View Full Version : what do you guys think of helios hid kits?

08-21-2007, 08:28 PM
i was browsing the net , and came across helios hid kits, a buddy of mine has them and he loves them, but i was wondering what k I should get to achieve the prolumen 6000k look, and brightness, they have 6000k as well but I don;t think they will match prolumen, seeing how they have 3,5,7,8,9,10,12, which ones do you guys think i should get , and does anybody have any experience with them, they're tuv certified, and iso and come with a pentium stage 3 in their ballasts for security, overall I heard good things about helios, but wanted to know what you thought of them and what k I should get, I was thinking, 7000k, to get that bmw/tsx look. thanks


08-22-2007, 07:29 AM
Keep in mind that the higher the temperature (K rating), the less light you will have. I recommend you get 5000K.

Also, how much of a price difference is there between the helios and the ones available on this forum through the sponsor? You might want to get one from Devin instead.

08-22-2007, 06:41 PM
thanks for replying, oh for sure , I know about the higher k and and less output, the reason i was thinking of 7k, is because I thought it would be the closest to the prolumen 6000k which I have in my other car and the output, and the colour is great