-2007, 10:49 AM
I know both members of MoT and both are stand-up guys and will bend over (backwards thats is) for people...
good thing you clarified that!!!! :chuckle
+--SM M3--+
05-21-2007, 06:00 AM
i think in general, if you treat the Service people nice, then you'll get nice service in return...
just like anyone's human psychology...
that being said...i'm sure some of you (not mentioning any names) are not the friendliest of people and may come across a bit rude? because from my experience, going to meets i've met a lot of you in person...
on the whole you're all nice, except for a few here and there, that like to diss up other members rides without even knowing them...
so try being reasonable and nice and i'm sure you'll get the same in return...
my experience with MoT has always been great...and if i don't like it i have 3 options...
1) escalate to Service Manager Rick
2) escalate to General Manager
3) get a second opinion from another dealer
+2 for MoT Parts & Service!!
05-21-2007, 08:26 AM
i think in general, if you treat the Service people nice, then you'll get nice service in return...
just like anyone's human psychology...
that being said...i'm sure some of you (not mentioning any names) are not the friendliest of people and may come across a bit rude? because from my experience, going to meets i've met a lot of you in person...
on the whole you're all nice, except for a few here and there, that like to diss up other members rides without even knowing them...
so try being reasonable and nice and i'm sure you'll get the same in return...
my experience with MoT has always been great...and if i don't like it i have 3 options...
1) escalate to Service Manager Rick
2) escalate to General Manager
3) get a second opinion from another dealer
+2 for MoT Parts & Service!!
Well said!
05-21-2007, 08:33 AM
he was very nice to me but he would also slip in a few comments that we're quite rude about my driving and making alot of assumptions becuase I had alot of problems with the mazda 3 i had before the speed3...
the MoT stealership really enjoys screwing people over from my experience...
one mechanic there i will never trust is mo... last time i gave him my car he ended up lecturing me and bitching about how i need to take better care of my car, then the asshat he is he didnt reinstall the engine correctly so the engine dropped out(broken engine bracket, not engine mount which broke 2 months later) 11 hours after picking it up from repairs
I'd say you bashed quite a few people in that post.
If you really don't like the service you are getting, don't go back. Go to Downtown Mazda, go to Avante, or any other dealer. Or give the car back if you are that unhappy, which you clearly are.
A word of advice... Don't come on here and start talking trash and insulting people because you have a problem. OK?
Fark. :flaming:complain
Wild Weasel
05-21-2007, 11:22 AM
on the whole you're all nice, except for a few here and there, that like to diss up other members rides without even knowing them...
Crap. She's found me out! :( :chuckle
If you really don't like the service you are getting, don't go back. Go to Downtown Mazda, go to Avante, or any other dealer. Or give the car back if you are that unhappy, which you clearly are.
A word of advice... Don't come on here and start talking trash and insulting people because you have a problem. OK?
I think it's time we let this thread die. Just reading this, I can totally see where you're coming from but I can't help but think that if it were some other dealer then there wouldn't be near the commotion and we'd all be behind this guy trying to work out his issues.
The fact that we have friends at MoT has made this personal. Let's not scare away the new guy just yet. I'm sure he still thinks the people he dealt with are a bunch of idiots, but now feels he's walked into a wasps nest by bringing it up here.
Hey new guy... have you been back to MoT to talk to Jeff or Joe and try to work out what's going on there? A bit of diplomacy can go a long way.
05-21-2007, 11:30 AM
Crap. She's found me out! :( :chuckle
HA HA HA!!!!
thats not nice all i asked is whats wrong with ur grill
and u think i was dissing ur ride ?
must be nice to work for Mazda Canada so the service won't tell you that sound is normall and you can live with it :loco
try steping in my position where i got the boot from warranty before and guess what that problem became a recall later in life :complain
still have the apology letter sitting @ my house that mean nothing to me
so if you want me to be nice get my car fixed
i think in general, if you treat the Service people nice, then you'll get nice service in return...
just like anyone's human psychology...
that being said...i'm sure some of you (not mentioning any names) are not the friendliest of people and may come across a bit rude? because from my experience, going to meets i've met a lot of you in person...
on the whole you're all nice, except for a few here and there, that like to diss up other members rides without even knowing them...
so try being reasonable and nice and i'm sure you'll get the same in return...
my experience with MoT has always been great...and if i don't like it i have 3 options...
1) escalate to Service Manager Rick
2) escalate to General Manager
3) get a second opinion from another dealer
+2 for MoT Parts & Service!!
+--SM M3--+
05-21-2007, 01:19 PM
thats not nice all i asked is whats wrong with ur grill
and u think i was dissing ur ride ?
must be nice to work for Mazda Canada so the service won't tell you that sound is normall and you can live with it :loco
try steping in my position where i got the boot from warranty before and guess what that problem became a recall later in life :complain
still have the apology letter sitting @ my house that mean nothing to me
so if you want me to be nice get my car fixed
VLAD... you did not just ask what's wrong with my grill..
you said "What the **** kinda intake is that? homemade?" and also..."what's up with the gap in your grill? i bet you bought it off ebay?"
comments like that..are not nice..
05-21-2007, 01:22 PM
there has to be a legit reason why you're not welcome at Avante
who in their right mind wouldn't wanna make money?
In terms of your car, you should put the OEM parts back to make sure it has nothing to do with the aftermarket parts you put in
warranty is not voided unless u start ****ing around with your car, that's the risk you take when you start souping it up
please tell me whats not OEM on my car
my CAI made by Mazdaspeed ???
my painted door trims ???
my nice rims ???
my stereo with nav ???
ohh i know my clear bra :chuckle
there has to be a legit reason why you're not welcome at Avante
who in their right mind wouldn't wanna make money?
In terms of your car, you should put the OEM parts back to make sure it has nothing to do with the aftermarket parts you put in
warranty is not voided unless u start ****ing around with your car, that's the risk you take when you start souping it up
and as for you i never saw ur car under the hood and i don't know what CAI you have but i did ask whats up with the gap on the grill i hopes that i can help you adjust the gap like i help all the members with there stuff
and you jump on me like that
and after i asked Flippy to tell you i never wanted to come out like that tell her im sorry :complain
Thanks for ur input on my warranty
VLAD... you did not just ask what's wrong with my grill..
you said "What the **** kinda intake is that? homemade?" and also..."what's up with the gap in your grill? i bet you bought it off ebay?"
comments like that..are not nice..
After reading 2 pages of this, i forgot who said we should close this thread.
Here's why we shouldn't or more exact you (mods) shouldn't:
1.) as someone touched upon this: people used to and still bash other dealers and shops
2.) everything that was said was legit.
3.) members deserve the right to know of issues with different dealers
4.) MoT is Perfection = bullshit, no place can be perfect. as for friends, i have no friends in service at MoT (again no problems with parts or sales, even if i would have problems there doesn't mean its with Joe or Jeff).
5.) heres one that wasnt said but could come up: dont bash MoT cause they give us deals?? i dont remember getting a discount for an oil change
6.) 4 times they said no problems with breaks, then had to replace my rotors at 20,000km on april 2nd, and said they are wearing out on May 18th 4000km later SAME YEAR. I told them its obviously shouldn't happen, they agreed went back to check, and guess what they said ...... take a problems. (btw, thats only the front rotors, the pads and tires are fine all around) so dont tell me i dont have a right to bash MoT service.
7.) as for vlad, they should not have voided his waranty, i know what parts he has on there and they can't cause or create such a sound.
8.) why is it that members bash each other only online, say something to someones face at a meet!!!
05-21-2007, 02:38 PM
:bana2Can't we all just get along?:bana
we are getting along just fine
its service that needs to get a tune up
and plus i think if i do mod my ride
if the mod never cused the problem why not fixed it
05-21-2007, 03:14 PM
I would like this SP33D 3 character to send me his/her personal info so I can check out your service history. As for Moe he's one of our top techs and has owned a few Speed Protege's himself. I've never heard of him doing what you claimed he did but until I see the info for myself you can cease your bashing towards him.
If you beat your car up that's your problem. Don't think techs can't tell when your hard on your brakes or your clutch is slipping already. The parts on the car don't lie. I want this thread to die as much as anyone else does mainly because I respect the people I work with and hate seeing smack about my workplace.
As for talkin shiet about other people's rides it's already been taken care of I hope. We're a flippin club right? So let's act like one. You got something to say to someone do it via PM or to their face at a meet.
+--SM M3--+
05-21-2007, 03:30 PM
I would like this SP33D 3 character to send me his/her personal info so I can check out your service history. As for Moe he's one of our top techs and has owned a few Speed Protege's himself. I've never heard of him doing what you claimed he did but until I see the info for myself you can cease your bashing towards him.
If you beat your car up that's your problem. Don't think techs can't tell when your hard on your brakes or your clutch is slipping already. The parts on the car don't lie. I want this thread to die as much as anyone else does mainly because I respect the people I work with and hate seeing smack about my workplace.
As for talkin shiet about other people's rides it's already been taken care of I hope. We're a flippin club right? So let's act like one. You got something to say to someone do it via PM or to their face at a meet.
Flippy i hope you were not talking about my breaks just there. cause all other parts on my car are fine. and they are to wear at same time as rotors....
dont think anyone can go through 2 sets or rotors before changing tires or pads, or even this fast.
still waiting on apology :)
05-21-2007, 09:41 PM
[QUOTE=+--SM M3--+;182578]i think in general, if you treat the Service people nice, then you'll get nice service in return...
just like anyone's human psychology...
Hopefully you didn't conduct your conversations with the service tech/managers using the same tone and language as in this thread. I'm not saying you don't have a right to proper service but if someone came to me cursing and complaining and not conducting themselves professionally, I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to provide the best service to them. I would still provide them service but just bare bones. Unprofessional, rude and whiney customers are yhe ones you really don't care to see back anyway. (Contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right)
im not asking for any 1 to go out of there way
just do there job :complain
and i was nice when this started till they hit my miror i was told to screw my self :flaming
ohh and if any 1 thinks i was an ass about my service thats not tru i had thebiz take care of all that stuff for me even drive my car in to the bay so i don't have to deal with service :)
Thanks Jeff
05-21-2007, 10:36 PM
I would like this SP33D 3 character to send me his/her personal info so I can check out your service history. As for Moe he's one of our top techs and has owned a few Speed Protege's himself. I've never heard of him doing what you claimed he did but until I see the info for myself you can cease your bashing towards him.
If you beat your car up that's your problem. Don't think techs can't tell when your hard on your brakes or your clutch is slipping already. The parts on the car don't lie. I want this thread to die as much as anyone else does mainly because I respect the people I work with and hate seeing smack about my workplace.
As for talkin shiet about other people's rides it's already been taken care of I hope. We're a flippin club right? So let's act like one. You got something to say to someone do it via PM or to their face at a meet.
AMEN!!!!! Flippy you rock!
Of course, this Speed3 guy will just disappear now that he's been called out... or not... personally, I don't give a shit anymore... If you have something to say, say it to their face.
But I guess no-one is gonna talk shit to someone else's face.... it's much more manly to say it from a computer or behind their backs.
you ppl need to chill
this coming from the biggest shit desterber :gone
05-21-2007, 10:43 PM
this coming from the biggest shit desterber
Well, at least you know your role.
05-21-2007, 10:48 PM
After reading 2 pages of this, i forgot who said we should close this thread.
Here's why we shouldn't or more exact you (mods) shouldn't:
1.) as someone touched upon this: people used to and still bash other dealers and shops
2.) everything that was said was legit.
3.) members deserve the right to know of issues with different dealers
4.) MoT is Perfection = bullshit, no place can be perfect. as for friends, i have no friends in service at MoT (again no problems with parts or sales, even if i would have problems there doesn't mean its with Joe or Jeff).
5.) heres one that wasnt said but could come up: dont bash MoT cause they give us deals?? i dont remember getting a discount for an oil change
6.) 4 times they said no problems with breaks, then had to replace my rotors at 20,000km on april 2nd, and said they are wearing out on May 18th 4000km later SAME YEAR. I told them its obviously shouldn't happen, they agreed went back to check, and guess what they said ...... take a problems. (btw, thats only the front rotors, the pads and tires are fine all around) so dont tell me i dont have a right to bash MoT service.
7.) as for vlad, they should not have voided his waranty, i know what parts he has on there and they can't cause or create such a sound.
8.) why is it that members bash each other only online, say something to someones face at a meet!!!
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! How about we don't take your advice? I like that idea much better.
As far as oil changes go.... you want a discount? With the amount of friends you claim to have, you should be able to get one for free somewhere! Or here's a novel concept... DIY if you don't want to pay $50 every 8,000kms.
No one said MOT = perfection. You only assumed so by the number of good reviews they get. Don't EVER assume anything unless you have the full story.
Have you spoken to MOT about your brake issue? If yes, what did they say? Did you get it resolved to your satisfaction? If no, why not, and if you didn't talk to them about the issue at all, again, why not? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN AT ALL ABOUT THE MATTER IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE THE LEGWORK... simple as that.
And FINALLY, it's not your call to say what they should or shouldn't have done with Vlad's warranty.... you don't even know the half of it, so keep your nose out of matters that do not concern you.
05-21-2007, 10:51 PM
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! How about we don't take your advice? I like that idea much better.
As far as oil changes go.... you want a discount? With the amount of friends you claim to have, you should be able to get one for free somewhere! Or here's a novel concept... DIY if you don't want to pay $50 every 8,000kms.
No one said MOT = perfection. You only assumed so by the number of good reviews they get. Don't EVER assume anything unless you have the full story.
Have you spoken to MOT about your brake issue? If yes, what did they say? Did you get it resolved to your satisfaction? If no, why not, and if you didn't talk to them about the issue at all, again, why not? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN AT ALL ABOUT THE MATTER IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE THE LEGWORK... simple as that.
And FINALLY, it's not your call to say what they should or shouldn't have done with Vlad's warranty.... you don't even know the half of it, so keep your nose out of matters that do not concern you.
Well said!:gone
Justin ur mod take it ezy buddy :)
Flippy you 2 stop running away :gone
05-21-2007, 10:54 PM
Justin ur mod take it ezy buddy :)
LOL... I feel a heart attack coming on.... :chuckle
are u sure its not a hard on :chuckle
05-21-2007, 11:47 PM
ugh, children children children...
as one of the most opinionated people on this board....
and i speak this for everyone here....lock this thread up, *wishes for lock button* its accomplishing absolutely nothing by staying open.
with reguards to the personal attacks that are beign thrown around...take it to pm as its also against forum rules (not that anybody enforces them..*wishes for some power*)...we really don't care about your personal bickering...the childish tone that floats around these forums is silly.
and...go ahead, make sure you get your last word in after this post...cause you know you will anyways...
*unsubscribes from thread*
05-22-2007, 12:30 AM
Guys, let's stop the personal attacks. I don't wanna lock this thread..but if they continue or there isn't a constructive discussion it will be locked.
Play nice!
05-22-2007, 01:47 AM
Vlad as you said in #1 post of this thread "I came in yesterday for my scheduled appointment. To my surprise Mazda Canada representatives have been invited as well.".
If the Mazda Canada Representatives came in and you did not get what you want, you might want to look at things you can do to solve your situation. Meaning, put the stock parts back in (yes ur aftermarket parts might not have affected that sound) but if you put them back, they have nothing to say.
And I have seen the way you drive, and I'm not surprised to hear you having issues with your car. Either way, I personally think you need to do things
1) Examine your driving style/habits see if it needs to be changed
2) put the stock parts back on.
NOW this is getting out of hand.
Dear Justin,
I'm sorry the 4th post came out wrong. from what i've understood is that there has been a big deal raised over people giving bad reviews about MoT and certain members came out very strong defending it, which i understand since it is your opinion, however, i have not seen such defence or anything close to it for other dealers in ontario hence it gave me an impression that people think that MoT is perfect. thats were that post came from...
Justin, I have already stated the ENTIRE story about my break issues, if you need those questions answered read before you write.
the only reason i do oil changes at a mazda dealership is because i know people who have been denied warranty on engine problems due to not doing oil changes at the dealer, these were not mazda cars, but in any case i want to avoid it. 50$ is nothing to pay every 8000km.
Thank you for reminding me that this is a club... i tend to forget that at times.
As for Vlads warranty, i'm sorry that i have an opinion and that i would like to express it. and i'm also sorry that it differs from yours, however, have not seen any rule about stating personal opinions. So once again, Vlad i think they should not have voided your warranty, and those mods you have cant cause the problem in my opinion.
05-22-2007, 02:00 AM
I am 100 percent against locking this thread (i am not against cleaning it up)
that does not mean that I approve or personal attacks going on in this thread, some of the posters (including some of the mods) should smarten up with their tones, you can disagree without showing disdain and anger in your posts.
every member of this board has the right to speak their mind about whatever dealership they want. they can post positive and negative reviews.
freedom to speak your mind on this board is paramount even when placed against our ties to our friends at MOT.
if this thread was about any other dealership than MOT it would not have bothered anyone
Jeff and Joe are awesome! that is a well know fact!
As for the rest of the dealership, i know nothing about it!
now, continue this discussion in a positive manner, keep on topic, remember a review whether positive or negative is best supported by details.
take the time to explain:
the situation
what was done in the service
the level customer service you recieved
was the problem resolved (why, why not)
people reading these reviews, you dont have to like what you are reading, but you should respect that sometimes people have different opinions than you. feel free to ask questions to clarify things that you find difficult to believe.
I am 100 percent against locking this thread, that does not mean that I approve or personal attacks going on in this thread, some of the posters (including some of the mods) should smarten up with their tones, you can disagree without showing disdain and anger in your posts.
every member of this board has the right to speak their mind about whatever dealership they want. they can post positive and negative reviews.
freedom to speak your mind on this board is paramount even when placed against our ties to our friends at MOT.
if this thread was about any other dealership than MOT it would not have bothered anyone
Jeff and Joe are awesome! that is a well know fact!
As for the rest of the dealership, i know nothing about it!
now, continue this discussion in a positive manner, keep on topic, remember a review whether positive or negative is best supported by details.
take the time to explain
the situation
what was done in the service
the level customer service you recieved
was the problem resolved (why, why not)
people reading these reviews, you dont have to like what you are reading, but you should respect that sometimes people have different opinions than you. feel free to ask questions to clarify things that you find difficult to believe.
thank you for your understanding.
05-22-2007, 02:44 AM
All of you should be thankful you don't have to deal with Nissan ....
05-22-2007, 02:57 AM
All of you should be thankful you don't have to deal with Nissan ....
lol what happened with u at nissan?
Wild Weasel
05-22-2007, 06:34 AM
Umm... group hug? :gone
05-22-2007, 08:12 AM
So once again, Vlad i think they should not have voided your warranty, and those mods you have cant cause the problem in my opinion.
I'm going to chime in one last time before I unsubscribe from this thread.
This is not a matter of censoring opinions. Perhaps I wasn't clear the first time. If you knew the half of it of why Vlad's warranty was voided, and the events that occurred that got him there, as a normal person, you would have expected the same thing to happen to you or to anyone else. So again I say, please do not get involved in matters that do not concern you.
why is it that all the mod know why my warranty is going to be void and i dont know shit about it
do tell WTF
Wild Weasel
05-22-2007, 08:34 AM
why is it that all the mod know why my warranty is going to be void and i dont know shit about it
do tell WTF
So you seriously don't know? I kinda figured you'd done something but were playing dumb about it. I didn't realize that you actually have no idea.
Now I'm curious as well. :)
05-22-2007, 08:39 AM
why is it that all the mod know why my warranty is going to be void and i dont know shit about it
do tell WTF
What makes you think all the mods know? I'd like to see some evidence that we all know before you start accusing me and others of knowing something you don't.
i can read Justin
events that occurred
what events ???
why is that i don't know shit about it
I'm going to chime in one last time before I unsubscribe from this thread.
This is not a matter of censoring opinions. Perhaps I wasn't clear the first time. If you knew the half of it of why Vlad's warranty was voided, and the events that occurred that got him there, as a normal person, you would have expected the same thing to happen to you or to anyone else. So again I say, please do not get involved in matters that do not concern you.
05-22-2007, 09:33 AM
What makes you think all the mods know? I'd like to see some evidence that we all know before you start accusing me and others of knowing something you don't.
I know you've unsubscribed to this thread...but come-on man!!, you basically said just that, in a sense, in post #86.Also IMHO, I think people should read Broli's last post very carefully.
05-22-2007, 10:08 AM
why is it that all the mod know why my warranty is going to be void and i dont know shit about it
do tell WTF
For the record, I work here and I don't know that it is or ever will be voided.
05-22-2007, 10:37 AM
LOL!!! I can always count on finding a post in the TM3 forum at some point in time where someone says something that someone else doesnt like and it becomes a personal attack festival...honestly...all of this fighting is doing nothing but bringing the club down...and eventually the club will just reduce itself to that wut ppl want to have happen? If someone has something negative to say about an experince....who cares? This should be the first place they can think to come to get the shit off their chest WITHOUT being criticised...if u don't like they way someone has worded something or don't liek wut they said in general...not ur place to call them on it cuz it's just their opinion...not an invitation to bash them for thinking wut they think....
someone may decide to say something in response to this post along the lines of me not posting anything until this...i will go ahead and respond this only sounds as ridiculous as "u" (<- no one in particular!) do for any negative comment you have made in regards to someone elses opinion
And i know this post isn't about the original topic but hey if everyone else is doing it...
Wild Weasel
05-22-2007, 10:44 AM
And i know this post isn't about the original topic but hey if everyone else is doing it...
It's totally the in thing to do. :chuckle
05-22-2007, 10:49 AM
shit happens... (just felt like adding in something)
05-22-2007, 10:52 AM
Since everyone is here i'll add a car is leased but I want to do some modding to it, what can I mod and what mods should I try avoiding?
Wild Weasel
05-22-2007, 11:04 AM
Since everyone is here i'll add a car is leased but I want to do some modding to it, what can I mod and what mods should I try avoiding?
I'm sure this has been covered so you can probably answer it yourself with a search. If not, start a new thread. This has absolutely nothing at all to do with this discussion. :)
05-22-2007, 11:11 AM
I'm sure this has been covered so you can probably answer it yourself with a search. If not, start a new thread. This has absolutely nothing at all to do with this discussion. :)
can't knock him tho it's been the trend so far of the thread ;) hah
05-22-2007, 11:15 AM
Since everyone is here i'll add a car is leased but I want to do some modding to it, what can I mod and what mods should I try avoiding?
Stay away from turbo and NOS. Everything else you should be ok with. Stick with MOT, regardless of how "bad" other people say they are. They are the most mod friendly dealer in Toronto.
05-22-2007, 11:26 AM
Stay away from turbo and NOS. Everything else you should be ok with. Stick with MOT, regardless of how "bad" other people say they are. They are the most mod friendly dealer in Toronto.
Cool! Thanks :)
So after a 100 posts we are finally back to a civilized manner.
Everyone posting in this thread from now on, please read post #81:
Individuals will all have there own opinion on everything. This is an open discussion on service, and issues the Mazdaspeed is having with his car at the moment. Mazdaspeed please keep us updated on the situation, as a fellow car owner I hope all turns out. I know I've had a good experience with MOT (theBiz and Flippy) but I'm sure there are one or two that haven't. Keep biases and 'feelings' out of this thread and lets keep things civilized.
Cheers everyone!
I hear Westtown Mazda is also good. depending which is closer to u.
05-22-2007, 12:27 PM
Hey everyone,
The JERK store called and they are all out of you!
Sorry, this thread got the better of me.:blush
Perhaps this should be moved to "up your post count" thread :gone
05-22-2007, 12:37 PM
They said your warranty is voided because of .....
I didn't catch that part , but i am pretty sure they must have given you a reason! Post it up and we can all go from there ..
05-22-2007, 12:51 PM
I know I've had a good experience with MOT (theBiz and Flippy) but I'm sure there are one or two that haven't.
Actually, MoT Service is NOT "TheBiz" or "Flippy" the discussion in this thread before it became a personal issue was that the service dept has not been able to rectify some ongoing issues for a couple of our members.
As for the one or two that haven't had a great experience with myself or Joe.. Please raise your hand, so we can make it right.
They said your warranty is voided because of .....
I didn't catch that part , but i am pretty sure they must have given you a reason! Post it up and we can all go from there ..
As of today, Vlad's warranty is not voided, nor do I have any reason to believe it will be.
its not void as of yet
but only mods on my car is mazdaspeed CIA and lowered
mods removed engine mount and BOV
my rims ??? can you even call that a mod ?
my navi ???
i bet if this was about Avante no 1 would care
but its MOT
i know you all love MOT but some ppl do have problems with them
my buddy when there for service today and had a problem with Rick for no reason and trust me he is a nice person to deal with older guy with kids
and still had a problem
05-22-2007, 01:29 PM
its not void as of yet
but only mods on my car is mazdaspeed CIA and lowered
mods removed engine mount and BOV
my rims ??? can you even call that a mod ?
my navi ???
i bet if this was about Avante no 1 would care
but its MOT
i know you all love MOT but some ppl do have problems with them
my buddy when there for service today and had a problem with Rick for no reason and trust me he is a nice person to deal with older guy with kids
and still had a problem
Okay, let's put to rest that your warranty is void since it appears that is not the case with the mods you have done. (Unless, of course, there is evidence that the damage was caused by driver abuse.....but let's leave that alone for now) :chuckle
It is not unusual for a service tech to truly not know what may be wrong with a vehicle after initial inspection. I know people that have left their car with the dealer for a few days in order for them to test drive it and hear/feel what the problem is. Yes, this is a big inconvenience but one possible solution. So when you say "having a problem with the service tech" perhaps you are frustrated that they can't solve the problem right away for your liking.
Also keep in mind we are only getting your side of the story. Not trying to incinuate that you are stretching the truth in any way but I'm sure if we heard the service department's side (which we won't due to confidentiality reasons) this ^&$%&'d up thread would make more sense.
Okay, back to work!
Cardinal Fang
05-22-2007, 01:38 PM
Triplebogey you're trying to inject logic and rational thought into this thread. STOP IT!
they did fix a bunch of crap that did nothing so now i think its ezy for them to void me insted of fixing it
the other thing is they asked me to go back to my shop (Street Performance)
and have Jimmy find the problem
and guess what after 2 hours of looking we got it
05-22-2007, 01:42 PM
they did fix a bunch of crap that did nothing so now i think its ezy for them to void me insted of fixing it
the other thing is they asked me to go back to my shop (Street Performance)
and have Jimmy find the problem
and guess what after 2 hours of looking we got it
finally! lol
wut was the problem?
05-22-2007, 01:43 PM
finally! lol
wut was the problem?
Stubby wasn't on tight...
Cardinal Fang
05-22-2007, 01:57 PM
The sound was caused by the exhaust?
05-22-2007, 02:33 PM
Well I'm glad to see problem solved.
This all makes sense now:
After trying, unsuccessfully, to fix your vehicle, MOT felt the noise might be due to your mods and recommended to go see Jimmy.
From this, you drew the conclusions that MOT was going to void your warranty, provided crap service and the whole world is out to get you.
Crystal clear!
1 is brakes
2 exust
can you clarify this better? i still dont understand what was the noise caused by from the exhaust. also how can that noise be coming from brakes?
05-22-2007, 03:05 PM
So does MoT pay Jimmy now that it should have been taken care of by the dealership? After all, you're still on warrenty.
lol i wish
but i don't think Jimmy cares about there money
So does MoT pay Jimmy now that it should have been taken care of by the dealership? After all, you're still on warrenty.
05-22-2007, 04:33 PM
was the hissing coming from underneath the car ?
Because i have had a hissing noise come from the passenger side , maybe its my exhaust too ? :(
05-22-2007, 04:36 PM
+1 for Jimmy. Someone who cares about his customers.
I don't know the full detail of Vlad's experience with MoT's service dept.
I still think MoT is a friendly place.
So how does this warrenty thing work? If the dealership can't find the problem and someone else does.... Should I be the one to fork out the money when the someone else finds the problem?
05-22-2007, 05:02 PM
+1 for Jimmy. Someone who cares about his customers.
I don't know the full detail of Vlad's experience with MoT's service dept.
I still think MoT is a friendly place.
So how does this warrenty thing work? If the dealership can't find the problem and someone else does.... Should I be the one to fork out the money when the someone else finds the problem?
Good point. And who will pick up the bill for the amount of time everyone has wasted on this thread? :complain
05-22-2007, 05:03 PM
Happy to hear you got it all fixed up. If you don't mind could you go into more deteal about the exhaust sound and what was wrong with the breakes?
so does this mean we will finally see a smile on vlads face? haha
also what Virgy already said
and can you keep us posted as to how will the issue be solved with Mazda? Has Jimmy fixed ur problem? or you taking it to Mazda?
05-22-2007, 05:29 PM
good thing u found out wat the prob was
today i was driving and my traction light was stuck on should i take it in
05-22-2007, 05:49 PM
Is it possible to service at other Mazda dealership even though they bought/leased at another Mazda dealership?
Is it possible to service at other Mazda dealership even though they bought/leased at another Mazda dealership?
05-22-2007, 06:00 PM
awesome, Thanks!
Wild Weasel
05-22-2007, 09:07 PM
Yeah, there's nothing at all tying you to any particular dealer.
05-22-2007, 09:29 PM
Yeah no problems with warranty and service from any mazda dealer.
Just tell them Vlad sent you :chuckle
haha ur funny guy :chuckle
05-23-2007, 12:21 AM
i will still go back to them for oil change if they don't charge me the extra $20 for jacking up my car.
i will still go back to them for oil change if they don't charge me the extra $20 for jacking up my car.
.....wat?????? u mean for tire rotation?
05-23-2007, 12:28 AM
i will still go back to them for oil change if they don't charge me the extra $20 for jacking up my car.
wow $20 extra just to jack it up that sux how low are u
05-23-2007, 12:29 AM
wow $20 extra just to jack it up that sux how low are u
no wheel gap low....i'm really tucked in at the back.
05-23-2007, 12:30 AM
.....wat?????? u mean for tire rotation?
its cuase his car is too low ......
I got charged more for an alignment at Avante becuase my car is lowered (stay away from Joe Wong, adds ridiculous charges!)
I talked to another service rep at my last oil change and he told me that i shouldn't have been charged $20 just for jacking up my car.
I wonder if i should ask for my money back , seeing as how i still have the bill !
in that case they should also charge extra if you have a manual and the mechanic doesnt know how to drive stick. :chuckle but it is a business they are trying to squeez out as much as they can, but in the end of the day we can blame them for something. haha
Wild Weasel
05-23-2007, 09:39 AM
Wow. Talk about nickel and diming!! The GM dealer I take the Sunfire to is generally happy to see me and they make sure the the tech's know which lifts my car can and cannot fit on. Never any hassle or extra charges.
That one has the sound of an advisor trying to work up to a bonus or something. :(
05-24-2007, 12:07 PM
it's extra labour for them to jack up your car
they can't put it on the normal hoist so they gotta do it manually
most dealers are not equipped for lowered cars
05-24-2007, 01:08 PM
I think it has more to do with the amount of drop, not just any drop.With most alignments I can't see them charging extra because its just a matter of placing some wood planks in front of the ramps allowing the front to clear the ramp.As for hoists that may be a different story where they must lift the vehicle at each corner (by hand) for the lifts to get underneath, with my vehicle being only a 1.2 drop with the Pro-Kit, its an easy lift but maybe anything lower would take some work, hence the extra charges.
05-24-2007, 01:41 PM
it's extra labour for them to jack up your car
they can't put it on the normal hoist so they gotta do it manually
most dealers are not equipped for lowered cars
Shop hoists are not lowered car friendly. So the tech would have to use a floor jack to get the arms under the car.
Wild Weasel
05-24-2007, 02:22 PM
Easier to drive the car up on some boards.
Might be a good suggestion to the shop guys. Get a set of 48"x12"x2" boards and sit them somewhere for when a lowered car comes in. Easy as pie.
05-25-2007, 07:39 PM
was the service manager you guys saw named rick? he was very nice to me but he would also slip in a few comments that we're quite rude about my driving and making alot of assumptions becuase I had alot of problems with the mazda 3 i had before the speed3... the MoT stealership really enjoys screwing people over from my experience... one mechanic there i will never trust is mo... last time i gave him my car he ended up lecturing me and bitching about how i need to take better care of my car, then the asshat he is he didnt reinstall the engine correctly so the engine dropped out(broken engine bracket, not engine mount which broke 2 months later) 11 hours after picking it up from repairs
About Mo from MOT
Had to join when I was informed of the untrue allegations/statements you wrote about me. ....I have never worked on your car, the work order on your car will prove that. I also have never met nor spoken with you. It is unfortunate that you think you can get away with writing badly about someone without checking into the facts first, & try to ruin a good reputation in this manner. I would like an apology from you on this, & would like you to retract your false allegations against me. I also would like you to put the apology in writing to MOT. If you would like to find out more on who worked on your car, you should contact MOT directly & speak with the Service Manager or Owner. I would like to see the apology immediately as this is defamation.
05-25-2007, 10:51 PM
I think this is getting a little out of hand ...
me 2
i just want my car fixed :flaming
and this whole MOT post PM him
and i don't know who is lying here for some reson sp33d3 knows ur name so he got it some how by fixing his car @ MOT so some 1 that mess up his ride and its on paper and maybe it wasent you but it was MOT
05-26-2007, 02:02 AM
this is getting weird...
05-26-2007, 09:44 AM
and i don't know who is lying here for some reson sp33d3 knows ur name so he got it some how
Our technicians qualification plaques are on the wall in service, anyone can read them.
05-26-2007, 09:58 AM
Can I pick which technicians to fix up my car?
05-26-2007, 10:38 AM
Can I pick which technicians to fix up my car?
you really want to pick who does your oil changes ? geez . Everyone is equally qualified (see certificates on wall) !
05-26-2007, 10:53 AM
Some people request certain techs. It's like that anywhere you go.
Joe post the work order i wan't to see
05-26-2007, 11:17 AM
Joe post the work order i wan't to see
No can do buddy.
hmmm top secret info
05-26-2007, 11:39 AM
hmmm top secret info
Ummm no more like it's between SP33D 3 and the service department. If he wants to share what he has then that's up to him.
05-26-2007, 11:57 AM
hmmm top secret info
Not top secret, it is a privacy issue.
Jeff what happen to you last nite ?
check ur voice mail :)
ic MOT is rite on top of this case
can i still keep my waranty
05-26-2007, 12:04 PM
About Mo from MOT
Had to join when I was informed of the untrue allegations/statements you wrote about me. ....I have never worked on your car, the work order on your car will prove that. I also have never met nor spoken with you. It is unfortunate that you think you can get away with writing badly about someone without checking into the facts first, & try to ruin a good reputation in this manner. I would like an apology from you on this, & would like you to retract your false allegations against me. I also would like you to put the apology in writing to MOT. If you would like to find out more on who worked on your car, you should contact MOT directly & speak with the Service Manager or Owner. I would like to see the apology immediately as this is defamation.
*sniff sniff*
I smell a lawsuit.
05-26-2007, 12:54 PM
dont worry, you will not face a lawsuit!
this board is a free place to make opinions!
lets not get nasty!
SP33D 3
05-26-2007, 02:02 PM
The reason I am writing this message is to clearify and apologize for my statements said on this forum. I had spoken to Mo(he can't claim he never spoke to me) but subraracingteam said that he did not work on my car then all I can say is I hope he can accept my apology. I was told that he was the one that was in charge of my car, and especially after he had called me to tell me what was wrong with it, and then coming into the dealership to have him explain the problem. Naturally I had assumed he had worked on the car. I have been quite angry at this issue of the engine dropping out because the engine bracket wasn't rewelded properly so I felt to blame the mechanic I assumed that worked on the car. If Mo did not work on my car then I do owe him an apology for my statements.
05-26-2007, 07:08 PM
The reason I am writing this message is to clearify and apologize for my statements said on this forum. I had spoken to Mo(he can't claim he never spoke to me) but subraracingteam said that he did not work on my car then all I can say is I hope he can accept my apology. I was told that he was the one that was in charge of my car, and especially after he had called me to tell me what was wrong with it, and then coming into the dealership to have him explain the problem. Naturally I had assumed he had worked on the car. I have been quite angry at this issue of the engine dropping out because the engine bracket wasn't rewelded properly so I felt to blame the mechanic I assumed that worked on the car. If Mo did not work on my car then I do owe him an apology for my statements.
Stand up apology SP33D 3
What puzzles me though is in your rant about MOT :
Originally Posted by SP33D 3
was the service manager you guys saw named rick? he was very nice to me but he would also slip in a few comments that we're quite rude about my driving and making alot of assumptions becuase I had alot of problems with the mazda 3 i had before the speed3... the MoT stealership really enjoys screwing people over from my experience... one mechanic there i will never trust is mo... last time i gave him my car he ended up lecturing me and bitching about how i need to take better care of my car, then the asshat he is he didnt reinstall the engine correctly so the engine dropped out(broken engine bracket, not engine mount which broke 2 months later) 11 hours after picking it up from repairs
From your statement it appears you were actually face to face speaking to the mechanic in question. Why would you state it was Mo when clearly it wasn't?
SP33D 3
05-28-2007, 07:37 AM
i DID talk to mo like i stated in my apology, he was the one that told me what the problem was with my car so naturally i assumed he worked on it since it was implied, the question was did he work on my car, and he says he didn't so what can i say to that but apologize for the problems i have caused by that mistake?
i've only talked to 3 people in service at MoT, stanley, mo and mostly rick
05-28-2007, 08:07 AM
dont worry, you will not face a lawsuit!
this board is a free place to make opinions!
lets not get nasty!
Alex, you can't guarantee that. There's nothing stopping this Mo guy from filing a lawsuit citing defamation of character.
yaa he can
but i don't see him doing that
Wild Weasel
05-28-2007, 08:58 AM
Some people request certain techs. It's like that anywhere you go.
At the GM dealer I go to, I request specific people in the body shop when I go there. I haven't needed them much for mechanical work so I don't really know those guys but in the body shop, I definitely have people I trust and ask for them specifically when I go there.
Hell, I've even tossed some cash their way when they did an especially good job and I felt they'd gone above and beyond for me.
I'll never expect everyone working for a dealer to be great at what they do. There's just too many people involved. So when I find some that ARE great, I'll stick with them. Nothing wrong with that when they earn it.
yaa he can
but i don't see him doing that
Seriously. This isn't America. All's well that ends well and it looks like things are being worked out here.
06-13-2007, 01:00 AM
wow $20 extra just to jack it up that sux how low are u
Not to beat a dead horse. But I had to bring this up. I just came from MoT today. I had scheduled an Oil change which I've been doing there since I got the car 2 years ago. Today they said it would cost me $30 to hoist my car to change the oil. I'm riding on H-Techs which are mild. I understand you need to charge a little for the extra labour, but I don't like seeing different pricing for different people. That falls under discrimination. Now I'm not going to jump all over MoT. Can someone please confirm that they have increased their charge for hoisting cars from $20 to $30?
Plus, is there any dealership that does not charge the hoist fee? I know Agincourt doesn't. Any others?
WTF im dumped on Pro kits never charged me
but any how i don't go there no more found a new dealer that trets me just rite :)
06-13-2007, 01:17 AM
i never heard of extra cost for lower cars they're using the same hoist it might take 1 min more to set it up
i deal with lowered cars all the time
06-13-2007, 01:18 AM
Not to beat a dead horse. But I had to bring this up. I just came from MoT today. I had scheduled an Oil change which I've been doing there since I got the car 2 years ago. Today they said it would cost me $30 to hoist my car to change the oil. I'm riding on H-Techs which are mild. I understand you need to charge a little for the extra labour, but I don't like seeing different pricing for different people. That falls under discrimination. Now I'm not going to jump all over MoT. Can someone please confirm that they have increased their charge for hoisting cars from $20 to $30?
Plus, is there any dealership that does not charge the hoist fee? I know Agincourt doesn't. Any others?
Must have been before I got in this morning. I'll inquire about it tomorrow. Who was your advisor?
lol Flip whats going on there
Joe, while you at it, can you also inquire about what we talked about last thursday?
06-15-2007, 09:08 AM
I have been calling them for a solid hour, nobody picks up the damn phone. When I finally did mange to get through, the service department doesn't pick up the damn phone!
06-15-2007, 10:29 AM
I have been calling them for a solid hour, nobody picks up the damn phone. When I finally did mange to get through, the service department doesn't pick up the damn phone!
maybe they know ur bad news? lol just kidding
06-15-2007, 10:44 AM
I have been calling them for a solid hour, nobody picks up the damn phone. When I finally did mange to get through, the service department doesn't pick up the damn phone!
Why don't you call Jeff or me?
06-15-2007, 05:15 PM
maybe they know ur bad news? lol just kidding
:chuckle But everytime I go there, I give them money. They should be inviting me there once a week. lol
Why don't you call Jeff or me?
I was not aware I could call you personally. I knew I would get through eventually so I kept trying. Next time I will keep in it mind.
Anyways I went there for 3:30 got an oil change and my tires rotated. They found a huge nail in my tires so thank god for the tire warranty. It was pretty quick and good service. I don't really know what other dealerships are like but I have had nothing but good experiences there so I would always go back to MOT
08-23-2007, 03:04 AM
I like there service
08-23-2007, 03:08 AM
Oh please. A guy like Vladis what ruins it for everyone. He blows up cars and bitches all day . People are sick of hearing his shit so they just pretend to give 2 shits. Mazda Canada hates his guts (I know for a fact) his name is tarnished everywere he goes.. Avante, MOT, Head office, Pacific Mall (Sam), Jdm option (John) the list goes on.. all he does is bitch and complain he has no balls , no license , No job , no's gay that his only outlet is his car and the internet, His girl freind is the one that weres the pants in the house.:chuckle. Everyone is so sick of reading posts about shity service at MOT . Bottom line is that everyone knows he drives like a ****in retard , tracks his car breaks shit and expects mazda to pay for it.
Vlad get a life :AH
08-23-2007, 03:09 AM
Hey aren't u that black speed 6 that is always seen around with him at Mot ?
Your car looks sick Btw..
08-23-2007, 03:15 AM
Yeah that's me.
I don't talk to him anymore . He's a wierdo :loco
Don't associate me with him please...I only joined here so I can get a discount on parts..:chuckle
Word is he's not allowed back at MOT ever again..
I don't blame them he's ****ed in the head.
08-23-2007, 03:21 AM
This thread has gone way off topic.
and yes, speed6 car is sick.... be nicer with RX-8 wheels.. :)
The thread has been re-opened, but the admin team will be keeping a close eye on it so that it does not spin out of control. Lets keep it on topic!
09-11-2007, 02:31 PM
I don't understand what all the mud slinging is for?? MoT has a dissatisfied customer.... now I don't know all the details.... but have basically read through the whole thread to see what the hell happened I've met Vlad once when I first went to MoT to see Jeff.. and he seemd like a nice guy... as for him getting po'd etc etc... maybe we should put ourselves in his shoes.... cuz truthfully if I was having as much trouble as he was I'd probably have a nervous breakdown or end up being arrested cuz the car would go through the front window of MoT :p I'm sure I could get the speed3 to jump just like they did in the commercial :chuckle it's very obvious that there are some individuals thate are on Vlad's side and some which are on MoT's side... and thats fine.. it always happens.... at no point has Vlad attacked Joe or Jeff... and I understand them for backing their co-workers.... cuz in a similar situation i'd back a co-worker too
As for my experience with MoT I have only ever really dealt with Jeff and Joe.... no work done there yet...... otherwise my first impression of the dealership was a bad one when i caught one of the sales reps calling in my truck to be towed...
As for Vlad's comment about phoney accounts... if that is the case and the dealership is setting up phoney accounts... thats quite pathetic.... simply whether or not Vlad voices his opinion on here or in person, word of mouth will still get around.. not to mention the fact that the dealership gets pretty good ratings from most people! so doing something like that would only tarnish their rep further in my opinion.
As for the repairs on the vehicle I'm not sure where I stand... for the side mirror... I'm sorry.. but your boy did it when pulling it into the bay... it should have been fixed right away... no questions asked so I don't really blame Vlad for being upset about that!!! Cuz I'd be furious if the dealership did damage to my vehicle and told me I was on my own....
I think it's important that we try to avoid the mudslinging and focus on the issue here.... some members brought up vlad's gf and really who cares who wears the pants (could it be you dont have a gf and are upset??) cuz when you got a gf and your not wearing the pants its not always a bad thing!!! but truthfully.... its not relevant.... and for the comment "mazda canada hates him" again not relevant to the issue... to me it seems this has become a witch hunt.... and truthfully... STOP THE HATE!! some people just need to grow up in here....
09-11-2007, 04:10 PM
just to throw my 2 cents in on the not mod friendly thing.... i'm pretty sure the service dept. is at least somewhat leery of mods. i brought my car in for an alignment, told them that i needed it done because it was lowered, and the guy i talked to paused halfway through filling out the form and tried to understand what i was saying..
i had to explain it was lowered on mazdaspeed springs and shocks, and that it had stock rims on it, so they didn't need to worry about damaging the rims or anything (in theory).
what i don't understand about the reactions i got when i explain to them that the car is modded, is that there is a display literally right across from their desk which shows off various mods to the 3..notably the short-shifter and the lightweight flywheel. this display includes prices for installing these if they're going to advertise the ability to mod a car, shouldn't they be less hesitant about servicing a modified car?
Edit: I will mention that the two times i brought my car in for regular service, i only mentioned on one occasion that there was no need to clean/replace the air filter since i had just put a CAI on. the service guy wrote that down on the form and they went and did their thing. never had a problem on that occasion (it was the same service rep as above too).. and haven't had any warranty work done yet with my mods on.
09-11-2007, 04:12 PM
Vlad, lets make this easy,
U wanted to post up something in this thread, we reopened it to hear it.
So now is your chance, the floor is yours so to speak.
take your time, and write a thorough post.
inlcude details, and avoid personal feelings.
you will find that you will gain more support if you take that approach.
09-11-2007, 04:12 PM
really tired of you making random off topic posts vlad....can you not understand what off topoic means....that goes for everybody. we told you that we're keepin an eye on this, im sick of it...
09-11-2007, 04:21 PM
Now ur just tretining member Joe
why don't you just kick back and enjoy the show and stay on topic
whats is tretining??
google came up with nothing.
I never had problems with regards to my mods at MOT.
They delete stuff that is off topic.
No need to be more childish than my niece man
09-11-2007, 04:27 PM
i believe tretining is threatening
Vlad, i deleted your last post, i am on your side on this one Vlad, i have been against this thread being closed b4. However, i urge you to take this oppurtunity to post your complaints.
Do not repost the previously deleted posts, I will card you if you do it again.
Please take this chance to tell your story
i will do it when im good and redy
thats why i wanted to get this opened
not to get attacked by other members
some of the members on this board take shit way to personal
and now i know who they are
09-11-2007, 04:44 PM
I think Broli has a good point allowing Vlad to state his story... at the same time.. I am not on either one's side... trying to stay as neutral as is possible..... I really think everyone should refrain from making comments about Vlad... or the situation until he has made his point.... and we should all stop attacking one another.... this is something that would go on in Torontocivcs... not on torontomazda... cmon guys its a club... let's act that way!! We are all adults here so let's try and avoid the name calling and putting one another down... and act like adults....
Cardinal Fang
09-11-2007, 04:48 PM
i will do it when im good and redy
That's fair. I would suggest the mods close this thread until Vlad has had enough time to finish creating his post. When he's "good and ready" the mods can open this up again. Keeping it open like this with him throwing out sound bites only invites more off topic remarks.
some of the members on this board take shit way to personal
and now i know who they are
Works both ways Vlad.
*Walks over and punches WLS ZMZM in the nads*
You don't see that at the Civic Club either.
09-11-2007, 04:59 PM
now what was that for??? I'm just stating that this went from being an imformative thread to a witch hunt on the poor guy... thats all... its one thing to listen to an opinion and disagree its a whole other thing to start attacking each other personally...
*walks over to Cardi and returns the favour* :p
and please refrain from entering my personal touch bubble without my permission :p
09-11-2007, 06:26 PM
close the damn thread...
I have not read one informative post on this page .
09-11-2007, 06:56 PM
I agree with chinsster...way off topic. :lock
09-11-2007, 07:50 PM
Seems that I missed quite a show today. It is surprising tho that ppl take things unrelated to them so personally. Anyways...
Straight on topic: I think the main source of negative experiences with the service department lies in their manager. One of the main negative traits (among many i'd have to add) is a complete failure to disclose what is actually going on to the customer along with a failure to accommodate (or at least show an effort) customers' requests. I personally don't like sneaky ppl with double standards so may be that's why we couldn't get along. These negative experiences reflect directly to the whole dealership, therefore all the comments about the dealership in general.
Now i am very sorry if this fact had affected so deeply some of the other employees of that dealership, eventhough no one has ever said anything negative about them personally. I understand how it can be unpleasant, but i disagree that it had to come to the point of limiting someone in expressing one's opinions just because they seem unpleasant. By the way THIS part is OT and i have tried to raise similar issues many times before...strange that the ppl in question never got around to gratify me with a reply. I personally hate sneaky ppl with double standards...oh wait! i already mentioned that earlier. Oh well, it still applies.
Oh, and in case if someone has doubts again - all this has been nothing but and expression of my personal opinions. Hope it's still allowed here...
09-11-2007, 09:57 PM
i believe tretining is threatening
Vlad, i deleted your last post, i am on your side on this one Vlad, i have been against this thread being closed b4. However, i urge you to take this oppurtunity to post your complaints.
Do not repost the previously deleted posts, I will card you if you do it again.
Please take this chance to tell your story
I am completely neutral on this whole thing but I am curious as to why Vlads post(s) have been deleted and certain others have not; such as Sleeman and Speed6's recent posts which I personally find offensive and obviously (looking at the post count), posted just to slander one of our members, which I would like to let them (or him, seems odd two new posters same count) know this could carry legal ramifications if such party (Vlad) decides.
09-11-2007, 11:22 PM
Oh, and in case if someone has doubts again - all this has been nothing but and expression of my personal opinions. Hope it's still allowed here...
On topic is no problem, you are more than welcome to post your opinion and experiences.
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