View Full Version : Searching / posting in the wrong section

07-17-2007, 01:08 AM

I've notice lately that we've a lot of new comers starting threads without searching, and/or starting threads in the wrong section.

I understand in one hand we want the new comers to feel welcome, on the other hand we need them to follow our rules.

Hopefully, mods and fellow members can help out the noobs by searching for them (during the first few violations), post it in the thread and a mod will lock it. Not sure if this is a good solution.

If someone has a better idea, free feel to post.

07-17-2007, 08:07 AM
With the constant growth of the club, it is hard for just the MOD team to be on top of all of these posts. We encourage all members to help each other out in situations like these, and we, as a MOD team, will do our best to keep on top of these issues.

07-17-2007, 08:28 AM
Now that majic is gone, I see this problem is only going to get worse. All memebers should be incouraging other members new and old to search before starting a thread.

06-10-2008, 09:31 PM
Hate to bring up an old thread but I've started to notice this a lot lately. Why can't people post in the correct section?

Cardinal Fang
06-10-2008, 09:34 PM
Burn Them!!!!

06-10-2008, 09:35 PM
Sometimes, I think it's laziness. I guess they figure that someone will eventually give them the answers no matter how many times the question has been asked.

Other times, it could be an ego thing. Like that guy that said that he worked X hours, so he had no time or something or other.

Or maybe to make us work?

Or maybe they think that if they post in a more frequently viewed section, they will get more replies?

Posting psychology 101....

06-10-2008, 10:26 PM
Make MGM and me a mod and then we'll definitely clean up the mess :chuckle

06-10-2008, 10:29 PM


Seriously though. The car has been out for more than 4 years now. Most of the questions have already been asked and answered - if not directly, definitely in some form or other.

06-10-2008, 10:39 PM
Agreed. There are so many questions being posted where the info is already available here on the forum. I agree that the mods are working hard to manage the forum these days, and props to them for the effort; heck, I've been in voilation of a few FS rules and have been informed so! :chuckle

We definitely need to be helping the mods by directing new folks to the search feature.

Noisy Crow
06-10-2008, 11:04 PM
If people can manage to find this place they must have *some* knowledge of nettique!

The thing that gets me.... exactly how long has the Internet been around? Now, not all of you may remember Usenet, but even way back then you could expect to your ass roasted asking questions without looking through FAQs etc.

I don't mind helping people who ask nicely, or who seem truly lost. Especially since this is not a computer-oriented site. For them I don't mind doing a quick search to get them started. Or I often tell them what to search for, as sometimes it helps to know what keywords to use. But as for the yo-yos that are too lazy to find things for themselves, or worse yet "don't have time"... AFAIC, they aren't adding much value anyway.

06-10-2008, 11:08 PM
why waste the effort on the search when you can just post it and get mgm do it for you?! lol

she does it regardles and seems to enjoy it. maybe it should be considered as form of public service

06-10-2008, 11:09 PM
Everyone definitely needs to help new members and guide/mold them into smart forum users...lol.

I just want to say this. Don't initiate the thread by telling them how dumb they are and that it should be in a different section or that the should be using the search tool and leave it at that. This definitely won't make them feel welcome at all. Suggest where it should be posted and help them with their question, etc. Same goes with the search. I saw a great example of this today.


sauga_kid did a great job to inform the individual about searching yet helped them to find what they were looking for. :bana

06-10-2008, 11:20 PM
why waste the effort on the search when you can just post it and get mgm do it for you?! lol

she does it regardles and seems to enjoy it. maybe it should be considered as form of public service

I agree :)

Need to program that MGM button for threads :) And send a message upon registration....please contact MGM for any question as she is the WIKI of tm3 :chuckle

06-11-2008, 07:12 AM
I agree with cw_p sedan in that we shouldn't bash new members as we were all noobs before.
MGM does a great job in helping out people in the search department.
It seems to be a lot of threads started in the "Mazda3 General Section" when they should have been posted in the section that is relevent. This section is for "Mazda3 topics that don't fit in other categories."
I counted 7 threads on the first page that have should been posted elsewhere. I agree with Noisy_crow in that people are just plain lazy.

06-11-2008, 09:20 AM
I Vote MGM a Mod lol Shes Too Good @ What She Does =P

06-11-2008, 10:29 AM
I Vote MGM a Mod lol Shes Too Good @ What She Does =P

lol..she is def the search queen :chuckle

06-15-2008, 12:19 AM
have you ever thought on a noob side that first couple of posts, that they are most likely may post something even though its already been discussed before. Thats because they don know how to use the forums, or even how to search. Also if even let say I have a problem with a car and let say I go here to search for that particular problem, and I see 20 different threads and each has about 2-3 pages.. I dont think that you going to sit there and read for hours untill you find the solution while panicing about your car. The reason people post is to get a quick answer, I think thats what forums are about, otherwise call it "library of answers" and lock everything else. Also someone mentioned about there there most likely be answers here for everything, true. Then why do people post, make threads? And its not just the noobs that are posting.. everyone does it! Its faster way to cominicate between people and get direct answers. And we are here to help them out, some of us are more experienced then others, but we all here read, learn and provide answers for everyone and each other. So in my opinion I dont have a problem with making the same thread again, just point out nicely while giving solution.

06-15-2008, 12:34 AM
Most of us don't mind if a noob asks a question without searching once or twice.
There is at least one member that have started multi-threads without searching (while there are active threads about the topic).
I agree with cwp_sedan. Although, I haven't always done so myself, I'll make a more conscience effort to.

Everyone definitely needs to help new members and guide/mold them into smart forum users...lol.

I just want to say this. Don't initiate the thread by telling them how dumb they are and that it should be in a different section or that the should be using the search tool and leave it at that. This definitely won't make them feel welcome at all. Suggest where it should be posted and help them with their question, etc. Same goes with the search. I saw a great example of this today.


sauga_kid did a great job to inform the individual about searching yet helped them to find what they were looking for. :bana

05-20-2009, 09:39 PM
Going to bring this back from the dead.. Seems people are getting lazy again..

05-20-2009, 09:57 PM
I want to make a comment about this one. I have fond that the search engine is not the most intuitive at times.

so to be honest there has been times when i tried to search something - but becasue of my limited knowledge of terms used or acronyms used i would have never found what i was looking for without the help of the fellow members.

Saying that i think some objective allowances should be made and not classifying some of us (yours truly) as being lazy.

my 2 cents:complain

Sometimes, I think it's laziness. I guess they figure that someone will eventually give them the answers no matter how many times the question has been asked.

Other times, it could be an ego thing. Like that guy that said that he worked X hours, so he had no time or something or other.

Or maybe to make us work?

Or maybe they think that if they post in a more frequently viewed section, they will get more replies?

Posting psychology 101....

05-20-2009, 10:10 PM
Yes I do agree with you on the search engine is not the best at time and I find myself frustrated at the results it has.
I brought this back from the dead b/c people lately have been posting in the improper section.

Noisy Crow
05-20-2009, 10:16 PM
so to be honest there has been times when i tried to search something - but becasue of my limited knowledge of terms used or acronyms used i would have never found what i was looking for without the help of the fellow members.

I am sure everyone understands that. For me, if the person has made any sort of effort (heck, if they just claim to have used search) I am more than happy to point them in the right direction and suggest a couple of threads or provide the answer if I know it.

But there are a few people who seem to never make that effort.. for example: When someone asks what's the best place to buy LEDs online and I find that typing "LEDs" into the search box lists several recent disussions on the matter I am pretty certain they didn't even try. Or worse, thre are the ones that post up saying that they don't have time to search, implying that their time is worth more than anyone elses. To those people, I will simply point out the search feature....