View Full Version : Thursday Sept 6th - Visitor from the far far far WEST - End Of Summer MEGA MEET

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Effin Itai
09-06-2007, 05:41 PM
How about we do this. Last one in before 9pm buys coffee. What do you think guys. LOL!

09-06-2007, 05:41 PM
hmmm... What else can I sell LOL

All though I'm sure you have many potential customers :hawt, I wouldn't recommend it. You could either do a 100 fat chix for a 100$ or a 1000 really fat chix for $10.


Tokyo Drift
09-06-2007, 05:49 PM
1. Elder_MMHS
2. Broli
3. S.F.W.
4. Cardinal Fang
5. Jonsmazda
7. Pearly
8. Pimpin_29y
9. Chinsterr (i'll be making the trip from waterloo, so this better be big!)
10. whiteomega
11. MattC
12. stas
13. McGuyver_3
14. Argos
15. whitespeed3
16. se_k
18. justin (with the bike)
19. Stase (maybe)
20. cwp_sedan
21. Happyjappy (Rep. West)
22. Matt9 (Rep. West - Hamilton) MAYBE
23. Mazda3_axela
24. Flagrum_3
25. eqlso (might be a little late)
27. dentinger (rep. west, burlington!!)
28. Victorious52
29. The Biz
30. Effin Itai (West Side) -Jeff you bet me to it! LOL! I'm 30th now.
31. whodilly c'mon who's gonna be 40th!
32. ds2chan (I hope the cops don't come; I hope they don't spot us from their chopper either)
33. Saphress (I'm told this is a MUST SHOW event)
34. Xenon
35. triplezoom
36. Wengman3000
37. SSG (Peter)
38. zoomette - west sideeeee, I'll be a little late, as u guys r having fun I'll be writing an exam
39. raine
40. Xerox (40th!)
41. SilentJay (Might be a tad late)
42. Sparcas (Lazy bastid doesn't wanna post)
43. RJ3
44. blue3
45. MGM + azn_outlaw
46. 3GFX + SheFX
47. Mazdaspeed
48. SpeedBaby + SpeedBaby Jr.
49. roy roy (pending post flight condition)
50. Unoriginalusername (50th )
51. Jam3ican (rep great white NORTH eh! Barrie)
52. Chuckie
53. EOMASIV Herbs
54. Wild Weasel
55. wtom
56. Tokyo Drift
69. Steven (got the best #)
60. Garu

09-06-2007, 06:14 PM
hey guys, how long are you planning on staying there. I'm working till 11:00PM and would love to come and see it after work.

btw I'm from TM6, pretty sure some more TM6 guys will be there

09-06-2007, 06:19 PM
1. Elder_MMHS
2. Broli
3. S.F.W.
4. Cardinal Fang
5. Jonsmazda
7. Pearly
8. Pimpin_29y
9. Chinsterr (i'll be making the trip from waterloo, so this better be big!)
10. whiteomega
11. MattC
12. stas
13. McGuyver_3
14. Argos
15. whitespeed3
16. se_k
18. justin (with the bike)
19. Stase (maybe)
20. cwp_sedan
21. Happyjappy (Rep. West)
22. Matt9 (Rep. West - Hamilton) MAYBE
23. Mazda3_axela
24. Flagrum_3
25. eqlso (might be a little late)
27. dentinger (rep. west, burlington!!)
28. Victorious52
29. The Biz
30. Effin Itai (West Side) -Jeff you bet me to it! LOL! I'm 30th now.
31. whodilly c'mon who's gonna be 40th!
32. ds2chan (I hope the cops don't come; I hope they don't spot us from their chopper either)
33. Saphress (I'm told this is a MUST SHOW event)
34. Xenon
35. triplezoom
36. Wengman3000
37. SSG (Peter)
38. zoomette - west sideeeee, I'll be a little late, as u guys r having fun I'll be writing an exam
39. raine
40. Xerox (40th!)
41. SilentJay (Might be a tad late)
42. Sparcas (Lazy bastid doesn't wanna post)
43. RJ3
44. blue3
45. MGM + azn_outlaw
46. 3GFX + SheFX
47. Mazdaspeed
48. SpeedBaby + SpeedBaby Jr.
49. roy roy (pending post flight condition)
50. Unoriginalusername (50th )
51. Jam3ican (rep great white NORTH eh! Barrie)
52. Chuckie
53. EOMASIV Herbs
54. Wild Weasel
55. wtom
56. Tokyo Drift
57. Dimonmazda(TM6)
69. Steven (got the best #)
60. Garu

09-06-2007, 06:20 PM
1. Elder_MMHS
2. Broli
3. S.F.W.
4. Cardinal Fang
5. Jonsmazda
7. Pearly
8. Pimpin_29y
9. Chinsterr (i'll be making the trip from waterloo, so this better be big!)
10. whiteomega
11. MattC
12. stas
13. McGuyver_3
14. Argos
15. whitespeed3
16. se_k
18. justin (with the bike)
19. Stase (maybe)
20. cwp_sedan
21. Happyjappy (Rep. West)
22. Matt9 (Rep. West - Hamilton) MAYBE
23. Mazda3_axela
24. Flagrum_3
25. eqlso (might be a little late)
27. dentinger (rep. west, burlington!!)
28. Victorious52
29. The Biz
30. Effin Itai (West Side) -Jeff you bet me to it! LOL! I'm 30th now.
31. whodilly c'mon who's gonna be 40th!
32. ds2chan (I hope the cops don't come; I hope they don't spot us from their chopper either)
33. Saphress (I'm told this is a MUST SHOW event)
34. Xenon
35. triplezoom
36. Wengman3000
37. SSG (Peter)
38. zoomette - west sideeeee, I'll be a little late, as u guys r having fun I'll be writing an exam
39. raine
40. Xerox (40th!)
41. SilentJay (Might be a tad late)
42. Sparcas (Lazy bastid doesn't wanna post)
43. RJ3
44. blue3
45. MGM + azn_outlaw
46. 3GFX + SheFX
47. Mazdaspeed
48. SpeedBaby + SpeedBaby Jr.
49. roy roy (pending post flight condition)
50. Unoriginalusername (50th )
51. Jam3ican (rep great white NORTH eh! Barrie)
52. Chuckie
53. EOMASIV Herbs
54. Wild Weasel
55. wtom
56. Tokyo Drift
57. Dimonmazda(TM6)
58. Arcadian9
69. Steven (got the best #)
60. Garu

09-06-2007, 06:26 PM
LOL this is insane. See you guys in a couple of hours.

09-06-2007, 06:31 PM

09-06-2007, 06:37 PM
All though I'm sure you have many potential customers :hawt, I wouldn't recommend it. You could either do a 100 fat chix for a 100$ or a 1000 really fat chix for $10.


what's wrong with fat chix? they need some lovin' too u kno. :hawt lol

We gota get to the lot before the truckers start coming in!! :chuckle

Hope this time we can get some freebies from Timmies like last time.

09-06-2007, 07:06 PM
Okay ill finally add my name...

1. Elder_MMHS
2. Broli
3. S.F.W.
4. Cardinal Fang
5. Jonsmazda
7. Pearly
8. Pimpin_29y
9. Chinsterr (i'll be making the trip from waterloo, so this better be big!)
10. whiteomega
11. MattC
12. stas
13. McGuyver_3
14. Argos
15. whitespeed3
16. se_k
18. justin (with the bike)
19. Stase (maybe)
20. cwp_sedan
21. Happyjappy (Rep. West)
22. Matt9 (Rep. West - Hamilton) MAYBE
23. Mazda3_axela
24. Flagrum_3
25. eqlso (might be a little late)
27. dentinger (rep. west, burlington!!)
28. Victorious52
29. The Biz
30. Effin Itai (West Side) -Jeff you bet me to it! LOL! I'm 30th now.
31. whodilly c'mon who's gonna be 40th!
32. ds2chan (I hope the cops don't come; I hope they don't spot us from their chopper either)
33. Saphress (I'm told this is a MUST SHOW event)
34. Xenon
35. triplezoom
36. Wengman3000
37. SSG (Peter)
38. zoomette - west sideeeee, I'll be a little late, as u guys r having fun I'll be writing an exam
39. raine
40. Xerox (40th!)
41. SilentJay (Might be a tad late)
42. Sparcas (Lazy bastid doesn't wanna post)
43. RJ3
44. blue3
45. MGM + azn_outlaw
46. 3GFX + SheFX
47. Mazdaspeed
48. SpeedBaby + SpeedBaby Jr.
49. roy roy (pending post flight condition)
50. Unoriginalusername (50th )
51. Jam3ican (rep great white NORTH eh! Barrie)
52. Chuckie
53. EOMASIV Herbs
54. Wild Weasel
55. wtom
56. Tokyo Drift
57. Dimonmazda(TM6)
58. Arcadian9
69. Steven (got the best #)
60. Garu
61. mEtH

09-06-2007, 07:51 PM
"Argos, Rollin' Out!" (Transforms into ARGOTRON!!) :chuckle

09-06-2007, 09:58 PM
58 mazda 3s!!! that's not including all the other makes and models...crazy turnout. I don't think I even got to say hi to everyone there...insane!

Wild Weasel
09-06-2007, 10:04 PM
Seriously! Biggest impromptu parking lot meet I've ever been to! :)

Good to see everyone again!

09-06-2007, 10:08 PM
Awesome turnout. The scene was just crazy! It's great that so many people could make it out tonight! :)

09-06-2007, 10:18 PM
Damn, I missed this one. Oh well there is always next time

09-06-2007, 10:23 PM
crazy meet !!!

Wild Weasel
09-06-2007, 10:47 PM
crazy meet !!!

I'm not sure I met you... were you the guy with the blue 3? :chuckle

09-06-2007, 10:49 PM
Damn, I missed this one. Oh well there is always next time

I dont think there will be a next time, like this time, for a long time. I had a good time. Nice seeing everyone and meeting everyone.

09-06-2007, 10:53 PM
I dont think there will be a next time, like this time, for a long time. I had a good time. Nice seeing everyone and meeting everyone.

Ditto. These weekly meets (AA meets) are generally "mini" meets so I doubt this would happen very often.

09-06-2007, 10:56 PM
I'm not sure I met you... were you the guy with the blue 3? :chuckle

yes i was lol amognst the other blue3's

09-06-2007, 11:00 PM
Holy crap Xerox, i was just looking at your photos on that link you have on the bottom of your post, your a danm good photographer ... send me some pics of the meet buddy ... i dont care if you think they arnt good ... your "not good" is probably still amazing to me. I suck at taking pics. Send me pics!!!!


09-06-2007, 11:07 PM
Sabrina, make sure you get that Axela badge on there perfect, im gonna come to La Paloma and take measurements. The 3 must come off. Use a razor its prob the best way. lol

09-06-2007, 11:09 PM
Awesome meet! Good way to end the summer :)

09-06-2007, 11:21 PM
That was a great meet. It was nice to talk to virtually all of you! Anytime you guys drop by Vancouver, give me a shout - I would be happy to introduce you to the BCMazda3 folks as well!

09-06-2007, 11:29 PM
Awesome meet!! Great to see everyone again. Looking forward to seeing the pics.

09-06-2007, 11:38 PM
great meet to bad i only came for 1/2 a hour

Tokyo Drift
09-06-2007, 11:46 PM
http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/1435/img4776resizenj6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/9321/img4778resizexw3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/1861/img4781resizein6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/6633/img4783resizeay1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7172/img4786resizewf1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/6250/img4800resizedo2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/1463/img4806resizebc2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

09-06-2007, 11:55 PM
midnightfx..u coming? ppl want to see ur turbo man...

Sorry man, never saw this post! I had previous plans (every Thursday night) or I woulda been all over this meet! I wouldnt mind showing it off. There are a bunch of small things I would like to do to the car still.


09-07-2007, 12:35 AM

By my count there was 43 cars there at one time.

09-07-2007, 12:36 AM
Crazy crazy crazy crowd.... Such a nice way to end off the summer!!!

I was going to head back from dropping off Jamie, but thanks to Broli and Ami, they saved me from the headaches of traffic.

I will post pics soon..

09-07-2007, 12:38 AM
sweet meet everyone!

too bad i got there a bit late (stoopid work!)
and couple things id like to say

Vlad, ur MS3 is insane. i want those gauges!! (just for the hell of it)
Flippy, thanks for sticking around to give me those Axela badges!! (altho u did come back later on)
and thanks ami for the TM3 stickers!! they'll be going on the car once it gets washed, and i find a suitable place for them!
and nice to meet you Elder MMHS!!

why couldnt this meet happen last week?? when i WASNT in school!!!
ugh, i have to get up at 7:30 tomorow!! (technically, its 7:30 today lol)

09-07-2007, 01:00 AM
Daayyumm!! nice pics jaM3ican. nice n bright. wut camera u using?

oh btw, awesome meet. lol.

09-07-2007, 01:08 AM
awsome turnout and it turned out to be nice and peaceful chille out night fr me just 1 quick fix it car :) First meet where i got to really chill and enjoy lol
Sorry Jamaican didnt have any batteries in my walkie found out when i got there next time

09-07-2007, 01:12 AM
yaaa i never worked on any cars lol

09-07-2007, 01:13 AM
Thanks argos.

I am sure that there will be a lot better pics to come. Few other members had Digital SLR's.

I am using a Canon RebelXT. shots were taken with 18-55 zoom at ISO 800

No Prob McGuyver 3

09-07-2007, 01:17 AM
woot i dont own a mazda but i still made in a pic . nice to meet some of u guys , even the haters .

09-07-2007, 01:19 AM
lol Kev ur the biggest hater there

09-07-2007, 01:29 AM
Wow.... what a crazy turnout..... It was awesome seeing a lot of old faces that I haven't seen in ... well, literally in about... 2 years?! Ha. To the people I haven't met... Hi! (laugh).... Wow.... makes me miss the ole days.... Hopefully one more meet ... as promised Ami ;)

RJ3... I'm still mad :P ... BWahahaha Bi-atch

09-07-2007, 01:39 AM
I think the Winning Blue 3's outnumbered all the other colors!

09-07-2007, 01:54 AM
i was not going to say anything but seeing that you did!


09-07-2007, 01:56 AM
Well ... the blue's outnumbered all the others since the beginning... hahaha... All about the ratios :P

09-07-2007, 03:10 AM







Someone's hands in the way!






Damn...I think I blinked. I have higher res so that you can make out each person but wasn't sure if everyone in the pic would appreciate that.

I have a few more...maybe will post tomorrow. gotta go to sleep.

09-07-2007, 03:23 AM
great meet!

first one in a while!

got to catch up with everyone and see some nice 3's!

09-07-2007, 05:23 AM
I can't believe how huge the meet was. The yellow Corvette was the best car there. Got to get me one of those. LOL

09-07-2007, 05:45 AM
holy farking huuuuuuuuuuge, cant believe my eyes!

09-07-2007, 06:20 AM
Yupp it was huge, that definitely ranks as one of the biggest I would think. I counted 57 Mazda 3's parked at one point, but I think well over 60 showed but they were coming and going.The group shot would be nice with our handles pasted overhead for everyone, or atleast first names, .....for us memory challenged types:chuckle



09-07-2007, 07:08 AM
great meet folks... worth the hike from the west end

09-07-2007, 07:24 AM
Mods, I created a thread for the multimedia of lastnights meet....

Victorious... You had the perfect parking spot... All the shots with your car had enough light to take pics... Love the look!!


09-07-2007, 07:29 AM
Good meet!! Didn't think we actually took up the whole parking lot till I saw jaM3ican's pics!!

Andrew that lip looks sik!! Time for a carbon fiber hood to match!! :)

09-07-2007, 07:41 AM
It was my first meet and clearly a good one. How many cars ended up coming? I counted 47 at about 845pm or so.

Cardinal Fang
09-07-2007, 08:28 AM
What a turn out.

09-07-2007, 08:32 AM
great meet folks... worth the hike from the west end

I got stuck in the traffic for 1 hour on 401. There was an accident, they blocked 3 express lanes.

Were you the one who tried to cut off that truck???? :chuckle

09-07-2007, 08:33 AM
Xerox, nice pics man, i realy like the one with the see through hood. Awsome effect. Your the Man cool guy! Once again awsome meet.

09-07-2007, 08:44 AM
Nice pics by all. A great turnout !! I can't believe the amount of cars that were there after looking at the pics.

09-07-2007, 08:49 AM
I got stuck in the traffic for 1 hour on 401. There was an accident, they blocked 3 express lanes.

Were you the one who tried to cut off that truck???? :chuckle

This is what happened to us too! We were MAD frustrated!:flaming By the time we finally got there (around 10:30ish), even Broli had left!

We saw only maybe 30 at most. In addition, I didn't get a chance to put some faces to some names that have surfaced on this board.

The way home wasn't bad at all though, even though we were expecting the highway to be a parking lot. Both east/westbound lanes were clear as if nothing had happened. We got home in very good time.

Some of my own high/lowlights:

Vlad was cute, yet funny!:chuckle I can't believe you didn't get a good enough look!:whoa

Oh, and HEY FELICIA!:hawt

Apparently Flipdady has a mazda boob. Only one boob though.:whoa Thanks for coming back out for me.:)

John/Jobes/SIM SIMMA ignored me.:complain

As always, great to see the (for some members, TOO) familiar faces again.:)

09-07-2007, 08:50 AM
Sweet meet, tons of cars AND ITS A RECORD FOR THIS CLUB!

Thank to Al for leaving his chairs so that I would call him and find out that express is messed. I got home in no time thanks to that call! Saved 3GFX, Effin_Ital and anyone else that heard me...

Great meet guys and gals!

09-07-2007, 09:08 AM
haha I missed the group pic! o well.

09-07-2007, 09:09 AM
great meet everyone!

sorry had to split, but had to get up damn early today!

it was still a frickin sweet time!!

Vic, it was great to meet ya man!

and to everyone else it was nice chatting

09-07-2007, 09:11 AM
Andrew that lip looks sik!! Time for a carbon fiber hood to match!! :)

All in good time :P

Thanks for the Pics John ! Looks amazing. I really like the see through pic of vic's car

09-07-2007, 09:17 AM
Great shots Xerox!!!! what lens are you using there?

and Pete.. wtf is that banner on your windshield man!??? :complain
that car is all class man.. no vinyl!!!! :whoa

09-07-2007, 09:26 AM
The guys gotta make money! and with everyone looking at his car, why not promote the website.

09-07-2007, 09:29 AM
I've known Pete for a long time now

he doesn't need vinyl to make money :chuckle

09-07-2007, 09:35 AM
Do you guys mind if I copy the pictures into the multimedia thread started? I will leave them in this thread as well, but just so that they are all together for the people that may not look in this thread.

Tokyo Drift?

I reposted the images in the multimedia thread, if any of you three have a problem with that then I will revise my posts. Thanks

09-07-2007, 09:45 AM
Those were awesome pictures xerox =) Can't wait to see the rest

09-07-2007, 09:52 AM
is that all the pics though? i thaught thered be lots more because there was like 5-6 people all taking pictures

09-07-2007, 09:52 AM
I got stuck in the traffic for 1 hour on 401. There was an accident, they blocked 3 express lanes.

Were you the one who tried to cut off that truck???? :chuckle

lol nope i was on the 407

09-07-2007, 09:55 AM
yeah the drive home was ass!

the lucky bstds who got the warning from me . . saved a good 30 mins at least!

09-07-2007, 10:04 AM
yeah the drive home was ass!

the lucky bstds who got the warning from me . . saved a good 30 mins at least!

HAHA we left about 15+ mins after you and I was at the 427 when you were at the 400. HAHAHA That must of sucked!

09-07-2007, 11:02 AM
Xerox, nice pics man, i realy like the one with the see through hood. Awsome effect. Your the Man cool guy! Once again awsome meet.

I'm not completely happy with how that pic turned out. It's my first attempt at this effect and I didn't have the best pictures to work with. But I'm glad you like it.

09-07-2007, 11:04 AM
Great shots Xerox!!!! what lens are you using there?

Canon 24-70 f/2.8 L mounted on Canon 30D

09-07-2007, 11:06 AM
Do you guys mind if I copy the pictures into the multimedia thread started? I will leave them in this thread as well, but just so that they are all together for the people that may not look in this thread.

No prob. It's actually better that way. Thanks for taking care of it.

09-07-2007, 11:11 AM
is that all the pics though? i thaught thered be lots more because there was like 5-6 people all taking pictures

It's quality not quantity! :chuckle

EO MasivHerbs
09-07-2007, 11:20 AM
Amazing meet.

Fantastic cars, great mods.

Im glad I finally got to meet some of the people in person namely Biz.

Good to know that Cardinal Fang isn't really a lawyer he can just google well :P

Cheers mates! see you all again soon.

09-07-2007, 11:28 AM
damn.. awesome meet.. soooooo many ppl.. awesome pics as usual John.. post up more when you get a chance.

09-07-2007, 11:35 AM
It's quality not quantity! :chuckle

yeah thats true my bad lol

09-07-2007, 11:36 AM
I am so retardedly pissed I don't know where to start... I was soo gung ho for this meet and worked FUC*ED it all up for me!!! I was told i needed to stay late and help them train more noobs... I said I had plans and was told thats not a very "team like" mentality.... booo toooo work... you guys cost me one of the best meets ever.... sorry guys.. I really wanted to be here...and am really pissed I couldn't make it .... oh well hope to see you all in the future....

I promise Alex we'll jump together again hahahaah

09-07-2007, 11:46 AM
Great turn out!! Nice seeing everyone again, had lots of laughs!!!

09-07-2007, 11:51 AM
Great turn out!! Nice seeing everyone again, had lots of laughs!!!

too bad i had to leave early, i heard i missed a great deal of fun! :chuckle

09-07-2007, 11:57 AM
too bad i had to leave early, i heard i missed a great deal of fun! :chuckle



Cardinal Fang
09-07-2007, 11:58 AM
Amazing meet.

Good to know that Cardinal Fang isn't really a lawyer he can just google well

Google is your friend.

09-07-2007, 11:59 AM
still man, u broke my heart!

all that legal advice u gave me. .. its a wonder i am not in jail!!


09-07-2007, 02:06 PM
It's quality not quantity! :chuckle

Quality in Pictures yes.... Quantity in Members helll no.... LOL

09-07-2007, 04:42 PM
I stayed till about 915 and saw no one named "thebiz" :/

09-07-2007, 04:47 PM
I stayed till about 915 and saw no one named "thebiz" :/

He was there until around 9:30

09-07-2007, 04:47 PM
so did anyone take apon themselves to get a car count? i take it no?

09-07-2007, 05:04 PM
I wanted to attend so bad but too many kids, homework and no 3 at home ment no go. Looks like a good time was had by all.

09-07-2007, 05:22 PM
I was there from about 8:30pm til 9:15pm ... blue hatch with cracked front lip, pulling in and parked right beside MYWHITE3 (?). Had the car running for a short while before shutting the HIDs/engine off. Was blaring trance ch00ns for the whole time.

Ran around saying Hi to a whole bunch of you guys from TM3.com days and then had to jet for soccer. That was a kick ass huge ass crazy ass meet!!! Props to TM3.ca! Once again, next year? :)

09-07-2007, 06:06 PM
Do you guys mind if I copy the pictures into the multimedia thread started? I will leave them in this thread as well, but just so that they are all together for the people that may not look in this thread.

Tokyo Drift?

I reposted the images in the multimedia thread, if any of you three have a problem with that then I will revise my posts. Thanks

Less work for me. Thanks methodyst. Be my Guest

09-07-2007, 06:09 PM
is that all the pics though? i thaught thered be lots more because there was like 5-6 people all taking pictures

Was a little tricky with the lighting conditions. Try holding a camer completely still for one whole second. I am sure that some of you other photgraphers will back me up on this one