View Full Version : Question about auto light

07-27-2007, 01:00 AM
the autolight what lights do they turn on ?

when it's dark they turn on ALL the lights such as

headlights, parking lights ?

and when it's daytime all those lights are off and only DRL is on?

or is there different combinations such as if it's so-so dark only the parking lights come on and if it's extra dark THEN the headlights come on?

can someone clarify?

cause what's the point of having ON , parking lights and OFF?

so in autolight funciton the sensor never turns the car on JUST parking lights when it's a lil dark ?

it's always just on or off ?

can someone tell me ?


07-27-2007, 01:41 AM
i am pretty sure that the auto lights turns on the ambers and your hedlights including your rears and lic plate light
The parking light position turns on the ambers and your rears and lic plate
Off just your drls

As ong as the headlights are on then the foglights will be able to be switched on*

*unless you have a independant fog mod whch will allow you to turn on your fogs as you please

07-27-2007, 06:40 AM
^Yep, that sounds about right.

07-27-2007, 08:29 AM
I don't think parking lights are for when it's a little dark out...so I searched online and this is what I found...
"The parking light is really not actually used as such in modern driving. This name is more of a throwback to days gone by. When originally named, the parking light was used to illuminate a vehicle when it was parked, because streetlights and special off the road parking areas had not yet become common. Leaving your car parked on the side of a dark road without some warning of its presence was a hazard to both your vehicle, and to other drivers. The parking light was entirely separate from the headlight system. They were not lit when the headlights were turned on as they are in modern vehicles. The purpose of the parking light has changed over the years. Wider roads allowing room for on street parking with no obstruction of the driving lanes have made their original purpose obsolete. The parking light still serves an important function in driving safety, used more as a marker light to make vehicles more visible at night, especially from the side view. Such marker lights became mandatory in 1968, to improve safety and vehicle visibility on the roads. The parking light can also be helpful as backup lighting if you have a headlight burn out during driving. The glow of the parking light can help your vehicle be more visible to oncoming drivers even with only one headlight, making it easier for others to determine that a car, not a motorcycle is approaching."

Cardinal Fang
07-27-2007, 08:52 AM
the autolight what lights do they turn on ?

when it's dark they turn on ALL the lights such as

headlights, parking lights ?

I'm assuming that the "parking lights" you are referring to are the amber lights. The answer to you question is yes.

and when it's daytime all those lights are off and only DRL is on?

Correct. Only your DRL's are on during the day.

07-27-2007, 02:56 PM
At last nights AA meet we saw an imported 72 BMW 1602 that had the "park light" which illuminated one headlight at low power. The owner said it was because they don't normally have street lights in England and thus it was a requirement.

When originally named, the parking light was used to illuminate a vehicle when it was parked, because streetlights and special off the road parking areas had not yet become common. Leaving your car parked on the side of a dark road without some warning of its presence was a hazard to both your vehicle, and to other drivers. The parking light was entirely separate from the headlight system"

07-28-2007, 01:54 AM
hey guys that was GREAT info ! Loved it !!

so i came to an understanding that auto light feature just turns OFF and ON ALL lights depending on the lights- 2 settings

as oppose to having the 3 settings on, parking , off ?

ic ic it's quite strange why we still have parking lights feature.

because with cars with no autolight feature nobody EVER turns it to just parking lights.

07-30-2007, 02:30 AM
unless you rewire your DRLS... hehehe

07-30-2007, 05:42 PM
Twice now, during the day, I've accidentally hit my turn signal stalk forward, to high beam mode. High beams don't go on during the day, because I have the lights in auto mode. But, when night comes......BAM.....high beams pop on.

07-30-2007, 08:29 PM
Twice now, during the day, I've accidentally hit my turn signal stalk forward, to high beam mode. High beams don't go on during the day, because I have the lights in auto mode. But, when night comes......BAM.....high beams pop on.

if you push the stalk forward they are on only when the headlights are on because it has a locked position forward

If you pull back then the highbeams will stay on as long as you keep holding back on the stalk because it is only a temporary use and has nothing holding it back permanently

Totally normal

07-30-2007, 10:23 PM
I know how the stalk works. And I know it's normal. I'm saying I accidentally would push the stalk forward during the day, probably when signalling for a right turn. I never did that with my last car. I just need to be more careful, I guess, if I'm the only one.

07-31-2007, 02:50 AM
oooo haha sorry if i insulted you then i undersztood it that you were wondering why they werent comming on during the day my mistake

Cardinal Fang
07-31-2007, 08:46 AM
I just need to be more careful, I guess, if I'm the only one.

No you're not the only one. I had the same problem when I first got my car. Give it some time and you will get used to it.

07-31-2007, 09:29 PM
No you're not the only one. I had the same problem when I first got my car. Give it some time and you will get used to it.

Definitely not the only one... I keep doing the same thing, except my lights aren't on auto, the headlights are just on ;-)