View Full Version : Starwind's '07 Mazda3 Sport GT

07-29-2007, 03:21 AM
As of Saturday morning, I am now the proud parent of a 2007 Mazda3 Sport GT in Galaxy Grey !! :bana2

Mazda of Toronto -- Jeff & Joe were great -- thank you ! :)

"It is worth the drive to Toronto"

(even if you have to get up early and go through Evil Fog Where You Can Barely See the Car in Front of You to get there!!)

While the car began the day with 56 km (limited colour availability means being acquired from another dealership), in its first ~12 hours it has picked up nearly 575 more... 629 km on the odometer as of right now -- and the trip computer thinks it can go another 39 before it runs out of gas :chuckle. A mix of city, and (mostly) country road and country/major highway. It even explored the 407.

So far, the car has had great adventures:

1) about 3 km from MoT, it came within a few small inches (believe me, they seemed REALLY REALLY small!) of being rearended by an (clearing throat) inattentive driver holding and talking on her cell phone and decidedly not paying attention to (a) driving, (b) the car in front of her (that would be me), and (c) the irrevokable fact that the residential side street she was on was coming to an abrupt end onto Finch Avenue, with a stop sign for lots of warning, and the traffic on Finch having probably no clue the street even existed -- necessitating... wait for it... a STOP.... before any turns could be made. Needless to say, all kinds of thoughts ran through my head as I rapidly ran out of escape space and she kept coming. I will give her credit for her brake-and-avoid skills, though (!). I bet the insurance company would have absolutely loved me !!! :bang

2) the fog lights work. In real fog. Lots of it.

3) it got to ride on a ferry. I bet it felt right at home after its long voyage across the Pacific. However, this ferry is obviously much smaller than that other boat. :chuckle It was the first one on, so it (and the humans) had a nice view of the Bay of Quinte (and the water was calm, so no splashing lake water on the brand new car).

4) it got rained on. the auto-sensing wipers are really good for the rain-mist caused by other cars, but not so good when it is just starting to rain but isn't too heavy yet (but is more than a sprinkle). note: it is a Very Good Idea to make sure you know exactly how to turn on your wipers into some kind of "it does its thing" automatic mode BEFORE it rains. OTOH, trial and error isn't too bad if you get it right by the second try ;-)

As for the car... it has 35% tint all around, a stubbie (which I still have to put on), wheel lock-things, remote starter, cargo mat, and it will have a rear step plate on it in the morning. It came with a car wash kit, too, which I suppose is a hint it wants to be taken care of :whoa

07-29-2007, 08:36 AM
Its just the beginning :)

Write more stories plz, as I am bored to death at work lol.

07-29-2007, 09:53 AM

With the exception of your scare with the bonehead on the cell phone, it sounds like a great first day!

07-29-2007, 12:03 PM
Im almost fall asleep lol j/k

thats nice story