View Full Version : HID Problem on my 07 Hatch

09-01-2007, 12:17 PM
I just bought the KDW Superslim kit from Devin this past week and installed it on Wednesday. Install was pretty simple apart from changing the bulbs which was a complete PITA. Anyways install was done and started the car and both bulbs came on. However after a few mins the driver side went off.

I was installing it at a friends house so I had to head home eventually cuz I had work the next day. So after driving the car for about 10 mins I stopped at a light and tried turning the lights off and back on again. Both bulbs came on and stayed on. This happened to me last night again, it really is quite irritating lol :flaming

Any idea what could be wrong? Ive checked the connections and they seem to be done properly. Any help is appreciated.

09-01-2007, 01:00 PM
Does this problem only occur when you use the auto-light? try not to use the auto on/off feature to see what'll happen or cover the auto-light sensor or something

My car doesn't come with auto on/off feature and I got no problem. Here is what I did, all the connectors are very easy to hook up, for the two small wires, I connected to the driver's side harness, black to black, blue to blue (mine isn't blue, it's multicolor), then tape the stock connector with electricial tape to prevent two wires went loose or water to get into it, red wire to positive terminal of the battery, for the black one I hooked it up to the negative terminal (or you can hook it up where the negative should be grounded, there's a wire from the negative to the body)

Try to see it helps, it's exactly what I did without any problem for 2 weeks after the installation

09-01-2007, 01:11 PM
Thanks ill check it out. But could it be that the ballast is faulty because I also switched the ballasts to see if the bulb was bad.

09-01-2007, 02:20 PM
Sounds like a bad ground. I had the same issues before and found that it was either a bad ground or loose connection to the socket.

09-01-2007, 02:22 PM
I helped my friend install this kit on his 06 and he has the same problem. Spoke with Devin and he believes we hooked up the relay wrong. We fixed the wires last night, but won't know whether it's fixed for a few days.

Are you using his relay kit?

If so, make sure that the black small wire goes to the low-beam connector and the blue small wire goes to the turn signal.

09-01-2007, 03:09 PM
Sounds like a bad ground. I had the same issues before and found that it was either a bad ground or loose connection to the socket.
I just got my car about a month back, so I doubt its a bad ground but ill check it out. Im using the ground thats on the right side of the battery box connected to the body in the engine bay. Any other ground suggesstions? Thanks anyways

I helped my friend install this kit on his 06 and he has the same problem. Spoke with Devin and he believes we hooked up the relay wrong. We fixed the wires last night, but won't know whether it's fixed for a few days.

Are you using his relay kit?

If so, make sure that the black small wire goes to the low-beam connector and the blue small wire goes to the turn signal.

Yea, im using his relay kit. Ill check my setup and see if I did the same thing.
BTW do you just email Devin or do you have his contact # because its hard to get a hold of him during the weekend.

09-01-2007, 03:23 PM
You could use the negative terminal as your main ground for both sides.

09-01-2007, 04:21 PM
I just got my car about a month back, so I doubt its a bad ground but ill check it out. Im using the ground thats on the right side of the battery box connected to the body in the engine bay. Any other ground suggesstions? Thanks anyways

Yea, im using his relay kit. Ill check my setup and see if I did the same thing.
BTW do you just email Devin or do you have his contact # because its hard to get a hold of him during the weekend.

You'll need to e-mail him. He is probably out enjoying the long weekend.

09-01-2007, 09:30 PM
I helped my friend install this kit on his 06 and he has the same problem. Spoke with Devin and he believes we hooked up the relay wrong. We fixed the wires last night, but won't know whether it's fixed for a few days.

Are you using his relay kit?

If so, make sure that the black small wire goes to the low-beam connector and the blue small wire goes to the turn signal.

he doesnt need a relay or anything hehas an 07. He can hook up the hids direct to the lowbeam connector because the highbeams are drls on his car
No relays just a straigt hook up

09-01-2007, 09:51 PM
he doesnt need a relay or anything hehas an 07. He can hook up the hids direct to the lowbeam connector because the highbeams are drls on his car
No relays just a straigt hook up

Yup, that's why I asked whether he used the relay.

09-01-2007, 11:54 PM
I checked out everything today in the afternoon but problem was still there. Once the driver side light goes out and I turn the HIDs off and back on again it just stays on. I had switches the ballasts around and lights came on so i think the driver side is faulty or something or it needs to warm up or something.

Not sure if ballasts need to warmed up lol.

09-02-2007, 12:34 AM
Get them changed. Its a waste of time and PITA the keep switching stuff around . If on the second batch this still occurs, then you know for sure your install was bad.

09-02-2007, 12:54 AM
Get them changed. Its a waste of time and PITA the keep switching stuff around . If on the second batch this still occurs, then you know for sure your install was bad.

LOL yea you're right its a complete PITA. Trying to get a hold of Devin lets see when he emails me back. I hope he agrees to meet up tom or something.

09-02-2007, 09:47 AM
If you have some free time, try connecting the ballast directly to the stock light connectors. See if that fixes the problem.

There is no reason to use the relay for 07s.

06-08-2008, 03:18 AM
instead of making a new thread i thought i'd add to this one, so yea i gots me a HID installation problem.

2006 GS / Prolumen H7 6000K

1) the prongs from the plug coming from the ballast are too close to each other to fit into the original headlight connector, i got them taken out of the plastic piece just to test them but is it ok just to shove them in and electical tape them? i want to do them securely to avoid future problems. shouldn't they plug in exactly, are they not compatible?

2) i had a hell of a time taking out the original bulb so when i tried to test fit the HID bulb i couldn't get it to sit properly or put it in the clamp, i gave up and tried to put the original bulb back in, it seemed impossible so i took off the clamp put it on the bulb shoved the bulb in and tried to screw the clamp down, thats when i dropped the clamp in the housing

is there a special way to put the bulb back in the clamp?

the prongs yanked out of the plug

plugged in for a test, but they come out really easily

06-08-2008, 10:30 AM
You could always cut off the prongs and solder them directly into the wires. They won't be going anywhere then. Otherwise, I would just electrical tape them. Do they fit snugly?

What clamp are you talking about? Are you talking about the retention clip?

06-08-2008, 10:46 AM
Nick, we're going to need some clarification here. What exactly is it that you took apart? Did you take apart the ballast connector or what? Also you're not supposed to remove the screw that holds the retention clip to the housing when changing the bulb. I'm pretty sure it stays there.

First off, have you disabled your DRLs?

Isn't this the typical way of installing HIDs on an 04-06?

This may help you with the bulb install.
I removed the bumper and headlights as I had a heck of a time with mine. They are just a pain in the ass to do.

What I would suggest for that plug, is remove it. There are 2 clips holding that stock, black plug to the connectors. If you release them both at the same time it will release the plug from the connectors freeing the connectors. You might need an extra set of hands to do this. Now you will just have female connectors that you can plug the harness into and either shrink wrap them or tape them up really well.

Something like this.

06-08-2008, 01:21 PM
hmm, it doesn't fit snugly so i guess i'll solder it, i was hoping for a plug-in solution. i was reading on how to disable the drl's but i'm still not sure how to do it so i left it alone. i don't think the kit has a relay, nothing to connect to the battery, just a plug at the end connected to wires leading to the ballast. when it cools down i'm gonna attack this job again in a few hours, this time the headlight and bumper is coming off! i'm sure i'll be back here again asking more noob questions. really appreciate it, thanks guys! =]

06-08-2008, 01:35 PM
hmm, it doesn't fit snugly so i guess i'll solder it, i was hoping for a plug-in solution. i was reading on how to disable the drl's but i'm still not sure how to do it so i left it alone. i don't think the kit has a relay, nothing to connect to the battery, just a plug at the end connected to wires leading to the ballast. when it cools down i'm gonna attack this job again in a few hours, this time the headlight and bumper is coming off! i'm sure i'll be back here again asking more noob questions. really appreciate it, thanks guys! =]

Don't solder it!!! Get male connectors that fit snug into the stock connector and replace them with the ones on the Prolumen kit. That is if you HAVE to do it that way

You can't use the HID kit unless you disable the DRLs. That's just how it is. So make sure you figure out how to do that before doing anything else.

If a relay kit and harness was not included you need to make one or buy one.