View Full Version : All new highbeams as DRL mod
08-22-2007, 03:33 AM
First off i would like to thank Daydreamer off of the american forums for helping me out on this and it works flawlessly.
Yay at last :) (
08-22-2007, 04:24 AM
First off i would like to thank Daydreamer off of the american forums for helping me out on this and it works flawlessly.
Yay at last :) (
This looks like what I've been looking for. Have to read through it. I have some questions. Thanks!
08-22-2007, 01:36 PM
i replied to it
08-22-2007, 01:58 PM
I am very interested in this.
Reading that thread doesn't do me much since it just goes over my head but I would love to see this work in person (or detailed pics!)
08-22-2007, 03:45 PM
I am very interested in this.
Reading that thread doesn't do me much since it just goes over my head but I would love to see this work in person (or detailed pics!)
what area do you live in or should i say which meets do you regularly attend to? You can see it. I may be going to lapaloma tonight and probably will be there at don mil;ls and steels tomorro. It is done and working flawless on my car :)
08-22-2007, 03:51 PM
what area do you live in or should i say which meets do you regularly attend to? You can see it. I may be going to lapaloma tonight and probably will be there at don mil;ls and steels tomorro. It is done and working flawless on my car :)
I'm on the East end so I occasionally attend AA meets at DonMills however I may trek out to LaPaloma to check this out!
I'll keep an eye on the roll calls to see if you will be there.
08-22-2007, 05:06 PM
i am going to lapaloma tonight but there is a good possibility that i am going to show up to the aa tommorro if one takes place
then you can check it out
08-23-2007, 09:50 AM
My car (2004) has been wired like this (HB DRL) for 3 years now...welcome to 2004.
08-23-2007, 10:05 AM
My car (2004) has been wired like this (HB DRL) for 3 years now...welcome to 2004.
Does yours retain all the stock functions including working highbeams/flash-to-pass? Or does yours sacrifice any stock functions? McGuyver's method is great in that you lose absolutely nothing. Highbeams work like stock.
08-23-2007, 10:13 AM
Retains all stock functions and is wired exactly like the 2007 Mazda3s/MS3s with the HID option.
Would need to do the "B" mod to not have the HIDs flash when in DRL mode but I've made it a habit not to flash anyone when DRLs are on.
08-23-2007, 10:15 AM
Cool. Didn't know that someone had already figured this out. Everyone seems to be doing the independent fogs/disable DRL route. Looking forward to doing this myself.
08-23-2007, 10:30 AM
Oh I remember. I recall seeing RedRaptor at a meet over a year ago and seeing that mod.
08-23-2007, 11:26 AM
My car (2004) has been wired like this (HB DRL) for 3 years now...welcome to 2004.
did you do anything in order to tone down the H/B lights? because i drove behind a member and they said that it was a little bright. But it was already dark enough for the auto lights to engage lets say about 8-830ish. That was just a test to see and get some feedback on it on how bright it actually is
any help would be appreciated
08-23-2007, 12:02 PM
did you do anything in order to tone down the H/B lights? because i drove behind a member and they said that it was a little bright. But it was already dark enough for the auto lights to engage lets say about 8-830ish. That was just a test to see and get some feedback on it on how bright it actually is
any help would be appreciated
Due to the nature of the highbeam housing and the 9005 bulb type (light scatters and is aimed very high), it will seem very bright to others. If you look at other cars with HB DRL, you will notice the samething. During the day, the sunlight washes out the light but when evening rolls around, you'll notice their DRLs are quite bright and annoying.
I've driven with them for 3 years now (all major 400 series highways, local downtown streets and cottage roads) and I've never gotten hassled.
Truth is, at 8:00AM to 8:30PM your full headlights should be on for added safety.
If you want to see a very bright and annoying HB DRL, look at the Jeep Cherokee's. Their DRLs are blinding even in the day.
I wouldn't worry about them. I am sure if they were that bad, I would have gotten a ticket or a warning by now.
08-23-2007, 12:56 PM
Due to the nature of the highbeam housing and the 9005 bulb type (light scatters and is aimed very high), it will seem very bright to others. If you look at other cars with HB DRL, you will notice the samething. During the day, the sunlight washes out the light but when evening rolls around, you'll notice their DRLs are quite bright and annoying.
I've driven with them for 3 years now (all major 400 series highways, local downtown streets and cottage roads) and I've never gotten hassled.
Truth is, at 8:00AM to 8:30PM your full headlights should be on for added safety.
If you want to see a very bright and annoying HB DRL, look at the Jeep Cherokee's. Their DRLs are blinding even in the day.
I wouldn't worry about them. I am sure if they were that bad, I would have gotten a ticket or a warning by now.
That is very true. Do you think that they put anything in to the 07 headlights to prevent this from happening though because yes it is aimed quite a bit higher then the headlight. I trie it out last night because i have a nice dark stretch w/o street lights right before i get home and i was able to drive at 2 in the morning with my drls :O lol.
08-23-2007, 01:13 PM
I'm thinking a resistor could be used to reduce the power going to the highbeams when in DRL. But resistors get hot and create fire hazards.
You won't get a ticket. It's legal to drive with your headlights on full all day long, so as long as the highbeams in DRL are not brighter than that, you should be fine.
08-23-2007, 01:28 PM
I'm thinking a resistor could be used to reduce the power going to the highbeams when in DRL. But resistors get hot and create fire hazards.
You won't get a ticket. It's legal to drive with your headlights on full all day long, so as long as the highbeams in DRL are not brighter than that, you should be fine.
I guess if you really wanted to you could probably do th same with the fogs so instead of the power wire heading to the H/B light then you could run it to the fog light which would be equally legal. The muranos havit it
08-23-2007, 11:10 PM
hummmm curious....RedRaptor did you do your HID install yourself?
and yay at least there is a way to have the highbeams as the DRL...I hate DRL's but the highbeam as the DRL are nice in my book
08-24-2007, 03:43 AM
I guess if you really wanted to you could probably do th same with the fogs so instead of the power wire heading to the H/B light then you could run it to the fog light which would be equally legal. The muranos havit it
I've been thinking about it and I might want to go this route - fogs as the DRLs just to be a little more different than stock. The nice thing is that it isn't hard to switch to the highbeams if I don't like it.
08-24-2007, 07:10 AM
My question is this.... How come when you use your high beams, your fogs turn off... Is there a wire you can disable so you can use your fogs regardless?
08-24-2007, 08:04 AM
My question is this.... How come when you use your high beams, your fogs turn off... Is there a wire you can disable so you can use your fogs regardless?
That's a completely different topic. I believe the independent fog mod would do this. But yeah, I don't see why there could not be a way to rig this up somehow without the independent fog mod. Perhaps having power fed to the fogs from the highbeams when the highbeams are on.
08-24-2007, 08:45 AM
Sorry Skarboro..... Didn't mean to threadjack.....
08-24-2007, 05:25 PM
no problem at all i think it has something to do with the legal amount of lights on with different lights i could be wrong but i think it may have sometyhing to do with this
08-28-2007, 04:28 PM
I believe the law states that you are not allowed to have more then 4 headlights lamps on at one time. I got a ticket for that one time during the 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS trend where all the cops were out to get modded cars.
I ended up not having to pay for the ticket because the judge has not dealt with this type of offence. But it is an offence and it is not common.
09-06-2007, 12:34 PM
Skarbro & McGuyver, how's the walkthrough coming along for this? Just curious.
09-06-2007, 01:09 PM
Skarbro & McGuyver, how's the walkthrough coming along for this? Just curious.
he has not contacted me yet on when or where he would like to do this so for now there is no walkthrough at the moment. If you would like this done to your car simply wire up the relays like discussed and hide the relays anywhere you like. The reason why i want to do a walkthrough is because i actually implanted the relays in to the actual fuse box under the hood. The only way you can tell there are aftermarket relays installed is through the wire connecting to the battery and the green tape because i ran out of black tape :(. But if you would like to be the how to walkthrough person i would be more then happy to assist you in doing so. PM me for more details
09-06-2007, 01:29 PM
Yes, sorry I haven't been able to tackle this yet. I have all the parts ready to go, but no time to get it done because of the new baby. I barely had enough time to stick a little shaded opaque sticker on my Electrochromatic mirror yesterday.
I'm actually trying to put together a wiring diagram which I hope McGuyver will edit for me.
McGuyver's setup is very clean. His fuse panel doesn't even look like its been modified.
09-06-2007, 01:35 PM
Yes, sorry I haven't been able to tackle this yet. I have all the parts ready to go, but no time to get it done because of the new baby. I barely had enough time to stick a little shaded opaque sticker on my Electrochromatic mirror yesterday.
I'm actually trying to put together a wiring diagram which I hope McGuyver will edit for me.
McGuyver's setup is very clean. His fuse panel doesn't even look like its been modified.
Honestly you let me know when the time best suites you
09-06-2007, 02:02 PM
No problem guys, Skarbro, first and foremost, congrats on the new edition to your family. I'm not rushing anyone if that's how it came across, I was just reading up and thought I'd see. I wouldn't mind getting this done, but like Skarbro, I'm insanely busy lately (no kid though). If time permits, I might just PM you McGuyver and take you up on this, I'm still waiting on my lows to come in though so I'll let you know. Thanks guys.
10-05-2007, 10:45 PM
OK it's been a couple of weeks now since McGuyver rigged up the new DRL mod on my car and installed my HIDs.
Gotta say that I'm LOVING it.
I elected to make the fogs the DRLs instead of the highbeams.
Now the fogs come on as DRLs exactly the same as the headlight bulbs used to - when you turn on the ignition with the e-brake down. No need to have to remember to turn them on manually like the independent fog mod. And they don't stay on after the car is turned off like the indy fog mod.
I still have all the same options as stock using the same controls. I can turn on the fogs with the HIDs or turn them off.
It took me a couple of tries to do the flash-to-pass mod (disabling the HIDs from turning on when using flash-to-pass) but now it works perfectly. Only the highbeam bulbs come on when I use this function.
And when you look under the hood, there's virtually no trace of the mod visible.
Pure genius. I can't believe this isn't catching on more.
10-06-2007, 03:10 AM
i appologize for my lck of resonse to this thread a walkthrough is promised to be put up i just have to find the time to make one.
Please do bear with me and i will eventually have a walkthgrouh up
10-06-2007, 07:11 PM
It's all good mcguyver, take your time mang, I"m looking forward to it
10-12-2007, 11:06 PM
i appologize for my lck of resonse to this thread a walkthrough is promised to be put up i just have to find the time to make one.
Please do bear with me and i will eventually have a walkthgrouh up
I gotta get this done. I am very eagerly waiting the walkthrough , My lights are sitting on the bedroom dresser screaming to be used......
10-25-2007, 11:42 AM
10-26-2007, 11:16 PM
i wish i had more time i am a busy person
10-29-2007, 08:33 PM
Just thought I'd check to see
10-30-2007, 01:15 AM
how about this way?
What is the progress on this guys? Can anyone do the install cleanly to the highbeams?
my install is clean. can't see any wires. I did it myself tho.
I'm looking to pick up some HIDs soon.
Who should I get to do the install? I want a decent quality install of the DRL to Highbeams mod.
10-31-2007, 08:22 AM
Hit up McGuyver, I know he did it on Skarbro's ride
10-31-2007, 08:57 AM
Hit up McGuyver, I know he did it on Skarbro's ride
Did an awesome job too.
Coolio :)...
McGuyver I know you were having issues with running the highbeams, has that all been cleared up?
11-02-2007, 02:41 AM
crickets chirping.......
11-02-2007, 05:25 AM
Coolio :)...
McGuyver I know you were having issues with running the highbeams, has that all been cleared up?
He wasn't having any issues as far as I know. The only thing was that they were brighter than expected - but he verified that they are the same brightness as the 2007 DRLs.
Well the highbeam symbol stays on, on the dash.
11-02-2007, 07:58 AM
Well the highbeam symbol stays on, on the dash.
McGuyver doesn't have this issue because that bulb is blown on his dash. :chuckle
11-02-2007, 08:45 PM
Well the highbeam symbol stays on, on the dash.
That is what has happened to me , and also the dash dimmer light wheel does not function anymore as well .
But other than that all is fine.
Those are some things that would get to me, I'm gonna look further into the fog and indi fog thing.
11-02-2007, 10:17 PM
My dash dimmer works fine. And I don't have the dash light problem because I'm using the fogs as the DRLs instead of the highbeams.
11-02-2007, 10:23 PM
My dash dimmer works fine. And I don't have the dash light problem because I'm using the fogs as the DRLs instead of the highbeams.
I am gonna put some real thinking into switching to the fogs as well , not really the look I was shooting for but I might have to do it as well.
That is unless somebody has a way to have the high beams as a drl and none of these issues??????Anybody???
I don't have the dimmer issue.. you must have something wired wrong or its a problem from something eles.. my dimmer works great.
11-02-2007, 10:46 PM
I am working on a way to get rid of the issue with the highbeam light staying oin in the cluster i have a premade relay i just have to find the time to put it in to see if it can be a success or not. i will try my best to get this done this weekend to see if i can fix the bugs
11-19-2007, 11:23 PM
11-26-2007, 06:36 AM
I also have the highbeam indication of course....
I just put a small piece of black tape to cover it LOL!!!! in the daytime its barely noticeable, unless I told you. LOL!!!!
Thanks guys for providing a walk thru for this mod.
I've recently acquired an HID kit from SuperShyGuy. I attempted to do the install myself but the damn connectors are a PITA to get too and splice cables into it. I ran out of time this weekend trying to get this mod hooked up.
I've enlisted the help of Maguyver for this install.
It's too bad there are no predetermined made harnesses available for this type of operation. Or maybe there are but I couldn't find them anywhere... :(
11-26-2007, 08:45 PM
there is a pre-made harness to install the kit available from Devin98
but this disables the DRL...
Yeah, I think I came across that. But I can't afford to disable the DRL's. I can't tell you how many times I've had to swerve to avoid somebody who forgets to check their side mirrors. This with DRL's, can you imagine if I didn't have DRL's?! Forget it!
At least with this mod the high beams are used, so this gives people even more warning that I'm approaching!
I can't wait to install this kit! I've been living with this halogen nightmare for 2yrs now. Jumping between a car that has HID and one that doesn't is like stepping back into the stone age! The halogens feel like I'm holding a candle to see what's approaching! Stupid halogens!
04-10-2008, 11:25 PM
someone mentioned on that forum that they ran a single relay instead of two. one for each side. does this actually work better? also, if he uses 1 relay, does this mean he only play around with one side..let say..passenger or he has to run a wire from the driver to the passenger side relay where all the tapping is done? or did he tap the wires on the driver side as well and ran it to the relay located in the passenger. i read somewhere that someone mentioned that the light harness is connected together someohow.
04-11-2008, 09:49 PM
to do this mod properly you need 3 relays reason being
1 relay controls your headlights(lowbeams)
1 relay controls your highbeams (aka DRL's)
1 relay controls the light on your dashboard to be off when your highs are running as DRL's
You have to tap in to both sides of the wiring for the drl wiring otherwise only your drivers side will work
which year car do you have?
04-12-2008, 02:14 AM
Okay I see that you use two relay's for the highbeam but
i dont really understand the relay for the dashboard where does that hookup?
04-12-2008, 06:28 PM
the 2 relays for the drls split in to 2 ways simply because if you use 1 relay for the drls the highbeam light on your dash will stay on all the time during the day until you turn your night lights on. Yes it is very annoying if you say it wont bother you.
In order to have full stock controls you MUST cut the highbeam positive wire on both sides. then you must connect both relays to the positive side of the cut wire on the drivers side (easiest and cleanest look) and run a wire across to the passenger positive side to give it its signal. The passenger positive side is now a dead wire on the car side of the harness and for added safety i would pull the fuse. on the passenger side. they are 2 seperate fuses in the pjb in the passenger footwell area. The 1 relay must use the positive side of the car on the drivers side for flash to pass to continue to work and the light to come on on your dash.
let me know if i lost you
04-12-2008, 08:33 PM
i thought the mazda 5 and 3 are using the same old light harness. guess not. i'm only using 1 relay on the passenger side, and it controls both driver and passenger perfectly. i just changed myhighbeams to yellow bulbs. looks very cool. thanks mcgyver for the great walkthroughs.
04-12-2008, 08:34 PM
i drive a mazda 5.
04-12-2008, 09:13 PM
here is a schematic for your wire up
the breakdown
relay 1 wired
87+86=constant power fuseed 30A
85 = ground from switch inside vehicle black and gren wire
relay# 2 wired
87a=power to highbeams as drls
86=trigger from oem drls
30=power constant 30a fused
Relay #3 wired
87=power to highbeams as flash to pass
86=trigger from car side highbeam+ for flash to pass
30=constant power 30amp fused
04-13-2008, 09:36 AM
haha nice, that makes a lot more sense. but the funny part is that did this mod not to run hid's. i know..its a waste : P
04-13-2008, 11:58 PM
relay 1 wired
87+86=constant power fuseed 30A
85 = ground from switch inside vehicle black and gren wire
relay# 2 wired
87a=power to highbeams as drls
86=trigger from parking lamps (otherwise your highs will not turn off)
30=power from drl wire
Relay #3 wired
87=power to highbeams as flash to pass
86=trigger from car side highbeam+ for flash to pass
30=constant power 30amp fused
04-21-2008, 09:06 PM
saw a mazda 5 today at avante that rolled in to do a oil change. he just straight up put hid's into his stock harness without any mods. i was nosey and turned on his lights. and what do you know. it flickers like craaaaaaazy. and the driver side was burnt out already. poor guy. wasted a bulb that fast. i would've went up and told him when he took the car back, but i doubt he wants to learn anyways.
07-08-2008, 02:35 PM
Hey guys, was there ever a walkthrough with pics for this mod? I'm kinda comfortable with wiring but pictures of the actual setup will help me a lot.
08-05-2008, 12:38 PM
relay 1 wired
87+86=constant power fuseed 30A
85 = ground from switch inside vehicle black and gren wire
relay# 2 wired
87a=power to highbeams as drls
86=trigger from parking lamps (otherwise your highs will not turn off)
30=power from drl wire
Relay #3 wired
87=power to highbeams as flash to pass
86=trigger from car side highbeam+ for flash to pass
30=constant power 30amp fused
If one wanted achieve the same effect as Skarbro has for Halogen fogs, assuming the voltage from the black & green wire is constant when highbeams are flashed, would using a single relay (see below) achieve the same effect?
Relay #1
30 - Constant 12V from battery (w/ 30A inline fuse)
85 - Constant 12V from battery (w/ 30A inline fuse)
87 - HIDs
86 - Black & Green wire from switch inside cabin
- Extend the stock DRL (lowbeam) wiring to fog lights with an extension wiring harness.
-HIDs are controlled by switch
-Halogen fogs are running as DRL
-Highbeams are left untouched
-Add a/extend the switch to control fogs in the same circuit as the fog lights to complete or break the circuit (providing you the ability to turn fogs off at any time)
Does anybody know if there would there be any issues with the above method? This way - it would be EXTREMELY easy to go back to stock, and keep up a standard level of water-proofing, you don't really have to tape off lose connections, since nothing is being cut.
08-05-2008, 07:03 PM
M3Nick- nice try bud but that is not how we wired Skarboros car up. we used the same method as explained so that you can still regain control of your fogs when the lights are on.
relay 1 wired
87+86=constant power fuseed 30A
85 = ground from switch inside vehicle black and gren wire
relay# 2 wired
87a=power to fogs as drls
86=trigger from parking lamps (otherwise your fogs will not turn off)
30=power from drl wire
Instead of running relay 2 to the highbeams we ran them to the fogs. During the day the fogs run at reduced power and once you turn on the parking lights the fogs shut off go to your ambers and click 3 your hid's come on and if you want your fogs on you can turn the switch on. The only reason for relay 3 is for the highbeam method so that the light on your dash does not stay on. You also only have to tap the one side of the positive on the fogs to power both as drls
08-05-2008, 08:03 PM
Would anything be different if your fogs weren't stock? I picked up a set of aftermarket ones. I assume the wiring / fuses etc. won't be there, aka I have to think of something else?
08-05-2008, 08:23 PM
The ones on Skarboros car are stock and the set that you have there is wiring there for you to add additional foglights. all you need is the oem switch and the fogs. The mazda 3's come prewired for everything. if you dont have power windows the car is prewired and fuses are there for it.and live.
08-05-2008, 09:36 PM
McGuyver, this highbeams as drl mod is reversible to stock? if it is then how long would it take to reverse it? or does it involve cutting wires?
08-06-2008, 01:41 AM
Where did you guys hide the relays?
08-07-2008, 12:18 AM
McGuyver, this highbeams as drl mod is reversible to stock? if it is then how long would it take to reverse it? or does it involve cutting wires?
If you do it the highbeam method it would involve cutting wires (only for highbeams) BUt if you did it to the fogs then there would only be a tap in to the wire
08-07-2008, 01:04 AM
If you do it the highbeam method it would involve cutting wires (only for highbeams) BUt if you did it to the fogs then there would only be a tap in to the wire
Thanks for the info McGuyver....Im still deciding which drl route should I go for although after your reply Im leaning more towards the fogs
08-07-2008, 11:17 AM
uhm, i just went outside to see what my DRL is currently (i have an 08) and when my switch is in the "auto" position with full daylight out, and my parking brake is off with the car running my highbeams ARE my DRL.......the projectors are only used at night for me, and my fogs dont come on during the day either, just my highbeam bulb (which didnt look bright in the day at all)
08-07-2008, 12:10 PM
the mod is for 04-06.....07+ use high beams as DRL already and they shouldn't look bright since the daylight drowns it out
08-07-2008, 12:21 PM
the mod is for 04-06.....07+ use high beams as DRL already and they shouldn't look bright since the daylight drowns it out
ah that would be why mine uses the highbeams as DRL:chuckle
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