View Full Version : Too lazy to wax my car regularly. Options?

05-29-2007, 12:46 PM
Ok, so I've waxed a car only a couple of times ever because I find that I am too lazy to be willing to it monthly or however often it should be done.

What reasonable options do I have to protect the paint job given my level of laziness? (laugh if you want, but at least I'm willing to admit it!)

05-29-2007, 12:51 PM
you could pay someone else to do it..

05-29-2007, 12:54 PM
you could pay someone else to do it..

Well, that's sort of what I want, just professionally and not the kid down the street doing it. :chuckle

I was wondering if there was some kind of application that could be done annually or something (sort of like the rust protection, only for the paint job instead).

05-29-2007, 01:56 PM
Just get Justin to do it...I bet you he's more than a couple streets over rather than just down the street...:chuckle

05-29-2007, 02:06 PM
Justin will give you the best rates. However, say it's the dead of winter or Justin isn't available, then you could check out a place like Fine Details. they charge $69 and up for a basic wash and wax.

05-29-2007, 02:09 PM
You could always get an extra layer of clear coat on your car:pop

Wild Weasel
05-29-2007, 02:23 PM
You really only need to wax it a few times a year. I mean... it won't gleam like a jewel, but to protect the paint you certainly don't need to be waxing it monthly.

05-29-2007, 02:32 PM
wax it and don't drive it again lol

05-29-2007, 02:45 PM
wax it and don't drive it again lol

Sounds like my last girlfriend...

Wild Weasel
05-29-2007, 03:09 PM
Sounds like my last girlfriend...


05-29-2007, 03:24 PM
Zaino. It's way easier to use than wax and it is high quality. The only down side is the cost - it's very expensive. But damn is it worth it!

I only do my car like 3 times a year.

05-29-2007, 06:52 PM
Use NuFinish, its "The once a year polish" and truly protects for that amount of time, even longer if you don't use 'brush type' car washes...speaking from experience.Bonus, its only $6.99 a bottle, but don't expect the ultimate in shine.



05-29-2007, 07:10 PM
or do it the portugeese way....wax it, and cover it up with plastic...boom, instant plastic room!

Wild Weasel
05-30-2007, 11:43 AM
or do it the portugeese way....wax it, and cover it up with plastic...boom, instant plastic room!

heh. I think that only applies to sofas and wooden floors. :chuckle

05-30-2007, 12:12 PM
Go to any detailing place and have it done.

05-31-2007, 09:25 PM
Ziebart Tidy Car has a thing called diamond gloss.... its expensive, but it looks amazing!!! http://www.ziebartptbo.com/paint_protection.php

06-01-2007, 01:49 AM
or do it the portugeese way....wax it, and cover it up with plastic...boom, instant plastic room!

I take offense to your generalization and discriminatory remark towards Portuguese people in general. It would be appreciated if you would keep comments like this to yourself and I believe an apology is warranted.




06-12-2007, 01:58 AM
Use NuFinish, its "The once a year polish" and truly protects for that amount of time, even longer if you don't use 'brush type' car washes...speaking from experience.Bonus, its only $6.99 a bottle, but don't expect the ultimate in shine.



Here is how NuFinsh performed their test.....

1. They applied their product to a new car.
2. They ran the car through a car wash 52 times taking one week as an average timeframe people wash their car.
3. The car still beaded after the 52 washes....

So I guess the product would last a year? Well, no heat, no UV, and not to mention beading is a sign of surface tension and new bare paint will bead with no wax on it at all.....

The fact is actual user are getting about a month of it max!

06-12-2007, 03:32 AM
Here is how NuFinsh performed their test.....

1. They applied their product to a new car.
2. They ran the car through a car wash 52 times taking one week as an average timeframe people wash their car.
3. The car still beaded after the 52 washes....

So I guess the product would last a year? Well, no heat, no UV, and not to mention beading is a sign of surface tension and new bare paint will bead with no wax on it at all.....

The fact is actual user are getting about a month of it max!

Where do you get off making a statement like that? Is it from experience or just a wild guess?

If you bothered to read my post completely, you would have seen that I mentioned "from experience" I have used Nu-Finish exclusively on all my vehicles for over 20 years now and with all of them the Paint finish still looked, felt and shone like new, even after 14 years in one case. I will tell you this without hesitation,..."Nu-Finish does last a complete year", as I have friends much like the poster here that could care less about waxing their cars and I personally have used Nu-Finish on their vehicles to excellent results.You can believe anything you read, or make wild accusations, but I am telling you this from unbiased personal experience,....I am not speculating!
So unless you have experimented with the product and can make an educated statement, I think you should stay clear of making any.



06-12-2007, 04:59 PM

Where do you get off making a statement like that? Is it from experience or just a wild guess?

If you bothered to read my post completely, you would have seen that I mentioned "from experience" I have used Nu-Finish exclusively on all my vehicles for over 20 years now and with all of them the Paint finish still looked, felt and shone like new, even after 14 years in one case. I will tell you this without hesitation,..."Nu-Finish does last a complete year", as I have friends much like the poster here that could care less about waxing their cars and I personally have used Nu-Finish on their vehicles to excellent results.You can believe anything you read, or make wild accusations, but I am telling you this from unbiased personal experience,....I am not speculating!
So unless you have experimented with the product and can make an educated statement, I think you should stay clear of making any.



Many moons ago I read the article on NuFinish. They detailed the test and showed pictures of the car running through the Automatic car wash; I believe it was a Popular Mechanics magazine. NuFinish also has a commercial where they ran the car through the wash 52 times. No statement I made about the NuFinish testing methods was anything but 100% accurate.

"Union's "Junkyard" commercial shows the application ofþ NU FINISH to restore the finish of a battered car in aþ junkyard. The announcer claims that the product is notþ a wax, that it lasts a year, that it is easy to apply, andþ that it can be used on boats. The commercial concludesþ with the passage of the car through 52 washes, the finishþ seemingly unaffected, and a claim that independent labo-þ ratory tests show its durability."

I used NuFinish on by Black Shelby Charger in the 90's and it was dead after a month. However, at that time 1 month was great for an "Off the shelf" product. As a consumer being told laboratory testing concluded the product lasts one year and finding out the one year testing was done in one day, I was obviously upset when my results were far from a year.

So unless you have experimented with the product and can make an educated statement, I think you should stay clear of making any.

Bad assumption.... You will never see me making assumptions on second hand word of mouth, I only comment on first hand experiences. Don't take my personal experience as an insult to your findings; We are all free to express our own findings. If you are happy with NuFinish and it lasts a year for you, your satisfaction is all that matters.

06-12-2007, 06:10 PM

Where do you get off making a statement like that? Is it from experience or just a wild guess?

If you bothered to read my post completely, you would have seen that I mentioned "from experience" I have used Nu-Finish exclusively on all my vehicles for over 20 years now and with all of them the Paint finish still looked, felt and shone like new, even after 14 years in one case. I will tell you this without hesitation,..."Nu-Finish does last a complete year", as I have friends much like the poster here that could care less about waxing their cars and I personally have used Nu-Finish on their vehicles to excellent results.You can believe anything you read, or make wild accusations, but I am telling you this from unbiased personal experience,....I am not speculating!
So unless you have experimented with the product and can make an educated statement, I think you should stay clear of making any.



ouch. This is the internet not the courtroom

06-12-2007, 07:34 PM
Many moons ago I read the article on NuFinish. They detailed the test and showed pictures of the car running through the Automatic car wash; I believe it was a Popular Mechanics magazine. NuFinish also has a commercial where they ran the car through the wash 52 times. No statement I made about the NuFinish testing methods was anything but 100% accurate.

"Union's "Junkyard" commercial shows the application ofþ NU FINISH to restore the finish of a battered car in aþ junkyard. The announcer claims that the product is notþ a wax, that it lasts a year, that it is easy to apply, andþ that it can be used on boats. The commercial concludesþ with the passage of the car through 52 washes, the finishþ seemingly unaffected, and a claim that independent labo-þ ratory tests show its durability."

I used NuFinish on by Black Shelby Charger in the 90's and it was dead after a month. However, at that time 1 month was great for an "Off the shelf" product. As a consumer being told laboratory testing concluded the product lasts one year and finding out the one year testing was done in one day, I was obviously upset when my results were far from a year.

Bad assumption.... You will never see me making assumptions on second hand word of mouth, I only comment on first hand experiences. Don't take my personal experience as an insult to your findings; We are all free to express our own findings. If you are happy with NuFinish and it lasts a year for you, your satisfaction is all that matters.

First let me clarify the statement you made that I was challenging; quote " The Fact is actual user are getting about a month of it max" unquote
...Now that is a pretty strong statement to make considering you only used the product once on your 90s Shelby...Now was it the Dodge Shelby that died or the wax?:chuckle,
You ever thought that maybe you did something wrong? Did you read the directions? because it states clearly on the bottle;'After the initial coat, a second coat is necessary within 30 days'...Now I'm not sure what you did but I can tell you I also had a 'Black' vehicle, an '87 CRXsi and from day one I used Nu-Finish exclusively, I followed the directions to a tee and low and behold 7 years later when I sold the vehicle, I got top buck for it partially because of the exceptional finish it still had, and I'll add that I waxed it annually only.I can also say the same for all my vehicles and for several vehicles belonging to friends which have all by the way used nothing but Nu-Finish.So I can only assume that 1. You either did something wrong or 2. You were talking out of your ass.
....Another statement you happened to make in your last post which I challenge is;
quote "at that time 1 month was great for an 'off the shelf product''unqoute :loco... Who do you think your fooling here buddy? 1 month for a wax? give me a break! and at that time? what are we talking here the middle ages?:loco I've been waxing cars since the early 70's and I have used many different waxes, I have never found a wax that didn't last atleast 3months so your statement baffles me.

Furthermore;Yes we are all free to voice our findings, as long as they are legit findings! so I feel free to say I 'find' alot of what you say is not only questionable but flawed....O&O.

To Chinsterr; Yes, this is the internet and I believe there is enough bullshit floating around as it is, so why should we accept anymore on our site?




Wild Weasel
06-12-2007, 08:10 PM
I feel like I'm trapped in the infomercial from hell. :(

06-12-2007, 08:55 PM
I usually stay out of these threads but because you are trying to discredit me based on assumptions and putting words into my mouth I must reply.

...Now that is a pretty strong statement to make considering you only used the product once on your 90s Shelby...

Like I said, making assumptions. I used it once?

Now was it the Dodge Shelby that died or the wax?:chuckle,

Alive and kicking brother,

You ever thought that maybe you did something wrong? Did you read the directions? because it states clearly on the bottle;'After the initial coat, a second coat is necessary within 30 days'...

I was forced to re-apply it after 30 days, and 30 days after that......

Now I'm not sure what you did but I can tell you I also had a 'Black' vehicle, an '87 CRXsi and from day one I used Nu-Finish exclusively, I followed the directions to a tee and low and behold 7 years later when I sold the vehicle, I got top buck for it partially because of the exceptional finish it still had, and I'll add that I waxed it annually only.I can also say the same for all my vehicles and for several vehicles belonging to friends which have all by the way used nothing but Nu-Finish.So

Not everyone has the same experience you do, I would point to other threads but I don’t use second hand info to back up my own personal experiences. If you insist I provide some sort of second hand opinion I can scan the test Guru Reports did on NuFinish where they funny enough found the exact same as me, 1 month and NuFinish was dead, done like dinner

I can only assume that 1. You either did something wrong or 2. You were talking out of your ass.

You do assume a lot.

....Another statement you happened to make in your last post which I challenge is;

Challenge? It amazes me that people try to make a trial when an opinion does not agree with theirs. I keep looking for the prosecutor but can't find him.

quote "at that time 1 month was great for an 'off the shelf product''unqoute :loco... Who do you think your fooling here buddy? 1 month for a wax? give me a break! and at that time?

What were the off the shelf choices in the mid 90’s? Basically either Mothers or Meguiar’s Carnauba. On a black car in the Tennessee heat (Well over 100 degrees) Carnauba’s are dead after a month, put a nail in them. Even to this day some of the many Carnauba's we have won't last a month on a Black car. With sealant being so popular now that is no problem but in the mid 90's sealants were hard to find.

what are we talking here the middle ages?:loco I've been waxing cars since the early 70's and I have used many different waxes, I have never found a wax that didn't last atleast 3months so your statement baffles me.

Slapping waxes on a car since the early 70's does not make my experiences irreverent nor does it make you an expert.

Furthermore;Yes we are all free to voice our findings, as long as they are legit findings! so I feel free to say I 'find' alot of what you say is not only questionable but flawed....O&O.

This is humorous! I actually almost fell out of my chair. So because someone does not agree on your statements we are flawed? Riiight. I see clearly now, agree with you, you are always right, and if not it is BS?

To Chinsterr; Yes, this is the internet and I believe there is enough bullshit floating around as it is, so why should we accept anymore on our site?


Is this your closing statement? Is court adjourned?

New forum rule guys, agree with Flagrum or you are BS. Okey dokey.

If you like NuFinish keep using it, it is that simple. Don’t go on a crusade trying to make your opinion the only one and try to discredit other people’s opinion by making assumptions and feeding words into their mouths. I outlined how NuFinish made their “Once a year car polish” claim (Which is deceptive advertising), and I stated I don’t get a year of it. It is funny thinking you want to argue over a fact that my experience was not as positive as yours.

06-13-2007, 12:19 AM
well said eshine.

06-13-2007, 01:53 AM
Is that a coke can surrounding your ignition coil?

BTW, nice Shelby I've only seen 1 of those back in Missouri.

Back to the wax issue.:pop

06-13-2007, 02:06 AM
Is that a coke can surrounding your ignition coil?

BTW, nice Shelby I've only seen 1 of those back in Missouri.

Yes it is a can of Coke. LOL! Many people made comments about it. It needed painting so I cut/glued the can around the coil. I called it the Coca-Coil. The Shelby is now in Wisconsin. I got tired of it, sold it and bought something else.

Back to the wax issue.:pop

We didn't become a sponsor here to argue with members. Many TM3 member's have dealt with us including bubba1983 who approached us about becoming a sponsor. When somebody questions our credibility and backs it with NOTHING but their own opinion, we have no choice but to retort. It is very common to have brand loyal people for many different reasons want to stick with a product. Nobody should take offence to different opinions, it does not change the reasons why YOU use/enjoy the product.

06-13-2007, 06:35 PM
I usually stay out of these threads but because you are trying to discredit me based on assumptions and putting words into my mouth I must reply.

...Now that is a pretty strong statement to make considering you only used the product once on your 90s Shelby...

Like I said, making assumptions. I used it once?

Now was it the Dodge Shelby that died or the wax?:chuckle,

Alive and kicking brother,

You ever thought that maybe you did something wrong? Did you read the directions? because it states clearly on the bottle;'After the initial coat, a second coat is necessary within 30 days'...

I was forced to re-apply it after 30 days, and 30 days after that......

Now I'm not sure what you did but I can tell you I also had a 'Black' vehicle, an '87 CRXsi and from day one I used Nu-Finish exclusively, I followed the directions to a tee and low and behold 7 years later when I sold the vehicle, I got top buck for it partially because of the exceptional finish it still had, and I'll add that I waxed it annually only.I can also say the same for all my vehicles and for several vehicles belonging to friends which have all by the way used nothing but Nu-Finish.So

Not everyone has the same experience you do, I would point to other threads but I don’t use second hand info to back up my own personal experiences. If you insist I provide some sort of second hand opinion I can scan the test Guru Reports did on NuFinish where they funny enough found the exact same as me, 1 month and NuFinish was dead, done like dinner

I can only assume that 1. You either did something wrong or 2. You were talking out of your ass.

You do assume a lot.

....Another statement you happened to make in your last post which I challenge is;

Challenge? It amazes me that people try to make a trial when an opinion does not agree with theirs. I keep looking for the prosecutor but can't find him.

quote "at that time 1 month was great for an 'off the shelf product''unqoute :loco... Who do you think your fooling here buddy? 1 month for a wax? give me a break! and at that time?

What were the off the shelf choices in the mid 90’s? Basically either Mothers or Meguiar’s Carnauba. On a black car in the Tennessee heat (Well over 100 degrees) Carnauba’s are dead after a month, put a nail in them. Even to this day some of the many Carnauba's we have won't last a month on a Black car. With sealant being so popular now that is no problem but in the mid 90's sealants were hard to find.

what are we talking here the middle ages?:loco I've been waxing cars since the early 70's and I have used many different waxes, I have never found a wax that didn't last atleast 3months so your statement baffles me.

Slapping waxes on a car since the early 70's does not make my experiences irreverent nor does it make you an expert.

Furthermore;Yes we are all free to voice our findings, as long as they are legit findings! so I feel free to say I 'find' alot of what you say is not only questionable but flawed....O&O.

This is humorous! I actually almost fell out of my chair. So because someone does not agree on your statements we are flawed? Riiight. I see clearly now, agree with you, you are always right, and if not it is BS?

To Chinsterr; Yes, this is the internet and I believe there is enough bullshit floating around as it is, so why should we accept anymore on our site?


Is this your closing statement? Is court adjourned?

New forum rule guys, agree with Flagrum or you are BS. Okey dokey.

If you like NuFinish keep using it, it is that simple. Don’t go on a crusade trying to make your opinion the only one and try to discredit other people’s opinion by making assumptions and feeding words into their mouths. I outlined how NuFinish made their “Once a year car polish” claim (Which is deceptive advertising), and I stated I don’t get a year of it. It is funny thinking you want to argue over a fact that my experience was not as positive as yours.

I think your the one trying to discredit here! I put no words in your mouth I simply quoted your statements...You seem to be ignoring the quote you made that started all this.And I could care less if anyone uses NuFinish nor takes my word as gospel, so its not a personal challenge to my ego, but it is also not to anyones benefit on this site when people come on here and make statements that are questionable or false about a product and I as a member of this site have all the right in the world to question them wheather they like it or not.
And I simply questioned your statement because I've yet to know anyone whose used the product and complained it only lasted a month including myself, its quite the opposite actually as I mentioned in my earlier post...so how come it didn't work for you? Who knows? But because it didn't work for you everyone is suppose to believe 'YOU' that the product is garbage which is basically what you stated...I would say that is pretty errogant and also that my friend is simply wrong in general.
I have never claimed to be an expert, but I'm not a layman also, I have had plenty of first hand experience with this and many other products, and my knowledge gained over the years gives me the right to question your 'statement'. I'm not making your experience irrelevant, I am simply questioning its validity....and I'm sorry but that is my porogative.



06-13-2007, 07:14 PM
This is absolutely amazing! I am not the only one who found NuFinsh only lasts a month! Now there are two people on this earth that didn't get a year out of it. It's a conspiricy!

I Love this Part...
"I put no words in your mouth" then in the same paragraph..."the product is garbage which is basically what you stated" ROFL, is that what I said now?? LOL, weird cause I swear all I said was I only got a month of it...... Anything else I didn't say?

"I'm sorry but that is my porogative."
We thank you for that, we also thank you for standing up for the Portugeese!

I can give you the editors email so you can set them striaght, it would be a public service.


but don't expect the ultimate in shine.

Where do you get off making a statement like that? Is it from experience or just a wild guess?
Everyone I know gets great shine of it, your comment is flawed, I don't think you used NuFinish at all now! There is enough BS around here and you are basically saying NuFinsh is garbage. I don't appreciate it.


06-13-2007, 08:09 PM
When you say; Quote "The fact is actual users are getting about a month of it max" unquote. ...Whats do you expect peoople to get from that?, it sure sounds to me like your saying the product is garbage, and it sure sounds like a generilization.You did not state it in the first person and because any wax that only lasts a month would be looked on as being shit....I didn't put those words in your mouth! Its in your post. :AH

I happen to be Portuguese, so I have all the right not to except any racial or generalized remarks made towards my people. You got a problem with that?:flaming

And what? because you post some article out of some magazine its supposed to clear you of your statement? That really takes the cake!



06-13-2007, 08:31 PM
And what? because you post some article out of some magazine its supposed to clear you of your statement? That really takes the cake!


It shows that my findings are not as flawed as you make them out to be. It shows my findings are not so left field like you suggest. It shows not everyone gets the same results as you. It shows people including magazines (Which have real people writing them) are able to express their opinion even if it is not yours.

Again, you like NuFinish? It lasts a year for you? Use it!! Why do you need EVERYONE else to agree with your findings? You were never asked to change your opinion, you made your claims, I made mine, get over it.

"I happen to be Portuguese, so I have all the right not to except any racial or generalized remarks made towards my people. You got a problem with that?"

And so am I. Thanking you for sticking up for our people was a bad thing? Making assumptions again I see. But hey, My Parents do cover their couches in plastic, so are their car seats so I can see the humor in his remark!

I have no need to make me right. I have no desire to change your opinion on the product. Have respect for others opinions, you basically called me a liar (Yes, putting words into your mouth for once) just because my opinion differed. There is nobody on this planet who likes to be called a liar especially when the reason is based purely on opinion and not fact.

Blatent remarks like..

"what you say is not only questionable but flawed"
"people come on here and make statements that are questionable or false"

You boast your age and experience so often so stop acting like a 9yr old girl who didn't get her Barbie for her birthday. It's car wax!

I think I got about a dozen PM's so far warning me about you, I'll take their advice.. I are done arguing with a brick.

But go ahead; make your last closing statement. Champagne will be flowing, the checkered flag will be waiving, the hammer will drop. Please don't forget to end with _3 because we all know that makes your mark on the interweb and makes you unique.

06-13-2007, 11:42 PM
alright.. enough is enough..

both sides have made their points.. the season finale of this drama just passed.. :bana
