View Full Version : TM3 Times #2 – October 2007

10-03-2007, 12:56 AM
TM3 Times – October 2007

Thanks to all those for reading our first issue of the TM3 Times. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome (send to Me (Broli) by PM please).

September 2007 Review

September was another fine month for the club. Not as many events as August, but still plenty to keep us busy. Meets are still going strong. In fact, we had the largest meet in TM3 history this month (read more below). The Caption Contest game is back up and running and we have had some hilarious entries so far. For those who don't know, the caption contest game is a game where members enter a caption to a picture that has been posted, funniest entry (in the eyes of the judge – me for now at least) wins for the day. Each day a new picture is uploaded and new entries are accepted. Congratulations to September's champion, Unoriginalusername.

September also marked our one year anniversary at the new www.torontomazda3.ca . It has truly been a year of growth and prosperity for the club (again, read more below)

September 2007 Events

Thursday, Sept. 6th: The Mega Meet!

Thursday the 6th was the mini-meet to end all mini-meets. What started out as a regular Thursday night AA meet ended up turning into one of the largest gatherings that TM3 has ever had to date.

With the news that Elder_MMHS would be visiting from Vancouver, Broli figured a meet & greet would be in order and that the regular AA meet at Don Mills and Steeles would be as good a place as any.

Then things just started getting carried away.

What started out as this:

We will have Elder_MMHS (Vic) from the Vancouver Club in town visiting, and he was interested in checking out a meet!

so i figured i would post this up a bit early, and get a good crowd for this meet!

What: AA Meet n' Greet With Vic
Date: Thursday Sept 6th 2007
Time: 8:00 PM
Location: Don Mills and Steeles Timmies

This should be a fun meet, and we will hopefully get a good crew out from the west side for this meet also, if needed we will run a west premeet!

A somewhat pessimistic sign-up list, looking for just 10 names, ended 11 pages later, with 61 people signed up and even more than that actually showing up in the parking lot.

Everyone who was anyone was there, and even the kids were driving with a 12V powered Ron Fellows C5R flying around at break-neck speeds of at least 3 km/h!

The meet was a great success. Everyone seemed to be having a good time and Elder_MMHS turned out to be a decent fellow, making the effort of all involved well worth it.

Broli’s new bumper looked great and there was a stunning white Mz3 sedan with a full body kit on it looking stellar among the many, many cars around.

I’ve never seen so many people show up for a mini-meet in all my years, and everyone was on their best behaviour.

A good time was had by all!

(picture by jaM3ican)

(picture by Xerox)

Click for more pictures... (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=20341)

- Kevin (Wild Weasel)

September 2007 Meets Recap

Well, stas was supposed to be our meets reporter, however . . . he decided to get a new car, congratulations my friend . . . but now we need someone to step into the roll. (If you are interested PM me). This month will be a patch job . . . lol

MASIV meets were in good standing this month, the weather held and we had some solid turnouts. We lost the Focus club, but we kept out core together. We had some TOP representation at our MASIV meets and in turn a few of us ventured out to the TOP thursday night westside meets. La Paloma was up and running as usual. Sadly, the weather almost never treats us nicely on wednesdays but we are troopers and we make it out nonetheless. The highlight this month was Midnightfxgt showing off his newly turbo'd 3. He was forced to make 4 or 5 seperate boots so we could all get a taste of the hiboost kit. The car was fast. Thanks for the boots John!

- Alex (Broli)

September AA meets

Well, the summer is winding down, and the meets have been fewer and further between, but they do still happen. the biggest AA meet we've had was for a guest from out of town, and amazingly (for the time i was there at any rate), no cops showed up.

the other meets are more normal meets for anything-but-normal people. most of the time, we hang around, chat and drink coffee. other times, you'll find McGuyver there doing mods to people's cars. we normally get 5-6 cars a night, sometimes as many as ten. the last AA meet involved someone running around trying to write his initials in the dust on the windows of all the sedans so that he could get Wagon Mafia stickers...and said sedan owners chasing him off. McGuyver even went to get his car washed!

- Justin (Whiteomega)

TorontoMazda3.ca a Year in Review

After moving from the Den (again a big thanks to Cardinal Fang for setting us up with a temporary home) we launched torontomazda3.ca in September 2006. From the start things were a success. Right away the meets picked up, and we had large turnouts for AA meets, the key was underground locations. Commerce Gate provided us with warmth and we provided it with excitement. The first event last year was the 2006 C7 Fall Cruise, Adam (Bubba1983) took the lead position, and organized TM3's involvement and did quite the job of it, from water and timbits in the morning, to freshly BBQ'd hot dogs after the cruise. I think this is where Bubbs got bit by the BBQ bug and hence the Bubb-Q was conceived. Our Holiday dinner in December was a blast also, we did only manage 10-15 people (I expect better this year, there will be plenty of forewarning this year, I promise). Nonetheless, TheBiz told the jokes, and we all ate a healthy amount of Chinese food! The first big highlight of this year was the 1st Annual Bubb-Q. If you missed this event, you missed the best event of the year! Adam (Bubba1983) threw quite the party. There was fun, there were games, there were prizes, and there was food, oh... and there were Mazda Cookies too! The day was perfect, sunny and warm, quite a surprise for late April. Our Cruise up to the KW was . . . interesting to say the least. Ami (S.F.W.) was in the lead and despite the fact that his GPS (not the only time his GPS lead us astray this year...) was running he missed the exit. I luckily was on the tail, so I veered off, and had a few laughs with Dave (3GFX) and some of the others who elected to join the cruise closer to the finish while we waited for everyone else to return. Thirty minutes later, the full complement was reassembled (I hear the 30 car U-turn on HWY-6 was quite the sight) and we started the final leg of our cruise. We ROLLED IN on Bubbs in true TM3 style, late but looking good! I recall talking with Adam shortly after the roll in; he said he couldn't believe that we just kept coming and coming. There were great prizes and the burgers, salads and particularly the cookies were GREAT. A huge thanks to Adam for throwing this event and I know I speak for everyone when I say; we are looking forward to the 2nd Annual Bubb-Q. At the next official meet of the year, we had Kevin the dent guy out working really hard! It was blistering hot and we had lots of cars that needed dents removed. Poor Kevin was exhausted but he got it done. This was also the meet where Adnan supplied us with 10 hot fresh pizzas from his Dominos Franchise. We did the best we could however we weren't able to finish them all. This year also saw the introduction of new tm3.ca apparel. Many of us sport out TM3 gear on a regular basis. To those who haven't picked up their orders yet . . . what are you waiting for? We had so much interest in the gear, that we had to do a second round of apparel orders, and we even sprouted some interest in Lanyards (available at meets for $7.00). A big thanks to Ami, for running point on the apparel orders. I know it was a lot of work. Also, Dave was interested in hats with an offset logo, and he had some special order hats made. They look HOT; I wonder how many members will be wanting these hats next year? The year’s next big event was the BBQ in High Park, we had great weather, and a good turnout for the TM3 sponsored event, it was a thank you from the club to the members for the support and growth. We had a bit of fun trying to assemble the BBQ luckily MattC jumped in and demanded that we read the instructions . . . I still maintain my way would have been successful, perhaps just slower. We came to August, the busiest month perhaps of this last year. There was the MOTM 2007, The Team Slipstream Show n' Shine, the Wheels Direct Block Party, and a Cruise into Oakville. MOTM this year was a totally different event than past years, but it was a success, and those who attended had a great time. The Team Slipstream Show n' Shine, was a great time for a great cause, we had some fun afterwards, where again Ami's GPS lead us astray, he this time took us to the U.S. Border . . . we pulled a U-turn and stayed in Canada! Luckily Felicia (KOKKINO) was there to save us with her GPS, (mine also was giving improper directions). Felicia can be quoted as saying that both Ami's and my GPS "Were on Crack". The Wheels Direct Block Party has small attendance, but Marco (Effin Itai) was there to represent our club. The cruise was a great time, some rocky points, but everyone had fun at the end, definitely one of my favourite days this year. We had some choice photo opportunities as we cruised along the lakeshore! September saw the largest meet in TM3 history. Victor (Elder_MHHS) from the BCMazda3 club was in town, so we wanted to show him how we do it in Toronto. We put together quite a meet, the parking lot was bananas with cars people, and a little yellow corvette. Traffic after the meet was terrible, and a few of us heading back west suffered some major delays! The year saw some sad happening on the board also; we lost or now see less of some of the older members. We understand time changes things, and that people move on from their Mazda3. A sad loss this year was majic deciding to leave the club. Surely, we didn't see eye to eye on all issues; however, I respected him and always thought he was a great mod. Perhaps one day we will see him return. Good things happened on the board this year also. they include the creation of a TM3 committee section, where ideas can be 'sounded out' with input from the members. We are still working out the kinks but it has been a positive resource. We have seen new sponsors join the form and we have seen Bubba1983 step into the role of Sponsor Liaison Officer, and Moderator in the club. As well this year we have seen new initiatives such as this periodical (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=200), the member spotlight section (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=198), and the Photochop Shoppe (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=20632). This has been a great year, we hope to see many of you out on October 11th at our anniversary dinner (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=20620) and we look forward to another great year together.

- Alex (Broli)

October 2007 Preview

Fall is now in full swing so we can all expect that the the meets will slow down and the weather will change. We will the meet season strong with some good attendance, as everyone comes out for the last bit of the good weather. We will try to maintain at least one east and one west meet over the winter; likely wings nights.

There are some still some big events this October.

1. We will toast our one year anniversary with pan bread! We will have meet for dinner on Thursday October 11th at 7:00PM. The location is the Jack Astor's at the Collusus Theater. (for more information and to sign up check this link. Reservations will be made on the Monday before) (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=20620)

2. The Big October event, the season closer . . . The C7 Fall Tour - Sunday October 14th 2007

Fall is a very colorfull season, with the leaves changing color and just like every year as the leaves change color, there is a final event for the season. This event is called the C7 Fall Tour, organized by the C7 Performance Club. This is a big season ending cruise through some of Ontario's beautiful landscape. It started in 2002 with only a select few people, and has grown over the years becoming an open invitation to all Car clubs who are interested in participating. The attendance has soared to well over 500 cars in recent years. So far, the cruise has always ended in hockley valley but this year it will move to the east end. Starting in Whitby and ending at the Kawartha Downs Raceway.

The Fall Tour is an event that is highly anticipated each and every year, and it is an event that should not be missed.




Sign up on the Roll Call (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=20738)

Register for the Fall Tour Here (http://www.falltour.ca/)

- Adam (Bubba1983)

Have a Great October everyone!

- Alex (Broli)

10-03-2007, 02:46 AM
haha ZING love the last pic on teh fall tour note!!!

big year for the .com site!!