View Full Version : MS3 Hatch Owner needs stealth SUB

08-04-2007, 02:40 AM
I want to get a sub for my Hatch but I don't want to bive up ANY space for it. I would put it under my seat or in the tire jack space but don't know where to get something like that in Canada.....any ideas?

08-04-2007, 02:56 AM
i think there on ebay

08-04-2007, 01:42 PM
i was tinkering with a similar idea lately. currently i have built myself a 0.75^3 ft. box that sits behind the 40-split and allows access to the main floor storage w/o any interfearence and the amp is mounted under the floor. allthough as small as the box is it still gets in the way for me as i tend to carry oddly shaped things often.

what i will probably do as soon as i get time (when exams are done and im back home) im planning on building a box that replaces all the plastic trunk flooring and compartments. its going to made from a mix of mdf and lexan to keep the weight down. The sub (10") will sit in the spare tire void with the spare flipped upsidedown. it will be a sealed enclosure built to the same volume as my current box. The sub will be undermounted with a steel mesh thats flush with the floor to protect and support the carpet(wont have much if any impact on sq of the sub) the rest of the floor will have an aggessable vented and fan cooled comparetment for that amp / amps in my case and the rest will be storage cmpartments where theres space. it will all them be finished off with black carpeting to match. i can also help with the electrical install to.

if your interested in this idea id be willing to produce several at once. price can be negotiated depending on my time and how custom you want it to be.

NB: this is all preliminary and i cant say for sure how much storage space there will be depending on volume reqs for the sub etc..